For Vancouver, Weekly Service Ww Port Sim and Saturdays at 11 4 Cheap Excursion Rates pacific WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SOREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT’: AND Victoria and Seattie MONDAYS AND FRIDAVS © am. Prince George Salis for Stewart on Thursdays at “PRINCE JOHN” Impson, Charlotte Island. “PRINCE ALSERT” negular sailings for Skeena River Canneries, and Prince Rupert and Vancouver passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince RA m., Makife connec Over Grand Trunk Railw Double Track Route) a. System netween Chicago and all points East coast, Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. A. E. MOMARTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street “PRINCE GEORGE” Naas, Granby Bay and Queen all Way points between upert Mondays, Wednesdays tions for Hazelton connecting with all roads from the For all information apply to B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS \oo CANADIAN PRINCESS LAD ue Ss. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, July 13, 9a.m. J. @. MYNAB, General Agent by the Oriental Limited SOLID TRAINS ———3 from Vancouver or Seattle jaily ow round trip rates to all points in ‘anada and the United States, Call nd let us tell you all about it $ ogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” —AND— 6 9 Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “RAS G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable. OFFICE H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone &. Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines ;: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club L. A. Barbeau Vartage, Coal and Storage ‘liable Messenger Service Phone 58 736 3rd Ave. Savoy Hotel om — J = = cs rr =o _ “—~ rem = —_— Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on |f the American and European plan. } Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. | | Cor, Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines and Cigars |RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT New Knox Hotel |'BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors The New Knox Hotel is runon the Buropean jan. ret-class servies. All Fi the Latest Modern mprovements. BEDS Se UT FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER1 | Cor. First Ave. Hotel Central and 7th Street European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Ra } $1.00 to $2.00 per day. : j Peter Black Proprietor Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave. and 7th St. GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor Dominion - Baths TS The Most Modern Barber Shop of Prince Rupert SECOND AVE. WASHINGTON BLK. THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SeconD Avg. “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM ‘DEVIL’ APPO DIES INSANE THE DAILY NEWS. LIKE HIS MURDEROUS SON TERROR OF NEW YORK SLUMS New York, July 9.—Quimbo Appo, Chinese killer, died in the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane at Matteawan, N. Y., on | Monday, ninety years of age. No Chinese who ever came to this country had such a reeord for crime as Quimbo. That pame means devil,” Three killings he frankly admitted, and he was convicted of a fourth he did not confess These ineluded the murder of one white wife. He just failed to murder his second wife, also a white woman. Devil Appo passed more than thirty-seven years of the ninety years of his life in prison. He was sentenced to be hung once and escaped from the conse- quence of another crime by en- listing on a United States war- ship as cook, One son was born to Quimbo and his first wife. This son was Giqorge criminal career began at the age of ten, when he became an expert pickpocket. He served six or seven prison terms, whose and stabbed several men. He, too, died in an asylum for the criminal insane, Brought Here by Diplomat. of strong in- tellect, and well edu- cated, was brought to this coun- try in 1844, when he was twenty- Quimbo, a man cultivated two years old, by the retiring American minister to China. He went to California in the gold craze of ‘49. He and a Mexican staked out a claim and started work. He killed his partner, who, he said, had attempted to rob him, escaped and for three years cooked on a warship. Next he was heard of in New York City. He made a success as a tea merehant. Sober, he was a charming companion, but, drunk, a for bleod seemed to be predominant. He married a white of the slums, murdered shortly after the birth of and was sentenced to He claimed self defense for a pardon, and commuted to Finally he after desire woman her their son be hung. appeal in an his sentence was imprisonment, onfessed religion and five years was pardoned In all his tempted ones he pleaded self de- murders and at- fense, and so shrewdly were his pleas made that, with the one exception, he was never convict- ed of murder in the first degree. In 1875 he killed a prize fight- er named Kelley, and was sen- tenced to seven yeas’ imprison- ment His health was rapidly breaking down The excitement of his life and the heavy drink- ing he had done in later years had wrecekd his nervous system. Quimbo was sent to the Mattea- wan hospital. He was no longer the savage Quimbo—only a good natured maudlin old Chinaman who dreamed pleasant dreams and lived amid illusions, chief of which was that he controlled the world. He often talked of the army of 1,000,000 men he had entrenched at Newburgh, also of the vast flotilla of fighting ships awaiting his orders at anchor in the Hud- Admired Thaw Greatly. had read much about haw, and when the slayer Appo Harry of Stanford White was admitted to the asylum the Chinese took a great faney to him. Much to Thaw’s disgust, Quimbo insisted sleeping in an adjoining eot. There could be no’ doubt of his great effeection and great ad- miration for the young man, Hie promptly made Thaw com- mander-in-chief of all “my pow- erful armies, with which you will sweep the world.” The next day he honored him with the appoint- ment of admiral commanding his upon leet, For days he gave Thaw little rest, but talked to him incessantly arranging plans the to conquer world, Finally Thaw had to ap- peal to the hospital authorities for relief, Appo was the leader of China- town in its early days. He was high in Chinese Masonry, and only a short time ago a leading Masonic organization appealed for his release, offering to raise Sid. Sykes, Manager a sum of money, if the petition The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. a pes. ” nee og ; } : that he would be sent back to Gyoeltent Cade, Mpterate Detecn. China with enough money to 1142 Pender Street West ° - Vancouver, B.C. keep his in comfort for the rest of his life, 8500. oe Like Father, Like Son, ener ; Quimbo (Devil 1] TTT]| Born in Chufl, China, 1828, | 2 . canes 1h tal entered United States in 1844, ' Canadian General Electric Company, Limited |||] Kite Mexiean partner in Cal | otors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Hfornia in 1849, Hlectrical “Apioratns of every’ descripilou | | Kseaped and enlisted in United | — mms vee we jRiates DQyY. {| Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 | Came to New York in 1862, at Married white woman, Son born gn 1858 Murdered wife and to be hung in 1858 Pardoned in 1863, after tence had been commuted Killed a man 1864: five years in penitentiary sentenced Selle in served Married seeond white woman in 1870. Tried to murder her: one vear in penitentiary, Killed Kelley, a prize fighter, in 1875; sentenced to penitentiary for seven years, Became insane in 1878 Died in Matteawan State Hos. pital for the Criminal Insane, June 25, 1912. George App Born July, 1858, Became pickpocket at age of ten. Stabbed a man before twenty years old, Sentenced to fourteen months on prison ship. Entered green goods business, Released from prison fifth time in 1894, Confessed crimes to Lexow committee, Stabbed three = im: and was shot Sent to prison, and became ina- once, sane, Died insane in 1896 The modern, high class place for billiards and pool. Seale’s, Third avenue. tf CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Lost Rocker Mineral Claim, situate the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located; On the west side S, the entrance to Goose Bay, Observatory niet, TAKE NOTICE that I, W. T. Kergin, as = eee | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES rnme Skeena Land District —Dtstrict of Coast Range 5, | TAKE NOTICE that i, Henry Louis | Massey, of Vancouver, B.L., occupation | broker, intends to apply for permiasion te purchase the following described lands Commencing at 4& post planted on the , south bank of Skeena River, above Kayes The World's Famous 2-Cycle and about thre miles distant, thence south 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence Mi : E . north 20 chains, thence following the riv er bank in an easterly direction to point arine ngine of commencement, containing 60 acres . a More OF 1H. ey Lou! We Are Representatives For This Locality LOUIS MASSEY, pated it He Tene Massey, Agent Winner of 3 Gold Medals at Seattie Exposition e » ° T ; Pub. May si, 1942, rhe engine should be the deciding factor in purchasing a motor boat, the engine not satisfactory in its simply has nothing whatever to enjoy. 5 days. See Us Before Buying BAINTER and SLOAN Phone 387 No matter how high class the hull may be, if Skeena Latu District-—District of Coast Range 6 ; TAKE NOTICR that |, Hector Franci MeKae, of Prince Rupert, broker, inten : to apply for permission to purchase the following de8cribed lands : i Commencing at 4 post planted 6 chains east of the south east corner of Lot! 1723, thence east 20 chains, theace south! 40 chains, thence west 20 chains more or) less wo the easterly boundary of Lot 2702,/) thence north along the eagterly boundary | of Lot 2702, 40 chains more or less to point of commencement, containing 80) acres more or less, | 7 is operation, the owner Orders filled within : . 2nd Ave. Demonstrations Free HECTOR FRANCIS MacRAg. Dated April 2ist, 1912 Pub. May 8th, 1912 ot LYNCH BROS. Skena Land District—District of Goast Range 6 ge TAKE NOTICE that M. J. McNeil, Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation contrac. | tor, intends to apply for permission to! purchase the following described lands; | Commencing at @ poet planted at the §./ E. corner of premption 767, thence south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, ; to point of commencement, containing 80 acres more or le-s. of a : "Largest Stock . sal Maschendis Gene mICHAEL J. McNEIL, John Kirkaldy, Agent. SSS Dated Aprfi 26 1912 . Pub. Mery 7th, 1912, Skena Land District—District of Coast P 4 ; N he B Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ange TAKE NOTICE that M. !. MeNeil, of Prince Rupert, ».C., occupation contrac- | tor, intends to apply for Tinission to rt wr. wide purchase the following described lands: www Commencing at @ | planted at the 8. | ga, eatrmaiew E. corner of premption 767, thence south = 7 +0: 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains to point of commencement, containing 86 acres more or less. MICHAEL, J. McNBIL, Jobn Kirkaldy, Agent. Dated April 26 1912 Pub. May 7th, 1912. Skeena Land Olemes sents of Coast TAKE NU‘ICE that Dora L. Wright, of Prince Rupert, married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: SOME itn Dainty : Lines Rikssahil | a J Commencing at the north east corner of Lot 5127, thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains more or less to the nor- th boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20 chains more or less to the east boundary of Lot 5127; thence north 20 chains more or less to the point of commencement, and containing 40 acres more or less, You may purchase through our mail DORA L. WRIGHT, service at the moderate prices of the im- Dated April ant ois Wright, Agent. porter and manufacturer: Ornaments for Pub. April 24. : the hair in all the newest effects.; card Cases and Mesh Bags of finest design and workmanship; Sterling Silver Vanity Boxes and Jewel Cases; pretty Belt Buckies in sterling silver and enamel; tong Chains at ali prices and in all styles; Toilet Goods of every description in sterling silver, Birks’ ivory and ebony. Skecna Land District “peewee of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that Ethel King, of Montreal, vcoupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following de- scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence north agent for F. 8. Dakers, Free Miners’ Cer- tificate No. 33959B, intend 60 days from date hereof to appiy to the Mining Re- corder for @ certificate of improvement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown/| grant of the above claim. } And .further take notice that action| under Section 37 must be eommenced be- fore the issue of such certificate of im- provements. Dated this ist of my, 191 2. T. KERGIN Pub. May 4, 1912. 55 chains more or less to south by Lot Our illustrated catalogue, representing 3067, thence west 7 chains more of less to east by Lot $135, thence south | 86 the many fine lines we are in a position chains, thence east chains more or less to offer you at right prices, will be sent to place of commencement, containing 40 acrés more or less. * free to your address upon request. ETHEL KING. W. R. Flewin, Agent. Dated Lakelge Valley, April 29th, 1912. | Pub. May 15, 1912 | Sixth Semi-Annual CLEARING SALE Our semi-annual clearing sale commencing WEDNES- DAY, July 10th, will be a great money saving oppor- tunity for you who are in need of a New Suit, pair of Shoes, Hat or Furnishings of any kind. Nowis the time to let us sell you a new suit that has style, finish, tailoring and fabric that are the best that can be pro- duced at a price that will suit your purse : 3 Men’s suits, reg. $25, now Men’s heavy wool Underwear, Men’s fine wool Underwear, ,Men’s Working Shirts, regu-,Men’s shoes, all odd sizes, reg. $2.00 suit, now $1.5 ——— SS SaaS MARTIN O’RE light weight, reg. $2.50 suit, now $2.00 Teg. $5 and $6, now $4.00 PRESSES SESE lar price $1.50, now $1.00 Y Second Avenue