The Daily N ews ¥ ? Gee -Ih Due out aT THE Barr —_— _— ——————_. - - — ——— — — - - —— — e ped That Scoo f Time It Develo at p Had Plenty 0 —Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop ru BET Fg MY CLock Y BO3S f IVE MisseD = FUNNY Je MusT BE Fast- Bur tHey |i THe First ; BODY ee rm THE, DONT aLLow e Heer = llon THe ita, = aa TAS | | FOLKS IN THE INNINGS = GATS! } wii NA7 4 =x pe ] I to . Fa | lie ES Keene aN = oan Uq Mh Will | Hi) o” I OF Town! — — ~ LE ag I] | hill € ° — VE. | <4 Cc - S ” Base, Al hi i i SS _ = = Ba A | | | 1 (Am — i PB 5 % SS —— Rue e Hi\| ° g SSS = } \ 2M >) 3 Hi1| I} | { ¢ | | > D aye SXN'D. a CHINESE CONSUL'S MISSION = TO FOSTER BETTER TRADE DR. CHANG KANG JEN, DURING HIS RECENT VISIT TO PRINCE! RUPERT, REVEALS VAST POSSIBILITIES IN HER RELA- TIONS WITH THE ORIENT. Trade With China The Consul’s mission Dr. Chang Kang Jen, the Chin- ese consul at Vancouver, who has just paid his first visit to this city, and who addressed the Can- adian Club at the luncheon given in his honor at the G. T. P. Inn yesterday afternoon, spent a pleasant day making a tour of the harbor in a gasoline launch. | | to this| country is largely one of tonter- ing trade relations, and he real- izes that in the future commerce of the Pecifiey Prince Rupert will eccupy a very prominent place.! In this regard China will have! much to offer us; and it is the} intention of the Doetor, both in! He was accompanied by his|his private and official position, | wife, Judge Young, Dr. Kergin,}to do al! in his power to further William Manson, M.P.P., andj|these guod relations to the ful- others. lest extent. | The trip extended from the Do iis tl eh ineitiliinideieete minion Government marine sta- THE WEATHER. tion on Digby Isiand, to the big —_-—— : Cold Storage plant at Seal Cove. For twenty-four hours ending Especial interest was evinced in|5 a. m., July 12th: Barometer,| the great cold storage plant, the; 29.990; maximum temperature, future shown by eastern and Bri-|}64; minimum temperature, 50; tish capitalists. precipitation, 4 33. jon general principles.” CONSULAR SPARKLETS OF SPEECH Further Flashes of Insight and Eloquence from the Canadian Club Speech of Dr. Chang Kang Jen, j “Two things must be done to entitle the new republic to full participation in the couneil of the nations. These are rehabil- itation of her finances and recog- nition by the powers.” ; “Relations between the powers now stand as follows: Russia is plainly and honestly bear and forbear. Japan wants the world to understand the sun shines for all, but we often find the cloud and the mist interfering with the “The News” Classified Ads. ==One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THERE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. A meeting of St. Andrew's Society will be held in Carpenters’ Hall Friday evening, sun. England just wants the lion’s share. The eagles—France, Germany and the United States -are just up in the air. Maybe they do not know what they want, but are after everything in sight Jogging Laziness into Activity “The merchant. whose business lags i has himself to thank. To slacken the selling pace in the lessen Advertising activity —-indicate which has no place in modern busines If we think we cann“t keep our busin summer time, we surely will not. the first mid-summer fur advertisem« a daily paper! the example of that progressive fur 1 mereury goes up. Energy, linked with Advertising, h month of January into the biggest for white goods. Advertisements of : tive power, combined with a disregar« instead of the middle of December. Advertising rises superior to seasons eters. The right kind of Adverti responsive cord in human nature a the summer not season—to What a jolt it must have been to the fur trade, when Now many fur stores are following to be ieve that fur sales need not go down as the have opened up automobile selling two months earlier than was once thought possible. Advertising has started Christmas shopping early in October ~M. ayn a resignation Ss. ‘ss booming in ‘nt was run in nan who dared as turned the selling season i high stimula- | of “‘seasons,”’ and thermom- sing strikes a and human nature is the same in August as in December. r your advertising problems is available throu, } bd « anadian advertising apeacy or the Secretary of ae ay Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building, Toronto Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so write, if interested, July 12th, to discuss important matters concerning the society Members of the Caledonian Football Club and other Scotsmen in the city are invited to be present 2t Ss. D. MACDONALD, Secretary SNAP. Lot 39, Block 9, Seetion 5, for} 4 Owner, P. Kraw- 2 $1,875.00 cash. ezyk, box 857, city. HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE AROUND TOWN Mr. R. been in charge of the Co-operat- Real left today for Rastern cities, Kk. Tracy, who has lately Estate the ive Company, Prinee George an extended to the Canadian and American He will finally cast anchor at his Mass., re- Visil home town of Boston, turning to’ Prinee Rupert either late in the fall or-_early next spring. The steamer Camosun arrived from the south this morning with a small passenger list, proceed- ing after a short stop to Granby Bay. The following arrivals are registered at the G. T. P. Inn: Noel J, Ogilvie, Juneau; CC, M. Wilson, Delkatiah, Q. C. L; Archie H. Mills, Victoria, B. C.; George A. Woodlands, Vancouver, B. C. Canon J. H. Keen and Mrs. Keen are guests at the Premier Hotel. For Tuesday evening the Couneil has called a public meet ing to consider the question of sewers for the city. The Monday eyening session of the city fathers has been pust- poned until Wednesday, to allow the members the opportunity of attending the meeting to be ad- dressed by Premier MeBride and Attorney-General Bowser. W. E. Davidson, of the firm of \}Bmith, Davidson & Wright, Van- \leouver, sailed on the George this morning, J. Fred Ritchie has gone to Victoria on business. The work of hauling the big pipe to be used for condueting the city’s water supply from Shawatians Lake, is proceeding apace. A string of teams was to be seen this morning making the grade up from the G.T.P. wharf Mining Manager. W. J. Bowen, one of the diree tors of the Redliff Mining Go., Portland Canal, was a passenger south yesterday on the Prinee Cieorge —M | | | | | j | ARE NO “DEAD ONES” Wanted WANTED—Pirst class woman cook, $75 al month and room Apply to Superin tendent Prince Rupert Gen. Hospital | 163-tf | WANTED—Pirst class wood turner. Prince Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-tf GOOD sash and door man wanted Apply Prince Rupert Planing Mills, corner 5th and Fraser Sts 148-tf + eet ee nae es For Sale HIGH class furniture house for rent 160-162 spn ee Miscellaneous for Apply sale cheap; also 425 Dunsmuir THE party Hamblin’s trouble by Parties are who picked store will returning known broech in themselves box up save it to 205 i61 POSITION wanted by young lady in store Apply box H, Daily News 160-163 FOR LEASE—Rooms now occupied by Wenderers Club. Apply at Warks Jewelry Store. 142-0 For Rent FOR LEASE—Melityre Hall; well heated and lighted. J, H. ROGERS, Phone 116. POR RENT—-Two suites first class house keeping rooms, aiso store, in new build ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating Kink. All conveniences, Apply Tony Christian 151-0f POR RENT Three room suite over our omMfices Room large and bright, with excellent harbor view Will furnish if required Kent reasonable Kae & CO Take notice that the partnership carried on under the name of “Letourneau & Brochu’, Unsmiths and plumbers, in the City of Prince Rupert, ts this day dis solved, All payments due the partnership shall be made to Henry Letourneau, and all debts owing by the partnership will be paid by Henry Letourneau Dated at Prince Rupert, B day of July, 1912 HENKY FRANK c., this tith 163-168 LETOURNBAL, BROCHI TENDERS WANTED. Port Edward Townsite Go., Ltd. Noticg to contractors ahd station gangs Sealed tenders will be reveived by ‘ie undersigned engineers for the Port Ea ward Townsite Co td at their office in the Rand Building, Second Ave., up Ul 3 p. m., July 17th, for clearing approxi mately 200 acres of land which will be divided inte 6 sections of about 24 aeres each The land is situated on the Port edward Towngite Co., Lida., on Porpoise Harbor. Information for bidders, specifications and forms of tender may be obtained from the undersigned. The right is reserved to refuse any or al! tenders RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO, Civil Engineers OMee Rand Building, 2nd Ave, Prince Rupert. it WANTED. Engineer holding B. C, certificate, Apply MeLeod on excavation opposite the Prince Rupert Inn. tf Prince Rupert South, The following passengers left for the south on the Prinee hKu- perl this morning: Clarke, Miss E Horning, Miss Waketield, Mr Mathieson, k. P Worrup, Mr Nicholl, ©. W Wilson, Mr and Dunning, Kf Mrs. and child House, W Lan, Mah Thompson, Mr Clarke, W. W Barnes, Mr Browne, Miss A Honeyman, Mr Iveson, Mr, and Mrs,.Webber, Mi Martin, A, ¢ Loundesbury, Mrs Partridge, H. | Harrigan, Dan Macay, W. 8 Bowen, W. J Pierheller, Miss t Underhill, My Ingram, T. Coapit, Mr eruay, Ww briges, Sparing, Ki. Willarc Meclellan, My —_— Witton, |. D Freeman, J, H kobes, Anthony Helmers, BE. ¥ Beatty, Angus Riliot, Mr Dixon, Mr Marshall, Me | Chang, Dr. and Mrs, Burrows, My and two children Wellings, Me Hoddard Mr and Spangler Mre Conmeliy, 4 Sharpe, J. iste HERE— a MARATHON CHALLENGE. Ole Anderson, the mara- then runner, who considers himself uneonquerable at his own distance—tifteen miles——-issues today a burn- ing challenge to Holmquist and Nicholson He declares that when in the United States army he could outrun men as fast as Nicholson any morning before break- fast. BEST BARGAINS IN RUPERT REALTY Section One Market Place corner, Iwo Section Second Ave., double corner. Atlin Ave. lots, Block 7; $1,200.00, Section Five Double cor- ner, Borden St, Improved double corner, 6th Ave, Fifth Ave, residence lots on easy terms. Section Six—Fourth Ave lots, Bloek 4. Section seven Ambrose Ave. lots, beautiful; pair for $1,600.00, Section Eight——Double cor- ner, $850.00, Alfred St. lots, 8470.00 each. Call at office for full in- formation, or phone 100, For Rent. Premises on Seeond Ave, lately occupied by Exchange Grill; suitable for office and residence. Westenhaver Bros. rooms above We Have the ; Following Cheap Properties For Sale Exclusively Section 6. Lots 29-30, Block 22, $1,850; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 months, Section 7. Lots 1516-17-18, Block 29, 8500 each; 1-3 cash, bal, 6 and 12, Section 8. 18.19.20, Block 20, 8400 each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12, Lots 1-2, Block 16, 8900 pair; 1-3 cash, bal, 6 and 12, Lots 12-13, Block 18, 8950 pair; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash. bal, 6 and 42, Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Rupert Lots BI Peter's Anglican Real Caarve Kvening ext prayer and 30 se Uy OMeiating min ! Hon Win Sunday Petter al Andrew Rociets Hall meetin it Carpenters tonight 4 _ FOR SALE Section Two 66.67, | Block i each; cash, i Block 19, lots 13-44, $200 cash, 12, “ lots BRDU | i Section Six. |} Block 28, lot 34, $1,050 eas Section Seven. Lot in block 3 on Sixth ave for cash, Section Eight. Block 1, lots 18-19, $1,350 cash, For Rent. Store on Second Ave., nea Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. PHONE 317 | WILL EXCHANGE 20 acres of first class Yakima | Prince Rupert propert of $6,000 land for the value Insure With Gresham Life Assurance clety, Limited Founded 1848 Funds exceed $51,000,000 Take a policy for the childre: The Fire accident insurance © goet companies George Leek and 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert oer FREE! FREE! FREE! A big beautiful 88 ke electric player piano, worth $1,200 given away to th pool players in the Base- ment pool room, Empress Theatre building. oer WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Fhe Liverpool & London & 4 Insurance Co lhe Phoenix Assurance London, 1 neland The British America Assul of Toronto o'clock sharp GR. Naden Co., Lid SECOND AVENUK