EEE The Umpire’s Job Requires a Certain Amount of Tact The Daily News a — = —— THE UMPS IS Si WILL MOU UMP THEW LE ALL —Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop I SAID STRIKE-BUT ONE LOOK AT THE BATTER ConVINCES Me THAT T WAS WRONG WIFTEST Be FOUGHT FOR URES T . 6 99 “fe ArEST _ LABOR CAUSE e News assifie Ss. {| e TWIN SCREW STEAMERS ) - . oo ” | | “PRINCE RUPERT”, AND “PRINCE GEORGE” || AT HANLEY . For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Sauna nl vmortne | MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9 a.m. | London, July 15—One of the fh Ma Prince George Sails for Stewart on Thursdays at 8 a. m. | most prominent figures at the an . | “PRINCE JOHN” i : ll : ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— Weekiy service to Port Simpson, Naas, Granby Bay and Queen Hanley by-election campaten | Charlotte Islands ~4 i “PRINCE ALBERT” Regular sailings for Skeena River Canneries, and all way points between on Prince apes — Vancouver wend . Passenger service to eena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at {1 4 m., making connections for Hazelton P Wanted DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System { ‘an Xotice is hereby given that the partner. | Section Two po bay ye bey + mdersiqued ai) evstrestorsasd''carriers | cums” ee 1% 8 Between Chicago and all points East, connecting with all roads from the : j 78 ide ; oat nan ar mena & inl. . a6 , a Pacific coast. Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer. ve an to ioe, ogg Be vaney, in’ we town of Wepetton (Be waa , Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. For ali information apply to tendent Prince Rupert Gen Hospital ‘tun, province of British Columbia, has Section Five A. E. McMASTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street been this day dissolved by mutual consent. | jo: e9, Block 37, $1 All moneys due to the said partnership are | ° |W ANTED—First class wood turner, Prince| t be paid to George M. Beirnes at the Section Bix Rupert Sash & Door Co 9-tf Mice of the said partnership, and all part. | Lot ®, Block 28, 61,2 : a — — | rship debts will be paid by the said) Lot Block 28, 81.6 } ‘ enemas vmermcrme® | Cieorge M. Beirnes, provided bills for same , Poa grt el | an }are presented on or before July 1, 1912.) — Miscellaneous GEORGE M. BEIRNES, | 10t 20, Block 10, as i Yestepday afternoon Mrs. J. E. ane LYSTER MULVANY egg FS ge BUS M elto ‘ une 7 ) 29 t st ) 87 1 V0 0 e | Merryfield entertained a number an.» uae ite. Spe ” } Bection Siem. | of her friends at a bridge party. e LBASS aoeme now vccupied by one c Lots 9-10, Block 30, 8925 pa : : nderers ( yi y s| . terme " } Phe funetion was greatly enjoyed Jewelry Store ag i “uni ” 7 oe FOR Cor. Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines and Cigars | and play was very keen indeed . errs | - a License to Take and Use Water. store on Second a a ‘ RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT ihe contest for the handsome F R j .. . t ee $ Sietane. bine, nt ae on | th A prizes provided by the hostess. { or Kent | voor ill apply for & license to take | en eee — ane . Arie use 400 cubic et » secc o | | he first prize was won by Mrs.| AI | water out of Williams “Creek, whic n nows Hon. Jos. MARTIN Max Heilbronner, Mrs. W. Owen|For ; : n a westerly direction through Southeast S Ss Princess So hia . . : ; : ‘ 1) Be LEASE—-Mclintyre Hall; well heated! \akelse Valley and empties into Lakelse ° . Pp “ ; M ' ' won the seeond, and the fir st] end lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116.) Lake near North End The water will be} er er, ;Was Joe Martin, who st ortle liverted at a po 8 0Ve » SOUTHBOUND ' ew | o ipporter vize at the other end of the} FOR RENT Two suites first class house . 4 ion will aaa ie Tecate pe} PHONE 817 | |the Laborite as a protest against iit eual sin 38a at neu se 2 | keeping rooms, also store, in new build-| power purposes on the land Sehervtbed r j scale as 8s vy won Db rs.| ing on 6th avenue, opposite § | else é . > ike > . Saturday, July 13, 9a.m. |) his own party attempting to fileh}) ¢, MeNab. an. enn: atakinys > Gk oe aaecaiieet toot motag | shel veiley between Skeena River and| 4. @. M’NAB, General Agent the seat from the Labor party P ; : . . | Christian 154-0f This notice was posted on the ground! f* — on Xx | served, Mrs. 8S. P. MeMordie as-| ant mn the oth day of May, 1912. The appli ; : : ' : ‘ —a ation wi ye Nilec in : ome e sisting the hostess, Amongst; For Ss I i) Water Recorder at Prin ‘ay —y :~- 2 ; those preseu ere: Mrs, Wil- aie Objections may be filed with the r ; H | MUST NOT iam Ma i ” Di k Sr Mr { re ee {| wr oS ie - Fe Comptroter | o~ a i é anson, iB: 8 Sr., Mes. | gem — Vater lights, Parliament Bulli ting 4 wm athe 4 ia ’ ©) Victoria, B. { - : ; ote | Dick Jr. mother and = sister-in-| ror SALE—Two incubators, practically | LAKELSE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT 2 a ' | aw of Mrs. Owen; Mrs. F, G.| a a $06 ane 160, " homy F.) cO,, LTD \ } | ; | . OX 860 165-tf B ; | BESNER & BESNER, Proprierors Dawsen, Mrs. W. N, Lailey, Mrs |— ai i ac a a rub. May 18, 1919 o Rewe, Agent co} Re, Stn Wins iaah Sia te nah ob ‘the. Matsncte Parker, Mrs. J. H. Hilditeh, Mrs.] ‘Take notice that the partnership carried| : : Wer pw ; | plan. First-class service. Ali the Latest Modern W 8S. Hall Mrs. Bowness Mrs }on under the name of “Letourneau & NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. > mpravements. etete EDS 50c UI’ | ° ’ : ’ Brochu’,’ tinsmiths and plumbers, in the} | | Jainter, Mrs. Humble, Mrs. W.| City of Prince Rupert, is this day dis-| Notice is hereby given pursuant to the} by the a AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER1 | \ ma : +4 . i solved. All payments due the partnership) Provisions of Chapter 115 of the Re vd | y 4. Ward, Mrs. McColl and thelsnai be made to Henry Le | state@tes of > Revise = . 1 oth aes “owing’'by "Whe. partners’ wll| thatthe Ocean Pails Coy {etal in es t i prize winners ane o ‘rs oni! eS ¢ » artnership “m Ove alls Co., e ‘ | scenseceisaiiaisasiiaiimi i di ciara dia siciibiaiiiaie A curious case which has been|' ; - er MON de paid by Henry Letourneau orporated company incorporated 8 4 i attract - attent eit, tioned, Congraulations were cor- bated at Prince Rupert, B. ¢ this iim the laws of the Province of British Co it attracting attention in England] 4) 4), expressed to the hostess day of July, 1912 163-168 umbia and having its head ofMfce in the EXCHANGE : Dn chcitent a HENKY LETOURN U, ity of ancouver in the sak ro “@ Hotel Central S2; First Ave. is that of Frederick Mutton,|on the suecess of the afternoon. FRANK BROCHU. ” | tas Mied with the Minister of Public Works aad 7th Street Qo chairman of the’ Northampton en eemeennnnenen | Onesie cn A OE ) ertain “rf and other works proposed to i European and American plan, steam United Temperance © .@ be constructed by the company 3 SOLID TRAINS 3) heated, modern conveniences. Rates pet ce soininittee, TENDERS WANTED. scription of the site hannah by “he y® | 20 acres of first class Yak daily from Vancouver $1.00 to $2.50 per day. ; ; who has been undergoing four- Guts eens emacs Gs.. bie pany for the said wharf at Cousins Inlet ios s far 3 R ‘ . i Piee ays’ , y ac " , ast District, Vancouver Island, British ~ aoe ' ' or Seattle Peter Black Proprietor a . we aa nt “ . - Notiee to contractors and ation gangs er and was the said company has | the value of 96,000 cusing e tmagistrates of his Sealed tenders will be received by the| Peeds at \ eh ee we ed w round “ rates to all points in | itown of vartiality toward the undersigned engineers es "the “Port kd nets at Victoria, British Columbia, betng ia and the United States. Call - — : 7 . in 4 & a ward Townsite Co,, Ltd., at their office shh one Mt "th oa? in gt Benalt, 2 dy and let us tell you all about it 3} | drink trafic, A publican had been mv the Rand Building, Second Ave., up tli| Will” apply to the, Governor General in ith jhad been arrested for street bet- mately 206 scree of lend’ which wb Cee) the The ey re ‘| nsure I - 9 ie me sated this 28th day of } t Rogers’ Steamship -VFran O!|L.. 9. 204 the magistrates nad te Sache TEs iad tasted tae “Fern ** VeRO Os omerin, jhim off on the ground that, if dward Townsite Co. oe Weetee TUPPER & GRIFFIN, : ; dwé 0 o, Lid, on Porpoise Solicitors for the ri oO Agenc Workingman’s Home onvieted, he might lose his li- Ottawa, July 15——Hon. Geo, ines mn for bidder incat Pub, June 3, 1018 ee amp. Gemma. 5 Assure . : : 0 vl 0 jaders, eo ( € ‘ > y Free Labor Bureau in Connection cense., This was the occasion of} Foster, who is now bound ti and forms of tender may be obnaine a from a eclety, Limited | Phone 178 i nee Oe Tile Bsns ceed 2 home, will spend a few days in the undersigned The right is reserved WATER NOTICE. Founded 1848 PHONE 116 : n , Which | to refuse any or all tenders | | GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor’ was published in a newspaper,|Ollawa attending to department TEE, MOTE ticceies, \Ger © Alecmne to Tehe and Wes ienen| das sane er @ ine - , Civ hgineers © an se ater. ake a polic for the ch “ jover his signature. The magis-])usiness, and then will start for Ofes Rand Building, 2nd Ave, Prince Notice is hereby given that the Prince hai re UNION Ss ‘COMPANY ff B 6. lirates thereupon dug up an an-|Australia to conduet negotia- pers 4t | Rupert Hydro. Electri Co. Lid., of Mon i ou and accident | a i —_—— he al, da, will apply for @ license to ire and accident insurance W cient statute which not only pro-|Uons looking to a trade treaty of take and use 100 cubic feet per second | ° ‘ : 5 ry : . : pb secon good companic« Dominion - Baths vided penalties for “speaking|'ec!procity. ee hows ta 0 merthenatapie’ “aiveotan Wench ; sterly dire } The new steel Passenger Steamers | }evilly of magistrates,” but dealt A meeting of Section One property| WM. Agnew application to purchase, and/ ‘ ’ é widers will be held in the city hall at} ®™@pties into Hocsall River about 1 mile! ; The Most Modern Barber Shop aise with such persons as “slee 4 m., Tue » 16 above ‘OW " i ‘ ‘ 8 > p p m., uesday, the 16th inst., to con-| 2Pove mouth of Browns Creek The water) ° 9 | ee a _ sider with the Couneil the ‘tion of | Will be diverted at McKnight’s Lake | g' “ ? of Prince Rupert of days and go abroad of nights, ininimum depth to. which sewers should| Will be used for ower pUFpOses on ‘the | rge Se a form of words which naturally be laid and the advisability of a sewer| ‘4nd deseribed as Wm. Agnew application | : system for the whole of Section 0 to purchase | 618 3rd Ave. se Rupert onei Ave. WASHINGTON BLK. excited merriment when read in perties interested are cordially invited - This notice was posted on the ground | Ave Prince | we <% i a a ae ittend, EARNEST A. WOODS, on the 25th day of May, 1912. The ap AND Pre Bs ORs { oY t. - a 0 ¥ me case will 2t City Clerk, plication will be filed in’ the office of the | be brought before Parliament. ater Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. © “ ore é a { waste ie be filed with the said | reaiiihibe . ater Kecorder or with the Comptrolier | J HE IROQUOIS P TODAY ENGINEER AND ACCOUNTANT WANTED. ¢ weer Rights, Parliament Buildings, | one etorta ‘ : Applications will be received by the ; 7 THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-BLEC FREE! FREE! FREE! Leave Prince Rupert for Sree POOL ROF. BARNES , undersigned up to 5p. m., July 25th, for TRIC CO. LTE . nil rhe following cases were be-| he position of second engineer, duties , >. Applicant ] i comprising drafting, instrument : . By A. Agnew, Agent as follows: English and American Billiards fore his worship this morning in| general engineering caalutanat yr 4 = Pub. June 3, 1912. | A big beautiful 88 key 4 in”? : the nating a te . accountant-stenographer f ; ” 2s | ¢ Chelohsia” - Wednesdays at 7 p.m. | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. a ps “ ‘ re aoe 8 agelli — Deparunent, City oT Feiase ama |$ electric player piano, worth aceon ‘ran orvi, for fighting on the] plicants to state experience, sal e } : e “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. ah e fined fi a, | quired and subiait original ” testimonials . |g $1,200 given away to tb B ONCE AGAIN streets, were . fines five dollars ene pars envelopes “Second Engineer ? urc rvices = pool players in the Base- | A bea and costs each, and “Accountant,” respectively : roe ie ow ee evening | . ar u Harr) Kirkland for running al’ ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk ent peel saom, Gmpress nday morning, respectively | Cartage, Coal and Storage Ottawa, July Prof. Barnes ala aati eas a he as . ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Theatre building. = é wt t x i t aj er | bervices every Sunday in the it aliadl ame teh pneehtinns teen two Reliable Messenger Service of Montreal, -. . efforts toleontributer, coming through with] Lots 16 and 17, Block 44, Section 7, am-| Chureh Hall at 11 a.m. and | fine passenger steamers . vercome the dangers from float] fifty and the necessary expens a oe Oe mS Oe Sunday Schou! at 2.80 p.m pre dinnaan | Phone 68 736 3rd Ave ing icebergs, has won for him- William Mundon, a native of| or Rent—5-room house on 4th Ave., east REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., ASTOR Ja ‘i self internation recognition, is tolihe sunny isle of Hawaii, found| ° ame Tey Your — WE ARE THE AGENTS ; our Ole ROGERS, Ageat Phone asi eee ss—jibe given another opportunity by|lazving in the sunshine of Prince H. DOUGLAS THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH tht Canadian government to test]}| Rupert not as -ivilegwe MCINTYRE MALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH BT. Sk wean Tae of | - pe 0 privileged a pas-| 339 Third Ave. P. O. Box 606 Services every Sunday at 11 TAGE and prove hes - of his inven-jtime here as in that heaven (Opposite Post Office) Sey a | Eee “— CAR and | ‘ Y / > gover : ssed spo : ' . ‘ee p.m 2 LINDSA STORAGE san - fe it ” ve —* l — blessed spol and was urged to Bible Clans 20 » a, earene | a mn : on - a sails rom Lage his visit to pastures new | REV. W.H.McLBODB.AB.D, Pastor J} The Liverpool & London & lo) or "ee » § iehthouse repair) or wecome on Friday ¢ sat of | ee Le . ‘ ’ , G. T. P. Transfer Agents hieadatees Mies) die. riday @ gue ) Insurance Co, } As ing and supplying expedition|the [Hotel de Vickers THE | THE FinsT METHODIST CHURCH | . : 1 ve. Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, l through the Btraits of Belle Isle, enti aie eke rf ' : a . , o£ ~ OPFICE~H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone @. | Professor Barnes will go on the Mias (rac Clasten:: diuahte Co. at f oe pm, Bunday Ihe Phoenix Assurance ( at 0 al — oe ’ ne amen! a6 8.50 p.m. | London, England iin |r ip and will undoubte > have al; Superintendent Glayten of the LIMITED | REV, C. KR. SING, B.D Pastor | si § a | splendid opportunity 0 testing |...) atorage : 7 i Donia ~Gdell. 1 15.-—The| pi cold storage plant, is visit’ n, os ‘HE SALVATION The British America Assula! Ml his invention M | 54 ARMY CITADEL . , iss Bernice Roosa, at 664 Fifth Granville Court | ; T ency » government of Saskatchewan have naeneeehe Lumber d M Idi Gunday services at 44 Co, of Toronto jarranged to place half a. million \iderman LL. Bulloek-Webst r¢ all gs pe +n ane ‘Pm ae Magazines :; Periodicals :: Newspapers |“')!!4rs at the disposal of the|and Mra. Bullock-Webster re : ke Week night’ services’ Mon ~ - leivie authorities { : e All Kinds of Buildin Supplie day, Wednesday, Thurs CIGARS TOBACCOS aah 7 authorithe or loans to/turned home this meraing on the 8 8 day and Saturday r IBACCOS FRUITS ’ jcitizens whose property was) Prince George after a pleasant e ews CAPT AND MIN TUTTE 2nd Ave, Below Kalen isiand Club wreeked in ; es recent eyelone, | visit to Vietoria and Vancouver ’ . ig. dercanmaen Naden Co ' Firet Avenue Phone 186! ” SROOND AVENUE . b i i.e secmnatn om oe oe a daa Serenata sce aa cana a a a r.