THE DAILY NEWs Real Estate Offerings SQUARE DEALS TED STATES AND PANAMA A COMPREHENSIVE CRITIQUE OF THE PRESENT SITUATION explicit eonfirmatic of both points, Tis language seeme quite precise As | gh of use, ul saves rhe canal shall be free and open to the vessels of com merce and of war « i nations observing these ru on terms of entire equality hat there shall be ne d rimination against any such n ) or its ;Citizens and subjec respect of the conditions charges of traffic, or otherwise \s to neu. trality, it says rhe canal shall never be blockaded shall any act of war be exercised, or any act of hostility committed within ; it When the United States en. tered the treaty with Panama in 1903, securing the right con struct and maintain the canal, it fundertook that the cana when constructed, and the entrances thereto, shall be ney i per petuity, Justifies British Protest. We make these questions in order to explain and istifv the protest whieh our government j k 8 ection 1, 811,000 hiock 10, Seetion 1, $20,090 t k Section G. air O00 j Section 1 #15000 ertion 1, #6,000 Improved k i, Section 2, $2,600 aection @, 82,000 | x 7, Seetion @, $2,100 j k section 2, 82,200 | lock 0, Seetion 5, 86,500 ; . nedvien 5. 61,060 | If this work shou be ever ck 27, Section 6, $3,500 executed, so as to admit * pas. section 8, #475 | vimil he pa in Sections 7 and 8 The above can be had on very good ;sage of sea vessels from oeean placing your Pire, Life and Liability Insuran W nn Save to ocean, the benefits «f it ought ot ft be xclusivels ,; ropria Bai t d Sl ted to any one nation. but should ind Avenue In er an oan Phone 378 be extended to all parts of the nm Life and Accident Ins. in Best Compante be be alike So wrote Henry Cla secretary of tate for the \merican Commonwealth in 1826! whe the project of eutling through the Isthmus of Panama Vas first contemplated as a feas i Siible projeet Twenty vears later President Polk, recommending ti L | Q U I D jthe Senate the treaty with New Giranada, said The ultimate ob SULPHUR | ject is to secure ti il] nations the free and equal ghi of pas , sage over the isthmus declatr RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA, STOMACH AND KIDNEY TROUBLES prege sant at , gx fo a guare oe "V 1 grea SKIN DISEASES | | } commercial powers that the isth ) Because Liquid Sulphur is the greatest known blood wit hould be enti ' i | Why? purifier of the century. Every one knows that sul- | . su ” neutra err phur is good for the entire system. Almost every- rors In 1881, Mr. Blaine, then one has taken sulphur in some form or another. But ; Secretary of State, wrote to Mr Read ie it known to you that sulphur in ite powdered form Lot lL Minist | | cannot be aseimilated into the blood through the owell inister in London Phe stomach. if the stomach canot dissolve sulphur, United States recognizes the | how oan the blood be purified? Liquid Sulphur is j These already dissolved, is, in fact, ready for the stomach } property guaranitv of neutrality! to distribute through the syetem. Liquid Sulphur as essential to the eonstruction qgoee direct to the seat of the trouble, impure biood, F t attacks and drives out of the entire system ali and successful operation of any acts erms and impurities. {7 REMOVES THE CAUSE adie | A haat NO PERMANENTLY CURES. ighway across the Isthmus of 2 ‘ Panama Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Two Edged Doctrine, DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE i ge glaar neg Poe equa rights and complete neu Prepared only by trality was reiterated in express terms bv President Cleveland CHACE & JACKSON, Vancouver jj") ))). "ese Cevelana 506 Smythe Street Phone Sey. 4254 Roosevelt The Hay-Pauncefote | aaa Treaty of 1911 was taken, both ne jhere and in America, to give an} ve Home Has ts Purse And 99 out of every 100 unpre- judiced people will tell you THE DAILY NEWS is the home paper of Prince Rupert... ....... Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in Prince Rupert The successful business man today is the one who advertises judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upon an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will generally find in the front ranks of his profession, turning his dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the liberal use of newspaper publicity. Try advertising as an investment, if only for a short time, and watch your business grow. Let our solicitors call and expiain why The News is the best me- dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- paign, ary! S Ka 4s ha AEDY DAILY NEWS OFFICE . Phone has made against certain previ- isions of the Panama Canal Bill An able writer in the New now before Congress, The bill) york Independent, counting the at present before the Senate com-| full burden whieh this bellicose mittee proposes to exempt from) policy will place upon the main- the tolls to be levied for the up-|tenance of the eanal. reckons keep of the canal all America)that it will add some seventeen vessels doing coastwise trade,| million dollars to the cost of and all American vessels of the! maintenance, making up a total mercantile marine, whose OWN-/annual expense of thirty-five ers are prepared to part Wit) | millions upen a project which its them to the government in times) stoutest supporters reckon — to of war, a condition which prac-|yield a revenue of no more than tically all American ship-owners| four million dollars per annum would willingly aceept. Ships}To pay a sum of thirty-one mil- owned or eontrolied by railway/jion dollars per annum as the companies, are ‘precluded = from/price for an express repudiation all use of the canal, an exclusionjof one’s pledged word, even }probable applicable to Canadian/ though the four millions is ex- jas well as |} statesman | | | | | One of the Largest Dredgers in the World. million dollars, for fortifieations in the Isthmus is open to the gravest criticism as involving a disregard of the neutrality pledge For if no aet of “war or of “hostilits is to be commit ted within the canal, what is the meaning of this expenditure on fortifications? Are we to be driven to the conelusion that having entered by an unserupu lous coup de guerre upon pos session of the strip of land at Panama, hitherto foreign terri tory, the desire to utilize the ea- nal for exclusive purposes of national commerce and strategy has become so dominant a pas sion in a certain order of. Amer- ican politician that he is pre- pared to defy the best public opinion ino his own eountry, in order to steal an advantage over his trade competitors, and to play up to the profitable jingoism of those who are urging this once steep slope of reckless expendi. ture of armaments upon which Kuropean nations fail to stand? Used at the Panama Canal Works. American railways. would be to free American ships, the of upon ships whieh to net result tolls all to throw the upkeep a very large British, Flagrant Breach of Treaty. It is difficult to how any respectable The from entire cost foreign proportion of understand American drafted which or ap- thei could have ean defend provisions io violate so plaintiy | pledges and treaty obligations. Some of the weightiest of the Conservative Senators, such as |Messrs. Barton and Root, have exposed and denounced in the most foreible manner the unfair- jness of these provisions, and the defence made by their support. jers appears to be of the flimsi- jest character, ft is contended, for example, that the — British jgovernment, like other govern- } ments | | | | | ly | | | } | | | | }if this is a subsidy, it wives for certain companies subsidies mails, and in the Cunard for war purposes, and that the Proposed remission case of fees for American ships is nothing bul a sert of subsidy But, of course, the answer is that Is precise. the renounced fote treaty of by subsidy expressly the Hay-Paunce No analogy, however sort false, ean present even the ap pearance of conforming to the }pledge of “no diseriumination in respect of charges or conditions of traffie li is hard to imagine how the most obstinate elected body in the world, urged by the jmost serupulous of business | cliques, ean so far ignore the remonstrances of their own most jinfluential publie men and press flagrant international as to place on reeord so a breach of legal ity Fortifying the Canal. Less has been said upon this side of the water regarding the proposal to fortify the eanal, But the aet of the last Gongress mm making au appropriation of three million dollars as a pre liminary contribution towards a larger sum, estimaced at fifty Seventeen Millions Extra. from the of another pledges, is surely a poor basis for an undertaking fairly executed, promised much for friendly profitable intercourse of the Nation acted entirely in violation foreigner of bus@ness which, to and the set nations, London BANQUET FOR BORDEN rom Ottawa, Aug, 20.—-Prepara- tions are now under way for the holding of a big banquet in the Chateau Laurier in honor of Pre. mier Borden immediately on his return to Ottawa from England. The date has not been fixed, pending the receipt of definite information as to the aetual of the premier’s arrival home, All the arrangements are being made by the Conservative Asso- eation of Oliawa, CHINESE CONSPIRACY REVEALED Aug ofa time 20.—"The secret society llongkong, lease Mahagel whose head Kwan Tune arrested today of revolutionists quarters are was in pre vines aie sent to prisoen Documents badges were found on him in- that the eleeted their succeed those cheated revolutiona two own offte als present beta ir@ positions under goverament, A great caused in Chinese the discovery of ary, @Conapiracy, sensation has been here by the revolution i | poise | LAND LEASE NOTICES, | sahacpanemnetnstonant skeena Land Division-Dbistriet of } Coast Range Pive | TAKE NOTICE that I, Miltom Christian, wf Inverness, B , Cannery employee, in tend to apply for permission to lease the following deseribed lands Commencing at 8 €6post planted on the northwest corner smith isiand and directly opposite In ; verness Cannery, thence running east 20 — thence south 20 chains, thence est 20 chains to shore, thence forth 290 \e hains following shore line to place of ‘ wie ae te and containing 40 acres MILTON CHRISTIAN Dated July 12, 1042 Pub. Aug. 6, 1019 ; Skeena Land District—-District of Goast, Range IV Take notice that I, Frank B, 3t, Amour, of Prinee Rupert, B, C., oeeupation pros pector, intend to apply for permission to | lease the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted on the ast of Banks Island, about five miles easterly direction from End Hill, thence south twenty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence north twenty chains to beach, thence westerly along the beach about eighty chains to place of commence | }east cx jin an nent, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less FRANK B. ST. AMOUR Dated June 20th, 1912 Pub. July 22, 1912 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5 rake notice that A. W. Agnew, Rupert, B. €., occupation civil engineer, acting a8 agent for Porpoise Harbor Land oo Ltd., of Victoria, B, C., intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands of Prince Commencing at & post planted on the most northerly point of Lot 501, Range 5, Coast District, on Porpoise Harbor, thence north to L. W. Mark, thence easterly and hortherly following the L. W. Mark to a point due west of southwest corner of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, thence east to H. W. Mark, thence southerly fol- lowing H. W. Mark to a point due east of the most northerly point of Stapleton island, part of Lot 642; thence west to this point, thence following H. W. Mark on the west side of Stapleton Islapd to the most southerly point of Stapleton Island, thence east to the H thence southerly © @ point due W. Mark of Lot 642, following the H. W. Mark east of the most southerly point of Lot 501, thence south to L. W. Mark, thence following L. W. Mark to a point due south of the most southerly point of Lot 501, thence north to this point, thence northerly following H. W. Mark to the point of conmmencement. PORPOISE HARBOR LAND CO., LTD., Per A. W. Agnew Dated Jilly 23rd, 1912 Pub. Aug. 12, 1912. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land gE tae of Coast, nge V. Take notice that I, Margrite Nicoll, of Terrace, B. C., occupation widow, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted on the north bank of Beaver River and about 4% miles in a westerly direction from the southwest corner of T . 2255, thence 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains east following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 320 acres more or less. MARGRITE NICOLL. Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated June 10th, 1912 Pub. July 16, 1912. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Notice is hereby given that tive Port Edward Townsite Co., Lid., of Prince Ru- pert, B. C., will apply for a license to store or pen back 2,400 acre-feet of water from Wolf Creek, a stream fiowing in a northwesterly direction and emptying into Porpoise Harbor, near Zanardi Rapids. The water will be stored in @ reservoir of 4,300 acre-feet capacity, built or to be built at Small Lake, on Lot 691, and will be used for domestic purposes, vnder a notice of application for a license tw tke and use water, posted herewith, on the land described as Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 23rd day of July, 1912. The ap- plication will be filed in the omen of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections may be filed with ‘the said Water Kecorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C, THE PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE CO., LTD. a26 By A. W. Agnew, Agent. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. Notce is hereby given that the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., Ltd., of Mon- treal, Canada, will apply for a license to take and use 8.4 cubic feet per second of water out of Wolf Creek, which flows in a northwesterly direction through Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, and empties into Porpoise Harbor, near Zanardi ids. eo water will be diverted at a small lake Lot 691, and will be used for industrial purposes on the land described as Lot 446, Hange 5, Coast District, and otiocent La This notice was posted on ee on the 23rd day of July, 1912. T plication will be filed in the office of Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections be oe = the said Water Recorder or with troller of Water Rights, Perllament Buildings, Victoria, B. C, THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- TRIC CO., Limited. By A. W. Agnew, Agent. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Notice is hereby given that the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., Lid., of Mon- treal, Canada, will apply for a license to store or pen back 2,400 acre-feet of water from Wolf Creek, @ stream flowing ip 4 northweste ly diuection and emptying into Porpoise Harbor, near Zanardi Rapids. The water will be stored in a reservoir of 4,800 acre-feet capacity, built or to be built at Small Lake, on Lot 691, and will be used for industrial purposes, under a notice of application for a license to take and use water, posted herewith, on the land described as Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, and adjacent lots, This notice was posted on the ground on the 23rd day of July, 1912. The ap geek will be fled in the office of the jater Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections may be fled with th: ad Water Recorder or with the jof Water Rights, Parliament Victoria, B, C, THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-BLEC- rRic cO., LTD, Buildings, a26 By A. W. Agnew, Agent WATER NOTICE. For a License to Take and Use Water. hereby given that the Port ; kdward Townaite Co, Limited, of Prince Kupert, will ap ly for a license to take and use 8.4 cuble feet per second of water out of Wolf Creek, which flows la 4 north- westerly direction through Lot «46, Khange », Coast District, and empties iuto Por, Harbor, near Zanardi Rapids. The will be diverted at @ small lake on Lot 601, and will be used for domestic purposes on the land described as Lot | 446, Range 5, Coast District, This notice Was posted on the ground on the 23rd day of July, 1012. : . » | ple ation will be fled in the oMee of hed! Recorder at Prince Rupert Notice is water Objections may be fied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroiler of Water agate, Parliament buidings, Vietoria, b tHE PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE JO., LTD i | }aa6 By A. W. Agnew, Agent, Comptronier | © LAND PURCHAS NOTICE Take notice that I, J. B. Forsman, occu- pation miner, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for permission to purchase the following deseribed jands; Commencing at & post planted ten chains distant and in an easterly direction from the northwest corner of Timber Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakeise Lake, B. C., thence west about 50 chains to the southeast corner of A. P. No, 22,203, thencee north one chain (more or less) to the lake shore, thence easterly aiong the lake shore to the point of com- mencement, and containing ten acres, more or less RB. FOR®MAN. Skeena Land FS aio of Coast, Take notice that Soret D. Bacile, of Victoria, B. &., occupation laborer, inlend wo app ly for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about five chains in @ oortherly direction rom the north end of Hermon Lake, north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thnce south 80 chains, thence east “46 chains to point of commencement, con- taining 320 acres more or less. SOREL DEMETROFF BACILE. T. Elliott, Agent. Dated April 20, 1912 Pub, May 23, 1912 Notice is hereby given that I, J. &. Stark, of Naas Harbor, occupation pros- pector, intend, sixty (60) days from date, to make application to the Deputy Com: missioner Of Lands and Works at Prince Rupert, B. C., for permission to purchase the following’ described land, situated at the head of Alice Arm, B. C. Commencing at @ post planted al the northeast corner post of the mouth mineral claim, thence south along the east boundary of the Rivermouth eral claim 2,272 links, thence east 358 plus links to west boundary of Indian Re- serve, thence north 2,272 plus links along said boundary line, thence west 141 plus links to point of Commencement, contain- ing about five (5) a pa less. STARK. Dated Alice Arm, B. C,, May 11th, 1942. Pub, May 27, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that John M. Buchanan, of Atlin, B. C,, occupation teamster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at a St planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4450, Range V, Coast District, thence 40 chains north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east 40 chains more or less to northwest post of Lot 597, thence south along west line of Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or less to place of commencement and containing 160 acres more or less. J. M. BUCHANAN, George M. Shirley, Agent. Dated May 30th, 1912. Pub, June 13, 1912 Skeena Land Distries— oO of Coast, Take notice that iiiam Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation ‘ee intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands; Commencing at @ post planted on the west bank of the Hocsall River, about one mile above Browns Falls, thence Se of Hocsall chains, thence north 20 chains, 20 chains, more or less to bank Kiver, thence southerly following river oank to point of commencement, to con- tain 49 acres more or less, wees AGNEW, Locator. gustus W. Agnew, Agent. Datet May” ‘Doth, 1912. Pub. June 3, 1012. Skeena Land Diaries peat of Coast, ange V. Take notice that I, James Coxford, of Pembroke, Ont., occupation lumberman, imtend to apply tor Aw ge to purchase the following = sae os pets Commencing at @ post p where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago- titz River, about 26 chains southwest from most westerly point of Ps 1717 — easterly 48 chains along G. T. P. of way, thence ae” about 70 chains ee ame line island to point of commen 1hsus COXFORD. Dated July 6th, 1012 Pub July 23, ‘1912. skeena Land Diserted— peony of Coast, Range V Take notice that I, Anthony Ludgate, e kitsumkalum, occupation lumberman, in- tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at @ point where G. T, P. Rly. intersects the Zymago- titz River, about 24 chains southwest from most westerly point of ay 1717, thence easterly 48 chains along the G. T. P. Rly. right of way, thence northerly and west- erly about 60 chains following awe line of island to point of commencement ANTHONY LUDGATE. Dated July 6th, 1912. Pub. July 23,1912. Skeena Land n> Y amend of Coast, Ran, Take notice that Caroline Johnson, of Vancouver, B. C., coennenien woman, intends to apply 2 to purchase the naw describe Commencing at & eo at the southwest corner of t 3 i "howe 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence 60 chains north to southeast corner of Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along Lot 3062, thence north 20 chains along Lot 3062, thence 40 chains west along Lot 3065 to point of commencement, contain- ‘ng 560 acres more or less. , CAROLINE JOHNSON. J. Goodwin, Agent. Ww. Dated May 20th, 1912. Pub, June 18, 1912. Skeena Land Digeriot—pletries of Coast, Take notice that Alonzo Hamblet, of Everett, Washington, “occupation engineer, intend to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at & post planted on the north bank of Beaver River and about 6% miles in a westensy direction from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 40 chains south, wens 80 chains east, following meander of river back fo peint of oomnpengetaen t, containing 320 cres more or less ’ SLonse HAMBLET. FA Eli H. Hamblet, b Dated June oun, 1912. Pub, July 16, 1012. Skeena Land Digeetes---Diptaies of Coast, Take notice that I, Seymour T of Terrace, B. C., vecupation phy: clan, intend to apply for permission to chase the following described Commencing at & t planted on the south bank of Beaver River Pond about 2% miles in a westerly ‘irection from the southwest corner 0 thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains east, following meander of river back to point of COmAapenCGeRERt, containing 640 eres more or less. ' SEYMOUR TRAYNOR. Per bit T. H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated Jun@ 9th, 1912. Pub. July 16, 1012, Skeena Land District——-District of Coast, Take Terrace, B. intend to apply for the following deseri Commencing @t & post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 6% miles in @ westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. JANET TRAYNOR, ange V. notice that I, Janet Traynor, of C., occupation married woman, mmpocion to purchase Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated ne 10th, 1012. Pub, J; ‘6, 1012 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Ran, Vv. Take notice that |, Frederick W. Vin- cent, of Kitsumkalum, = C., occupation fire warden, intend to epply for permis- sion the following described lands Commencing at @ vad planted in the north bank of Beaver River and about 2% miles in & westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L, No, 2265, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains south, east, meandering river commencement, containing 640 acres, more or less w. VINCENT. Dated June, oun, teh “ une pub. guly 16, 1012. to purchase ras gira ln rb