a CIROULATION y AND NORTHERN enirisH COLUMBIA canoes in OF oe gL, NO. ith NO, 250 ee a KANSAS CITY FINANCIER WILL OPERATE FLEET OF HALIBUT BOATS FROM PRINCE RUPERT CHRISTIANS ARE MASSACRED BY TURKS BEFORE KOTSCHANA IS LEFT BY~ | “Christians Cut Down in Cold Blood by Turks---Belgarians Have | Many Successes---Greeks Capture City---Boys Petition WAR IS vAR IS EXPECTED BETWEEN RUSSIA AND AUSTRIA INSIDE SIX MONTHS foreign Diplomats Are Pessimistic as to the Probability of War)i:... .--Russia is Preparing to Transport Troops---Kamil Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Prince Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OcTorpR 23, 1912. ROOSEVELT RECOVERING an Pee ae Rapidly we is Out of Da “bea Be Able . Sneaks Special t to Maily News | Ovster tay, Oct 23 While sund in Golone Roosevelt still open and there jdanger of infeetior he ~ oving wonderfully and is s B . rounded by THE DAILY NEWS a nee fs dhs NEKT maice % For South CF hein View oon ae oak, Camosu .Pfijay A. M se Price Five Cente A AND AUSTRIA NOW PREPARING FOR WAR = Pasha Predicts All Europe Will be | hn fai ave ‘ae Ni 2 asha Predicts arepe ill be Involved and Wide the Wabe.cf bis family! King Nicholas for Permission to Scout ! yhysician I is not V1 i | News standing ead rable p ‘ thy ‘ a ‘ } I ake ‘ ° Special t Daily Ne ; a ' ; : ; , ht ; var th om end vat th whether or not Me will be able t | Special to Daily News. and three gatling guns were cap- Cettinje, Oet. 23.—School boys rig ( urKis er wy i ‘ hig othe me yowers he ty ‘ ' ) \ giganti he ' a ! pean | vill | resume his campaign work Belgrade, Oct. 23 he firat|tured b the Bulgarians when|here have formed a corps of a ill Kurope, insti 4 a. - re rie — cea to join unless they care i column of the second Servian|{Mey attacked the Turks retreat-|seouts and offered their services tween Austrial,” —— ; sport aj stand idly by while ssia and es i ne from Djumbala to King Nicholas. Some are less , » f fn lforee of 80,000 4 ihe scene|Auetria split -~ th Ottomas irmy captured the tow Kots ! ilarming pre lt} \ { ow , ' ‘ Te i ft ' ' ———a than ten years old, ’ asia ‘ ' * Tr moment us i kes i mpire Chana attert desperate tieh - Ka Pasha, presi-}i he ‘ f P an ‘ ai i : Athens, Oct 23 Five hun- | d Cures I ve tion \ despateh ! Constal e retiring, says a p dred Greeks landed from the} Sofia, Oct. 23 The war oflice he ‘I sh oe i, in] ople dieates that a revolution the Turks massacred a the | fleet blockading the island of|}has forbidden relatives saying ja “ he wanes Sh ‘ hie Aus i Kus s threat: d in Turke but most} Christians in the eity. Lemnos and occupied the capital | goodby (® soldiers at the railroad rh \ gn diplomats) sia, all diy ats here agree. at f the Turkish government offi- | —— jot the island, Kastro, today.) stations. bere a j slic Over the | enmy any annexat qt) Clals seoll at the report losti- | Man Arrested on ‘on Charge of White Constantinople, Oet, 23 Many! Three Turkish officers and fifty-| iinet inthe Mai yllook ! ads today 1s} si hate te ni Giber potets ales of the killed so far on both! Staving Is Held—Supposed Vic- | ¢)eagements have occurred along) two men were captured. Judge Young left on this morn- targing fo | ent. for imsut : ; - : sides as a result of Turkey's} tim Young Bnotien Girl. the Bulgarian frontier, the in- - ing’s train for Hazelton to hold llogether in at disastrous! .i 5 | “a mee ag i Within six} . , , 4>\ clash with the Balkan states is - vaders being in nearly all i-| Athens, Oct» 22.—Two Greek | court Accompanying him were issia and Aus-/ wa the histors f the world iced day at 1,000 Phe city autho es have rea-| stances victorious, Several im-/|regiments Avhich invaded Turkey|the following members of the tna Kain Pasha i he present rhe Tu sh and Greek fleets json t believe i. the mat |p rtant towns have been cap-|near Arta yesterday are occupy- legal profession in Prince Ru- I \ ind Russia are 1c bane he Balkans is but)a expected | ‘ ogether |W. Thomas, recent laced under| tured in the vicinity of Adrian-|ing Grimboyva Heights. The King|pert: Messrs. Fred Peters, Adair wiching the Balka war situa-|a i ‘ 1 we il contlict. ts a des] ite battle forlarrest and who appeared before |ople Many Turks were killed,} and his premier are going to the|Carss, and Linnell. Several 4 K eves ea —_ j | hat A 1 Ww pre . f the seas Magistrate Caress vesterday on aj hundreds were taken prisoners | front cases are to be disposed of. leha ge of procuring, the proc eed. | _ ae : : | lunes being camer the ave F : : a in whe las wel ictivelV ene : gaged for some time past in the LL A Federal Army Advanced Against) : . o : , 1 tin If All Immigrants Entering Can- Vera Cruz—Des Moines Looks 9)" eT ” of , | ada Past Year Stood One Pace ww gr the Case V mu { : - After Foreign Interests. | , os - Apart Would Reach 150 Miles. , cused i s he s marries ‘| > al to Daily News " Siguee She auger | Ottawa, Oct. 22 During the some . | ‘ . re ad PROLAMATION ISSUED CALLING THE HOUSE TOGETHER ON yk Gy 6) a rewha a ee ths, April 4st to October |™ S, SMITH WILL OPERATE A LARGE FLEET OF HALIBUT 7 . nonths r st to Octobe NOVEMBER 21ST—NO MENTION MADE OF NAVAL , e and one wh SOATS FROM RT s— - POLICY—NANTEL MAY RESIGN ye ‘ advance} would necessari . satyi tel, of. the. cdreent Mecal. sete. om cnaun eanen Sa —- WEAL gains he cit oday at noon [prey a man f thio. —- 1 73,649 immigrants arrived | ere Eh ole to the : al i; ofr this ar 83.. Specia Daily News he West and i : General Dia i awaited their we : he ¢ ore : : ther 183, | Mr. J. Sidney Smith, a wealihy| Vancouver, will be of the Tates| . M Vl ; , . j ig ifions were tpn. 90 arrived al ocean ports, and | ; Phe procla " R ; , , - ee ee egard to the renting of a| 89,6: 659 from the lt ted States jAansas City grain dealer, who|and most modern type, about 90 , = Pentland’ f th i be mad on the boats the harbor, “whil e | ‘ “ ‘s a ’ 7 \ a se aiiin dies . nanee | Was a visitor to the eity a few j}feet long, and will be furnished rh ul fh iy th boarded the 1 house VOies Syoum hese figu BOW an mmereas j}with all the most { lat al s as ¢ consuls poarder e Ss. | j } a e most up-to-date ap- Bribe he ransaction of : . : i batt hip D Oe nian wtetad | rhe police think the marriage f 13 per cent., as compared with}months back and who was great- | pliat to n - : : f - so be § i en Ti es “es o ‘s i s ipliances to make a success 0 e sday, Novemb: Phe lica ~ jay are that! here to protect foreign interest le in Phe accused will come/the number of arrivals for the}ly struck with Prince Rupert and] prosecution of the fishing in I ig ests ; ae | Sie atoll ie tien teed | proses 0 ) s - Is Was iss esterday by the/it w be T. Chase Casgrain ! sso ea eal a “E i — ! 7s oe od 4 jits commercial possibilities, re-| dustry. ease Will be again adjourne in-j fiscal year, whieh were 58,614 "~~ King’s prints It contains the |the Inte i Wate Ways LOCAL JOTTINGS : the f odah a cae Eat, af alll pérts and 93.317 from | turned Bere this morning on the! Mr. Smith, who is @ genuine i a8) { emibe caged, Dede . ou: yy + . - ey meee ’ nee George, } ‘ sinatic a oie lor ual | inna there being |* : - ' H ; einen | — the United States, making a tota iy . a ' i i — > “1 go i . it . vi \ ‘ es I ie 1ieso 7 rrieto | I a o rene . on); Prince t “rt, Says he is conh- Bpecia the navy ' : as hee . Mr. M. R. Jamie —s ry Are you going to make that/for the six months, April tst to ' , ynrvateon eee "ha . ial _ ian 4 ss , a 5 ae vhich will be aly a . \ i ; : . a of the Northern Hotel, Stewart, promised trip east or to the Old} October tst, 1911, of 241,951 ant grate seas SO en ar : * a Pein: : eed c ohn ra i the session It = : ” o who has been a patient in the Country this fall? The Great During the month of Septem- fore leaving, decided to gO into} ns y and wants to get m tm » i r o_o = H.fhospitel here for the lea) ten Northern R will bool you} ber, this year, there wet 35.077) the fish) business in Northern | game and be prepared to do busi- sa t shouls iS OOK vo ber, ais ear, re ere 3 id ; 7 hat it hould w ' ‘ M : davs. has sufliciently recovered : ; y ; He | Tas ; on es : a4 just as he said to a News|ness by the time that the railway ” vever, the an arecha " u, wi through all Atlantic Oeean lines |arrivals, 17,593 arriving at ocea om ’ aa i h Hon. W return to Stewart and willl). ypesented o47tf | ports and 17,484 from the United|"ePresentative this morning “for/is completed. He will remain . ‘ le yore ' ’ us Ss ol e se “ 244 rorts ¢ Se e nites - | . tava ° See eave for that place on the a | "Ro ers Steamship Agency States as against 29,077 for Sep-pSomething to do While in the|here a few days before returning : he government] KE. Nant ste MiG POY~ | n ncun taeneos maratel | 9 p Ag . 7 Fa : . " 29,077 South he has been busily en.|south tb attend to the final busi- te ’ a ae ’ ‘ = 1 ‘ ctee ile t ‘ e © as yes e , ¥ y ‘eE ir eels after ihe Soe sh Rous Coors low Mr. | jamieson will probably leave for a c The immigration to Canada for] ###e4 in making arrangements | ness of getting ready the first of c ' i eht after the | Monk’s example and drop it Winineie hh beteatended vinik nine Leg Badly Crushed. sien heal nacht es se cada for the building of a fleet of hali-|his Meet to sail for this port. : he debate on the M Nant vh has gone t rT bn . iain a mad. | With a badly crushed leg from] oe aa : tt . but boats, two of which will be} wanes di : ; . tte bitiee Ley annie Misitiess mat. i greater the » ent * pop- . . ; This probably will run|Jouinette 4 present at the} oo. the effect of a construction tram pean “3 < = my ss a Ae. eady in about two moriths’ time,| Best English and Canadian r eral d : ‘ ‘ ; : . atio ‘ o negro, e cou . i narriage his daughts mor | passing over him, Frank Me- i cies ie Ee hee ae when they will be brought up here} makes of ladies’ raincoats. Guar- : Thuke Connaught and|/ row, w net be ba the cap idGovern, a ma the employ of ry a ed 8 : : oe : to start active operations. The|anteed waterproof. Wallace's. ‘ the capital from} ital until th dd he week Phe moving picture fi show-|the Bates & Rogers Construction |¢!ared war against Turkey boats, which are being built in 250-252 .. vw the funeral of the late Genel e . Supposing that all the immi- , - ne ! ! Co. at Mile 103, was brought inte ' , aamiiiin. eral Booth, the whole processioW | the eity vesterday afternoon about grants who arrive during i re last = a = ae Se through the streets of Londen|s o’elock on a special emergency | 5! months were in line of ~ jand the huge concourse Of)}tpain, The ambulance was wait)" pace apart peer Ale, ; ng people, will be shown at the West ling the train and the unfortunate | Procession would reach ae o- 9 holme Opera House the evenings | map who appeared lo be bearing ronto to Kingston mf than a i of today and tomorrow jhimself with remarkable forti- hundred and fifty miles le ° | ~ - } tude, was taken immediately to} SURPRIS any joe Tratica one of the lead-|the hospital, where he is doing as |} LOCAL JOTTINGS. ” ING NEWS OF THE ROYAL CONCERT IS GIVEN IN A jy e pe presentatives of the Malian | well as ean be expected. enti Hundreds of Doukhobors Leave|inquiry Into United States Shoe SAN FRANCISCO PAPER—“ PAT" SHOOK HANDS Joolony in this city who has bhen eee EF So fast is the work of tearing Saskatchewan for this Machinery Co., Boston, Proves WITH SINGER AND DUKE WAS ENRAPTURED a resident of Prince Rupert since Bulbs. dewn the “Rig. Bore” on Secons Peovines That it te & Combine. rs ———- the early days, previous to that Hyacinths, tulips, narcissus,| avenue progressing that Mr. Hart et Na . - ken from af Princess Patricia, whom her ad~ | dime being a “sour dough” of the leroeecus, snowdrops, Chinese} bas had to erect tents on the Nelson, Oct 22.—Over six] ¢ Special to Daily News. Say ; | | . . w store i store ~~ . . . ol C sraneis eWspaper, will nol miring Yankee friends have nick-|Yuken, returned this morning | sacred lilies. See Stalker & Wells. See OF Wh. Se \ a en hundred Doukbobora, men, women Ottawa, Oct. 22, The board mbt _ j j y ‘ ; ao ‘ : aS s« ‘ie enelsome of his stock there. i “e asse “ Z - \ ‘teresting to|named “Princess Pat, . he Prince George from a visit |Phones 18? and 430 250-252 m ock und) s6children, passed through which inquired into the charge ie ders who al. lito the lower coast cities ; og Nelson this week on a_ special : : ; Ped the ven’ ts i of | At this affau {| was under —— =< es \ large mastadon tusk was re-|{pain’ bound for Glade and Bril- that the United States Shoe Ma- = en an mn) i ———— ' . hospital patronized bs jstood that under ho erreum { M. Wilson of Masset re- cently discovered at Kitsumkalum | jjant About the same number|chinery Company of Boston, . Duke a hess of Con Istances would there be responses] (ypned on the Prince George this Iby a man digging in his fleld, were last night on the Crow’s|whieh holds all patents for mod- mlKh j . a . = _ : * b ind ess Patricia,| tO eneores, and | sing was lO} morning from a trip to the South, | - ; Nest line on their way to the same}aon shoe machinery, is a com- RAY the ail A tlock of fifteen wild swans] coitlome s *t » fro Sas- | he ee ee et , est 0 me ; ‘ to the South a Al Cange Seen oe bination in restraint of trade, Boas, th were in the|S3loane sang a iia from the | \. Erskine Smith, president of | passed over the city to the Sou katchewan has ‘reported against the eom- " , Oo i i ’ » Mig gn Cera House during Opera “Lueretia Borgia Phe jthe Red Clif! Mining Co of Stew j th other day Phis’ influx of 1,200 of Pete; pany. This case was instituted the oane’ giug and saw Jutburst of applause kept up for ha it. Portland Canal, arrived this Ya 0 | a . ts at Veregin’s people will increase the hy ehoe manufacturers of Quakes es : Cy t } soadhurs ‘eports a . . her ‘voring to hide | several minutes he Duke off rning on the Prince George, | r iplau | ~ \ es ys total number in British Columbia,| when Hen. Mackenzie King was bh { i rr hi g see ee pelicans nes . . . at the pro ' he curtains of} Connaught and = th Dueh “ye route to Stewart on business ghpane ore . Ss) ithy where the chief colonies are @llminister of labor and has stead- P ! ‘ “ o '* BAGH i ‘cel . eye NOX, While he stolid old standing up in their box to tea connection with his company the mouth of the aeons ™ Brilliant and Grand Forks by ily been pressed Decision means varia ) bore it with| This so mterrupted the pi - Wednesday a a | | Fred Ritchie left on this nearly 5 Oper eent that the company’s patents may The | gramme that Miss, Sloane wa Messrs. J. P. Babeoek and ©, P me ; train for Haszeltos About 250 of the neweomers|be cancelled and if it ignores le ai a : morning's trat 0 azello o ; . \ pay ‘aye bliged Lo return, singing tha H nan, connected with the Pro " : are children under the age of 5] finding of board it can be tined 1, merday’ s brought me Aineriean = favorite Phe Las i) government fisheries de 4 6W. Haskamp, one of the|*e4"s and there is a large per-| 81,000 per “day This was the Minder of 4) Rose of Bumivet And atte i this morning | SPSOMD. centage of children under t2/ first case heard under the Anti Ma . houghts, Iti ward she was personally than » NER Giver ; ' members of the Haskamp family “e ro ‘ cos ™ 4 lettop ¢ we BNO. WES PETBONAlY thal { Vietoria uote rine “3 ee vears Combines Ae rity) Prince Rupert,}by the Princess “Pat who ex at: Roguioes a ! ny * a . ini + Ma { Coe ' 7 :— heavy investors at the last sale} pret elling me of}pressed her delight and tha { OF GENERAL BOOTH lof government lots in this eity,) Removal Notice. Bulbs. Bien | ove] that as | tet yarents, the Duke and the ; receive , =~. , . oO : “Cissus ; Miss Hy | aie bas Ib f. f hi u A. A. Roney OS Pern 1000 feet of splendid arrived from the South on the Dorothy Dana formerly t0- Hvacinths, tulips, nareissus, g N oane, a uchess o onnaugh fourth Friday instead of Prince George this morning ited on Third avenue, is now|leroeeus snowdrops, Chinese Man Fg , | society girl Miss Sloane has been spend-j)).. th Thursday motion pictures sbow oF" . cupying her new and welll| sacred tilies, See Stalker & Wells, Whig ‘ “ onster ‘OCOSS it ‘ of “ aero ” ! ome ser aeemnes Te Annan. Wh a = . - ar with rhe Rev. Canon J. H. Keene « fjeq ipped quarters at 646 Fulton! Phones 87 and 430 250.252 g the o . sian atin mek omen avercome wi Tres pe Lee \ Ma { ; my ae sey wanere fe \ i have all sorts of grief fainting in the Meilakahtia, who has been visit eet, Where she will be pleased Pblhon i : is ow s 70 en ‘ i ' erie . ro uatlo ars : ’ o ars onde i x x j f ame ans nowadays go when they is for our Miss streeia——The interment ling in the South for the last few see all her old customer Fresh eut tower i day al ' he alfy ' fortnight} something in the way of a f nds here wil . , Iweeks, returned this morning lairdressing, shamp iw. mani-.|Wark’s. jewellers 250 he given unde ‘ It ’ f } h | ‘ ! het 1 ett ele oe a ta Hig) , ig Py inderjing that is different _ ’ yaad hear hew . lihe Prince George, and will leav« ne and facial massage done . . a ane he Py . : Woyallaverage, She has been a ev shine mad No advanee in prices lfor his home across the harb the most up-to-date methods Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, t | ame ; a ' | ras : ens haugh : — of friends al various at { ‘ ’ os up theramihd | this aternatie Phone 424 240.254 Phone 4. '® gebia vcasionally giving @oneerts, Pn ; oe a, / ; r) 7 ome B} i] S ; Ld ’ a t