«st CIROULATION orry AND NORTHERN DLUMBIA x Lane i] omer rv —— {I gat? THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ay ¢ iL GSis “ r Prince OGeor Se vol. Hl, NO, 255 MAKE DE Prince Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OcTosER 30, 1912. Price Five Cents TE FIGHT AGAINST INVADERS UEUTENANT BECKER SENTENCED TO DEATH IN ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR KILLING ROSENT HAL COUNCIL IS CONDEMNED BY MATTHEWS WHO PREDICTS TROUBLE FOR CITIZENS Supt. of Electric Light Plant Predicts Trouble When He Leaves ---Bullock-Webster Heartbroken at Loss of Zoological Specimen a the pre mea va ha i ving | availal that | j le ! tsih ! M Ma i | i ated ha ! had x until | perintende ! the the b i upor wan bus 1 he seni . -. “. read fa h e goes ent trans . . a pa \ . i . aa "7 ace ; v Coun ast the gra h ; MeKenzie of the f h i ‘ | tha h th ee ssked for two he pla pe : this i the { the the matter I WAS One { the ue ead f the lett \ldermatr Kieetric Light} and stranges n the face of the} Maitland rose his wrath and Matthews, the/e ir and he ind he a vas ‘ he suy j to be ght superin h ' h gh wh ata the : le a . 1 i I ne dea : . Dene hea 1 few re i his ‘ g f his resigz h i he nN . h such i ! ! Vide in Db i he ihe i va hing th ha hea y h his a j | andi hh ! ga ga he se “ ij i ! i a i i M Matil \ ich h dents a i i hought h ‘ ds the i ' i ' z i i he pla \ ! Wel i he f merewa i i é is y W ds, which h i he had ' i i lerabl ne 1 sul hett 1e fa : ‘ wele i i i s t I 1 ange 1 ' Z t ‘ i i be ‘ i ~ i th | LAST TRIP OF PRINCE GEORGE Big Steamer Makes Last Mid- Week Run for Season—Rupert Comes Next Wednesday. Hlth SCHOOL STUDENTS HAVE FIERCE DEBATE ON SUFFRAGE INTERESTING DEBATE IN HIGH SCHOOL AS TO WHETHER OR NOT WOMEN SHOULD VOTE—GIRLS WIN HONORS BY CLOSE MARGIN. I" x of the High) 1 he ega Masters | Phe | a = irrived a: | Debating So-| White, lead \ er and W, | PMS ZW vii a sldera ‘ f passen cetuge - : m . “1g ! fis the veal - ' +} 68 te sud This is h is h this i 1 tas i i h ‘ ; ; re ns mes: te ha he hi ddle of 2s ! i \ ‘ . Ja het \ be Gg. 9 ure he te P ext S ' h . ! Va n w . . ao wait ' . . n fe i week bef he P ce Ru 2 ” ad all va , dies hh pe i ‘ - he i tiles rh . 6 ‘ s a . h sa is - a i day \ pa a senmeres h 1 G a ” ‘ and . : inet tie ning al © OF deligt \s al Mr. Smith, Mr. Bennett, Mr. and a 5 be| Mrs. F. 8 Miss Payne, H. ( en uc tbal Brady, Messrs. | ajjows h speaker|Head, A, D. MeArthur, Mr. and ‘ ™. Anderson and W i th sulfragette iders | Mrs. Rowan and child, G, W Ke aan. Mi my x ss Phy ha ius i he d . to! Miss Stewart, Miss Wood, Miss A : e ss Alma Chris heron le dave: . he | Tingley Miss M Wood, Mr minh GOREVERVEG MERC- | ore ha king busi.}/ Payne, Mr. Swell, Mrs. Stewart Mi ducts by Me ne erent ness me hie! w the re-|Mr. Phiseator, Mr. H Mr. H \\ essrs A. Humble “ sy hat garth, Mrs. Woods and child, M Ww M ind a sword dane ! sh hi cleve the | and Mrs, Ewhank, F. W. Farrell Mitchell On the} oo, Te aie hey did find| Mr. Gemmer, M Bayley, M iad . pr oererine 4 wh had bra : \ ther| Mrs. ¢ I Bainter M Pheyse ! \ rl \\ The subject, jspeaker said tha wne_third of (Bowness, Mr. Ledlie, J. E. Merry Be Given | — men Should] iy, wor i he vorid vere i KR. J. MeGlean, James Hodg i ne Franchise,” was ex eras othied o} their huss W. J. Mogridge, Mr. Bach . \ tee t : e Fas ine ow everything ones uth |elor, Mr. oe " Zs . aves » speakers Were Miss ane! re vd make|Mr. Sewell iss L. Boffet, i ; “arss, lead Miss Edith — . ro p> itn a aoe hy Valkenburg. Mr. Ives, } j o M Kathleen Hazlett ee aes > aay ' ab otBarnes, Mr. Newton, Mr. Drys lmao —==== right if ymen had the vote dale FAL) Bald one \ i id CARS | would be talked at h fees eee a PAR ( tiive the vote said SE DEATH a risitti youre i ine KIN and they would eep the ) Negi try in war, so tha hey whi ge ee Result of Flimsy | their husbands killed off and have ey General Will | everyihing to themes: Government Asked if Germany Prosecute Company. Principal Brady acted a lee Has Objected to Military Special and awarded the vielory thy Speeches of Commander. | 4“! lo Daily News, allirmative side, The ma ? *eident wh ee v hat the} Afirmative 140 points ega Special to Daily News : gh + ‘Wo hembers of}tive, 125 points In th debate | dle el ” Lord Rob IS due | a ide Were Killed; the girls expressed the «es fig campaign in fayer of mil "i h Ne faulty’ construe stating their side of the cas ce was the subject of 'Y Cars in whieh] feeling eonfident that they w dl i} ques ns in the House of Velling wasimake a good stand whieh the ( when the government ( “le here by the} satisfaetorily did, but it © dif Germany had *) 200 aetion willla harder thing to convine: h \ test wainst the " tthe Onlmpany bovs that they are right { he field marshal Cc af j i qareys eplied that aatione of Art, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners i had been made i in perfeet| Phone 4 | ( ' ° i ' PONE slip ; - 1 leathers Artistic Job Printing at the Prince Ruperts leading hotel. 255 Daily News office Savoy garding the supply of MR. GEORGE LEEK iS INJURED Prominent Man Badly Hurt While Hunting—in Hospital in Semi- Conscious Condition. George Leek, the ‘ now real estate amd ins ance man was brought into the city al 1:30 this morning suffs go f i bad broken ankle and era Ss and bruises ab I hea Leek, who had e@ and face Mr up the line early in the morning GEORGRH LEEK g& expeditior must i er he have ata isty fa Vas ediately take to he hospita where he was at- I) MeNe The in uries to his face and head are yainful nature and he “ s¢ is state and spea Ihe ast ad- . he hospital were that tne Vas «ck x as well as could be expe ed, but it will be same tite I the genial “George \ be ab to be around again : d if whether here was another reason hers Vas sovnne movement rade to have Mr, Matthews asked fhew as e before the board ! i explanation of his letter bul a hea ile hour it was f nad practicabl The matt was eferrer ii committee rhe s ect of the loan of the pewrits vas also laid on the table f sideratior W | I neliv, engineer for he G ] ’ dry doek, wrote re water for iv loth, ele vas referred to the Continued on Page 4, TURKEY FIGHTS DESPERATELY TO KEEP FOOTHOLD IN EUROPE; TURKS CUT OFF War Minister and His Forces are Surrounded and Communication is Cut Off, But the Turks are Fighting Desperately ---Powers May Interfere Special to Daily News be taken until the result of theymen than have heretofore been Londo Oct. 29 Che long |Pattle is known. acceded to them. vaited for battle which is to de- cree ane olde thé tate Oe eiacs tc te Vranya, Servia, Oct, 29 At the | Constantinople, Oct. 29.—Kia- site, fouee rhe Turks have |Pattle of Kumamova the Serbs | mil Pasha, president of the been placed in position nder [Lost 500 killed and 2,000 wounded, |couneil of state, assumed office hiss ‘chili uN Sectik Accounts received bere from the|a@s grand vizer this afternoon in front pay the highest tribute to|/suceession to Chazi Mukhtar ninister of war, as SOMONE i rhe bravery of the Servian sol-|’asha, who resigned. n-chief, and are now hotly en-;diers Lieutenant Milich, eom-| - vaged with the allied army jmencing a detachment of infan-| — Repiin, Oet. 29.—It is rumored According to advices received{try, blew out his brains rather | an that the feels government here, the Turks have had the ad-| than to obey an order to retire {thal it is time for intervention vantage of the fighting, and they/from an exposed position which} ire battling desperately to retain he was holding at great loss to | Whether the waring nations re- their ast chanee of continuing| his foree His example so fired quest it or not, Europe would Kurope Although Nazim|his men’s enthusiasm that they | "0! tolerate ‘the destruction of Pasha has had the best of the\charged upon a_ far superior| fUrkey, nor would the oceupation hand hand fighting today, he|force of men and nearly all died. |°f Constantinople by another jis in a hopeless position, as all rhe cavalry, under the com |POWer-. miumnunieatior