ma . : — LAND i912 b cece ll CCC THE DAILY News 3 vary LRASI NOTICES, | PUROHASI NOTICES trict Of Coest,| Skeena Land | ‘ i hst ; wePadden, of Take i See wa ey sion farmer, M-lof Vat i fogridgr A » to lease the] tena * : pat broker, in ; the following F pureha planted on the Commencing a about two MNES) foreshore il ' vianted on the rener Island, 19} porthweste fant in a 80 chains @88t,)iniet, and ab m Kumeolor an inlet, not! pa thence ea h of @ sma shore line to > chai le meee hee north 2 containing 320], to foresh Sins hains More or 7 rpose for whietiling the for 7 soerly follow to quarry Vme!} ment, containing - 2 mane ‘ \ ' HAEL MePADDEN Dated October WAM, 2, MOGHIDGS i Pub, Oet , 9 District of Coast, Skeena Land pist ' » we Vv t of Coast ree RK. Naden, of ! . ange i\ i broker, intends | , ae note Mat Kiehard J. Grant, of al uve i lease the fOle ying : pa | bookkeeper ' vi I t it yur planted about) “Mase the wing 1 ia ' direction from] >, aoe sata yt pla 1 on the hains, thence ; , -_ ba ‘ we -haif west 80 chains to] \) 7 Kumeolon Inlet nh 80 chains to ola 7 6S ' hence east ¢ taining 640) Nai) Mien tins, thenes . - ' ving the ik BR, NADEN ne wy os I f womence Lyons, Agent oe . : le h, 1912 . MCHAKL MMANT W an fogrid : Dated be : Agent a ul i — CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Skeena Land District—pistric f Coast 1) Claims, situats Range V x vision of Cassiar Take notice that Vernor 6. Ge i 1 Near Granby,jof Prince Kupert, B. C., oce sation Secon n and adjoining | intends | apply for permission to pur anby Consolidated| chase the f wing described lands Power Company Commet ng at & post planted at the! . 5. W. corner of L. 4419, thence north 40 james J. Lee, Free| chains, thence west 20 hains thence 8B, intend, sixty| south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains t& ¥ to apply to the/ point of mmencement mtatning at » Certificate of Im-/ acres more r les winibe purpose of obtaining VERNON Ff G. GAMBLE above claims I M. Mille’, Agent tice that action, Dated Se tth, 19012 ‘ ist be commenced Pub. Sept. 14 h Certificate of t July, A. D. 1912 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast JAMES J. LEE Range V t F. J. Coleman Take notice that I, Napoleon Rh vy, ee Wallace Idaho, occupation mill man, in ‘ tend to apply for permission to purchas¢ }the following described lands | Commencing at @ post planted about 1 CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. mile south from the mouth of the Shames eral Claims situate | fiver, and about half a mile s th from @ vision of Cassiar| *e South bank of the Skeena River, thence Near Granby ip | South &U Hains, thence east 80 chains, and adjoining the| “ence horth 80 chains, thence west 8 nsolidated Min-| CM4ins to post of ninencement, contain wer Company, Lim.|'™8 ©4/ acres more or less ul | NAPOLEON ROY 7 umes J. Lee, Pree| Dated August 26th, 1012 ’ 520978B, intend, Pub. sept. 26, 1012 late hereof, to appl | f Ce cate « ' rpose of obtain: | keen Land District—District o: Coast he above claim | Range V | 7 notice that action fake notice that I, Hubert 0. Crew, of} be commenced be-| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation broker,}| ertificate of Im niend to apply for permission w pur-| hase the following described lands | 3 4 f July, 4. D. 1912 | dnmencing at @ post planted two and JAMES J. LEI } one-half miles east from the mouth of ‘ t, F. J. Coleman } the iinamaas River, thence east 80 ; s } chains, thence north 80 chains, thence} west 80 chains, thenee south 80 chains tw/ [point of commencement, containing 640| CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. acres, more or less HUBERT VU. CREW Mineral Claim, situat Dated August 17th, 1912 4 g Division of Cassiar Pub. Sept. 14 ated Near Granby HD afd Sdjoiming | cpe, Land yistri atric o . snby Consolidated keena i I orbs " trict f Coest i é Power Company = lak Notice that Il, Ethel M. Thompson * Fr. J. Coleman, Fre« Prince upert, B. C., occupatio: ‘ . \ 2077B, intend,| *tebosrapher itend to apply for permis ate hereof, to apply| 08 to purchase the following described le for a Certificate ands he purpose of ob Commencing @t a post planted four and : : f the above claim ne-half miles east from the mouth of . notice that aciion,| he Quinamaas River, thence north 8 ' nmenced bains, thence east 8 chains thence f Im-| South 8 hains, thence west 80 chains t point of mmencement, ontining 64| f July, A. D. 1912.) #eres, more r less Fr. J. COLMAN ETHEL M THOMPSON ’ 919 Hubert 0. Crew, Agent Dated August 17th, 1912 Pub. Sept. 14 GRIVICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS ‘ Sskeena Land District District f Coast ‘ Range V ake notice that Mrs. L. ¢ Putnam va Minnesota, eecupation§ marri¢ *otban niends tw apply for permission t — : i hase the wing described lands mencing @t 4 post planted about 8 west from the southwest corner surveyed T i 4 mn the bank ” “Ke a River thence south 8 chain hence west & chains thence north 8 Mins ve or less to bank of Skeena ; ' Rive venee in an easterly direction along MY , he above claim bank of river 8 hains more or less t e that action.) post of commencement ontaining 64 be commenced be acres more wr less i r iM of eruficale f im MRS. L. C. PUTNAM : f July, A. D. 19142 George KK. Putnam, Agent SAM M'CAGUE Dated August 16th, 1012 Agent, PF. J. Coleman Pub. Sept. 17, 1912 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, WATER NOTICE Range V Take notice that ! Mike Vukstich, of Fora License to Take and Use Water. Prince Rupert, B. C., cupation restaurant that The British! Gat intend t apply for permission t stion.of Van-| purchase the following described lands: | ; ply f a license t Commencing at @ post planted about 7 » ed miner’s inches| Chains distant and in @ southerly direction . cham Lake rhe| from Graveyard | t telegraph office and ~ at Cunningham| being on the south side of the Skeena 4b canning, d River, thence south 80 chains, thence west - I poses on the land| 5” chains, thence ® rth 80 chains, thence . f Port Essington,| eas 80 chains to post of commencement ed the ground | Containing 40 acres more r ies ; plember, 1912. The MIKE VUKSTICH pa 1 in the office of the Dated August 24th, 1012 “a e Rupert rub, Sept. 28, 1012 ed with the said with the Comptroller é srliament Bulldings,| Skeena Land District-—District « Coast . hhange V WATER LICENSE miles southwest from Graveyard | For & License ¢ MBIA PACKERS Take notice that I, Horace Roy, of Prince Rupert, B. ¢ occupation gebtieman, ih tend to apply for permission to purchass ihe llowing described lands Commencing at @ post planted abot !. M. English, Agent telegraeph = office and about i% mules south of south bank of Skeena Hiver, au fadjoining Peter Stacey's application kk west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains sven that G. RK. T.) thence east 80 chains to post of commence will apply for &| ment, containing 640 acres more or less ten (10) inehes of} HORACE ROY uned creek which! pated August 24th, 1912 tion through Lot Pub, Sept. 28, 1012 Bay pear south} Water will be di ‘ +e ve weet from | skeena Land District—-District of Coast, ! for domestic pur- | Range V bed as Granby Bay Take notice that |, Henry Smith, of posted on the ground] Prince Rupert, B. ¢ occdpation tail : tober, 1912. The|roader, intend to apply for permission to in the office of the| purchase the following described nds ’ Mupert } Commencing at a post planted about ed with the said| chains south from Graveyard Point tele h the Comptroller] graph office, and being ob the south side ‘viament Bulldings,| of the Skeena Hiver, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north i '. SAWLE 80 chains, thence west > chains ‘ Pp at lof commencement, containing 640 acre thore r less iF eeereensmeneene tintin: —. HENRY SMITH LAN) Dated August 24th, 1912 ~ *VACHASE NOTICES, Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 Meena District of Coast,| Skeena Land District—District of Coast ‘ange V j Range V ake | i : Albert Lopas, of Take notice that I, Mike Vide, of r Lh ‘ eccupation pros. | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restau o ’ a ‘Pbly Tor permission to | 4h, intend to apply for pertiiiss . “'De deseribed lands purchase the following de scribed lance + a. & Dost planted about 31 Commencing at a post planted abou edhe id Point telegraph | Miles south from Graveyard Point tele ately south side of the| Sfa@Ph oMee and being ob the south sick ee ea uth 40 chains.|0f the Skeena River, thence south & . ; ‘ thence north 46 | Chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north . chains to post of 80 chains, thence west 80 chains t post ‘Wining 160 acres more| Of commencement, containing 640 acre more or less : ALBERT LOPAS MIKE VIDAK ; ivie Dated August 24th, 1912 vig Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 ‘ Visiricl of Coast rhomas A, Roy, of LIQUOR ACT, 1010 CUDStION pros wit ’ permission ww ‘® deseribed lends Section 41 : bianhted on the . Mineo and phont Notice is hereby given that on the first houth of Shames day of December next application will be Mains, thence West made to the Superintendent of Provincial chains, thence Police for renewal of the hotel license commencement, | sell liquor by retail in the hotel know) ” leas as the Big Canyon Hotel, situate at Kit MAS A. ROY selas, in the Provinee of British Columbia . Dated this 10th day of October, 1018 J, W. PATBABSON, Applicant . ' it New York William | Wattelet is sure that Morse h nite the Finnish dis ye has made a real find hanes hanipion who a new | t Wi we Joe eT a marathon mark a week! . i Keeper, Can ‘ Pes representative alt the Olwm iu ‘ r " ' : irk, N. J., won an in pie games, won the annual 5.mile} tional professional 15-mile i) M.C. A. road race f the third] wee 1:20:42 The world’sitime in succession i cord f 4:18:15 for this dis mies held by A. BE. Wood of| Kngland Ila Holmer of Hali fa : ‘ nd, 130 vards behind he ‘ ind over one.third of i ithead of the third man rh Johannset f Sweden The Oltawa Football Club is thir x! minutes of the ehamy ahiy f the Interprovin i «Un l the atch at down Pat Ollawa, the had ble naking four 1 he Big Fou defeat M eal by a seore of 13 to € It i Alerts, in their ‘) ' Footba I i hip gan th P date j » me , f 24 to 10 Hapy M me thre ties! add he ¥ ‘ 1 baseba ea tl 1 base i vh has I j gin semi-p ' It is esimated tha 1,000 pe sons saw the Halifax Herald's {O.mile road rat vhich was won by Michael Th i in In dian from Prinee bx ird Island who twice before ca ed firs place, and now becomes owner of the cup His time ~ ites 1) $4 seeonds Jarne McKay of Halifax was only 4 ‘ ds be hind Alfred Rogers f Halifax was third: William Th uN {8-vear-old boy, was f th hialdie Morgar he English bantam, was too Cleve for Eddi (Keefe of Philadelphia 1 10 round bout at Madis Square Garden, New York Phe English ay man use a left jab to good effe to Measure ‘S.cF.5" from $13. outpomting =O Kev fi most Never before in the history of the tailoring business have the Men of Canada had evel round The Philad hia an opportunity of securing the Real Irish and Scotch Woven Fabrics was cautioned severa haae, il at such low cost Messrs. Curzon Bros. have made such arrangements in the their Fddie McG ; woollen markets controlling these goods as will enable them to supply their patrons e over-seas with genuine hand-wove, hand-spun Irish Tweed or choice genuine Scotch Oshkosh, Wis., and Mike Gib suitings tailored in perfect and graceful style by the world’s best tailors (the pick of the f St. Paul will mee . 9 tailoring labour always being found in London). At Curzon’s all the work in connection round bout December d with each individual order is controlled, conducted and executed by experts. That is why Curzon's is the business that it is—virtually the largest house of its kind in the world; that is why also Messrs. Curzon's succeed in securing the Gold Medal Award at any Exhibition BAYLEY [S$ POUNDED BUT KEEPS FRESH TO END OF BIG BOUT JOE BAYLEY UNACCUSTOMED TO HITTING IN CLINCHES TOOK AN AWFUL AMOUNT OF PUNISHMENT BUT CAME UP SMILING EACH ROUND aiga ’ Although Fight u Die i pounded n : J Ba he held ‘ | wt \ wl ha i ' ship Ca ia ‘ 1 puly KR ] I i 1 the oo i i IB nes decis s bas Bayle it) sta sh ma fresh h ' . stawec his city rh h B s the fa vi is tlied re } ‘ stra that he w 1 hay i h i hold his gains the f ’ slaughts ‘the Sa Fra s¢ } Bayle th ! ma i he va n gt his is Fay tye eause f the fact that he ealized il his chances 1 er y : f the deadly ' Vs ha he a nia lad ' I | h he ¢ wh Bayle had bes 14 stomed t gt ty | h i break - ind vh l wenl up rains i dey ! Marquis Y “ : th =the ils x themselves i i es Ti vas sorely pr \ t ad f h eenth Baviey's ght eve Vas closed his whole face te b where they may compete WRITE FOR FREE PATTERNS. It will pay you to write for our explanatory booklet and free patterns of cloth, fashion-plates and unique list of testimonials. With these will be found our registered system of self-measurement and tape measure, so that you may with perfect accuracy, and a degree of certitude equal to that of a local tailor, take your own measurements in the privacy of your own home. Complete satisfaction or we refund money. Will your own tailor guarantee this? One Silver and Four Gold Medal Awards. Read our unique list of unsolicited testimonials. $28,000 forfeited if not absolutely genuine. Address for Patterns: GURZON BROS., GLOUGHER SYNDICATE, (Dept. 150), 449 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. CURZON BROS., coco city Road, London, England. =v ‘ vith blood | x fro i batlered se and ps H West End Depot : aid tess dell dia ates tae 133 and 135 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND. Please mention this paper. x again and aga with the (anadia ids face rut seemed — ee ick he steam f 1 KnoekKoul eh He landed kidney punches tte ha the \ toria boy —IN THE— sed. and -e@elion beck: wes Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley ies er the arena, but the FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM Canadian lad was a bear for pun IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— shi t ine Caine p siniiing ety 4 ‘Besesinnalie ae. LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS ey inded a straight left and a easy terms. ght h hat made Fighting sed ieee 9 pe pyar fi NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited scarce a seratch PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. Bayley had a decid advantage the op ge fighting, but was d by Hyland's incessant in fighti g, which presented entire 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 | 333 new problems for the Canadiat oaiutiy_the Californian arop. Bpitish North America ped his opponent's head with 76 YEARS 1N BUSINESS Buy a Birks Watch ' x sort ari its and straighten ad } = ; CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 $27 mn p with uppercuts, bul aside ret from marking Bayley’s face tr " oun aan oo o a blows had no. effect Hyland ‘emplete Bankin rvi x ARANTES THE FIRM 18 BEHIND \ calle wills to estan ¢ AC 9 Service @ IT—THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM seemed quite illing to aceept 3 i winch bw iter to work Collections made in any 3 WHICH ALWAYS KEEPS ITS WORD oi ‘ disse tnnaia ee ; sa rotiable We offer to everyone the opportunity to h " ary, wh n gan of Canada &8 34 purchase the watch which will best suit ( a ! ct punishment in i paper discounted. Af their requirements. There is an honesty fighting Bayley used three + on the workmanship and materials used in ae rr on edb Money advanced at reason- $Y the construction of the BIRKS wateh move- DoOWws i le fen a lef 1008 a ments which guarantees their durability to the head, a slashing right to able terms to finance your $Y 0 ven o their a curesy as jemeboapers. : . Deel rite or our ustrate catalogue thre boas and an oceasiona business. Local and Foreign sf which gives minute description of these ; os ; m . - . . 9 watches, and from which you may selec straight | \ the face At no Drafts bought and sold. x as" satisfactorily as though’ you stood br time was Hyland in distress se > fore our counters in the city. Money transmitted by Money " BRESHNAHAN © Take and Use Water. purehase, thence south 80 chains, thence) Manager of St. Louis Nationals Will Fight Against Being Discharged from Team st Louis Oet 0 Fight? | Am I going to tight? Well, I guess ves hoger Bresnahan, deposed manager of the St, Louis Na ils, said on Tuesday I a ready to fight for my rights d will o into any court they inf me to I never quit on the ' eld and T won't quit now,” \“ Rumors were im erreulation hat President Rebert J. Hedges f the St. Louis Americans, Was ‘ Bresnahan to manage his ib next season and was ready pay the catehet the $10,000 a ea his eontract with the St Louis Nationals called for, but he 10 per cent, of the profits I believed Bresnahan would be irl valuable to the loeal \ cans beeause of his ability vd young pitehers Phe \ in team has a number of g youngsters lischarging into the pass one mile sou =e , EE " ‘ i 2 th of Hegan Point, The water will be di FORESHORE LEASE The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. | verted approximately southeast from Hegan , Exe ‘af Mod Pri SIGNS THIRD BASEMAN | Point ove and @ half miles distant and will pucctient Cam aR eee pe weed ror ewes speaperen on the Skeena Land District-—District of Coast lands described 0 ° 37 ‘ Wattelet Gets Another Voungeter| hange 6, Coast District, ene Lot 9737.) rake notice that G. R, T. Sawk 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. "= This notice was sted » Prince Hupert, intends to apply for a lea to Try Out Next Spring— m the 13th day of ‘Aw ust, A. D Pi 2M" | of the foreshore commencing at the 0 Phone 3500 Ringer for Goodman, i \ i baseball elub will 1 mber of youngsters he owners have in ) ae f Bill Goodman i wae rs Order or Telegraph transfer. who eame here from the bushes Letters of Credit issued Henry Birks GS Sons, Limited and was sold into te, Maer! § ssvable in ofl the eating JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS cities of the world Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director ee eee 4 2000 Cees the end of the season ‘ Wattelet announced WILL SCRAP .. ecently that he had signed al We invite your account. VANCOUVER a pro third baseman,s who in his actio s a dead ringer for Prince Rupert Branch, Goodman, -Happy Morse is the F. S. LONG, Manager. “ f the voung fellow W hile he acks experience in profes- one qualiaestit” ieakiog “Sant Georgetown KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY | xether in Goodman. That is pep. Sawmill Co. Ltd. THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Like Piteher Mead, Morse has} been playing around Seattle. He} Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Was recommended to Wattelet by Lumber Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors Paints W Stoves, Ranges a former Vietoria player and Ed, | and Oils Tinware Gleason, the loeal groundsman., Varnishes Graniteware When ahi i anes, ak aed Mouldings - him Morse eae letters that | MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ eT showed that both Bob Brown and Dugdale had been seeking his! A large stock of dry finish ing lumber on hand. Boat services, lumber a specialty. Delivery i made at short notice. —_—_ sso eee: WATER NOTICE. | Our prices are as low as any. QP PREP AIO I III OL Pe ree ’ For @ License to Take and Use Water. | Call on us before ordering. Notice is hereby given that Geor EB. | 0 OM. TO HO 7 BHearns and William H, Clarke, both of the FROM a . ms. City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, merchants, will apply for & license to take and use eight cubic OFFICE; feet per second of water out of @ certain stream rising n the mils fo the south and| €MPRESS THEATRE BLOG. east o egan Point, Nowtn, t u west by west till the Dalle at estasane Cor, 6th St. and 2nd Ave. bears northwest, thenee south and west, Sykes, : i eM i i SBD PPD TOI SF IIIT SD The application will be fled in the of past corner post of Lot T6¢ Goose Ba fiee of “he Water Recorder at Prince Ru-| #!' running in @ southwesterly dire pert, British Columbia, Objections may! *)\'t 50 chains to the southwest be filed with the said Water Recorder post of said lot, being all the foresh with the Comptroller of Water Ai . front of Granby Bay Townsite, as ree 7 ee EY Pariiament Buildings, Victoria,” British Co-| ‘ered i Prince Rupert Registry of | tumbia under plan 1007 GEORGE E BEARNS, G. R. P. SAWLE, Applica F d l I hrough a News W an Ad. WMH ed October 15 2 | Pub. Sept. ¥, 1040, Appia | Pub" Geet, feta, ' = : ' cauls. Pub, et, 21, 1012,