———— CIRCULATION yanoesT in THE oFTY AND rr “4 COLUMBIA ——— uve peer? ’ SS ———$— $$ PRICE FIVE CENTS ORY OVER TURKS BULGARIA SCORES ANOTHER VICTORY ( NOW ! BELIEVED OVER THREE THOUSAND LIVES LOST IN DELUGE—BANKERS? ‘TRUST LIABILITIES THREE THREE THOUSAND NOW ON DEATH ROLL OF DELUGE HALF A MILLION HOMELESS IN INDIANA AND NEARLY THAT Daily News. It thousand reh 27 is now three shed the delt that swept rn half of the The exact reported but further to ine rthe valley dead last re ely largely in- figures Already fa mi I ire homeless in nd nearly that number The Ohio property dam- one hundred mil. hions. The f ds at present show bsiding at r alt Peru has in- hundred yards The’ train : entirely demoral- any zed March 27 Con- the at loss 1,125 tain that many more perished in the high It is impossible at pres- rts piace this state ent to The death mated all the two hundred a population of the at estimate at property loss Peru esti is way from sixty t Miamisburg, with four thousand has been entirely swept away, bul the number of fatalities canrot be until the waters subside estimated raging Dayton, ©., March 27 “here iss of life which has been appalling | by the floods, feet deep in the lower lo add to the took fire and is still raging whole city will dow! to an here forty of the city the city conflagration checked rhe doubt be burned water's edge. are now part hor the un- no thre rors Washington, March Pre. Wilson, in response to appeals for aid from submerged districts, has pro- general appeal for sufferers by the flood of the whole coun- sident numerous the mulgated a aid for the to the pe« try. ple NONDERFUL EFFECTS BEYOND DESCRIPTION oving Pictures in Natural Colors of the Great Durbar at Dethi. rm last night was bly the only thing to pre stho from putt tisfactory sign of only,” for the pietut commented The heavy sti r y ine in ne m lerful kinemacolor s yrably own during the day in last several who had first reproduction of fay P Mi ‘ t nd there was noticed {‘e j ence in words dea of the brilliant that follow each) rapid suceession, of thousands of! various nationalities as varied in color vat, the great pro- f stately elephants with | trappings, the} It is a task to convey f e2al pageants ther in such he hundreds ps of nd uniforme 8 Joseph's ¢ ssions weir jewelled HIS POLICY DISCUSSION HAS ALREADY PRO PLEA OF E Otlawa, March 24.—Sir W il. id Laur leader of the oOppo- Mt has ssued the following ! the Liberal position ‘val debate in reply to | issued by the gov- ®t on Thursday: Sent issue between the and the opposition is r and easily defined. The vernmnent asking for a con- ! thirty-five million of the Canadian the imperial navy, pretense of an emerg- hde; the Mey ission has shown ‘lh emergeney does not ‘Mt Would seem that this hwican qs “trictly Fresh Eggs the Market Yichan Kegs and That You Get Them a at : MANY rst Class Stores | awit lof an SIR WILFRID LAURIER AND PANAMA CANAL RATES luential Americans Moving | for Appeal of Preferential Tolls Washington, March De- claring the United ought to be the most scrupulous of all nations in the keeping of its treaty obligations, even to its own hurt,” the trustees of the Carnegie endowment for interna- tional peace has issued an appeal to the American people to bring about as an act of national hon- the repeal of the Act of Con- gress which exempts coastwise vessels frois payment of Pana- ma Canal tolls. inf 2ith States footed of quaint in the hot India summer. seen. And then it remembered. Tonight the last wonderful exhibition announced so far, so an early application | for seats would be advisable corps, the oriental decora- white sunshine It must be will be long camel blaze tions of this is IN NAVAN, DEBATE VEN THERE 18 NO GROUND FOR MERGENCY. is the first of periodical perma nent contributions. The policy of the Liberal party is the same as it ever was: a Canadian navy, built (as far as.immediately prac- ticable equipped, maintained and manned in Canada. “This policy is now in concrete form before the house, Mr. Guthrie having moved an amend- ment, still undisposed of, that the thirty-five million dollars asked by the government be expended in Canada in the construction and equipment of “The whole object of the op- position during the present de bate has been to bring this issue as prominently as possible to the naval forees BRITISH NAVY ESTIMATES. Special to Daily News.) London, March 27,—In introducing the navy esti- mates in the House of Com- Winston strong last Churchill speech, mons evening made a in the course of which he threw out an iny tation to the powers to agree all further of armament and naval con- struction after this year. to cease Increase ZIBASSA BRINGS IN A GOOD CATCH 40,000 Pounds of Halibut in Six Days—Being Shipped South. The Zibassa, the trim trawler of the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage fleet, arrived in port yesterday with a cargo of about 40,000 pounds of halibut, repre- senting six days’ fishing. The catch is being loaded on _ the Prince John today for shipment south The Zibassa, in charge of Captain Parsons, will leave again this afternoon for the fish- ing banks. T00 MUCH OF BOWSER FOR GOOD OF B. C. Scathing Arraignment of Pro- vincial Government by Parker Williams. Vancouver, March 24.—Denun- ciation of the MeBride govern- ment by Mr. Parker Williams, described as “‘the leader of His Majesty's loyal opposition § at Victoria,” interested a consider- able gathering assembled in the Dominion Theatre last night un- der the auspices of the Social Democratic party. The Social- ist member of the Provincial Legislature did not spare either Premier McBride or Mr. Bowser in his condemnation, but threw the whole responsibility for the misgovernment of the province upon them. “Conservatism in British Co- lumbia has become nothing else but MeBridism,”’ he said. “Tory- ism is not in itself a particularly attractive thing, but in its con- version to MecBridism it is, if pos- sible, worse than real Toryism laughter) and in British lumbia now it is hard to say what is Conservatism and what is Can- adian Northernism.” That a healthy; opposition admittedly an advantage and a necessity to any good intentioned government, as acknowledged at Ottawa by the payment of the opposition leader's salary, Mr, Parker Williams made his first premise in a talk on the origin of all government. He _ disclaimed any desire on his own part to draw a salary as leader of the opposition at Victoria, saying that it will be years before the Victoria administration becomes enlightened enough at its present rate of progress to see the benefit of an intelligent opposition, “The Conservative party, Sir Richard MeBride and Mr, Bowser don't like the coal miners at all, and the coal miners on their side don't have much use for Bowser, MeRBride and the Conservative party,’ added Mr, Williams, Mr. Williams showed in a word is attention of the people, and this they still propose to by all) constitutional means their disposal, me stated on government that the house are antiquated “These rules have their present form through long centuries of struggle on behalf of freedom of speech, The late government persistently refused to alter them, but they were care fully revised only three years ago and unanimously adopted as they} now stand,” do behalf of the rules of the is grown to ibriberw of the constituency lappropriations | government lried out lor two, taking Delta district as his example, that by deliberate with and promises of appropriations the Provincial under MeBride car- their plan in most dis- to overthrow the Liberal representation, and substitute machine made Tory representa. tion “Honest John Oliver” had been turned down as a result of 830,000 laid out in Delta by PF, Mackenzie, although it was os- tensibly spent through the gov- jernment agent, tricts | | REGISTER NOW Every Probability Th That There Will Be a Gen:rai Election This summer. All who are qualified are urged to have their names placed on the voters’ list at the earliest possible moment. Some misunderstand- ing seems to prevail as to the need for registration. Alli the old Provincial and Dominion voters’ lists have been cancelied, so that all who want to vote at forth- coming elections, either Federai or Provincial, must register anew. Those who fail to do so will have no voice in the public affairs of the country. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY'S SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL Whist Drive an Enjoyable Fea- ture—Dancing Until Two This Morning. The Andrew's Society may be said to have taken formal pos- session of their new handsome and commodious rooms last night and it is not too much to say that the members were not chary of expressing their satisfaction and pride. Notwithstanding the heavy storm the rooms were crowded. At 8:30 the party sat down to progressive whist, the playing lasting until 11 o'clock. The first prize for ladies was won by Mrs. J. H. Kelly; for gentlemen, Mr. W. M. Brown; consolation prize for ladies, Miss Kattrina; for gentlemen, Mr. Walter Long- well. Then the jolly party sat down to a dainty supper, after which dancing started and was kept up with vigor until 2 this morning. T. MeMeekin’s orchestra, com- posed of Messrs. McMeekin, Lee and Hunter, furnished excellent music. It was a most enjoyable affair throughout, and it is the inten- tion of the society to hold one of these social gatherings every month, the largely increased membership having materially stimulated interest in the suc- cess of the society. St. G. T. P. Steamers. Prince John will leave for the south today to be in readiness for its first trip under the new sumper schedule, leaving Victoria for the north next Thursday, April 3rd. The Prince Rupert will arrive from the soufh on Saturday morning, but will not make its regular Sunday trip to Granby until Sunday, April 6th, The Prince will make its first trip to Stewart this sea- son one week from today. The steamer George an old timer has been customs Frederick Jarvis, of the Kootenay district, appointed at Nelson, of eollector FUNERAL NOTICE Knights in the wits earnestly requested to at tend the funeral of ihe late Henry Way on Saturday, March 29th, Service at pm at BE, L, Fisher's par lors, 2nd Bt. 2.73 5. MASSEY, ©. ©, BIG BULGARIAN VICTORY. (Special to ‘Daily News. London, March 27,—After two days of the most desper ate fighting Tchatalja has fallen into the hands of the Bulgarians. The Turks fought to the last ditch, re- fusing to surrender. The mortality on both sides was very heavy. Word to this effect has just been received by the Bulgarian legation here. PORT EDWARD LOTS PLACED ON THE MARKET Active Enquiry During Morning Both from Local Investors and Outside Capitalists. There was a fair crowd all morning at the offices of Harri- son & Gamble and they reported at noon that the sale was pro- gressing as satisfactory as they had hoped for. Mr. Baer, the manager of the townsite,report- ed a number of applications by wire from their various agencies all over the country, and that the outlook was as good as couid possibly be expected. Wanted to lel, contracts— for getting out a large number of cedar telegraph poles For all information call at the real estate and brokerage office of ¢ E. Bainter. Phone 387 72-74 B. F. McDonald, collector of customs, who several weeks ago was called hurriedly south by the of his wife, serious illness re- turned on the Venture. He re- ports that there is now every hope of Mrs. McDonald's full re- covery. Masons Will Visit. Tsimpsean Lodge, A. F. & A. M,. has extended an invitation to the members of Tyee Lodge to pay them a fraternal visit this evening. It is understood the former is making arrange- ments to provide a most enjoy- able evening. Double Wedding at Skidegate On Easter Monday the mar- riage took place at the Skidegate Oilworks of Mr. Edward Wiggins and Miss Charlotte Laughran, and Mr, Antoine Cromp and Miss Christine Goodall. G. D. Beattie supported Mr, Wiggins, while Miss Girard acted as bridesmuid. Mr. P. Adams was best man for Mr. Cromp and Miss Fosy Fraser acted as bridesmaid. The hall was tastefully decorated, the la- dies were charmingly dressed and the table spread with a bountiful repast. Charged With Careless Blasting Mr. Bloomquist foreman at Archie MeDougall’s camp, was summoned to appear in police court this morning to answer to a charge of blasting. The case was adjourned until Monday next, careless Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. che new imperialism would make Canada a mere province of the empire rather than a self. governing dominion within the empire, Can there be any doubt of the verdict of Canada on the proposals of the new imperial. ism ?—-Exechange. o. Mr. Churchill has told Canada what he thinks of the capacity of Canadians. It is not surpris- ing, therefore, that some Canadi. ans should desire to tell him what Canadians think of Mr. Churchill —~ Exchange. NO INDEMNITY T0 MATUM THREATENG London, March 24.—Austria today delivered at Cettinje a thinly veiled ultimatum to Mon- tenegro threatening that if the civil population of Scutari were not allowed to leave the city the dual monarchy would take co- ercive measures for compliance with its wishes. Italy took similar action but without expressing any threat, and Russia, the friend of Monte- negro, advised the Montenegrin government to aceede to Aus- tria’s demand. Austria is sending a steamer to Seutari, evidently expecting that this, her second request for the release of the civilians, will not be refused; and has also made clear what she requires in con- nection with the other incidents of the dispute between thé two countries. In the meantime the represen- tatives of the powers at the Bal- kan capitals are busy submitting to the governments of the allies One Was Given Twenty-five Days at Ward Labor for Being Drunk Two Indian women, Ellen Ken- nedy and Mary Mathieson, ap- peared in the police court this morning to answer to charges of drunkenness and disorderly con- duct. They were found guilty, the former being sentenced to 25 days at hard labor. The latter was given the option of ten days hard labor or a fine of 310 and costs. Cardinal Respigsi’s Death. Rome, Mareh 24.—Cardinal Respigsi, the vicar general of His Holiness, died today. He was born at Bologna, September 22, 1843. The death of Cardinal Respigsi was expected, as he has been gravely ill with influenza for some time. So far the fatal termination of the cardinal's ill- ness has been concealed from Pope Pius, the vatican author- ities not wishing him to have any cause of grief on Easter Day, but it will be difieult to hide the fact long. BALKAN ALLIES ALLOWED BY POWERS NOTE PRESENTED AT THE SAME mE TIME AS AUSTRIA’S ULTI- COERCIVE ACTION. a note suggesting terms as a basis for peace. The note has not yet been presented to Turkey, as one of the ambassadors has failed to receive his instructions. The allies have been consult- ing with regard to the note, and the public and press of the Bal- kan states do not receive the sug- gestions with any favor. The powers veto the indemnity de- mand and insist that hostilities cease when proposals are ac- accepted. Coquitiam Gets In steamer Coquitlam of the Steamship Co., arrived from the south this morning with a cargo of gasoline for the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Company, Limited. The Union Loyal Order of Moose. A regular meeting will be held in the K. of P. Hall Thursday, the 27th inst., at 8 o'clock. 71-72 J.-D. MEIKLE, Secy. Three Thousand of Finest Speci- mens Started for Land of Promise on Good Friday. London, March 24,—Easter holidays are making little or no difference in the work of the Liverpool landing stage. This Good Friday was one of the busiest ever experienced, fully three thousand of the fin- est specimens of British man- hood and womanhood sailing for Canada on the Empress of Ire- land and the Tunisian. The second cabins were com- pletely filled, showing that the bulk of passengers had comfort- able means. Several parties were obliged to travel third class, ow- ing to the second cabin being crowded. All jsecond class ac- commodations in April are al- ready booked. Alberta Elections Edmonton, March 27—The Al- berta provincial elections have been fixed for April 47th. WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE THE D ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY TO-.NIGHT LAST CHANCE TO SEE URBAR} Subseribe for the Daily News. IN KINEMACOLOR A Wonderful and Gorgeous Entertainment—Absolutely Nothing Like It Ever Shown in Prince Rupert TEN REELS—OVER 2 HOURS’ ENTERTAINMENT MR. HAROLD B. MEADE The Great War Correspondent, Lecturer and Raconteur, Will Deliver a Most Interesting Lecture on the Subject of the Durbar at Every Performance. Reserved Seats Now on Sale at Orme’s Drug Store Doors Open at 7:30-—Performance Begins at 8 P, M. Prices exactly the same as Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle Entire Lower Floor and First Two Rows in Balcony 75¢ Third and Fourth Rows in Baleony 500 ' Gallery 25c Box Seats 81,00