THE DaILy NEWS | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—-To Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weekly $2.00 per year, All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, year TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. CGontract rates on application HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES York—National 219 Bast 23rd St., New | York City. New Newspaper Bureau, Seattle—Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Cloughet Syndieate, Grand Trunk Bui ding, | Trafaigar Square DAILY EDITION anne Saturday, May 3, 1913 KITSILANO PURCHASE of a million, is likely to be a LOOKS LIKE GRAFT. matter of litigation whether the federal government de- Amazement is the only slasen tid seah Seid or not word which cat express the Joseph Cole hae tdetructed his feelings. of the officials of th lawyers to claim as his share departinent of Indian affairs at from of commission for assisting in the reports which come putting the Kitsilano deal British Columbia as to the pur-| through a sum of #20,000, and chase of the Kitsilano Indian} it is claimed there will be other reserve by Hon. W. J. Bowser, cominissio approximating and the reports that the attor-| £100,000 All this needless ex- ney general of that province 7 pense to the province was for negotiating for the purchase o what purpose? other Indian reserves. This Friends of the Indians point amazement is caused by the circumstance that the Indian| out that instead of the deal be- department understood that, as| ing a profitable one for the a result of the agreement which! ({rjbe it is the reverse, also for was entered into last year be-| {he provinee. If it had been iid by auction under the terms of the MeBride agreement one- half of the sum secured would tween Sir Richard McBride and| — g, the Dominion, the whole ques-| tion of the Indian re serves of} British Columbia would be left] have gone to the Dominion to in abeyance until it had been | be held in trust for the tribe investigated by a royal com- and the other half to the pro- mission and that, in aecord- vineial treasury. A private ance with an agreement made offer for the land had already at Victoria between Indian been made and had this been Commissioner J. A. J. Me- accepted the Dominion would Kenna, all Indian lands, if sold had had one million dollars for at all, should be offered at the Indians in trust, and the public auction. Yet “despite| province would have one mil- Premier McBride's pledge At- lion dollars added to its bank torney General Bowser buys account, whereas now the In- this land at private sale, which dians get their $14,250 apiece, is a direet violation of the there is no trust fund and the agreement by the province not province stands to gain only to alter the statue quo of the! whatever Mr. Bowser may se- Indian reserves until the royal] eyre over and above the sum commission had reported. he paid to the Indians, plus the Furthermore, this tract of| commissions to agents, so that on the whole, it seems to be a bad complication for Mr. Bow- ser. land, whieti Ras been valued at $7,000,000 and purchased by Mr. Bowser for about a quarter| "an a , U (oun | Bane a 4 ; DAILY MEMORANDUM OGCEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OCLOCK OWN YOUR OWN HOME BE INDEPENDENT to Coast in Canada We are loaning money from Coast to our contract holders to BUY OR BUILD HOMES PAY OF F MORTGAGES IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 0. /o PER ANNUM the ©. H. I. GC. contract plan today. It will Investigate It means becoming your own landlord. pay you The Canadian Home Investment Company, Ltd. Home Office, Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert Office, Federal Building Open Evenings Until 9 o'Clock THE DAILY NEWS SOCIAL, MORAL AND RELIGIOUS TOPICS (Contributed by the Mi NOTE—The “News” be expressed in t does not necesarily OF GENERAL INTEREST Religion to Enter Politics. A movement ronto which may prove the herald is on foot in of the dawn of a larger political msciousness in Ontario and in This the to federate all the men's societies in all the churches of all denom nations into a solid voting pha Canada, is movement jlanx on all matters involving so cial and moral well being It will be an organization to foster po litical independence, to dignifs the term “political turn-coat, believing that the partizan who votes blindly for party on every lissue is guilty not only of in- tellectual absurdity but of moral obtuseness, Principle before party; manhood before the ma- chine’’—such might be the slo- gan of this Christian men’s fed- eration. It is estimated that the federa- tion will start out with 40,000 to 50,000 enfranchised men But it aims to spread from Toronto to every village, town and city in the province. Everyone will agree that this is a move in the right | direction reason; un- all scruples blinds men to it without Party like sweet charity thinketh evil, slandering a high minded opponent who en- tered patriotically the political arena. What we need in Canada today is the formation of an in- fluential body of right minded men who will bring their religion of their churches and put it into practice in their franchise by showing their party that they their vote when advocate that rut cannot on they permit or which is wrong. rely Business Men Find Time for the Children. In a recent address on Sunday school work Mr. L. W. William- son told an audience in Van- couver that at the last conven- tior of Sunday school workers nisterial Association) a Broken Leg endorse all views that may hese contributions Juneau Alaska April 20 i{Hugeh Day has arrived in Juneau held in Chicago there were) on the Georgia, Hugh Day is the twenty-seven millionaires pPreS-/|,jdest mail earrier in the north nt, each of whom gave @ Wee®! now living He carried the first mm his business to the busi-|,,9i) into the interior of Alaska ss of the Sunday schoo! OT! making four trips from Juneau fifty-four of the biggest business Circle City during the winter concerns in America forty-eieht|,¢ 4896. Ln those days it meant vere controlled and managed by| something to start out on this en who were actively interes sted /iong journey verland in the Sunday school work Imidst of winter There were no _ road houses after leaving Dyea Seeds. intil reaching Selkirk rhe seeds t Cuddle in my hands In 1908 Mr. Day, who was then are dreams yperating a mining claim The waiting earth and dew, LOWer eeien Leen ee fhe wind and rain, the sun with|Slondike = country was bad! magic beams crippled by the falling of a Will make them all come true. |5™' ket down the shaft in which Aileen Cleveland Higgins he was working His leg was so badiy broken that it had to be The Liquor Traffic in Sweden. amputated rhis forced him to give up the Sweden has beg to combat) .trenuous life of the interior and the natural profanity of herlsome to the coast Last March people to become addicted to the}he established himself in busi igquor traffie by creating a strong|ness at Tenakee and now is mak public sentiment among herjing that place his home most influential me The con- Do you know he said, “Td trol of the traffic is placed in the|like to drive a team of dogs ones hands of a commission of patri-}]more, but of course [ can't w th ts The wealthiest noble injthis leg gone rhe next best Sweden one night as shed his|thing is to get in a small boat family by saying that they would|the spring and float down the a have no more wine at the table,| Yukon, camping where you like We will lose our reputation for}and time enough get a few) hospitality, said his eldest{#@reylings for breakfast yh, | daughter. But, he replied,|there’s nothing i our butler has become seriously addicted to liquor because of Find it through a Daily News drinking what is left over in our| Want Ad glasses For his sake we will — ——- —_— cease using it.” The saloon closes at 5 o'tvlock DEMAND in the afternoon, abolishing mid- R R night convivialities. Food is OYAL ESERVE sold at a lower rate and only one drink is allowed to be served with that everything to the ce spir- At one was two-thirds up ladder in the consumption of liquor, now she to the bottom Sweden oming down rapidly from the op where it once was, and is now is done of Norway it, so reduce nsumption time the its s down is ¢ down to about one-third. ALASKANS KEEN FOR Desire to Secure Facilities with Railways of Northern Part of Province. Vancouver, April 29—That question of rail connection Alaska with British Columbia will form of the subjects to discussed the Alaska legislature next session, is the declaration of Mr. one be inportant DY W. J. Borden, a well known re- sident of Juneau, Alaska, who is spending a few days in the city. As foreshadowed exclusively in ihe World a few weeks ago, the question of railway connection with British Columbia is a very live topic just at present with the people of Alaska, who realize that if the country as it should and its coal and pre- is to be developed RAIL CONNECTIONS the} for| DON'T LIKE BRYAN’S GRAPE JUICE DINNERS His Temperance Function to Am- bassador Bryce Sarcastically | Commented Upon April secretary 29 —Sarcastic of London, of how omment Slate famous British Ambas- sado! Bryce and other foreign diplomats in Washington today’s London Bryan's grape juice” dinner to James Was voiced in newspapers. life in Washington under the Wilson-Bryay regime said the Pall Mall Gazette, “holds prospect for gaiety. We fear the capital of the great Re- public is destined to be known as Wishy Washington.” Commenting on the dinner, the London Express says that Bryan, of state, has no Oicial litlie as secretary cious minerals as well as its oil wells exploited, direct rail con- nection with the rapidly extend- ing railway system of British Columbia is an absolute neces- sity According to Mr Borden's statement, it is expected that there will be a strong lobby ag- ainst granting any railway ter. This lobby will be ed by the steamship companies, who want the Alaska transporta- tion business left exclusively for themselves. char- instigat- The Daily News has the larg- est circulation in Northern B.C jright to enforce his abstemious ideas on his guests. The Ex- press maintains that the diplo- mats had no choice but to attend lthe dinner, begause' the tary’s invitation would have volved them in a suspicion of in- lternation al discourtesy. secre- in- ! RET RNA 8 LPO ORIN Children’s dresses. Wallace's. 99tf Forty years in use, twenty years standard, prescribed and |precommended by physicians. For OLDEST MAIL CARRIER OF INTERIOR ALASKA Ended with an Accident and WHISKY. GUARANTEED BY OF CANADA. RECOMMENDED FOR Tne INVALID THe Home Tne Connoisseur The Pusuic who nafurall want the besf. Ace, Purity ano MeLLOWNESS | UNSURPASSED. DISTRIBUTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Hugh Day's Days of Tramping AGEG YEARS Prince Rupert Importing Co., Ltd) PRINCE RUPERT INN AND Ms | ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. |Women’s Ailments, Dr. Martet's Female Pills, at your druggist. | L TRUNY y the splendid XLS PRINCE RUPERT Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouy Mondays and Fridays at 9 A. mw For Stewart on Thuredays at 8 A. m For Granby Bay on Sundays at 8 A. m Steamers Prince John and Prince Albert ria, ntain Weekly Service Between Vict Calling at Way | Ma Queen Charlotte Islands bound Saturdays at 8 P Masset and Naden Harbor M., Commencing leaving Prince Commencing G. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER sERVice Train No. 2, for New Hazelton, leaves Prince Rupert 4 . and Saturdays and Trunk Railway System from Chicago for ali Canada and United States Unequalled service ove ! For all information, tickets, reservations, etc, a 7 Agency all Atlantic $ ‘ A. E. MomasTer General Agent. TOA Double Weekly Service TO THE SOUTH teamehip Lines Ruy ALLS steamers PRINCE GEORGE Saou or, Victoria and Beattie a. Vancouver rts Leave Apri! 19 Rupert on April 9 and F A ‘ ’ Wednesda CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST tt LUMBER COAL and Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited Phone 186 UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 6.0, Lid °ns™ * “sts Seen | THE Government OV entur e 99 ; | | | Sette for Port Simpson, Naas River Points “Valhalla”’ of S.H. & E. | | i Little’s NEWS Agenc | ; THIS SUMMER? Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspape Special Excursions May 28th to Sep cIG s : . : tember 30th IGARS TOBACCOS FRI Returning Limit October ist 2 v Vancouver to Toronto and nd Ave, Below Kaien taiand Cc! return $92.00 } | Van ver to Montreal and - return $106.00 Vancouver to New York and = return $108.50 == Vancouver to Chicago and e72.80 Emp . return 2. Bowl All Vancouver to St. Paul and ress Ow Ing eys return ithe Points Correspondingly Low s aw POOL ROOM J. @. MoNAB ys 12 TABLES ‘ ral Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St “© » Prep. Sra Ave j «s Mary, South, Sunday, 6 P. M vn ‘ty wy ee Employment Bure New Wellington Cea. Phone 116 LINDSAY hone 264 LICENSED AGENTS COAL Best on { Comat Rogers & B CARTAGE a STORAGE G, T. P. Transfer Agents Pricer reas Orders promptly filled The Twin Screw Steamer Arrives from Vancouver Every SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steam fit' Sheet Meta! Work GFipws te Ave i” 2nd Ave. bet MONDAY NIGHT and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m Balte for Vancouver WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. Mm. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 p.m. in the hall at 319 Ave D. C. STUART Accountant 308 2nd Ave. - Phone 2 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. | Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. | Alex. @. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. @th St. and 2nd Ave. Advertise in The Daily News | Meew every 2nd Meigersen Bieck P.O. BOX @ Puri. OF WM. FOKON, ESQ. 4.54" SCAN DIN ANIAN SocieTY nd 4th PRINCE RUPERT. B& © BS. A. W. & Williams, 8 A, & WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc Sex 286 Prince Rupert, PRINCE RUP JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGIN ON HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EM! 4 funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St Ph E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embeimer CHARGES REASONABL! and 6t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 9° OPEN DAY AND Niu! Now, Scoop, Keep That Homesick Noise to Yourself ——_—_—_____— —_— — —— ~ Drawn for The Daily N¢ TH \S FUNNY THE Ne B0Sss SHOULD CALL ME Yo GRUP TUSTAS T Was DREAMING ABOuT EATS ~ ws FRITOLES AN’ CHILE \S MEXICAN FEED - GETTING MY GOAT GEE Boss T TUST HA A SWELL DREAM- YO AND T WERE EATIN LOADS OF GRAVY: mre Ore page