June 11, 1949. THE WEEKLY NEWS a esday Wwedr LAND pURCHASE NOTICES. THE PASSING OF THE VEGETABLE 4 pistrict District of Cassiar ominecs LAP thet 1, be Me Mackechnie, of | rake notice TO"" Seeupation surgeon, 60 yancouyers aes ‘intend to. apply to the aay ter fesioner of Lands to purchase Ghier commisvr'gis A,, Cassiar District, | surveyed ver situated near mile 136,) eens frunk pacifie, containing 43 7| Grand agro OF OME. SMACKRCHIIE. | ° cCRA » Uy Ba - tk aking a at or j p Mack ogy ota June 9, 1013 . | =. ——$———— = RR oun d » “— sent pistrict Quem of Coast, 5 xy seer” hange } ; that Emma Waterous Ag r puke notice ''5. Cy occupation married S&S pew, OF ends t apply for permission to woman, Hee ollowlle described lands — = purchase it a post planted on the - | we Lake Hayward, near Falls WE \ @ a | south * wich of the Hocsal, nn OUGHTO = , i Riv A hence wes 0 1 8, = thats, ‘ihenes east a0) [HAVE A. = When Columbus set out to reach India oes B : to = oo nme we ) JA * : “ye - . +? +3 } cals ata Aye eS RONEW TOO 2 by sailing westward, he met with opposition and ridicule. nr ; ota — . pe " | pated Apr 15th, 10 tome 16, 1049 Z He believed the earth to be round. ‘ —— Wise men held that it wag flat that Columbus was mad saeene Land Distried—Distries 2 om. and that he’d fall off somewhere if he departed from 7 wares. 8, , 0 ; ; rake notice, tnt rereccupation dress established beliefs. ries ine apply 3 bea tana * heli | pcan ite fotoy vai vite atthe But Columbus belief found him a continent and made ; er of LA , Co et, , | sorineast corner Of Lob Guss Geaths, thence him blessed of memory. Range .4 chains, thence wee 20 a - | eee 00 20 chains to place of co a $ mene nat and containing 40 acres mor The Business World is flat to some men = {ARGARET B, GRANT : : : nated April 31, 1988, Their profit-bearing shores of Opportunity stretch only so ted ADT, 101s—dune 46, 1949 far as thei dfath 1 C iti Pu aras their grandfathers trod. Custom, superstition - aieaialaliaaaadl : —— apathy res r ‘ . | ~ a Land Digirek-—Dlatret of Coast, pe hy have set them confines which they may not pass henge . For instance, they believe the business year is a flat one— take notice that 1, Charlies H. Ziegler, . PE ake, notice viand, occupation gentieman, not an all-year round of trade, with East joining West, of Loo oo ok 0 mission to purcha: ; Lees ; ; j isti te ee gescribed ‘ands: v4 a ‘ais with Spring merging into Autumn—but just two distinct wef a » ’ ae commenciiig at 8 Dest, Plane ee north seasons, with sawed-off edges gaping into space. ' thence west 40 chains thence theas chains oo . chains, thence east 40 chains to a They confine their activities to a Spring trade and to a south 4 . . Mees hacied point of commencement, containing 160 seer e . : ’ ° : fered more Of OS. tewny SIEGLER Fall trade. To them there is no intervening continent | with stores of waiting wealth. Their world is flat. They have not explored the mid-year months of Summer trade. June, July and August are never-never land. Surely this conception of Summer as a “dull” season is as fallacious as the delusion that the earth was flat. ‘Alexander Noble, Agent. | ted March Sist, 1043. fab apr. 14, 1013—June 0, 1013 skeena Land Deere eure of Coast, hange V Daniel Brenton Ken rake notice that I, ney, of Terrace, B. Ca Oe Soames | ppl or B bission to urchas ¥ . . . ] withd ewink described lands People have just as much money in the hot weather and spend quite joumnenciag at & pore peased os the | as freely as in Spring and Fall. Granted that they are not buying ea corner ¢ ot & . 0 \ ; 1 aes, thenee east 30 chains, thence skates and snow shovels in August, yet they ae articles. 0 chains, thence west $0 chains to c y put 4 chains tencement: comalline raion Oe -. . ae a liorts they are ‘ cres ore or less. . | #0 acres TNIEL BRENTON KENNEY 4 PRISE ing upon purchasing pated March 13th, 1013. 2nd. pub. April 7th to June modern Columbus has discovered this Summer trade—this golden West lying between the known continents of old beliefs. Departing from established ‘ habit, many have made their energies and their Advertis- ing an all-year-round proposition. The Cartoon by James Frise RTE RIVERS 7 ore MORE POLITICAL REVELATIONS skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that Gertrude M. Newell, of Yarmouth, Nova Seotia, occupation married women, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands a post planted at the Commencing at ribeast co of , thence wes . 2 . meriteast corner Of th 20 chains, thence MADE IN DEVOIR BY BOURASSA Keeping up Advertising during the Summer months not cat 10 chains, thence south #0 chains, | BiMoulties With Managers in Ro- only links your Spring and Fall, but produces rich har- tne meander of the Lakelse Lake, wit ibe point of commencement, containing ard to Weight of Their Men M ueres more OF ese : . vests from the Summer months themselves. ‘ . , When at the Ringside GERTRUDE MONEY agent , ‘PELLETIER AND RAINVILLE MADE TEARFUL PLEA FOR BOU- Deted Sore ' o1b19—-dune 16, 1913 San Francise June 8% -Fr RASSA’S AID—CONSERVATIVE PARTY AND IMPERIAL Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian se eee I nin es —|all appearances, the negotiations TREASURY PROVIDED ELECTION FUNDS advertising agency, or the Secreta of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Land District—District of Coast.| , i. mately of @ Nie Ritchie ° Buildiug, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so write, if imterested. } notice that Sam Ennyu, of)” o.oo . itehie) = Montreal. June 5.—Piquant re-|pawn theit principles for cash } ty, B. C., occupation lumberman, | and Joe Rivers for a O-round . — , . jus ~| bp ; | to apply for permission to purchase , ,|velations are made by Henri Bou-| Nevertheless, 5ir Hugh paid in. wing described land fieht for the afternoon of July 4 » a is . hat C j mmencing at & post planted at the in this city are off rassa in his historical editorial The fact remains tha jonser- wathwest rner of Lot 162, Kange 5,)° 7’ the tior et movement lwe e l s § . ‘rial- last District, om the bank of the Ka Yex After a conference lasting all he Nationali ! nent in| vative funds and the imperia Ber, 1 e 20 chains west, thence 20 Le Devoir on how some 80 eall istic treasury helped to pay the d@ains north, thence 20 chains east to the day and well into the night, the ; am e ¢ se & ace sou ed autonomists who afterward) electoral expenses of 30 or 49 7 boundary said Lot 182, thence ethimanagers of the two fighters} ; . — == — : = — song said boundary 20 chains to point of deserted, clung to Bourassa in candidates who denounced the commencement, containing 40 acres more) were unable to come to an un- . Mr ‘ EE eS — — Le 7 on ' . N : valthe 19114 elections seeking des-|naval law and Mr. Borden's Hs a SAM ENNYt derstanding Neither side would} vy hi of and 2 .qually nefarious policy.” FOR THE ISSUE OF A_ DUPLICATE Boned apett 19th, seis ‘ e008 recede from its contentions re perately his support; ane row | equally els s f- . CERTIFICATE OF rire yes wots Pub 5, 1013 une 30, 1913 ~s , irahe ap the rE I . 3, SEC oO! , \ - — garding the weight question r Hugh Graham, owner of th PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 | While neither side has inti- | Montreal Star, a reeogenized Im-| MR. MITCHELL UNOPPOSED Notice is hereby given that it is my in- |} 9 Skeena Land District——District of Coast é erialist organ, financed the Ne. ; tention to issue at the expiration of one) Range V ne mated that conferences are end-|P°r™ ‘i : 1 acht oO Co ; id to @e month efter the frst publication, hereof, 3 Take notice that Ole J. Jensen, 0 it N + ; Edd . “ tionalist anti-nava ight in Que- nservatives Decide Not Me} duplicate oO e certificate of title to the| onkslum, B. C., occupation rancher, im ed, Matchmaker die Graney | ; above mentioned lands in the name of Al- | vends to appiy for peribiasion ener Sl declared tonight that it was his |e: test Election, and He Will bert \. Dick, which certincate of tide was | Established 1908 the [ wi B . ssue ece ; , Ran nay # — ost pis ted about} belief another fighter would have | After telling how many candi Get Seat. 10:30 o'clock A. M., as 987 . | wif a mile north of the southeast corner) , »} jetted ee 2 aan ates o had pledged themsel- i pl : H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. | {J : ; : ; ¢ TL No 38946, thence 40) to be secured in Rivers’ plac jdates who had pled d themsel Calgary, June 5.—The Con-|Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C.| Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery chains more or less to the west boundary It was stated here tonight that)ves to fight both Laurier and servatives have announced their May 13th, 1913. ; ii iy 7s oT L. No, 35245, thence south 30 cnains Tot lin maneser for Ad.|Borden’s nava policies songht i § i é w—-May 19—June 16, 1913 if Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle mere, w ess to ® slough. tanto ween n Jones, anag ' N ‘ ial ’ intention of not opposing Hon, } chains more or less to the east Do . ‘n e Nationalis leader's 8 ort, |. a nee j j itti i eee. me bo eae ees horth 30 Wolgeast, was on his way from = . Ms . = t leader uppol C. R. Mitchell in the election in| saLE BY, ORDER or COURT 308 ONE: | Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns chains “more (oF less to pe point of com. Los Angeles to sign up the form-| ouanere, othe: 5 eee Bow Valley, and Mr. Mitchell will BALE INTERES INCE RUPERT. ‘Rope Valees Ammunition ’ » . oO . > t ‘ e os oue r . ° less . er champion with Ritchie. ut of a "= hing | oot the seat by acclamation on] By order of His Honor judge FP. MUB. OLE J. JENSEN, iocator |proceedings and professions of 1c. io Young, local judge of the Supreme Court Pumps Hose Paint 7. D. LAIRD, Agent | eet) : aon Thursday next, which is nomina-| ‘?"R8iusn columbia, the half interest of | Pub Apr St, weid—dune 16, 1013 EXCELLENT SUGGESTION fait! wore those of vos. many |Gon day Hugh Gallagher, deceased. in an tft in| Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron i r. 21, —ju , . > sx for Vercheres ree - of sale to Lot 34, Block 22, Section 5, ip ——— |ville, member for Vereheres, Mr. Mitehell, who is Minister] tne city of Prince Rupert, will be sold on , > ‘ - 2 y Pp Provincial Mining Recorders | L. P. Pelletier, now postmaster-| \¢ Works and acting Premier of = oe eere to Miche hanes” munis: sae NOPE | eaners - . . ress offe e : “lh LAND LEASE NOTICE. Should Mave Federal Fyles | Sone ral. the province, was defeated in the} trator, care Williams & Manson, ose - - — —_-— | “Rainville, having met Laver-| recent election at Medicine Hat Rupert, BC sane 0.1949. We Sell Nothing But the Best” Skeena Land District—District of Coast, At the last meeting of the Van-|ene at the office of Le Devoir, by a narrow majority, and George SE ange IV a - of Mine » of} hung himself to his coat tail to]; — 7 Take notice that Prank B. St. Amour of | °OUYS! Chamber of Mines one ¢ : Lane vacated the seat in Bow LAND PURCHASE NOTICE the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province the speakers instanced the in- bring him to speak = for him 1X) valley to make room for him. ea ‘ . of British Columbia, prospector, intends 0} difference of the Government to the Vercheres. ‘Armand, eXx- " Skeena Land District—District of Coast, wply for permission to lease the follow : ; I 4 ce I Range V. | ing described land; ; os mining in British Columbia by|claimed he, with tears in fits TEXAS MINING LAW Take notice that The Prince Rupert see on eee a aoe ee eritish. eel tating that when he was in the) volce, ‘you know that [ am the Hydro-Blectric | Co., Limited, a oe . lumbia “on the shore of a small unnamed! pringeton distriet and wanted tojonly sincere man amongst all of] yy Gi ical agers ban Saat oe ie | SaaS bay and being about five (5) miles in an E ; lat aahte I lew Measure veg Radical Ben- flocs mn fiver, be = rollows easterly direction from End Hill, thence; refer to a geological map of the them. Do yeu understand’ efits to Prospectors. . 2 ogees = wiaweod a eal twenty (30) (00) hints ‘west eighty section he had to send to Ottawa must go to parliament to pre- a > a north end of e leine near the out- fo) chains, thence south twenty 2! for one. Every mining recorder|vent them from betraying the The new mining law for Texas let. Senco Sout 9° aaies. ag By Has the La : fe . chains to point of commencement, an ; : . eee .8 . . ne ns, then chains, = Circulation Northern British Columbia containing or hundred. aad sixty (160)}in the Provinee should have ajcause. : proposes some radical we ne ate 20 ‘chdine, to, point of commencement, con Has 2 Largest a acres more or less, ly of the geological maps “Pelletier was calling upon|to the prospector. No person or PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC — FRANK B, ST, AMOUR, Locator. | SUPP'Y © . ‘ompany shall hold more than CO., LIMITED. pated the 20th day of April, oie and reports affecting his district|}me with desperate cries by tele-|« pany § hall ” Por George H, Kobl, Agent *ub sh e193 ° ow? meas ; . 5 8; 3 ) ms ’ , : — oy 8 Sere and the Provincial Bureau of phone: Tell Bourassa that 1] five claims; the rt we — Dated ay etn 88S: ty Se eee WATER NOTICE. Mines could arrange a service of|pray to him on my knees to come a way oe aoe ake . , : : . ‘ . ‘ . . > ss 2 . rospec or s e « - ' 1 . y “)p.' apply for permiss on to pure winlestons may be Med with the said The paper that prints the facts|had to walk under the yoke and| Bi an Columbia during the cur fonowing described, lands: suet ae awe ecorder or with the Comptroter : ( clare , iirent year. TommenctD C vi ores Rights, Parliament pulidings, the Daily News. who declared thes would nok Ire year soutoerest the %., = une 30 chains KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY . ‘a, Cc westerly along shore ne chains 104-10-16-28 G. RB. 'T, SAWLI 7 more or less, thence following the shore line northerly and easterly to northwest — —_—————-— Lot niin thence pouth 5 chains THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 more or less to point oO commencement, WATER NOTICE. containing t2 acres more or less. weeene —iN THE— mesa tay tee Ane qsenes.. Builders’ Supplies fost Ser a , s Ss ~ & License to Take and Use Water. Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley ; Pub. May 26, 1913—July 21, 1043. a a Supplies fea eaten otlce is hereby given that The Prince Kupert” Hydro- Elec ; , Vall F G istri Oils Tiawase ° ‘trie Company, Limited, alle ort George strict y if Prince’ Rupert, Bc. whl apply for 4 Bulkley y re Varnishes Graniteware ent (0 lake aid use BO cuble eek pal IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS id of water out of Madeline Creek, ; whi , hows fm an easterly direction | ANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS MONARCH MALLEABLE The “Stay Satisfactory own p tle into — Hocsall’ River “about 19. miles from its easy terms. ' Range." Hut on the south bank, ‘The water will We have just received a ship- nile ported at unnamed falls about one ment of sed {rom mouth of creek, and will be . * itd, for generating electric power put NORTH C mit TIMOTHY GRAIN SEEDS or sale, barter or exchange within * radius of 100 miles . * , : : 0. 00 . VANCOUVER, B.C e.even pevave esene 2 * notice Was posted on the grout » > CAPITAL , 500, GOV, ome the eth day or Miny, seis, rhe ap PAID UP CAI ITAL $1,5 ALFALFA GARDEN SEEDS ; ”e ed in the oMece 0 “ Woter Kecorder at Prince “pupert B C FLOWER SEEDS e e < ons may be fled with tt pale . > > on Ny Recorder or with, the Comptroller Mail orders Promptly attended to or cornet, Aiehts, Parlement Bulldings PRINCE RUPBRT HYDRO-BLECTAK . H h L Ci | ® . N h B C On ay The Daily News Has the Largest Circulation in orthern B. C.| PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO Pup By Gee. H. Kobi, Agent ° ub May 86, 1913-—Jume 16, 1015,