om 10143. une pridas Jui ——ncASe NOTICES »?P . ~— oi FIRE ALARM | SYST pistrict pistriet of Cassiar. em 7° i pat 1, LN Mackechnie, g . -cupation surgeon, ; So e. apply to the CIROUIT No. 4 ; Lands to , ot . casstar Box 12 th St. and 3rd Ave Jie ed near mile 196 Ges 48—61n st. ona ord ae acific, containing ’ Box 14-8 & end 994 Ave N MACKECHNTE. Bor 16 Junction of ycCRADY, Gs E., Agent. ard Aves ated March $0th, 1019. Bor 16--16t Ave nN, gE. C 1919-—June 0, 1043, oth Sts Bor 17--18t Ave and 7th St " tral Hotel pistrict District of Coast, nange V os pmama Waterous . Bon 22—9r: : "Of cupation married . rad AY pply for ormuseion to a ost Office ne deser lands: @ @O—era Ave. ona wepri ‘ eBride 8t ost planted on. the “ vonrward, ear Falls|{i 80% 24-18: Ave. and McBride st the Hocsall, thence Bon 26-—2nd Ave. and gna st ence west 20 chains, Box 26—9nd Ave nains, thence east 80 Bo . potnt of commence x 27.6. T. } onal , 40 acres more or less. euMA W ATEROUS AGNEW CIROUIT NO. 3 wil (ath, 1098 ? ged ADT! 1913—June 16, 1913 315th Ave. and Fulton St apr. 2! ’ ne 32- Borden and Taylor Sts i , 94..7th Ave. and Fulton st + pis. teh—Distriet of Coast, SS-0th Ave. and Comox ave Lage | pote that margaret B. Grant, of 374th Ave. and Dodge Pi 6th Ave. and Thompson St nert, B. Cy eeupstion dress an aok wo apply sur permission to wee following ey aa ‘ a post ing 8 oP Sos, Coast District, CIROUIT NO. 4. east 20 chains, thence 4th Ave. and Emmerson wence west #0 chains, » chains © place of com- optaining 40 scres more | ist, @nd end between 8th and Knox Hotel Cen CIROUIT NO. 2 and ira. St and 6th st | ; go chain port * ot and « MAROARET B. GRANT ye apr m, 101 ee 1. (o13—dune 16, 1048. | ease | ; Sth Ave. and McBride # 5th Ave. and Green St 44-61% Ave and Basti 81 45—Tth Ave. and Eberte. 141 7th Ave. and Young St Land District—Distriet or Coast, | CaaS | ~ nange V j potige that |, Charlies H. Ziegier, bogiand, occupation genveman, for permission to purchase ere. ts scribed lands: | PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 s post planted et the Notice is heret f Lot 9%, thence orth gention to issue at the west 40 ims, shenee gonth after the first thence east 40 to commencement, containing 160 above inentioned lands in the naine of Al * CU RLES HENRY ZIEGLER. siexander Noble, AgeOt. 49.30 o'clock A b sist, 1048, HT et 1913-—June 0, 1013. f CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR LOTS M.. as 0871 MACLEOD, District Registrar Land Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ —| May 13th, 1913 : w—May 19—June 16, 10913 fend District—District of Coast,)_ _ POR THE (880k OF A DUPLICATE AND 4, BLOCK 8, SECTION 6, CITY OF! j given that it is my in-/ expiration of one yublication hereof 6 Guplicate of the certificate of title to the| bert A. Dick, which certificate of title was! issued om the 10th December, 1911, at j a Saases | 3 | From left to richt—White f mony in grey cre pe de ch in black charmeuse with new “Bagadere” sash THE LATEST EXPRESSION OF PARISIAN CHIC. waistcoat of black chiffon, and the ‘ d frock with green tunic ind black velvet, afte: , a har- noon dress Range SALE BY ORDER OF COURT OF ONE tugt L, Daniel Brenton Ken- r ly ¢. occupation rancher,| HALF INTEREST IN LOT 84, BLOCK 22 wo apply for permission to purchase SECTION &, PRINCE RUPERT follo WLs8 on anne at the By order of His Honor Judge F. McB Gamenciog *t OP Young, local judge of the Supreme Court) 4 cut ‘Lot $190, themee mort | OPE Fish Columbia, the half interest. of Hugh Gallagher, deceased, in an agreement of sale to Lot 34, Block #2, Section &, in W the City of Prince Rupert, will be sold on i gains, ibence east $0 chains, thence 4) chains, thence west 30 chains Ww post of nupencemeat, containing ares th MILL BRENTON KENNEY or after the 17th day of June, 1913. Ad DANI NTO? rr dress offers to Michael Gallagher, adminis peed March 15am oS trator, care Williams & Manson Pa Apri w os Rupert, B. C — a w May 1% District ct ot —- LAND PURCHASE NOTICE - Jume 90,1913 ’ Land District hauge fake otice that Gertrude M. Newell, of ih, Nova Scotia, occupston married ~ imei apply for rmission to iil ~ wing descrt lands Skeena Land Orgertes. ~Distrtet of Coast & post planted at the ’ Lot $142, thence west Take notice that The Prince Ruperi north 20 Chains, thence Hydro-Electric Co. Limited, of Prince pence south 20 chains,| Rupert, B. C., invends to apply for permis soder of the Lakelse Lake, sion to purchase 40 acres of land near the mumencement, containing Hocsall River, bounded as follows ess Commencing at a post planted on the AUDE M. NEWELL. porth end of Lake Madeleine near the out L. H. BENNEY, Agent jet, thence south 20 chains, thence west 2? i913 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east i3—Jume 16, 1913. #0 chains to point of commencement, con a taining 40 acres more or less PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC ‘ LIMITED Per Oeor i. Koal, Agent Dated May Pub. May #6, 1913—-July 21, 1913 t—District of Coast t |, Sam Enoyu, of cupation lugberman, permission to purchase bed land Prince A. Watson of Chicago i also a visitor in Granby Bay this week Dr. Quinlan, dentist of Prince Rupert, has been spending a few weeks at Granby Bay on business Miss M. E. Dunn and Miss G Applegarth arrived on the steam- er Prince Rupert from Vancouver and are spending a few days at the Queen's Hotel Mrs FE. McKinnon, « the Hotel Bonanzs City eft Sunday morning for a few Queen's days on a business trip to Prince Rupert a post planted et the bok tee ne ke Yes | cassiar Land District—District of Skeens mins west, thence ? Take notice that Samuel KR. Brown Jr., 20 chains east to the of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation engi t 188, themce south heer, intends to apply for permission & sry 20 chains to point of purchase the foe oe mee ae: las ore Commencing st & post plantec ve ee southeast corner of Lot 2626, thence west SAM ENNYt 140 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence buled Ap oh, 1048. east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains & fe May 5, 101 d—Jume 80, 1013. point of commencement, containing 160 —_ ——— ne | SCFeS IMore oF less SAMUEL ROLLINS BROWN JR Dated April 85th, 1913 rict—District of Coast, . Pub. May 26, 1913-—July 21, 19013 ; Range Vv } at Ole J, Jensen, of Kit- | ccupation rancber, tn-| pertnission to purchase |Skeena Land District—District of Coast, scribed lands Range V ‘ it planted about, . . 3 theas uinista, B. C., occupation farmer, inten + ip 4 corner | fi apply for permission purchase the oa % the Saat beanters }following described lands : ~ eeu | Commencing at & post planted at the ot 6, aa th 30 chains southwest corner of Lot 4125, thence Bee! ° eee ee westerly | westerly along the shore line 80 chains eat... No saea6 nent tn so | more OF less, thence following the shore more 7? point - ; Z line northerly and easterly to northwest t aint > acres = r| bat 412%, thence south & chains — more OF) Sore or less to point of commencement, Leca inl 412 acres more or less wt ey tune Agent —s ; LOUIES AURIOL Weed March 2eth, 1048. ; he apr. 21, 1913—June 16, 1013. LAND LEASE NOTICE, CHASE HEADACHES —— —— Land Dated May 2ist, 1913 Pub. May 26, 1913-—July 81, 1913 MATHIBUS NERVINE POWDERS ea Laud District—Distriet of Coast, hange TV, ue bot (hat Frank B. St. Amour of ei, sce Kupert, In the Province lish jumbia, Pronpoceen, intends to ee for pe sion to lease the follow ed land og 8t & post planted on the banks Island, British Co sore of a small unnamed ut five ($) miles in an End Hill, thence 48 POWDERS FOR 25 CENTS -_, 7 if your dealer cannot supply you, the Re ne (ANS B. ST. AMOUR, Locator. | 5 1. Mathieu Co., Sherbrooke Pp. Q., sends vith @ . May §, toise—Jume SO, $948. box postpaid on receipt of price ‘ of Commencement, and hundred and sixty (160) i His the Largest Circalation ia Northera British Columbia TE THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert's Artistic Job Printing Establishment | KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY TURD AN@NUE P.O, DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 Build, ers P ) 2. Plumb rs ‘ppliee =" HARDWARE Varnishes Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Granitew are MONARCH MALLEABLE " ‘isc: Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Wilsor Vancouver arrived Sunday morn ing on the steamer Prince Rupert Mr Wilson intends to stay a short time in Granby Bay Everybody in Granby Bay is king forward to the First of July as being one of the biggest iavs in the history of the place. Several hundred dollars are to be distributed as prizes among the winning sports of the day. Fuller particulars of the day's celebration will be given in next week's issue PREPARING THE ATTACK ON PRESIDENT WILSON President Is to Be Tackled on Floor of Senate—Several Dem- ocrats to Take Fal! Out of Him. Washington, June 17 That President Wilson is to be made the target of a broadside of Re- publican criticism for “inter- ference” in the senate when the lobby investigating committee Michigan and Works of Califor- hia Not only do they discuss what they call the “Wil- sonizing” of Democratic sena- torial minds on free sugar and free wool, but they may intro- a resolution redefining the duce dicial branches of the govern- ment Senator Townsend, who charg- ed while testifying before the lobby investigation committee that the President was doing what he considered “lobbying,” said today _ he would discuss coercion of senators by the ex- ecutive When the committec’s report was presented. He de- clared it was an open secret that many senators have been induced to vote for what they do nol con- sider right Senator Works said he was alec preparing & speech on the sam matter ee Killed by Lightning. Moosejaw, Sask. June 16.— Ralph W. Dawson, @ homestead- er, was killed by lightning at his lrapm, 20 miles southwest of Ex }panse, F riday morning when rid | ing on a load of lumber. —_——__—_-—_1 G. D. Tite’s stock of house Jrome de is up-to-date i nhand some designs. 128-(f respective powers of the execu} tive, the legislative and the ju-iwent to England ostensibly with | GRANBY BAY NEWS ITEMS. | | t | lis anchored in the stream, com- j makes its report was indicated | ype on Cocos Island, a hunt which today by Senators Townsend Of | railed | propose to she is here to enter the coast Large shipments of lumber and steel are arriving all boats for the Granby Company. The work on the smelter rapidly pro- gressing ar tte f mpany Is eager! ave it mpteted before] the end of year The new hotel, custon ise and many new dwe 1g re now to be seen nearing completior nd the water's edge The | ding will » Oct ied inday and Mr temporary ‘Tian Mms- that the build 1ipped and fitted or the work uch a short time “ speak I Sunday night The Chose nner,” and it greeted ngham, the gov- ernment road superintendent of Stewart, is spending a few days here on a business trip The road which is being built between the Queen's Hotel and the Gran- by Company's property is rapidly progressing under the foreman- ship of Max Wade. Everybody in the Bay is enthusiastic to see the completion of this most needed thoroughfare. THE COAST SERVICE. British Steamer Melmore, Which Has Just Returned from Cocos istand Treasure Expedition. Vancouver, June 47. — The little British steamer Malmore arrived on Thursday. morning and pleting a voyage from England, which ineluded a hunt fer treas- From Cocos Island she went to San Francisco and now service. Captain Poikinghorn is in command and he is well known here, having brought’ several steamers to Vancouver from the United Kingdom. The capiaim the object of buying another steamer for coast service and ap- parently he is going to carry out iis plane with the Melmore. But the Melmore left England under charter to a treasure hunting ex- pedition and the voyage adds one more to the list of fruitless at- iempts to locate the Cocos Island treasure Private enterprises have failed, publicly promoted enterprises have failed, govern- ment expeditions have failed, but still public interest is held by th: story of the mysterious treasure Now Able tc Walk. To-day’s Impressions To-morrow’s Sales "il Many a September purchase is really decided in July. Many a woman is gathering information to-day that will in- fluence her selection of a stove two months hence. Many a man is thinking right now about the store he will pet- ronize for his F suit and overcoat. Many an October piano pees is really determined on the porch of a summer otel or home in August. How unwise, then, to put off the Adverti of these and similar articles until the actual time of eir use afrives. One advertisement seldom makes a sale. It is the repeated impressions created by Advertising that develops purchases by a discriminating pub- lic—and these impressions are seldom built up in a day, a week or a month. Yet some manufacturers and -merchants still procrastinate until the first nip of frost is felt— and then besiege the public with belated an- nouncements Fall clothes, kitchen home furnishings, winter underwear, and articles usually purchased in the Fall. Purchased in the Fall—oh, yes—but decided upon in the Summer. Decided in favor of the goods that are continuously advertised. It’s the Advertising read in July that bears fruit in September and October. For to-day’s impressions inevitably lead to to-morrow’s sales. Don Peck, the son of Hal, Peek of Georgetown, who was operated | on a few days ago for appendi-| citis, has recovered with remark. | able rapidity. He was able to} walk around the hospital yester-| day, and it is expected thai will soon be out of ¢o0rs ener enamaiea Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distanee, but to do what tics clearly “ hand Carlyle. GEO. D. TITE Complete Home Furnisher Our targe stock of furniturs is selected from the best of the manufacturers’ designs See our windows for displays of BUFFETS, DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS FARM NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 Third Avenue DRAPERIES! Lace curtains, tapes- try curtains, soreons, GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher. —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District —In TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. The Daily News Has the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. LANDS Limited | Sok PET a ee ete —<—Tep6e Ter rrxnore ee ee ae =