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TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. Contract Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. atggsa> Monday, July 28, 1913. DAILY EDITION. REMEMBERING fault with the Liberal party THE RIGHT. because it is in opposition. In yesterday’s Journal an] This is surely a strange ob- Conservative And it is jection for a editorial was published under newspaper to raise. the title “Forgetting the Past.” . it one which time will certainly Referring to the speec hes made remedy. if the Liberal party before the meeting of the} finds fau!t with everything that Sir Richard McBride does it is not because the Liberal party is composed of querulous old maids, but because Sir Richard McBride is a fat rascal who has as fine a troop of knaves to Liberal Association on Friday, the Journal said that it might be gathered from them that “old things as far as the party was concerned had _ passed away and all things had be- come new.” Nevertheless, heel as ever followed old John says the Journal, the province Falstaffe. To wrest the powers will not likely be ‘misled by of government from such a the new dodges of the Libera! crew would be to render a service to the community and to mankind. The Liberals have no fault to find with Richard merely because he is able to pay his party.” The party is described as merely an opposition, long- ing for power at any price and therefore seeing wrong. in whatever is done by the Mc- Sir Bride government. taxes, as the Journal insinu- In reply to all this it might ates. The real objection is be suggested that every great that Sir Richard McBride and Mr. Bowser, while holding high offices of public trust, have acquired in a manner that is mysterious to the people of the province immense fortunes, for which no adequate account has been given. If Sir Richard and Mr. Bowser are to flutter their wings in the company of po- litical saints they must first be whitewashed in some more skilful fashion than the Jour- nal yesterday accomplished. body becomes from time to time in need of reorganization if it is to avoid putrefaction. The Liberals preferred to reorgan- ize, the Conservatives prefer to putrefy. Reorganization indeed, one of the best means of increasing the life and ac- tivity of a party. Owing to it the Liberal party is now as youthful and vigorous as the Conservative party is moribund. The Journal further finds is, A Great Opportunity FOR MEN TO SAVE MONEY As we intend going out of Men’s Suits, Men’s Underwear, Men’s Shirts and Boots and Shoes we are offering the balance of our stock at a tremendous sacrifice. You will easily be convinced when you see the wonderful bargains we are offering :: = JABOUR BROS. THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. Third Avenue Prince Rupert Subscribe For The Daily News MIZE LOSS FROM Although among the many ap- pliances with which inventors have sofight to supply the modern need for portable wireless phone and telegraph communi- cation there are none which meet the requirements of the forest protection organization of the west, yel it is hoped that the day is not far distant when every fire warden wandering in the woods will be able to summon help in fighling fires without delay caused in reaching a telephone line. Meanwhile, however, the manufacturers of electrical ap- pliances have done a great deal to meet the needs of forestry of- ficials. At meetings of the West- ern Forestry and Conservation Association lumbermen have been particularly interested in the ex- hibits of these cempanies. For instance, there are not only the light telephone lines, such those that the forest branch strings fromtree to tree so as to extend telephone communica- tion in a rough and ready manner into the woods, but there are also still lighter wires, four miles of which can be carried on a man’s back, which can be used as tem- porary feeders for the main for- est lines. When this fleld tele- phone system is installed in any district the efficiency of a fire warden will be increased to a tremendous extent. For instance, suppose he discovers a fire in its earlier stages, instead of going tele- as The actual power of the Prus- sian Reichstag is so small that scoffers have been known to refer to it as “a glorified debating so- ciety.’ The limitations upon the freedom of speech of the dele- gates are, however, so great that it may be doubted whether this term is appropriate. For expres- sions which would not even ex- cite comment in an American legislature speakers are admon- ished by the president of the Reichstag, and for expressions slightly more daring there is a formal call to order. The third call to order forfeits to the of- fender the right to the floor. Every session of the Reichstag brings amusing examples of this. At a recent the Social! Democrat Peus was speaking. “The Kaiser,” he said, ‘caused to be issued yesterday a decree which is couched in a more mod- erate tone than was the case in former times.” Dr. Kaempf, president of the Reichstag, inter- rupted him thus: “T beg you to cease using such expressions. You may not say that the Emperor has become more moderate. That gives oc- easion for the contrast between moderate and immoderate.” Scheidemann,,another Social- ist, was speaking of the armament bill. ‘There is,” he said, ‘no more shameless falsehood than the imputation that the French armament bill was the cause of the German bill being submitted.” “T trust you do not refer to members of this house with your remark about shameless false- hoods,’ said President Kaempf. “T had the Spanish parliament mind when I spoke,” said session in PORTABLE WIRELESS AS AID IN FOREST FIRE PROTECTION BY USE OF WIRELESS TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH THE CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION HOPES TO MINI- THE DAILY NEWS ANNUAL FIRES. can rush to the nearest point of one of the forest telephone lines | back to the nearest settlement he and taking the portable instru- ment that he carries with him can connect with the wire and call for aid. Should he need to remain in charge of a fire that is in some portion of his district remote from roads and settlements he can connect one of the very light wires to the main wire and trail it out through the woods for two or three or even four miles, and as long as the weather is dry, so that moisture does not spoil the conductivity of the ground wire, his portable instrument attached to the end of this wil! enable hita to keep in touch with headquar- ters without leaving the site cf the fire. Of course all this in-| stallation of field telephone ts a, very different matter to the} building of regular lines such as those established by the phone companies for the of the publie, and it may be ed also that the forest branch wil install its fleld lines only in lated timbered districts in which there is no prospect whatever of public telephone lines being con- structed, following oul the prac- tice already developed so extens- ively in the American States to the south of this province, where the lumbermen handle the pr >>- lem of forest fire prevention through the ageney of their own voluntary Port- land Canal Miner. tele-| service | ot-| | 1} 'so- associations. LIMITS TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN SESSIONS OF THE REICHSTAG MEMBERS OF PRUSSIAN DIET ARE CALLED TO ORDER FOR REMARKS THAT EVEN FAINTLY SUGGEST THE FALIBILITY OF THE KAISER. Scheidemann gravely. A burst of laughter from al parts of the house followed, but Kaempf did not join in it. He listened while Scheidemann fin- ished his speech, and then, a half hour after his former remark, said solemnly: “You said that had the Spanish parliament in mind when spoke of shameless false- The remark, however, be construed as referring Reichstag. I call you to you you hoods. might to the order.” A former president of the Prussian Diet once ealled to or- der a delegate who had asserted that war “is a reproach upon God.” Such an expression, said the president, was an insult to Germany's great emperor- war- riors, and particularly to Wil- liam I, Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT’S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward every day. For particulars apply to Harrison, Gamble & Co., Phone 541, 3rd Ave. nd Advertise in ALIEN LAND BILL WILL BECOME LAW Time for Filing Referendum .Pe- titions Against Californian Measure Has Expired. San July 25,—The Webb anti-alien land law, passed by the legislature and signed by Francisco, Governor Johnson more than two effect. inter- will become ive August 10th, ference from the electorate of the months ago, without state through the medium of the The referendum referendum. time for of the last session expired today, bring- petitions the filing against laws passed at ing an end to the threats against the Webb act that have filled the May. separate political atmosphere since At one movements to det Lime two the} eat the act were | being planned, one by the Demo- |} crats, candidate for governor Democratic ticket, and one by the on Asiatic Exclusion League, which is affiliated with the State Feder- jation of Labor. The Bell peti tions were never prepared, but the exclusion league was on the point of beginning its campaign when the executive committee re scinded its earlier and voted to take no steps to prevent the bill becoming law. action There little marrow bone of contention. is the HELPFUL AND HARMLESS MATHIBU S&S NERVINE POWDERS 18 POWDERS FOR 26 CENTS If your dealer cannot supply you, J. L. Mathieu Co., box postpaid on receipt of price. the Hotel : Directory eee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX Owned and Operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. Geo. A. Sweet, Manager WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth W. H. Wright, Prop. St HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St European and American Plan Peter Biack, Prop. KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth European Plan, Rates 50c to $1 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casley EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave,, Between Sixth Seventh Streets European Plan, 600 to $1 Per Day and PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan F. W. Henning, Manager ROYAL HOTEL Corley & Burgess, Props. Third Ave. and Sixth St. European Plan Steam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO., LIMITED Second Ave, and Sixth St. Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING CO., LIMITED Fraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 The Daily News ——— We Contend That This Is Some Bucking Hoss headed by Theodore A. Bell, | the | Sherbrooke, P. Q., sends | | WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited TO THE by the splendid steamers PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, Victoria and Mondays and Fridays at © A. m. For Stewart on Thursdays at 8 A.M. For Granby Bay on Saturdays at 12m. Steamers Prince John and Prince Atmer: : ‘ Maintain Weekly Service Between Victoria, ATL ACLU La SOUTH Beattie on Vancouver a Prince R yueen Charlotte Islands, Calling at Way Ports. Leave rince } vie ound Saturdays at 8 P. M. Also Weekly Service to Masse, wet!' South " Harbor, leaving Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at gs p M Mad Naden RAILWAY SERVICE - Train No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert, eastbound, 410 a.m. Wednesa * Saturdays Says ang SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES to ail points east Vie ons routes In connection with the @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY systen } 2sth to Sept. 80th. Returninglimit Oct. gist, me May i For through tickets, reservation, etc., apply to A. DAVIDSON Office 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert Ph one 260 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? Special Excursions May 28th to Sep- tember 30th, Returning Limit October 31st. Vancouver to Toronto and : FOCUFM cor ceescccvessveveces $92.00 Vancouver to Montreal and return ......,. gcaaseeaee $106.00 Vancouver to New York and FOCRID ova vas pete cecseses $108.60 Vancouver to Chicago and POCGID 06 kas iss sboVedececs $72.60 Vancouver to 8t. Paul and FOCUPD 6 scscccccvcccscseaes . Other Polnts Correspondingly Low. é. @. MoNAB General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave & 6th St Princess Sophia, south, Sat., 9 a.m. LUMBER COAL —and— Complete Line of BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES ~» Phone 186 UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF 8.6,, Ltd _§.S. ‘Chelohsin’ FOR VANCOUVER Wednesdays at 2 pin. _$.S. ‘Camosun’ FOR VANCOUVER | Saturdays at tO a.m. FOR GRANBY BAY | Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. Rogers Steamship Agency Phone 116 | | j | | | | Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid | Lumber | Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ‘TRY A “NEWS” WANT AD MENTS DYER APART | Rov | New, Clean and Ch, if | NTS 2 and 3 Partly Furnished 1029 3rd Ave. .Phon, Black 3% Litl’s: NEWS Agen | Magazines :: Periodicals :: N ewspapen | CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS } 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Is| } | Avenue next to |} — i PSS | ‘ Empress Bowling Alleys AND POOL ROOM hE RORS, Prop. = * ARES Pipes, augert Emplormen: surge LICENSED AGENTS | COAL |New Wellington oo Best on tix onst i 116 Rogers & Baad } Ee ‘LINDSAY'S “’Sroxacz | G. T. P. Transfer Agents i Prices reasonable Phone @ Orders promptiy filled. OF FICE— H. B. Rochester, Centre st SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamitting an Sheet Metal Work Office: Srd Ave Phone 174 Worksho Tth and “tb Su "and Ave. bet ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & EF. (SCANDINANIAN SocreTY Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday uf p.m. in the hall at 319 rd Ave. Accountant 308 2nd Ave. =i Phone 20 PRINCE RUPERT. 8. ©. ~ | Alex. @. Manson, &. A. W. &. Williams, B.A, LEE WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Sollcitors, Et. Box 2865 Prince Rupert, 64 HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors as Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No # E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaim CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd St., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 964 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Dra ©) 14- wn for The Daily News Y “be Gee - BLT rer? 6 4a GoopP | = GLUED: J InT- SYND-BALTO ~ MD -