THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, July 29, 1944 THE BEST AT THE PIONEER DRUG STORES PAGE & SHAW’S CHOCOLATES Shipped by Express from the Factory ——-——- DO YOU KNOW THEM? ———— We Give the. Most Thorough Jewelry Service on the Pacific Coast Through our mail service you may take advantage of the fine quality and moderate prices we offer in the fol- lowing lines: Ladies’ Bracelet Watches, in which we provide many styles and qualities. Bracelets in plain gold and gem set gold and plati- hum designs at a great range of prices. Signet Rings for either !adies or gentlemen, in 14 and 18 carat gold, in newest and prettiest designs- Fine Gem Rings set in clusters or solitaires in styles and prices to suit all buyers. Our catalogue tells it all. your jewellery wants from its sent free to any address. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C it and select It will be Write for illustrations. 7 FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Established 1908 Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Iron Pipe Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns Valves Ammunitio Hose Paint Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Rope Pumps Stoves & Ranges “We Sell Nothing But the Best” | BUY A Beautiful Home Site | For Sale ata “Snap” Price Lot 1, Block 1, Section 2 117 ft. on Van Arsdol St., 34 ft. on Graham Ave. and nearly 91 ft. on Rear Lane LOT LEVEL AND FINE WATER VIEW $3,200.00 | Terms: Cash $1,200.00, balance arranged to suit RABLE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT Hays Building (2nd Floor) 3 Rooms, Stationary Washstand and Toilet. Heated by Hot Water. Electric Fixtures Now in Rooms. Will Paper to Suit Tenant. Apply to DAVID H. HAYS 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. ‘ Rar eek: Sel S aac & KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY. THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 38 Tinware HARDWARE Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ Phones 187 and 430 Shirriff’s Lime Juice Raspberry Vinegar = “The News” Classified Ads. ==(Q)ne Cent A Word For Each Insertio og 3 - DEATH TAKES OFF A LEADING MASON James J. Crombie Died Yesterday of Cancer at the General © Hospital. The death of James J. Crombie occurred yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock in the general hospital. Mr. Crombie had been in the hos- pital for some months suffering from cancer. He was 63 years of age and was a native of Scot- land. He was well known here, having been a resident of Prince Rupert since its earliest days. He was a leading member of the Masons. His profession was that of an expert accountant. Mr. Crombie leaves behind him a son and davghter, Henry Cromhie and, Mrs. Gilbert Elliot, both of Vancouver. The funeral arrangements are in charge of E. L. Fisher and will probably be held in this city under the auspices of the Masonic order. DIDN’T HAPPEN HERE Though Conditions Are Favor- able for Such a Thing. Bob Dwyer, fresh from college, opened a real estate office in an attractive suburban neighbor- hood and hoped to make his for- tune. For days he sat undis- turbed in his little office, staring out at the dusty roads or twid- dling his thumbs. On the after- noon of the fourth day he saw a man crossing the boulevard di- agonally, headed for the door. Surely tis was a customer. He must be made to feel that busi- ness was flourishing. As the man stepped over the threshhold Bob had the telephone receiver at his ear and was talk- ing earnestly into the transmit- ter. “That’s correct,” he said, as the man_ stood before him. “Right. We will accept your $15,000 cash tomorrow and let the $30,000 remainder stand op a ten year mortgage. What? Yes. Til bring the deed around at 11 tomorrow morning. Good- by.” “Now, sir,” he said, “‘what can [ do for you?” “Why, I just came over,” said the man, grinning, “to connect your telephone instrument with the wires. CHEAP ACREAGE At. Tyee Park Near Prince Rupert eS 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Apply Harrison, Gamble & Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Third Ave. Prince Rupert Port Edward PRINCE RUPERT'S INDUS- TRIAL ANNEX A launch leaves the govern- ment slip for Port Edward every day. For particulars apply to Harrison, Gamble & Co., Phone 51, 3rd Ave. Phones 187 and 430 50c per bottle 50c RS Blackberry Wine - 50c ,, __,, ‘a Port Wine- - - 50c ,,_,, Imported Black Cherry Wine 75c ,, _ ,, STALKER & W FIRST CLASS GROCERS tS dakea For Rent TWO well furnished rooms for rent. Phone Black 329. 166tf FOR RENT—Fiat in the Clapp Bldg. AD- ply to Westenhaver Bros. 1G60f FOR RENT—Large front room in private family; suitable for two; modern; close in. Phone Green 258. For Sale FOR SALE—Piano, rugs and other house- hold furniture. Apply Rev. E. C. Burch, corner 5th and Tatlow. 175tr FOR SALE—Furnishings four roomed cot- tage, $100; used three jnonths; cottage can be rented §16 month. Enquire Miller-Phillips Grocery. 174-77 FURNISHINGS of a three-room fat for sale. Flat also may be rented. Apply H. F. McRae & Co. 139t COWS fresh calved and coming in always on hand, and tuberculosis tested. John Christy, cattle dealer, Collingwood West, corner Carleton and Westminster Road. Phone Collingwood 46 R. Post office, Collingwood East, Box 20. 170-tf Lost and Found LOST—Gold watch, photo on inside case. Reward if returned to Pacific Transfer Mice, 175-77 a NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE CO., LTD. Sealed tenders will be received by Messrs, Ritchie, Agnew & Co, at their of- fice, McBride Street, Prince Rupert, up toy noon, Wednesday, July 30, 1913, for the construction of ‘the following works at| Port Edward: One crib dam; approximately 10,440) lineal feet of trenches; delivery of ap- roximately 10,440 lineal feet of wood) Stave pipe from the company’s wharf or) scow to the trenches; backfilling the above | trenches; and the clearing of approximately | four acres. Tenders are to be a lump sum for the entire work. Information for bidders, form of tender and plans and specifications may be seen at the above NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that meetings of the Provincial Agri- cultural Commission will be held at the following places: Terrace, August 9th, 2:30 p. m.; Prince Rupert, August 41th and 12th, 10 a. m,; Hazelton, August 13th, 7:30 p. m.; Aldermere, August 15th, 10 a, m. The commission will hear evi- dence on all matters affecting agricultural conditions in the province, All persons interested are re- quested to be present. W. H. HAYWARD, M. L. A,, Chairman, Cc. B, CHRISTENSEN, Secretary. 169-92 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF PLANS AND OF PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING. Take: notice that the PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMPANK, LIMITED, of Montreal, Quebec, wiil apply to the Comp- troller of Water Rights for the approval of the plans of the works to be constructed for the utilization of the water from Falls River and Khtada River, which the appli- eant is by water records numbers 21, 27, 36 and 50 authecrized to take, store and use for power purposes and in respect to which further applications for 508 cubic feet per second from Falls River and 266 cubic feet per second from Khtada River are now pending. The pat plants to be situate 0.1 Lots 635 and 695, respectively, Range 5, Coast District. Petition for approval of the undertak- ing will also be made to the Honorable the Minister of Lands under Part 6 of the Water Act. The plans and particulars required by sub-section one of Section 70 of the Water Act, a8 amended, and the petition, plans} and exhibits for the approval of under- | taking as required by Section 89 and Part 6 have been filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights and with the Water Ke- corder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may_ be filed with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 21st day of July, A. D. 1913. THE PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC TRIC CO., LTD. Wkly j28-a18 eupation free miner, ‘ntend to apply the Hon. Commissioner of lands and works for permission to purchase the following described land: Commencing at @ post planted at the) northeast corner of A, P, p. reading Lot} and Post 2232-3535, thence in a northerly | direction along the shore of Hastings Arm | 80 chains more or less to the Tac-U-An | Indian reservation No. 26, thence in a weskerty direction 40 chains, thence in a southerly direction 80 chains, thence east- | | Take notice that I, Charles H. Flood, oc- | erly 40 chains to the point of commence ment, containing 320 acres more or less CHARLES, H, FLOOD. Dated June 27th, 1913. j Pub, July 28, 1913—Sept. 22, 1913. Take notice that I, William Macy, of | Anyox, B. €., occupation caterer, intend to | apply to the Hon. Commissioner of Lands | and Works for rmission to purchase the | following described lands: | Commencing at a post plant southeast corner of 8. T. L. Lot and Post 35280-9530, thence southerly 20 chains along the shore of Goose Bay to 8. T. L.| Lot and Post reading 35280-9529, thence in a westerly direction 20 chains, thence | in a northerly direction 20 chains, thence | east 20 chains to the point of commence- | ment, containing 160 acres more or } WILLIAM MACY. | €. HW. Flood, Agent. | 1913. | 3-—Sept. 22, 1913. | | ed on the} less. | Dated June 27th, Pub, July 28, 194 Advertise in The Daily News ~ CHANGES IN HOTELS AT NEW HAZELTON Geo. Tallman Takes the Rooms and Motel and A. T. Harrison Takes the Restaurant. There have been several hotel changes at New Hazelton recent- ly. Maurice MeAgno and John Bart have cleaned out all their belongings in the Oyster Bay Cafe and the rooming house adjoining and have moved them to the new building at Burns Lake. Mc- Agno, Bart and Hartley are in together at Burns Lake and at Fort Fraser. The New Hazelton Hote! has heen taken over by George Tal! man, proprietor of the Pioneer Hotel and baths. He will have the place refurnished and put in fine shape as quickly as possible and get opened for business. He will still keep the Pioneer going and also the baths. , A. T. Harrison takes over the Vienna Restaurant and will have it running in a few days. The new firms will undoubtedly do a big business as they are well in- formed in their Omineca Herald. BONES OF COLUMBUS MAY BE EXHIBITED Planned to Bring Out Casket of Discoverer to the Panama business. Exhibition. New York,-July 24.—The bones of Christopher Columbus, which are now in a leaden casket in Santo Domingo, may be brought to the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Francisco in 1915, if plans proposed by Walker W. Vick, collector general of cus- toms in the southern republic, and Assistant Secretary of State Osborne are accepted by the gov- ernment. Vick and Osborne have just re- turned from Santo Domingo, and after a conference with high of- ficials of the republic believe it will be possible for the remains of the discoverer of America to be brought to the United tSates Vick said today the plans were that the bones be placed on board an American battleship and car- ried to San Francisco via_ the Panama Canal. CHARGED WITH THEFT Charged with the theft of a canvas tent, a razor, several suils of underclothing and other prop erty to the total value of $40, Jim Neil was arraigned in the police court this morning for a_ pre- liminary hedring of his case. He is charged with having made the theft from Charles Wilson in his camp on the government reserve at the west end of the city. Part of the goods alleged to have been have been discovered by the police, who are still looking for the rest of the property, The was remanded (ill Wednes- stolen Case day. The chap who insists on getting what is coming to him never THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE EXHIBITION Licensed Vintners’ Association Heads the Subscription List with Handsome Gift. The publicity agent for the ex- hibition committee, Perey Goden- rath, is making the merchants of this city pony up properly for the support of the fall fair. He had an interview with the Licensed Vintners’ Association yesterday which resulted in that body dis- playing local patriotism and sound business sense by starting the subscription list with a con- tribution of $1,000. This action of the local hotel men who be. long to the association and of the wholesale dealers will cer- tainly be appreciated by the man- of the fair. A ils LOCAL NEWS ITEMS -} Baer, the in town. Walter Liberal or- ganizer, is The Albert came in this morn- thirty-five tons of B. Schreiber. with ce- for C, ine ment Call and see the bargains at Froud & ¢ great Enormous reductions 4176-77 Scott, 10. 8 shoe sale. in all lines. was Prin- here of Vancouver by the He is numerous Cc. D. among Rand the arrivals May today. looking after his terests in the city. cess easy to money Froud & great Hundreds of working boots 176-77 It's at Scott, save Co.'s shoe sale. at cost. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grasset have Lake. Chey the steamer State of California, which this afternoon They from Teslin returned are FrOInE on called here are on their way to Vancouver. Mrs. W. T. Kergin has gone to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Cole at Sandspit, QOueeti Charlotte Islands. Mrs, Cole and her fam- ly were visiting here recently for several days. Charles F. Miller, a loeal old timer, and Andrew Mackenzie have booked passage for the old country. Going south by the steamer Chelohsin tomorrow, they will cross the continent by the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound route to New York, where they will go on board the Corona. Mr. Miller is going to London and Mr. Mackenzile to Edinboro’. ST. ANDREW'S BEE All Members Expect to Get Busy This Evening. The St. Andrew's Club is flitting this evening from the inadequate quarters now oceupied to the handsome and commodious rooms and gym of the Kaien Island club house, and it is expected that soon after 7 o'clock nearly all the will be to the and arranging the new It will be a jolly and a memorable not to be missed, members present as- sisl in moving effects in rooms in good taste, “moving bee” occasion For Mr. Hazen’s Use. The government vessel Estevan will arrive in port this afternoon to be ready for the use of the minister of marine during his visit here and to the Queen stops at that. Charlotte Isiands, / MR, SAM GRIFFITHS Of the Griffith Stock Company, appearing at Westholme Opera House Hii * i ys i hits a ' Everybody THE PERFECT SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS ASK YOUR DEALER. ‘ —————S—— FOP MMOS CL CCD IDC ¢ DDC L oor eee ees, ~ &» SA SEE The Following LOTS Lot 54, $1,500 months, Block cash, 27, bal Sec. 1 Lot 90, Block 20, Sec. 2, $562 cash, bal. G. T. | Lots 19 and 20, Block 2 $1,200; 1-3 cash, bal. to arrange For exchange, an ranch at North Yakima Rupert property. This a fir chance for the right ina 8-act George Leek PRINCE RUPERT Omces in All Citles In Kingdom Agent for Fort Fraser SORTED OC OG POPS OOOODIOI OOOO, FOR A TAXI Phone 75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. POOP PLO PLO DOL DO DOLL O DOLE IDOONOD OT. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HALL isd. Gymnasium ee formerly Kaien To rent for Dances, P M ings, ete. Particulars Secretary, P. O. Box x OSBORNE HOUSE 957 Third Ave. Single Rooms, With Without Table Board Large Sitting Room, Bath, ! Priveleges, Moderate Chare Mrs. G. A, Tessier THE MIDWAY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENT CLEANING DYERING AND REPAIR Goods Called For and Delivered 322 Sth Street Phone Green 241 PACIFIC TRANSFER C0. Furniture, Bagyage, Piano Mov ing and General Cartage Phone 1 Suite 9, Federal Block r Large PRESSING, Office: HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. Phone 300 P, O, Box 163 _ BOOKKEEPING - AUDITING Bookkeeping Taught by Private be" Terms Reasonable WENDELL R. JONES Phone 112 919 2nd AW BROWN & BUTTERS MINING ENGINEERS L00Y METALLURGY AND MINING GEO! ih Res, Phone Black 413 bes Prince Rupert 2 oe We Have F or ; Sale e A Fine Inside Lol Block 12, dee. ° $4500.00 G. R. Naden Co. Lit Rea! Estate and Insurance Second Avenue.