ae 4 LangesT CIRCULATION NEXT MAILS iw THE OFTY AND er From South erITISH COLUMBIA cna —_ eeieee Rupert eee ewees seid uf OTL Ror south. bi A, Prince Geemree.. . 3\ | i~ NOVSE4 eg \ ; ‘ : } a etd | lk eee ————SSS==— SS ——————E———————SS SJ we NO, 272 10 Dt pO : r oN 7 mR Oo ¢ eo : PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 PRICE FIVE GENTS SS ” mi ——— ee ————————— eS Pe Ce ee i: eenere ery Pe o NANAIMO STRIKE NEARING A SETTLEMENT-—-HUERTA’S MESSAGE TO HIS CONGRESS TODAY CONTRACT FOR SECOND | S7¥™4= w muss HERSCHEL ISLAND MOUNTED POLICE POST IS ABANDONED NARROWS BRIDGE LET srw Thousand Factory Em- ployees Have Quit Work. ALL CHANCE OF POLICE GETTING IN TOUCH WITH STEF- ANSSON EXPEDITION THEREFORE DISSIPATED — SIX SK THOUSAND FOR A SINGLE LOT AT FORT FRASER AUCTION RESIDENTIAL LOTS FURTHEST AWAY FROM THE RAILWAY AND ORtEETENS PART OF TOWN KNOCKED DOWN AT WILL FULLY DISCUSS THE DUBLIN STRIKE National Trades Union Congress Called for Discussion of the Situation December 9. Government Has Af Affixed Its Ap-| : (Ss aily N ) proval to the Subsldy Contract | Special to The Daily News.) for Construction. Petersburg, Nov. 20.—A | general strike of factory hands St. (Rneair — , {throughout the country has been : i HUNDRED AND OVER (Special to The Daily News { r Bt (Special to the Daily News) Ottawa, Nov. 20.—The govern. |declared. Here! and in Northern | AP : a # THE LONG MUSH FROM DAWSON _ , vay: # 4 naar j London, Noy. 20.—The parlia- pceineplact to The Daily News town were take for al ment has approved of the subsidy |ussia there are sixty-five thou- : aa oe Nov - 00 Davin ired doll per at or a Aun=1) contract for the Second Narrows |#8#"d who, have refused to work. | mentary committee of the Trades (Special to The Daily News.) {made to locate the missing vessel. ni er Nov. 20. é gidred dolls f i ve : , 0 is had 7 ‘ r m™ 4 y a nf ne hundred ‘and|cort i in \ at set < ia ath bridge &t Vancouver, amounting ae ‘Union Congress has decided to Ottawa, Noy. 20.—The mount- The post on the island having 5.556 r one “dl i corners in that section sold for : : ie : ed police post on Herschel Island|to be abandonec shance a’ adel Ae ene “AL feom three to.four huntred aie are es and: fifty thou-| GETS VERY MONOTONOUS call a national congress to deal a ri ee, peg i on ph bag 3 for scant ae rday morning’s sale of Fort}lars. The highest prices realiz sand dollars The money now a lwith the Dublin labor situation Ks gh ci j ; 1 : bes esterda i - i . river, will have to be abandoned|the Stefansson pe ; “é eor jolts by auction here. Lots|ed were those for Lot 17, in block being available the work ean pro- |New Zealand All Blacks Show No jon December 9th. The delay of a aad ae See One ee ms ote sere ‘ Fra dt | cenil fottvetl Variet .jthis winter and the detachment|ed. The Dawson patrol will leave in the choicest business |157, for $6,000. Lot 18, same} ")\ : eat : |three weeks is due to a@ hbelieflinere of four men and five dogs|Dawson for Fort. McPherson on s ag . . ‘olonel S: shes has ap-| —- ithe he gover 2 > ij 2 ; : ; E erp old ‘ae ‘high @6°96,000,|biock, fetched ‘the ‘same _ price ne im Hugh ias ap |that the government may in the].; . " aa ns re te ‘ will be compelled to drop back to|Christmas Day, with dc sidential lots located fur-|Lots 19 and 20, a double corner proved of the ground plan for the | (Special to the Daily News) jmeantime induce the employers Fort Me Shebton. Thi fs ‘owing Sirs the -nkelia thes ott ele ; Xs : te ‘ovement by the park board! Victoris No 20.—The New rield to the en's demands. noe vate 4 r as wat from the railwaylon the same block. sold for $6.- mprovemen | ‘ a, NOV. aU. lie New yto yielt oO lf mens demands to the fe ‘ ‘ ‘ 36, ne ; , im sy : » fact that the steamer Bel-|a stay , tu md the central portion of the! 500. of Vancouver of the property at|Zealand All Black football team|The delay signifies the triumph yadare whidh ss ctiitiaoan ond Sari ” ns rane a bavi the head of Coal Harbor, Van-|yesterday defeated a local fifteen|of the older labor leaders over last Tily itl ~* lal for tt aie eats seen the ee _ = . couver. by 23 points to nil. iwhat are termed “hotheads.” policed idle, cop i on Pek Her-/the circumstances emt 'they vars ; i : schel, never reached its destin-|be able to communicate with the WILD MAN AT GRANBY SUP SED Fe mana POE ACC "PRR NGS Sa ation. It is feared the vessel met|Stefansson expedition. The’ pa- () with disaster or was frozen in|tro! on the return trip will reach the ice.” Efforts are still being} Dawson some time in March. TO HAVE COME FROM RUPERT HIS NAME WAS FOUND TO BE GEORGE JOHNSON — CLOTHES FOUND ON Correspandence jt 19 been the the enquiry Nov Further in- obtained of water in the near has with body i nd in Granb At the leath held on Monday at \ was found that the de- Johnson. that Ru-je had been con- liquor to In- coming to has not rate he Prince here to have woods for touch ame was G, There is a story circulating he had been let out of Prince where he peddling sl before t this firmed story At any n on the landed ed away was He in the the drenching drinking heavily and|a off clothes to dry \ irentliy he laid him the beach and died vas found ind on seems about ivs ih his tr down ebping head the othes were up on the beach earance that of German about 30 med- jt fir iting on discov n n is ot are p y OSSIDIY extraction, dark, was of and his knees and/|a we terribly cul up, owing | u having worn thro- of whieh he eon- ed { move. around in the woods and the beach: His body looked as if it had been pre- Viously well nourished, and de- apparently taken} himself, his shoes spite on | } | had - a ¢ il of de Prince the New York Dawson, ots bi social they ai as has been done SY he Vancouver, Mann, ther It all should have this iy ol nd ile \ The iireadys 1aKe possess a th they did not have arranged for and ose ear, he re res south is what ‘Domage’ of others narew whit and they best securing Sunday, af Victoria which interests in plac BEACH WHERE BODY WAS FLOATING ter and he ST. ANDREW’S BALL Efforts to Make it Greatest Social Function of Season the that his fete But eould people of M or Boston, ¢ In Fre year, Rupert those the one of had THE, features or of have tc Friday, Nove Day. Andrew's its St starting thew nota Dall event hall on bie fine fo have orchestra other ave no di the mech woul St. nobody 1 help ontreal, 0 vv far-awa places and in St. Andrew’ the, SeAasol th an » alter here, mber society i efforts t this date They r the pur las 1ilable table feat Widow of Hero. Honored. Special to the Daily News) London, | widow Nov. 20.—I of the Antareti sady visiting Port has Andrew 1y on Sun- that, great 28th, now Scott, ce explorer, has been offered a suite of rooms jal pase Court Palace. og q The Daily News. Nov. negotiations with} of the Mex- (Special to Washington, dent Wilson's Carranza, the 20, Presi- n { leader r \ broken off short, It is reported) here that the rupture of these} negotiations was not due, as has| been stated to Carranza demand- the credentials of Mr. Hale, Ing l, e d because Carranza refused to certain pu Hale. This is putting the the other leg British admiralty has o1 Bermuda ‘squadron to at once to Mexican wat- British inte onsists but answer him by boot The |dered the 2 | proceed ers to The squadron British cruisers ns questio on s rests. | protect t three} 0 { Mexico Gity, Noy. 20.—General Huerta has prepared his message which is called for’ to Congress, j this | quote lof | dissolution land he h five heal Ge part }communications President Wilson’s special envoy, | States ton ;COnE himself, ping paig ficat AC German lieve iety cons terve avoided, it he will justification in m is course in the of the old serves notice that he afternoon, Nap#leon him a clear th, nera! Huerta in the recent with as finished, no difficulty regards exchange the He eet ress in complete accord with and continues the map- out military ns and his policies of ion, imiral Paul von Hintze, minister to Mexico, s there is no reason for and says a plan idered by which ention almest the of his the anx- being armed in- surely be same time he 1s wil! At arbitrary | Mexico, congress, | and asks | refugees ican constitutionalists, have been|and expects the new congress to|which is political bill of | gents. | his | of of | United | expects | in consum-| to;mating his plan to bring his new i dred } tection. cam- | paci- | be-/2 | fcontinue | itry as quickly as possible. DICTATOR HUERTA COMPARES HIMSELF TO FIRST NAPOLEON To Justify His Arbitrary Disaslution So ale Old Congress---Great Britain Has Ordered the Bermuda Squadron to Mexico--- New Congress Opens Today has ordered the cruiser Nuern- berg, now on the Pacific coast of to proceed to San Blas, take on board any German from the city of Tepic, threatened by insur- Manue! Interior, resign and his fruitless he handed resignation. Half an he was on the train Vera Cruz. He took soldiers with him It said he refuge in France. All the trains to Vera Cruz are crowded with have been warned by overnments to leave’ the Senor the Aldape, Minister urged Huerta to efforts proving in his own hour later bound for two hun- for pro- will take densely who their | coun- Large and children in this city fleeing the numbers of women arrive towns, to from interior country. CALLED DOWN FOR BEING DILATORY Dr. Robertson Not Completed Re- port of Education Commis~ The remains were buried yes- era sion Started Three Years one Ney, J. ©. Andrew con- | " Basketball , Ago ing the serviee, | —_— ieneneres at | Tigers vs. Brotherhood at the] (gpeeial to The Daily News.) There were, very heavy rains | Auditorium tomorrow night. Ritters Nov. 20-—Xt du abate er ee i Sy “cle t 5 sharp. Ad- . a, : ; “VU. 8 §& bul Tuesd 7 he IS SRB [Game ge a a 8.18 ‘Sharp. Ae that Dr. J. W. Robertson has not ! roy morning saw the} mission 25 cents, yet completed the report of the I the ena t F é | ae) ’ wa ovelae aud gti es A pair of horses for Lindsay's soMmmMrsecon appointed by the # hard, 2m pai . dow anal aiiasaaal late government in 1910 tp In- Mr. Mani “eg 7 firansfer Wek eee aia quire into the question of tech- Hot anly, of the Granby Bay|G. T, P. boat. There were als nical *ducation arid that Hon, T *! Company, returned from | 37 head of cattle. a Titih one has eont an ‘iH ficeetert rete the matter. Up to date the com-| *mission’has cost a hundred thou- | sand dollars and Dr. Robe rison (Special to The Daily News.) MP A TRE has drawn a salary of four hun- Ne oe an: sev. te E S dred dollars per month = right New York, Nov, 20, OY anes along. James Ress, one of the most prominent leaders, scholars and prac pete a jeduecators in Canada, was struck ... 1O-NIGHT... MILITANTS’ NEW DODGE and fatally injured by an auto- “No Rent” Crusade Is Next Stunt Mobile here today. He died from We present a magnificent wild animal picture from the They Will Put On. ja fractured skull! an hour tater. ' Selig Studios | Dr. Roas was pastor of St, An- (Special to The Daily News.) | drew 8 Presbyterian chureh in 6¢ e London, Noy, 20.—Interviewed | |Montreal and professor in the amba | he l after her speech from a window fe resbyterian College there. 3 in a shabby house in the West | ren Cee ae os End, Sylvia Pankhurst, who is BURNING IN MID-OCEAN now a fugitive from justice, re- EA 5: of | he Jun le fusing to leave her room, where | Thirty Passengers and Crew Are she alone is safe, according to| Reseued by British Warship. the provisions of the Gat and} peer This «i genet ag animal: {Mouse act, dedlared that'a “No| (Special to The Daily News.) Eee ee ly considered even a greatel , e Rent Strike” will prove the most} London, Noy, 20,—The British rictuve than the Selig Co.'s ALONE IN THE JUNGLE effective method of obtaining the|battleship Iron Duke yesterday ‘hich was shown in the Empress Theatre some weeks vote for women. rescued thirty passengers and 4g0, Oe the crew of the steamer Scots- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.|}dyke, which was on fire in the Coon, 7 Phone 4, tf | English Channel. HOME RULERS TO ARM Dublin to Have an Organization (8 Di u ist Vv is lines gani hold gove being j}hom volunteer Similar to Ulster. pecial to The Daily News.) Noy. 20.—A movement way to form National- forces, on the same Edward Carson or- zed the Ulster forces, to up- the dignity of the Crown rnment in the event of there trouble in passing the Irish rule bill to embrace all iblin, nder as Sir e Ireland. FAMOUS EDUCATOR DEAD um to Dr. Robertson in regard to | Rev. James Ross Meets His Fate in New York NANAIMO STRIKE MAY HAVE BEEN SETTLED Report That Deputy Minister of Labor Acland Had Settled It Not Yet Confirmed. (Special to the Daily News) Na- has yet been received al the department of labor C. Watters, president of Trades and Labor Congress. It is understood, however, that there are good hopes of a permanent settlement being effected. Advices received here are to the effect that more men are returning to work daily and that the mines are being worked to almost capacity. settled the miners’ strike at naimo either of by J. the Dominion HAS NOT RESIGNED Minister of Railways Still Hold- ing to His Job (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, Nov. 20,—Hon. Frank Cochrane has not resigned as Minister of Railways because of ill-health, and says he has no intention of doing unless he suffers a complete breakdown. 50 St. Andrew's Society The meeting of monthly business St. Andrew's 8o- regular the rooms, Secorid Avenue, evening at 8 o'clock, foreigners, | Ottawa, Noy. 20.—No oonfirma- tion of the report that Deputy Minister of Labor Aeland has}, ciety will be held in the Society's on Friday GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC AND THE GOVERNMENT UNABLE T0 AGREE PRICE TO BE PAID GOVERNMENT FOR FOR BARRACK PROPERTY AT CALGARY TO BE USED FOR THE RAINWAY COM- PANY’S TERMINAL Calgary, Nov. 417.—A hearing|think this enough. There is a is now being held in the council| spread of about $20,000 between chamber, before Mr. Justice Aud-|the amount asked and the am- ount offered. If the company refuses to ac- cept the finding of the judge there is no further appeal and the property still remains with the crown. This would mean that the G. T, P. would have to either pay the sum fixed in the judgment or look elsewhere for a station site, A number ette, of Ottawa, for of fixing the value racks property. The G. T. P. has negotiated for some time with the government for this proper- ty, with a view to using it for its Calgary terminal, but failing to agree on its value, Justice Aud- ette of the Exechequer Court was appointed by virtue of a minute in council, to examine witnesses the purpose of the bar- of witnesses were and report. It is not a sitting of}examined yesterday, including the exchequer court itself, Jus-|City Assesnor Wallace, who es- tice Audette is sitting as an in-|timated the value of the property dependent valuator, in 1906, when negotiations be- There is considerable differ-|gan to have been $5,000 an acre. ence of opinion between the go- J. K. Lee, a real -estate agent, vernment and the railway com-jestimated that in 1906 the pro- pany as to the value of his pro-|perty was worth approximately perty. The company offers|$148,000, In 1914,it was worth, 1 $150,000 for the 30 odd acres de-|the witness thought, from $450,- Lon does not!000 to $475,000. The URGING CANADA TO PURCHASE POINT ROBERTS FROM AMERICA VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE TO APPROACH THE DOMINION. GOVERNMENT ON SUBJECT—AMERICAN FISHERY MEN LIABLE TO RAISE OBJECTIONS. sired. government nothing to protect, other island, which Canada might trade’ for Point Roberts, might become a place of advantage for fortification purposes, Although it was the of opinion of the trade members’ that Canada should acquire Point Roberts, it was doubted if the United States would give it up on account of its value to the salmon canning industry. there was while hat little point of land known Point Roberts, about eight square in extent, which years been more or as some miles has for less a bone of contention, commerei- ally, between the United States and Canada, is onge again in the limelight, the Vancouver Board of Trade recently deciding to con- sider taking up with the Dominion government its purchase. The feeling was voiced by Mr. T. E. Julian, proposer of the resolu- tion to purchase, that a much belter way to keep peace between the nations was instead of cele- brating centenaries by building monuments and having dinners, speech making, etc,, to remove such things as had, or would, cause friction. concensus board of Rifle Shooting The members of Earl Grey's Own Rifles Association and of the Prince Rupert Civilian Rifle Association are’ requested to Point Roberts, said Mr. Julian,|meet at Stork’s Hardware Store was such a thing, and it has|on Friday evening at 8 o’elock caused continual friction for the}to discuss plans for minature reason that it is the place where/rifle shooting during the win- the cannerymen of Washington |ter. 272-3 have their fishtraps. Point Rob- = i erts is a small island and through it, cutting off about eight square miles of its end, passes. the 49{h parallel, Mr. Julian proposed that Canada either purchase this PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bazaar land or that it trade for it an island in the Strait of Georgia, in the Mointyre Hall on Point Roberts, he explained, was WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH worth nothing to the United alent aa Stain aad Senenitteles States as a nation, though ad- lework, Dainty Xmas and New mitting its ecommereial value to Year Gifts. Afternoon Tea Served. Music. Candies and Fish Pond ADMISSION FREE the canners. The United States could find it 4 of no use for a fortification, for oe