PRINCE RUPERT THE PACIFIC poRT OF P™ (GRESS t | meee ee en em me! HE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: it is not teue that the mayor will wear a mask and tote a gun when he bearde Bowser in his den. PRINCE RUPERT, FEBRU B.C., THURSDAY, ARY 12, 1914 BRITISH HOUSE DIVIDES ON HOME RULE QU PRICE FIVE CENTS ON HUDSON BAY RAILWAY DEBATED AT OTTAWA--T. D. PATTULLO ON THE NEW MUNICIPAL ACT Ww Tug PRESBYTERIAN SOCIETY (ST. ANDREW'S soctery 4 HAYE SOCIAL EVENING HOLDS VERY LIVELY DEBATE Whist Drive and Dance With Several Musical UESTION OF LAWYER'S RIGHT TO DEFEND KNOWN CRIMI- Selections NAL MAKES INTERESTING SUBJECT—LEGAL FRA- TERNITY ON DEFENCE | ye One of the ve icest social | in Literary so Mr. Crear said lawyers were vents of the seas was the St. | ght and the en-|{rained to sec lopholes in the law] Andrew's societ drive ail t er "ines took | ana thus get bad men free. This|dance last evening The social debate he ques- | eur a hee jleaches disrespect for all law.|was held in the society's hall yet t « it - fied in defending The pest legal talent could be]'There were about 80 present. In m he knows to be|/secured for money and justice}ine early part of the evening 0. Boult and Mr | thus thwarted, fhe legal pro-|there was the whist d: which ted the resolu-|fession did not stand for a right] proved exciting and amusing as A. M. Manson and|interpretation of the law, but] we The prize winners were: took the nega-|rather how to beat it Mrs. Mitchell, first, and Miss Mr. Manson began by showing|Peach, ladies consolatior 4 opening said if althat the arguments of the affir-]Cameron, gentlemen's first, and was impossible} mat were not in the issue. He] James Adams, consolation ot guilty Itiadmitted that there were black During the evening songs were ble through 1) sheey in the profess Che ven by R. Dowther and Algie } aw to set himjq h eve as vhether | Hunter. Pipe Major MeGrur’y this was done the'!s lawye wits justified n de gave a couple of stirring selec- S criminals! fending a known criminal De ions and there were Shewn iz i se on so-|fending meant putting his side|]Trews by Miss Beatrice Killen, ers refused lo of the cas the judge andjand the Highland fling as an en- ie usually left|jury. Every man is innocent] core. rincipled law- jt he is proven guilt Later a dance was indulged in Which proved Vhere was 1 absolute know-|]for several Mours. The St. An- fession did not dae It is very difficult to get} Crew's orchestra furnished the guilly men at the facts and error is so hu-]|™usic, which was commented on i the supporters|/man that the only safe course} ™ost favorably by all present would make | was have two experts sift the rhe evening was considered a whether a manjevidence in order that the court holly delightful affair by every Few criminals| might get at all the truth ne present counsel rhe The vote of the meeting was Among those present were: Mr know till hejin favor of the affirmative ind Mrs; W. Longwill, Mr. and 4 man mieht After the debate refrshments| Mrs. J. H. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. R so as to hide}were served by the ladies 4|Dowther, Mr. and Mrs. H. Killin, igh hallucina irge crowd was present and Mr. and Mrs. J. Steen, Mrs. R. safe method is eure well for the future of the| Steen, Mr..and Mrs. Arthur, Mr. put» clearts fet . and Mrs. G. P. McColl, Mr. and les pu lear} society Mrs. J. W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Shafer, Mrs Williscroft, Mrs. ER] | PRESBYTERIAN LADIES Miller, Mrs. Brown, Misses Har- ERICAN BALL LEAGUE HOLD TEA AND SALE). Bosley, Ross, MeLean, Knott, ] Co Bt Cowie inn rol. ANNOUNCES SCHEDULE)... presbyterian ladies held af: Cowie J+ Cowie, Dunn, Pol CSVYLCPIAN te 5 e . ock, each, OSs, essrs. 3, 1 ee ne Si le “ c 0 al e ‘ € 1] Je Ss. Ne ns April 14 and Closes Octo- essfu} tea and sa ' oe ar a ‘ K & a = il ber 7—~ d estic cookery vesterday af-|Kelly, Martin, Bruce a il r The Sunday : 1 18 Milne, Ghas. Dennis, W. G Games t the home f Mrs. H an irae es ennis aie! CLednt MOLE, I MeRa Mrs. McRae was as ; he Daily News ‘ i Mrs. McClymont. Those|@: A Russell, Hume \dams, ‘ Pr \ f the tea table ' jA Cameron, Scott, MeLe Ste- ik i" er harge of tne es Labit . . }vens n obertso f Mas- e has aanoun-|Mrs. D. G. MeRae and Mrs. Ar-|¥ ae : : ; ee. oe Sev cIntosh gie Hunte i the coming | nold Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatrick andj} bs eee Naw: York Ghi Mrs. Reddie had charge of the le Hunter, W Smith, W _M a r ; ¥ M: Rien anit mwn, J. Nicol, J. Lee, McKay, eee ets Meme en. BOOMING: < OREM 3 laa Hlawart, Cecil Brown, Hep- m games sil for| Mrs Manson of the refresh ’ 1) burn, A. Paterson Squires iicago 3He3 1@ | inents do ; Ss. of Saturday A musical program was rend-|*! ; ther in all Dvery ered, consisting of piano 80 re laWitatian two lhy i Wa ah Aten | SHAKESPEARIAN DRAMA th cee he ya fste eae AT THE MAJESTIC th the exception|and a vocal solo by Mrs. Alle 7 ict - n ¢ I ‘ dies oO ec ire itend (ee aS " my pore " ah : 6 or eae u 100 Shylock, or The Merchant ' ee eee NOS. @ 005208. 0 see }of Venice,’ was the feature film a _ wegvion sae lat the Majestie theatre last night Gayy srotober 4, jand to say that it pleased the the former di-| Armory Site Excavation i i@lania mbaeenbdevoutiine h largwe audier » prese s pulting game of the lat le vat : ; it mildly The best procurable n October 7 rhe secretary of the sere | s o be the motto of the - vative association is in receipt in i A ae pict : popular m enue victure New Planing Mill lof a telegram from H, 8, Cle h ; aha’ (GRD THEE cond dining iments to the effect that the nil pe ps aa Siatian Pp lar Ppp rmerly connect-Jitia department will do nothics | th tea a Bini fa: Rita a F g mill on Fifth}towards the armory constr Tt ; | ' jance nightly Che reproduction ay 5 ; -! P ‘ a . 6 sal a ath n out a building}tion until they receive a sa%l of the great Shakespearian mas- \ilding 4100x100, | factory title rhe papers went re ara ta taht A 1H Oi; : I s to be erected! down on the last boat and orders ; es ther poniiah. fila | presel other po { I Which has been/to proceed with the — ex avation ae: Mop aGaOn! a rollicking Westenhayer Bros,|will probably be issued within a se ade Araenas ibon di eaten as a planing mill.| week or two, siudiog concluding’ with the Cine equipped with | es photoplay Hiei Wate Armia] 33 In ane 2a my Morrissey Acting ayor particularly’ interesting film power, 1@ COS . 5 th e s Pathe's Animated vill be 86,000 | \ ten minute session of the G m The programme will be leity council was held last even- nee ted ‘natant : Eastern Hockey Results ling to appoint an acting mayor |'*P°" P { ‘18 g : | for the period while the wang Ors Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Daily News jaway on a trip to Victoria, Phot ; Ottawa at eed Ald. Dybhavn and Maitland ’ | moved that Ald. Morrissey be : . given the honor, which was| gee % Canadiens Gy) ‘arried, tion from a Ald, M 1 Ald sce seaabneclaye , ’ Ald. MeCGlymont proposed Ald, loro \ oo ; Be tien nf susiness Man Oe Sa | Maitland, but the latter declined, MOTB IRE! oP tatement rorrecting \ ateme Monieie Mayor Takes a Trip nade in the editorial col- wevowonononooonioenones | imns yesterday concerning F. O. E, | The mayor and city solicitor the money brorowed on the leave tomorrow to interview the treasury certificates was agaer | provincial government They received today too late for { , y > ” 4 lwant an extension of time on the publication ‘he News ‘government loan which amounts} neerels egrets that it F , E125 { t be bs sed today as our Beautiful ,to $425,000 and which mus vannot be u Ye8 Prizes }paid out of the ten per cent short this paper is always anx- TO jterm loan just made from the ious to correct any mis- -NIGHT | Bank of Montreal statements it may mak. i : \ sation wi il 9 p.m, he communica aH Only make on engagement for appear tomorrow m 90 Ladies Free the 18th, and be sure that one is *etereoooooononcooonoocoooeos | {he Orpheus Glee Club Concert. | Qreeereeroroorrrorrrorr reer ergo oon, SIR GEORGE W. ROSS New picture of leader of opposition in the Canadian Senate, who shows signs of recovery from his recent illness, during which he was taken to Toronoto and placed in the general hospital almost across the corridor from Sir James Whit- ney’s suite. LOCAL BUSINESS MAN Triweekly Train ‘Service From Fort George—Severe Winter Weather chestra at the Orpheus Glee Club ‘BRITISH HOUSE DIVIDE BACK FROM FT. GEORGE ON QUESTION HOME RULE East | Bonar Law Predicts Civil War if Bill Put Through—vUlster Must Be Left Out session e — —o ee HOLDS HIS FAITH IN RUPERT COMPARISON WITH CITIES SOUTH T. D. PATTULLO TALKS oF PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL ISSUES —THE NEW MUNICIPAL ACT INIQUITOUS LEGISLA- TION—MISTAKE TO PAY TEN PER CENT. TO PAY GOVERNMENT etree Daily News in-|that portion_of_it having refer- Yesterday the terviewed T. D. Pattullo, upon| ence toy the, dppointment of, ‘in ; snapecia of, montage cand his arrival from the south where the du sand poywegs Awhich may he spent several weeks. Mr. Pat-|),, sotiteatel ‘stpon Chim by. ’thé/ lullo is always optimistic, and) tie utenant-governor in cefineif. ilways has something to say of}, more iniggitous sziser? of feg- public interest. He was first | i. lation than? that proposed asked about the general business! j; \ou1q be hapd tO conceive. If , Srneion, this legislation goes through no “It would be useless to deny/municipal council will hereafter that one can see a decided dif-|have any more independence of ference in the Vancouver and|action, indeed far less than the Victoria of today as regards ac-/present police and licence com- tivity and the Vancouver and} missions. In faet all municipal Victoria of eighteen months ago,| councils will be under the direct nevertheleas they are coming|/dictation of the attorney-gen- through the financial storm in| eral. good shape and have every rea-| “I have no doubt whatever that son to look forward with optim-|an approval by the provincial ism to the developments certain to take place on this in the immediate future. which |government of a municipal issue j}would be of benefit to the issue, ;even although the government do are As far as Rupert is concerned|not guarantee the issue, but the I have never seen any reason to|new proposals are entirely sub- change the opinion at which I|versive of the right of local self- had arrived before the original|#0vernment and repugnant in sale of lots here, namely, that|the extreme to any one who val- this is a city of splendid resour- | ues our boasted liberty and freedom. “If the government would ap- point a board, say, of three, who would and could reasonably be expected to act as conscientious- ces which is bound to go ahead under any circumstances, but which of course can be acceler- ated in her onward march by a united and intelligent effort up- on the part of her people.” ly and as fearlessly as ,say, the “What about this new Munici-|board of railway commissioners, pal Act?” asked The News. not with a view to giving the “IT have not had time to read the whole act, but I have perused Continued on Page 4) © HUDSON BAY RAILWAY MATTERS SUBJECT OF VIGOROUS DEBATE MR. McLEAN OF HALIFAX SEEKS _ INFORMATION RE LOSS OF STEAMERS IN HUDSON BAY—SAYS GOVERNMENT WAS NEGLIGENT—MINISTER COCHRANE REPLIES (Special to the Daily News) Essanay Studios. Mr. Wm. Wark returned. yes- Special to The Daily News.) luck had been experienced dur- terday from Fort George, having London, Feb. 12.—The Hon, Ottawa, Feb. 12.—The opera-jing the season, but this was not pends 9 ee ee ash poe Walter Long moved as aM/tions of the department of rail-|unusual in pioneer work. The 00 ie ' ° oO he Onton, ) , > > Ar . é add Ukan Seine hy tinea endment to the speech from ways and the department of ma- reports of the loss sustained Tha Gul P. issmmnnme thro he throyip that it would be dis- vi _ ae " Mei were exaggerated. Despite the trains a week from McBride sta-|@strous for the house to proceed |W! . te work a ror : pigs difficulty experienced a good tion east, which is 4140 = miies ther with the Irish bill until te te a li Molanntad start was made in the work at from Fort George. neasure was submitted t . : ; een fe ere or els i im 9 1 é i ubmi ©} Halifax ‘introduced the discus. Port Nelson. He | maintained Mr. ark says that business is} {hy judgment of the country. fenone. moving fon informe ene that choosing Port Nelson as the rather quiet in the inland town,!This was defeate vi ote offi, : Av Pree Ur te shaat t ‘ B hessatis MY f lth oe th s ire all looking for na eee Dy i a ny in connection with the work of terminus of the railway by the al oue e i © ¢ KIng al i ~vv, > £ Oo ce e : gr or > ‘ yas ¢ ris 8 ‘ A e announcen establishing suitable terminals|®0VYermment was a wise choice. the proverbial 00m in i@/was received by the Opposition}, > the Hudson Bay railwee dee He fully justified the course and spring Prince Rupert looks|and shouts ‘esig . mar]. : ah ne , exper s . , >» ac p n pe outs to resign, Mr, Bonar}},.4 Nelson. He reviewed the re. |°*Pected that much would be ac- good to. him yet and he believes!Law predicted a civil wa tie ; ;}complished next season. that there is no place along the! p ent the: bill passed em = : mishaps - ee . wii anc oune trouble which devel- road with prospects like Urs ged that the danger could only The 2 s ar “e oj ne ene . € i genet . i“ a man : ul L ily oped -during the season. a lhe Methodists are preparing : Ao Mao ~;be averted by leaving Ulster out charged the minister of railways|to do full honor to the anniver- low zero when he left. f the home rule bill or submit- : . : the bill to th S dmnthcar es with not exercising due care in,-sary of their church this year. A i if ( e judgment o tin , jinaking arrangements and con-|/grand concert is to be given on COMMITTEE OF SEVEN Pe} tended that the big mistake was|}Monday evening March 2nd, TO FIX REDISTRIBUTION | - }in not making proper prévision|which will be of the highest | rhe Jewelry Sale now going on | for unloading vessels. He con-jorder. It is also expected that {at Wark’s is a legitimate stock|tended there had been neglect in}|Rev. 8. D. Chown, D.D., Metho- Liberals Will Have Three on tne) educing sale Every person in|the establishment of aids to/dist superintendent for all CGan- Committee, Choosing Chief [Ru ipert knows that the class of | navigation. ada, will be here to preach on the Party Whips }stock carried by this firm is re- Mr. Cochrane replied by say-|anniversary Sunday, March st. |!iable and the best in the north}ing that undoubtedly some bad 384-35 Special to the Daily News j country, Now for two whole Siieut @tsw 4a ri} ca |weeks it is opened at a discount - 5 r . an a ee OW 8s BR Ae re heETS= of 88 1-5 %. Do not Jet — this | ARAB RR ROU GO ROG UCU R EE HERES tribution bill will get the second opportunity get past you, but ¥ reading next week, rhere IS }call there today before you pur- much speculation as to the per- | Chase 35 ME R fk S . iH f A ] RE sonnel of the special commilt | of seven to whom it will subse-| TO NIGHT. quently be referred, The Con-| In view of Wm. Manson’s . — servatives will have four and the recent public speeches in opposition three It is under v | PART 1--PATHE’S WEEKLY REVIEW-—Containing a great many plo- ; : : - ) a rh ¢ s ada- stood that the Liberals have se Prince Rupert and hi ada tures of general interest, among others Rodman Law successfully ‘ t 4 § se- : ‘ i . . , yolie thaied: their. bhief WHInE Dardis mant attitude for the policy goes over Rainbow Fails, eighty feet high, in an ordinary rowboat; eat a he Are atecala eS of municipal ownership of President Poincaire of the French Republic concludes his visit to Slat inna De Bolahd Re msarne all publie utilities, it will be England; a bolt of lightning ignites fifty-five thousand barrele of § . Use ’ : ‘rest g ) ate > Op- wa covernment RAL ahr weapnall interesting to watch the oP oll; at Paris the Journal's field day brings into competition the cream rere . position he puts up te 1e a conclusion as to who will rep- lage: int eee Municipal ni it of the Buropean sthistio world. resent it, but there will be one i : ; LPP EG PART 2—LOVE AND WAR IN MEXICO-—Part 1. ; f which prohibits municipal < ig eee et one ae ewes vnership of public utilities | +* PART S—LCVE AND WAR iN MEXICO—Part 2—A tremendous military on) ORS FO PDO MOMS *ROV- 12 without -finsbeegetting the |x Production from the Lubin Studios. The scenes of this great plo- NCES, i$ consent of the Vietoria gov |x ture are laid in Mexico, Gonditions as they at present exist in Mex= ninent, The fight he puts Iz leo are vividly portrayed. on ae . - > HO Ss agt ser ought to = Hear the overture “Semjra- isainst Bowser ought t |{ PART 4—THE WARDROBE LADY—A delightful comedy drama trom the inde” by the Westholme Or-|3 be the big feature of the t ’ \* i* concert. 36.36 SOO nO III IOI OO ete