THE DAILY NEWS Saturday April FOR B EBB GU UU B GUO OUI UIUC IGE IO AO IU. GILLETTS LYE : : Local and Personal EATS DIRT [2 sone of te guiorain * for the local Tory ma. * FOCI It ttt ke ; RIAA IAIIIASSSSASSISAA IAG : : t sy excuses No. 2—Cut out and paste jn recipe Tp danni | err a ona aee oc sa ti ee ; oya book. ry Smith & Killas’ ice cream.| ‘The Venture sails south this nes he ge rein 3 eggs; % cup castor sugar; 1 cup Yee Ee ifLernoon * Karl Grey's Rifles claim * Royal Standard; 1 teaspoonful Adair Carss : e Dene Se ; ; Z Jarss, who has just been| ‘ . e it was because Uapt. rec baking powder; % teaspoonful vnlia 3s stork § ar ag , S an ard salt. Beat yokes of eggs and called to the bar, arrived here} Mrs. George Little returned to eee ee ag sugar to a cream; add flour, this morning, rervace this morning = veregrenn eerie . Layer Cake baking powder, Ce =a ei See | See * urging him to keep up the * and bake 10 minutes in layer tins. Reversible © serims Ss. Daw ; * fight against the Naval * “olden Mike stean galt Mare eat ted tarees Wits yom, wid FOPUIA®. vat ms, One. yé vi I . Dawson returned today * bill. The attention of the | air.” Heres the re- —BETTY BROWN. ‘temps Value 35c, special/froma business trip to the south, ce cipe: price 200 yard at Geo. D. Tite's. ee * machine is drawn to the * Pg oe Steve. Kine, , * comment of Colonel Sam *| un old timer, has SE more water with Royal | Duncan Ross is in the city for| returned from. a trip to England. * Hughes in the house of * | Standard our a few days, having just returned . 7 qomimons 0 tne criti © ‘Gar Fl from Vistoria: Ming amen Weal) edivwa in * against Capt. Tom Wal- *| Siar Notice we don’t say how much water to use in this Oe eee | this cily, was ¢ t Be We Re aes. LTE . ; y f ‘ : y, Was a passenger on the Ww ED : ; e] f \ recipe. If we said the ‘usual amount,” you Shrewd investors are buying | Rupert. vg LLETT COMPANY LIN * to Sir Edward Carson ¥* r ij would find you hhad just about half the required in Port Edward before the rail- eee - Seen, eee i ii quantity. And the same rule applies to bread way is completed. Mrs. Alfred Wright and two *. loyal Canadians were with * ae and any other recipe that requires water. f ESNet children leave Monday for To- 2 pia th ee: Vinee sete. ee A bigger, richer cake, a bigger, richer ANY- What everyone should know: |ronto, Dr, Gilroy has returned from/# The minister of militia, * Ak i THING, is the result when your flour is ROYAL People of discriminating teste See Seattle. See : Al! STANDARD. dine at the G. T. P. Cafe. 83tf S. W. Gidley has assigned ‘ 5 : * “The alleged cablegram * ie : ‘ , ; i 1 ; C i eo ih Prove it by making a cake with the flour you now . . * ;}The Continental Trust company J. ¥, Roohester left for Van-|# does not in any way ee. +i Wid hae use and then with ROYAL STANDARD. Note the Taffa curtains, material 48-in,/are the assignees, couver this morning. * to the duties of Mr. Wal- * ie delighted oxpressions round the corner of the wide, regular value $1 yard; Fo tgages , PS Se ee ee el a Bt 4 mouth of those who eat cake made the ‘Royal special price 60c yard at Geo. D. Charles Miller, who several Four drunks were up in police|* reserve, and the minister * Standard way!” Tite's. T4tf| years ago was keeper at Langara court this morning. They were|* is not called upon to ex * All grocers sell ROYAL STANDARD. re light, has recently returned from charged the Cusvcnier? fine. * press any opinion with *| i Mr. P. I. Palmer has gone]® trip to England. * regard thereto. Any at- * Die Ro4, ao south to Vancouver on a short Byam. * The Zibassa, six days ovt,|* tempt to discipline Capt. * ae business trip, accompanied by| J. Jordan of the Northern came in today with 55,000 lbs. of|* Wallace in the case sug- * @ . wa ou any we his little son Albert. Brick & Tile company on the iia’ a a eC oar geet cae Sees a Bere : Dee er Me ow Tasted OBS ee Skeena river, came in on today's on Me ko paid: aprived..yesrervay © , improper Dut iieem. *| . We do upholstering and re- boat. with 30 000 pounds, also six days |* Therefore, according to * ale ‘Wank, fAhceneale, Sleahupe. eo ¢ out. The Atlin Fisheries boat|* the minister himself, the * i : Geo. D, Tite Fk nS * Borealis also arrived today with|* disciplining of Capt. Fred ¥* a te, the funiture dealer, F ‘ ; oh Third avenue. 7att|. Mr. M. Kluge, chef at the about 30,000 pounds. * Stork for sending a tele- * ett i) a _ ol ol ois als 5 9] ol S 6-5 ae ase Royal hotel, has returned from ot we Aes SG * gram to a political con- * a Young man with business ex- Seattle, where he has been visit- ane A ance department re-|* frere would be “improper * i 3 , ing for sever: aed ports a wireless message from|* and illegal,” Se — SS — =———— | perience and some capital would * vera}. weaks, } i eo ae ; ; asia abeagnaisn. ¢ Sou the steamer Chelohsin to the ef-|* * i : ‘ : 6 , . ‘ ra is ei MVUNINLAL YARRA LEER E EEL SEIN EE WEEE | ortnership in going 2 om wn. The Princess Beatrice arrived Wape SEAL: See te: ho eee J s y . ‘er 7 * ¥ f L 3 rap sa g » r , ' Box 109 Daily News 79-85 yesterday from the south. She|!78! as keeper at ae OF the a : i 4 You b eee x , has a number of local passen- lighthouses down the inner ‘pas- Liquor ‘Barred in u. S. Navy ail Papen 4 Pa sage. The provincial police have 8 rto | } er got t Inlaid linoleums,- cork carpets, bt eRe been paeeded 1 ae hi seat a Mision the | r eb IMBIENER and" flocy ol: ee, 8 tary Daniels’ order barring the oa: x cloth at 10 per cent discount for er a tape coer Ngee TI sig “f Pees Medtina pe ly apy a * cash. Geo. D. Tite, the quality arrived home from California], .° oe ial_train with theinavy, effective after July 1 next, tet | * © Re hoa 1s ' {this morning. Mr. Lucas is look- Grand Trunk party left again at|}was generally discussed today in Des, ¢ furnisher. 74tf : k noon yesterday for tt { ‘ ' Pe ¥ pe ae Bee Le ing in splendid health and evi- - is yes ot ay for ! 16 ee mn naval and other circles. The or i ane dently enjoyed his holiday 0 1e party went out by the/der, one of the most swee g . JO} ay. ; ping | ti z e ns anics ore : OK ROR RO ROR RK ? eer + Seat yesterday morning, andjever promulgated by the navy ‘ se aed gs . the balance with Mr. Donaldsor ar I. E. Maho 5? the Canadis Mr. f ijdepartment, not only abolishec Hl - OUR CIRCULATION * Bridge dai. wale id in Peer 0c of remained with the train. Mr. W. the traditional . wikis th " : * antes é se ¢ . ’ Ke ee : - i ess oO : CONTEST *!the building of the steel bridges CG, C, Mehan accompanied the|the officers, but will bar all al-| Bhs for * Our ec ete * |along the line, has returned from train east, and Mr, A. Davidson |coholic liquors from every ship | a Cae ur contest has been *laq trip to Seattle. went with the party on.the boat.j/and shore station of the navy 4 frente a a re * Gh eta cir ae sy : ner Surgeon General Braisted rec e one to a contest * ommended it after ¢ xME | REAL * where all are equally re- * FAMOUS PLAYERS 6“ . ? investigation ra, faa! acta * warded. The following * Producti ‘Oohik The Daily News 2 : +. prizes will be given for . u ons maa to Prince The G. T. P. officials decided BARGAINS * the corresponding num- * uport CLASSIFIED ADS. they could not allow the citiz “ * 27° wy A sarin se rt : be ce coe ain, : Mr. V; A, Cole, of the Enipress to pay for the use of the auto- ' subscriptions, Firs : . n a : * : ’ oe mobiles in showing » visitors W x * Class Round Trip Ticket * theatre management, after a FOR RENT ciate th sits ice ieee a Bie around the as they were no rete THIS EEK *|* ot DONORS SP BCH wep. « t short stay in Vancouver, has re- SNAP—850 would buy partn rship in formal guests of the city rl , i 3 7 ( y partners , { s 0 ; : el i * sition, with all expenses */turned with a great line of « good =going business; being called) thoughtfulness o , ar I g in at- t ughtfuln of Mr. Hart and * paid * home. Address Box 99 News Office. | a tractions for the Empress thea- ; the citizens in arranging for the ei eta ii ti a cle 1 15 subscriptions, $150 * FOR RENT—House of four rooms and vepines f | Diamond Ring tre, he having secured from the| 4th. close fn. Apply 840 Summit autos is, however, very much ap so ca ea ls one ing. * CRORE Sind ii Ave., back of Borden Street, 8itf| preciated, Mr. Hart, after de- _ ————$—$— ' : sate Peace wie f s ayers F i t ; ; ) subse riptions, $75 * : yers Film Company|ron pent—small modern fiat, excellent} ducting the few minor expenses | | * Ladies’ Tailored Suit *|Of Canada the exclusive rights to outlook, close in, only $30. Apply at . | \* 25 I ipti Daily News Office, Ror! the reception, will return the siae’ a) ee La- */exhibit all the Famous Players’|pon pent iesty :tateiahed 1 money collected. dies 3; ‘ . , ut D y urnishe room with ea e al y ews:: iol itch. : productions at the Empress for beth, close i. Satisfactory references : Wednesday and Thursday required. pply Box 107 Dally News Miss Jenns was a passe! : ! KKK KK KKK i irsday of 78tf Se A EHH HHH KR Coch week throughout the sea- alae __ fon the Prince Rupert to Vancou — ——_$ $$ —- son. These features, secured at FCR SALE ver this morning, SOT DPICES MOTT IO ROUT “DO | SckcineeeciteniceneeeninetpteerteeereenenstD cao i appreciated by the theatre-going|FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves, cheap ! public of Prince Rupert, which Galland, McBride Street, sou no doubt they will be, in order to}3!X-HORSE PRAPECTION gasoline engine, , e @jishow the management of the Daly 100. paris belty Neon order Empress that their efforts to]ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR—Slightly ii give the very best obtainable in wet msi ” perfect order; cost $30. KS aig ‘ a 9k the film world to their patrons News. = ae eee ot eM xs < Ke al a moderate price of admis-|Fron SALE—Gasoline boat, 28 feet by 8 ‘ ee : wv A ‘dua sion will be appreciated during iets Re, | SRD, Palmer engine, with Ue Weep Y 2se atlracti . , ; Pol ble Be 5 rts, $300. l aa ¢ J $f a! these attractions. The first of 448 Eighth Avenue Bast ee Apply 5 ; these attractions opens next a = Wednesday and holds over it $ Ritter se nee ee WANTED < $ - Hackett'’s famous % é s fi is dramatic suc-|wanTep—a v ; Be es ANTE A girl to work in st i . or “I with The Pride of Jennico,” gallery. Apply 723 Third Ave. 82-84 before bottling a ; *|with House Peters in the le WANTED—A 2 ’ 8 » leading 2 partner with business ex-| GUARANTEED BY THE Ea rience and i ¢ ERN NEW HAZELTON HUBERT ‘FORT GEORGE role, supported by .the Famous| porence snd, small, capital, in going | GOVERNMENT of CANADA ( | } Players stock company, the} 5% 1! Dally News 82-83 lt TMM ; Jentre of the richest mining) Tre , lis in a class by itself. No city in| principal , a j /ANTE y \ . P shes Z rade ‘centre of the Bulkley), . ; ) principal outdoor seenes, being |WANTED—-A_ capable general servant ETE rf Miers tor sen a : ; | Western Canada with the pos-|taken on the island of Cub; Apply Mrs. P. I. Palmer, 720 Fourth| @ Demand the Depot Batce Gateway Valley. So strategically situated) sible exception of Winnipeg or|st I , f Guba,] Avenue East, 11-83 | LLAMA EOS MUI ry vateway to the Groundhog An-|that all branch railway lines will} yaneouver — will athe peg or}show the beauty of the island in} WANTED—Position as waitress. Experi py waa thracite coal fields. be built from that point. Has no|qG ie rge’s er wil to ae ] a oe cohen The Hride of Jon. Box 100 Daily’ News OY Pee Oe a aa Mf see | Geo s growth in population|nico” is a story of hearts ¢ ene: 76-83 NION SS. OMPANY OF B. f t e junction of waterways|possible competitor for trade of|and development. No city on the|sowrds, filled wi earls and) waNTED—Second hand gasoline engine U c me Ue where the lines of trade meet. that rich territory lying between} continent has mors natural 1d-|on th i ve —o aroha onder. ‘Nor tie Dai Must be in good Future absolutely assured F< : fe af > natural ad-jone — thri ollowing apother,| ue" 2O% +82 Dally News, ae Meee is f y ass : srl George and New ze lve ges “ort Geor i i ye rh : 3 i} i b £ id New Hazelton. | vantages than Fort George, holding the interest of the audi- WANTED 48,000 interest iin Prince Ru- Summer Schedule effective ) nD “YOU. seek opportunities for business or investment, you must be sure of the location of the ter from the very start to theend| 2}. D. auxiliary ‘cruiser. "Queen Char. March 24th: aol ery BUSINESS CENTRES, INVESTIGATION will prove to you that Fort George, Hube rt and of the fourth reel. ee ee ie pie Pais wh s e y ‘ * © roe z . ’ t y i 4 at ie PN oes on eae eee ry ae New Hazelton are 80 strategically located that they will overshadow all other towns in Central Many feature attractions will MISCELLA Sailings for Vendeuver hoe Northern British Columbia and the PEACE RIVER DISTRICT. ~~" "* |be presented by the management naOMN Twin screw steamers namely Dustin Farnum in W ; Sa ee a8 Meats Mm. |] MATRIMONIAL AGENCY of highest c . Fk proven s great dramatic suc- peers at private, Bey Bg “Chelohsin”... Tuesdays, 9 p. m. i cess “The Squaw Man:” eet sndable; patronize by best people; ae ® e juaw Man Mary eighth year, If wishin “wv if Pay . Y , ; , g to marry, tn- enture’’....Saturdays, 9 a. m. Natural Resources Pickford in David Belasco’s mas-| {jS{i@4te our plan. | Ideal Introduetion = ferpiece “The Good Little riper lub, Box 364, Yencouver, 8. 0, Arrivi t ] T ’ sep lene THe Little Devil; pial abiite alan Arriving at Vancouver Thursday ully Marshall in Eugene Wal-| in. Gor. we S—Fresh and coming/eyenings and Monday ‘nings ee i A U8: - . Cor, Westminster Road and Carle- an SS SARE OBO. Morn Oe Joint Owners & Sales Agents fo rt George and Hubert Townsites ae great play “Paid in Full,"| $6” gout Vencouvers Phone Cal Box respectively wae wth Ta F » § yuver, P Cc : r : Head Office, Yorkshire Bidg., VANCOUVER, 8. © anc many others whic h will be] wood 99R. John Crristy, veattle Sealer, t , B.C. |announced from time to time. 8otr Arrivals from South , — - —- id “Chelohsin”...Mondays, 6 p. m. “Venture’......Fridays, 8 p. m. cf 4 fee Rogers Steamship Agency BUFFALO, N. Y. POPULAR POLISHES Blac!:, Tan and White i Oc Deals Tue F. F. DALLEY Co., LTD. HAMILTON, ONT. SHOE POLISHES h Bo oe she ha } 1h hte VN go together SWEDER BROS, MERCHANT TAILORS Second Ave. Phone 116 . Box 1714, Tel, 448, “RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers and B. ©. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints, McBride 8t., Prince Rupert, B.C. | wereerecrrosorerers PRINCE RUPERT soir | | HOUSE | Boats and Launchy PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Wy | | i } | esosorcorarererreetet —-—— | PROP PD ILOILO DLE ILE LET EOI FOR SALE Lot 60, Block 20, Sete 2 $1,300; quarter cash, 6, 12 ai Lot 7, Block 38, Sect & $1,400; third cash, 6, 12 and ih Lots 13-14, Block 32, Sectie 3} $2,100; quarter cash, 6, 12 df Lots 28-29, Block 21, Setiat FOR RENT $1,500; terms Lot 165, Block 3, Sectioet | $750; easy terms | | | Four-room house, ner @ dock, $10 per month Two modern five-room heal | on Sixth Avenue PATTULLO & RADFORD |$ PHONE 83 SECOND AVE PODPPELE LES EL OLE OIET New Wellington Ga The favorite Household Coll Cleanest, Brightest, Best J. H, ROGERS Second Avenue eens 3200 Acres ted phone tif Crown Gran ON SKEENA RIVER $10.00 Harri on gt L__— Have a Look al The Fine Level Lots L { ook 9, Set- OLS ou ” i 2995 08 tion &, 5050 pov 20 Oe, bal Lots 33 d 34, B ne e400 casi ' tion 4, $1,400 palty teal ‘, 6, Sec Lot 7 Block h ‘ $1,500, ©)\' he section Lot 13 Biock ; % $1,000, SHOU 6 ish. ith ihe abe Terms 6 al d 12 mol h G. R Naden Co. bt second Avenue: