soiled; regular values up to $42, WIE) BO TOD es ralaselauetes e's 9.0 $2.50 Children’s Wash Dresses, bro- ken lines, value up to $3.50, [OF Sssee ei esas ou ee se ie $1.0C ° Kvening Gowns and Tunics away below cost. Divided into two lots. Wonderful bargains. Look these over sale price ....$15.00 and $18.00 gingham and percale. . Regular ‘ at price up to $4. Sale price $2.00 ’ £0 Gee ela nina. s Heb cae 50c | BARGAINS IN | BONNETS | | We are giving a discount on D. & A. Corsets, which we have in all the new models. We also have a fine line of Brassieres. BABY MILLINERY SPECIAL Values up to $8.00 for... .$5.00 Values up to $15.00 for. .$10.00 Besides the specials mentioned will give a reduction of 20% discount on all in the store. we Special line other merchan- regular 65c, of Fancy Hose, oo eeotanan hace 35c | for dise THE DAILY NEWS : einen st - = = = SS ¢ peeeeweese sense’ GOVERNOR-GENERAL | Your Guarantee of Goodness ” 7 eo sdlayor” Ne was # TO AID BOY SCOUTS The name “SALADA” on the sealed lead ack. Bay he promod, team . ages is your strongest guarantee of all that is ¥ whieh 1 Ty Se 0 ec ly . , Following Letter Received by guided by the shes of * The News Will Explain | best an most fragrant in tea the people issured * Itself | * the electorate that as * soon as he was mayor he ue Riv: His roy iehiaeee o would call a | meet- * | Jear ' ‘ euness | * ing to confer with the * | the governor genera “ty G~) ’ | * people on the cy to be *\sirous of raising a f it pro- | * pursued. Now he ignores *|vide for the cost of ntrolling | * the people entirely and * and directing the rk f the | * does most of the business *|boy scouts throughout the bo-| § THE CHOICEST TBA GROWN ON THE ISLAND OF CEYLON tly, with the behind elosed doors A *Iiminion, and mors ally te : ® ° or SAME DYE '® Ccouple ‘of months ago’ he ASAOMROMAO'walary and aie oe rycen ym leaves—with the ae cf Sand for Booklet i* refused a splendid offer *\a travelling secreta of the esh leaves brought to your table by the f Co. Limited, Montreal 4 : | for sur debe res, and * | Whilst the easter: Provinces | sealed lead packages. = °, now he sacrif 0-year * | have responded most liberally to | BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 053 * fives at 85. h conduet * | this appeal, there does not ap-| one eee xO }* will ineline to think *) pear to have been the same in- ~\ Pees as I 4 |* that there’s a reason.” * | terest shown in the west. (¢ 7 A, : * * It also ve ominous *{ His royal highness, however, ° / Pi d Sil “OR . TAX i % 1% that the finance minister *j}considers the cause so meritor- eautli u 1erce l verware — | eae ae REV. J. D. MORROW i* whuo was elected on a *lious, and is personally so desir- a ~ * |* promise to refuse a sale *,ous of placing it on a regular ° : : 5 PHONE 15 * Ky ull over Canada as thi \Unile or h s shown < under 90, is how as mum *| and satisfactory footing before and Rich Cut -Glass for Spring Brides oe A on 4 making a flight in an aeroplane St \ tir Florida, |* as an oyster Consider- *} the close of his term of office, th / i A * where he is seeking better health Mi Mor mece held the |* ing these facts with the * | that he has asked me to appeal Our catalogue illustrates with especial prominence, those two a ecord for long distance runni Canad nd : (“aid ‘ ‘ . ; » el ‘ ° : : lines which are looked upon with the higheet fayor by all wedding gift x 1 anada d secured a |*® rumors one hears on the jfor subscriptions of any amount dinet late ten thie purbese RINCE RUPERT AUTO CO x portion of the money to build h lor church bs * streets, it is about time *)that will indicate the interest of pi Ee el ares ae * holdi an athletic field day * the public woke up to the * ithe yeople of British’ Columbia We offer this silverware, which is manufactured in our own factory, FRA AA ION I I IIIA IA IIA IAI IM * existing state of affairs *lin a movement which he con- by expert silveremiths, at the lowest possible cost to you. . | * JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS i, STEPHENS & 6O., LTD. line, the preparations that have|mile counts Ten to twelve carried out the people of British Bell—*‘So am I going to try a Gee. E. Trorey, Managing Director! VANCOUVER, B.C i buate Notabits ew been made to feed the main ar-|miles are staked above the por- Columbia may expect a visit | mew him, That’s why I can’t ie g = { wilh a series ol branch|tion described as a river, and from Rt Hon. R. I Borden | come. OOEEPL ELE LELELELLUCLOPOP OOO L ; ‘ ‘ ; ; a . : bj nes are of particular intere a ee eee AS: # | during the:* aomimne: “sumer oeiesesoeentirsesaioniiann eee eee ee eee CeCe Cee CS Cee CCE CCU CSCC CSS E SS TESTE. S| Vhen in 1903 the Canadian gov good portion of the ground be- said Sir Richard McBride : | Why She Does It r +: + HARRY HANSON 4 ; i ir Riehar IcBride in the} a Z ‘ aie el nt and the Grane runkjiow the creek limit, course of an interview. ‘The} Little beams of moonshine P| b q St fitt q —E PLUMBER Reece ot Se tone et a Rog, 8 CRGteDy OF BIS Tabs as yet uncertain,” the Little hugs and kisses | = fd p Of um MN . camit In THE RELIABL ‘ fi the construction | mile “ie bee staked to the! premier said, “but it will prob-| Make a little maiden and sheet metal work ype ol a railway across|clouds ‘he posts extend to orja} | ; : 489 Second Ave., near McBride Pol A A raliway act i he | ably be towards the end of the| Change her narne to Mrs. a eae ‘ . ad i te n the atlamto t D the | into ne eee a Me mes overy summet The prime minister | Satst) ai at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld ra ( n necessit oO! hes¢ In the Scroge Hstrich SOME] whe aw him at Ottawa was | Your opportunity 1s in Port DR. GILROY, DENTIST branch | vas kept in view king of placers has also been|/jooking well and working hard.” | Edward: investigate prices. FAIA IA IAAI AAAI IAA IA AAAI AAI AA AISA AAA SA SAAIASA SAS AIISSIASAAIS: ind in 190 subsidiar com-|done of late Mariposa claims Bridge Work a |‘ ieoral iT rahed in blecas baling haawad aod ade $$ — pa is incorporated under the|are being renews and the 5 ce ue Z pe Lity. gna f the Grand Trunk Pacific|ture of the creek is encouraging i Ve ie yy. ZOE EDR ILERDEISS ce: Smith BIk., Third Avenue} Branch L « company, with ajto the men who have been work- icv) Ear) a “59 SAGE I a Sar re utwnitiiewwoges 1 Capita stock of $50,000,000. \/inge there >. INION TRANSFER CO his company was authorized to The Dawson recorder is flood- A 9 e ‘ o) const branch lines through]|ed with applications for claims|$ 4 4 5.) en i , r trien 1 vi @. ERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE | !''!'! s of he country,|staked on O'Brien and vicinity. Os. he South Wellington Coal th an aggregate total mileage|The several creeks there are 9 9 RESIDENCE 110 about 7,500 miles ng, and prospectors have been ey Cyd PRINCE RUPERT \n early start was made on the|much encouraged by the finding 9) a ey sditeintabiiat 1 of the branches and|of traces of gold in_ several be AS op vest of Winnipeg, about|places and the location of seven- yas } x BOAT BUILDER 1,200 miles of subsidiary lines|cent pans at the bottom of the ‘— We will not pay 10 per cent. insurance on over stock. We prefer giving our customers the benefit by these AO been completed, while ar-|shaft sunk on discovery by Me- GS extraordinary prices, and bringing our stock down to our insured amount. This means that six thou- J NSTON ements have been made be-|Laughlin and partner. The dis-| Wa, sand dollars’ worth of merchandise will have to be sold within the next ten days at prices on new Spring Ss . . the various provincial|trict is easily accessible, and if Pd Goods that will bring that result. (2d Cove Phone Green 321 ents and the railway for is developed into a paying one ey, We have gone through our entire Suit and Coat Section and readjusted prices on every garment for a Cy, ee oat th struction in the near fu-|will be within easy reach the » ( clearance. ie | é Phone 431) tii, many hundreds of miles|steamers all through the open Ws own fa mal branch lines season. outs és WILLIAM T. HOUSE hat the Grand Trunk Pacific} Bowen creek, which lies near |WAQg NEW SPRING SUITS LINGERIE BLOUSES PETTICOATS VA . . s e stronges relic i s voundary, and was known b ae, ‘ s oo. SONG Pe ee ; ( eal : ban ; oe nie ao hon has been EN New $26.00 Suits to clear $18.20 A beautiful . assortment of Pure silk or satin in all Or RINCE RUPERT P.O. Bux 518 eparations that have been|prospected quite a ‘ we New $36.00 Suits to clear $23.40 W hite eee. ottdeppader shades, not very many, and a wey for handling traffic the}and the fractions ree have en, $32.00 Suits to clear $22.10 VPS renulae iaiks ae 1s 4678 wenderful value. Regular price anaro . ; on Ty 2. ‘ I styles, regular prices » $5.75 : , JAMES GILMORE I. has erected along its |been staked Some ¢ Uh Ny $22.50 Suits to clear $15.40 TOW. a6 de tes 6 60 8 $1.75 up to $10.00, now........ $5.00 r 300 elevators at var-|ana prospectors are said have | ‘ ig Architect ; | New $18.00 Suits to clear $11,560 ts that wil) be grain oved down to Bowe! | PETTICOATS McBride Street saute Po hene an ae | ——————_—__— EXTRA BLOUSE SPECIAL °| Manitoba, Saskatchewar Box-making Machine | EXTRA $10.00 ¥ in heatherbloom and brocaded PE A P Alberta. Its chain of hotels peers | ; a In chiffons, black lace, striped ’ exe , RIAL MACHINE SHO ind terminals is rapidly becom- Che Balmoral cannery has \ few specials in Tweed and and shot effects in silk, also sateen, etc. In green, brown, ' : ' : scar Serge Suits, regular value up to black taffeta. Values up to $8.50 white and sky. Regular price Repairing Quickly Done ‘ mpleted to attend to the|stalled a box-making machine Ea Ss are eee $3.50 ae __ [wal f tourist trade and i€ is now in operation mak- 27.00, *fORteeaw ss... . $10.00 _ one salecAb: :geamaeeas "ESses rhe ne > o | . AKI that I, Andrew MacLean, | va the nowt’ Hakont 7tt| ts in ratine and linen, slightly dresses, in chambray, zephyr packages. Hundreds of them to C., occupation * : apply for per-|} the following de- | . umencing at @ post| bi FAROE a Ra aK ae aE chains east and 60 wirtneast corner of Buy Your Plumbing} ¢ ioe 15358 at @ point on . ¢ line of an island, | Supplies Direct From f uns to the southerly | — vesterly, northerly and | Us and Save Money x & the sinuosities of the | . CIRCUIT NO. 1. int of commencement; | BR we are the largest plumbing house [In * a DREW MAOLE AN Briti#h Columbia selling direat te bay * 8ox 12--5th St. and 3rd Ave \NDREW MACLEAN, public, We buy in big quantities and sr * 6 J Ave ich. Logan, Agent, for cash Thus we save you the midd' * ek 28-80 > Oe “a - man's profit and you do no: pay for th Box 14--8th St. and 3rd Ave. : ——— bad dente of othe aoe ee ec lamt * Box 45—Junction of ist, 2nd aud a Distr se can sel or less than an : ar > Ran cle Dletrlot of Coast, I. house or plumber in British Colu : 3rd Aves ¥ 1VG@s bla, Compare our prices, wer nee Box 16-——ist Ave., between 8th and that , Our price for $-inch galvanized pi; * th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) I pert. Rate cost $4.05 per 100 feet; $-Inch ; i y 1 7th St. (Cer apply for Sa entaston | pipe, $6.20 per 100 feet; t Boe 17—18t Ave, and 7th St. (Cen wing de scribed lands: | axneh ail ties Petal ‘ Wet Holes) | planted about 160 r : . wor u oe HAT Yot chains north of the | INO gMATTER WHAT wiwa ~Y t CIRCUIT NO. 2. ti ey has Record | AND HEATING LINE WE * Box 22—3rd Ave. and 3rd St thence attherly shore | BcaN SELL YOU FOR 95¢ ¥ (Post Ome.) line. sthense hakie | , . ¥ is 23-—3rd Ave and McBride St esterly following the |} Get your plumbing sup- Ox : . ; have ine “tn DOI of | plies direct from us and BONY. t Box 24-—-ist Ave, and McBride St , . Bend along your speciti« 4 e Htaining 480 acres, | pare: money, and Sive you price com x Box 26-——-2nd Ave. and @nd St. DAVID COOK STRANG plete delivered in your town, by retu Box 26--2nd Ave, and 6th St. 1m: Mek. Logan’ heant mail, WITHOUT COST TO YOU, Box 27--G. T. P. 1914 » Logan, gent, Then compare our prices with others Don't pay two prices for your iM my dng CIRCUIT NO. 3. supplies. We can supply everything (0 x s : NOTICE your bathroom at great saving “and Box 31—5th Ave, and Fulton St. Write us today about Zour Been path x Box 32—Borden and Taylor Sts. EK of an application f ete ae coe oes * Box 347th Ave. and Fulton St. \ t lie on for : m0 1 . " Certitieates of title for | wears you S Box 35—-9th Ave. and Comox Ave, i ue eotiup 5, and Lots 18} money, on ana * Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. Sectic ‘itv n, ; . D Map 993 D » Clty of | Qing supplies ¥ Box 38 th Ave, and Thompson St, REBY ven that it is| KYDD f CIRCUIT NO. 4, © after the ‘expiration E on 41— ith Ave. and Emmerson mn the Firat publication Ltd ”_ ‘Cales of title 1 , ' ’ ') B, Snoder , a ne Bros. Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride 8t. 1 lots "ayer ess, for the >ENDER 5 and Green St vt. Which certificates 165 PE Rox 48-—5th Ave, sné BresH eh, ! are nithbeved’ ond 80th ST. WEST Box 44—6th Ave and Basfl St. pectivels vered $49 I and Dept » Box 45-—7th Ave. and Bherte. H. F, MacLEop, $16 Vancouver, B. Box 141—7th Ave, and Ywng St, And Registry orp, 2 istrict Registrar, | Maren bin, agy, ce Prince Rupert, B.| Yok pint iI tte in ~ a 9 } | | | | | | | | | } \ { | | Sale starts Wednesday morning April 22, 9 a.m. and continues for TEN days Wey (a 4 $25.00 ———_— the sale. in Gold Cash Prize In order to obtain the name and address of every lady in and around Rupert, we will offer a special induce~- ment for you to visit our store during the sale. sale will be given a ticket which entitles holder to a chance to win the prize of $25.00 in gold at the close of Ask any of the sales ladies for further particulars. DEMERS J - —— $25.00 Every purchaser of a dollar’s worth of merchandise during this a