FRED STORK’S HARDWARE THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Naily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Canada, United States RATES—To per SUBSCRIPTION Daily, 50c¢ advance). $8.00. per year. month, or $6.00 per year Weekly, $2.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per vear, strictly in advance. Telephone 98. and Mexico: ($5.00 if paid in All Other Countries: Daily, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National York City. Seattle—Pugelt Sound News Co Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. DAILY EDITION Monday, May 11, 1944 The chickens are certainly | as to the terms upon which coming back to roost. The! citizens of Prince Rupert against their better judgment have been supporting a prof- ligate and incompetent gov- ernment, and now they are going to pay for it “through the nose.” Old timers will remember the fight that was put up against the Tsimpsean Power company in the early days and how William Manson tried to allay their fears by assuring them that the government! would never approve of the} company’s plans. This charter is now owned} by the Prince Rupert Hydro-|! Kleetrie company, and instead cof forcing their way into the city they have been seeking a reasonable agreement. Wil- liam Manson’ and the _ local - Tories opposed that agree- ment, and now Bowser lets the company into the city over the heads of the people. .The citizens are now up against expensive litigation, with doubtful results, or they must hand over the entire liberties of the city to a foreign cor- poration. Surely this is the proverbial last = straw. If William Manson and the Mc- Bride government are not swept from power as a result of this, as far as Prince Ru- pert, can do it, then there is no virtue left in humanity. It is about time that the Grand Trunk Pacific railway should place itself in a posi- tion to give definite inférma- tion to any one asking for it industrial and wholsale sites ean be obtained. The Grand Trunk controls nearly all the available industrial sites within the city limits and every day there are complaints that no definite information can be obtained by those who are anxious to find out under what conditions and just where these sites will be available. Why doesn't the city council take the matter up and get some action on this? It is perfectly true that the manner in whieh this city has been bottled up so that it can do nothing in the way of in- ducing industries to establish here because it has no control either over waterfront or in- dustrial sites is nothing short of an outrage. At the same time, the condition which ex- ists must be faced and every possible pressure should be brought to bear to bring this important question to a head. If the people don't wake up and fight for their rights they need expect little development by way of the establishment of industries here. Does it not seem almost un- thinkable that this city should have been placed on the map with no control over water- front, or industria] sites, or parks or recreation grounds, or water supply, or street- ends on the waterfront, or in fact any of those prerequis- ites to the establishment of commercial enterprises. Was ever a city so outra- Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rope Valves Pumps Hose Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roefing “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Fishing Taekle Rifles and Shetguns Ammunitien Paint Corrugated tren FRED STORK’S HARDWARE tet Ave. and McBride St. ' CARPENTERS ! SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, BOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Branch Yard at Smithers THE oad NEWS Se @eously treated? And yet in spite of this the people were foolish enough to lulled into a sense of security and al the last election sycophantic follower of the men who placed the city in the position in which it finds it self today. . . . be This city could not the iniquities practised al the expense of the city before the city was on the map, but the people who are here they have any self respect, wil! fight every inch of the way to ameliorate as far as possible the wrongs which have perpetrated, prevent now been the money voted at the last sitting of the legislature for public works in northern B C. will be spent this year old dodge of putting a vole in the estimates and then doing no work, won't work = any longer. The people can be coaxed along and fooled for a certain length of time, but the time finally comes when they want the goods delivered. With a depleted treasury, there can be no doubt that the British Columbia government will try to put off various publie works as long as pos- sible, and it may be expected that at about election time they will throw on a big gang of men in order to get votes, but the people are getting tired of this kind of thing. They want a government that will do something honestly in the interests of the people and not a government whose whole course of action has been in the interests of a few financial magnates and a few men in the government. When the public feels a sense of outrage, look out. Something drops. At the next election it will hit Dick and Bowser and our own Bill in the neck, We never heard any cry of hard times under Laurier. What is the matter with those Tories, anyway? COUNTESS 18 TRIED FOR MAN’S DEATH Oneglia, Italy, May 9.—Count- Tiepolo-Oggioni, a member of a noble Venetian family, was brought to trial today for mur- dering the orderly of Capt. Oggi- oni, her husband, on November 11 last year. The man, a private in the Ber- saglieri, is said to have entered the counteess’ room. The mother of the slain sol- dier fainted in court when she saw the countess today. ess For Sale Fishing boat 44 feet long, 12 feet 7 inches broad, 3 feet 9 recently purchased by Gearge 30-h. p. 4-cyele Canadian Fair- banks - Morse marine engine. Price $1,500. Apply Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Prince Rupert, or A. Bailey, Inverness Can- nery. 107-33 Storage belonging to Joe Jor- gonson left in the Houston Cafe will be sold by private sale after 30 days if not settled for and re- moved. 04-447 GEO. kK. 8T, CLAIR. You will soon be able to pur- chase local shingles, made in Port Edward. 10xtf Wanted—-Pupils for piano les- —=—= | | voted for a| | | } | | rhe | King e ARRIVAL OF FOYAL YACHT AT. CALAIGs and Qheen Guests of French Republic INDIANS ARE CHARGED rresence of the tribe as nesses. The trial is continuing. . D. Taylor, K. C., crown prosecutor, , Bey ¢ i be e , Vancouver, May 9.—The In- | r of men from the jtribe are present as dian custom of holding a pot-|_ sak ares ae latch, in which the celebrants|®"@ Spectators, Indian Department Wants to Stamp Out Aucient Tribal | ‘ Custom Among Tribes | ! |old days, and that it was a recog- |nized custom among the Indians WITH ‘POTLATCHING’ ‘ pay their debts publicly in the wit- Mr. is acting as A large num- Nimphish witnesses give to all who attend, preseuts|~~~— of blankets, flour, sugar and) other useful gifts, is respon-ibie | for an interesting trial in the, assizes this week, in which Chief Ned Harris and Chief Ned Bag wany are being charged with vio- lating the Indian act, which pro-! hibits the holding of a potliteh.| The trial is the first of its kind to be held since the days of Ch ef Justice Begbie, twenty yeurs ago Among the Indians the pui- latch is regarded as a respected tribal custom and on some of the The Government of t Province of British Colur bia will sell their holdin in the G. T. P. townsite Rigi Prince George, by auction graves of the northern Indians is sale, at Vancouver on May placed a memorial setting forln 49th, 20th and 24st: at as their claim to remembrance Victoria on May 26th and the fact that they had held so 27th many potlatches and gave away v3 Sithse George for the : pany thoussnd dollars in next three years will be a par oulme. centre of railroad construc- Mr. Wm. Halliday, agent of tion, with an immense pay- the Indian department at Alert : Bay, where Harris and Bagwany held their potiateh for the Nim- phish tribe on November 1 last, said that the potlatches had a pernicious and demoralizing ef- at the forthcoming should be able to realize ment, If you are unable to be fect upon the Indians and for . . that reason the Indian depart- PEMARE-AE The Bhi6, ment had taken steps to have | AM PREPARED TO BUY them suppressed. FOR You To Mr. D. E. MeTaggart, coun- Write, call or phone for sel for the defence, Mr. Halliday admitted that the only gifts had been those of blankets and that no pernicious effects could fol- low from a distribution of blan- kets. He further admitted that the potlatech had not been at- Room 11, Smith Block { Auction Sale of Prince beorge Lots ; roll and purchasers of lots sale good profit on their invest- maps and full information, Edward F. Doyle he n- gs of a Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince A Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert \y Vancouver, Victoria Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupe Low Excursion Rates To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED srary with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL NORWAY In cop with NORWEGIAN SAcNacnnunge |" Connection 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough ¢ ne and Nd explosiy For full particulars and all informat oust ” THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hari a Third aeenen ae Apply tg AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC F Ruper ‘ TUESDAYS 8:39 Pa TEAMSHIP LINES ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ROOMS : Second Avenue, Opposite Empr Rooms open from 8 4 m. to 11 p. m Visiting Scotamen are cordial nv For rates for hall rent app! secret 8. D. MACDUNALD, CHAS. DENNI President Secreta KNIGHT & HICKEY Contractors and Builders Jobbing & Repairing Fraser and Sixth Streets PHONE GREEN 269 Shop: JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates Given on Moving Buildings Phone Black 294 FURNISHED APARTMENTS in two and three-room suite. J. E. DYER, WHY PAY RENT 9 i will bulid you a home on terms to sult you. Cc. K. YTERBERG, P. ©. Box 641 1712 Gth Ave. &. Phone Black 334 GEORGE LEEK Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suite 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C. Phone 300 P. O, Box 1655 SECOND HAND GOODS { will buy or sell all kinds o! household goods, mechanics tools, guns and men’s eluting. Will call any time. F. M. CROSBY 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Phone 489 Second Ave., near McBride DR. GILROY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work 4 Specialty. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal VHONES : 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 483 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERI BOAT BUILDER | | | ! hone 554 P.O berg \PERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING rade tere (gl . 8 Speeiaiyy Martin Swanson: hear McBrig — New ling avorite Household Cog nest, Brightest, Bes NEW WELLINGTON COAL @, & Albert, Agu, Becond Avenue Prone tH l king for any & agency, pie | the hands ff GEORGE LEEK »hon m a Ph ‘ bor 1 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING MALLETT SMITH & Lare k of Pipe north @ y ‘ Valves cod ting t to order Third Ave., Head of Second wee |) — __ UNITED TAILORS PRESdiING ANDO CLEANING Will Cail Prose 08 St, Next CPR D. ©, STUART Accountemt B08 2na Are Prone Bt PRINCE RUPERT, 6. 0 Alex. M. Ma A Wilhapa, B. 4, LEE WILLIAMS & SIANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete MONEY TO LOAN prince puper, b6 nn ; aod ord ieee TRANSFER Ct Cartage ’ PACIFIC LADYSMITH COAL Phone—os era —— @ P. O. Box 2 Pratt P. ROBERTSON Chartered Accountant ne, Aajustments ww rd Assignments Audits, investiga WILLIAM T, HOSE 6.4 t po, But i _ IMPERIAL MACHINE Si ng Quickly Dont pHONE RED SM JAMES GILMORE PRINCE RUPERT Repa 7 MORNIN SNOOP-GOSR BUT IM COAT- THAZAH OM -I PUT 4 NEW RIBBON IN THE MACHINE FOR YUH AN’ . 4° BY TH'WAN- HOW |S NOUR, SISTER? ee iE —F |} rh isle, 7 i> tc TTT cl Ml cnt. Setaarabtaon, ieatmaaind 2 geht Aig or ee Third Ave. Open evenings 4H. JOHNSTON archi a Ave. Phone Red 412. 105-10jto attend the potlateches in the te i Phone Green 321 2nd Av our MN rat neue gs == ———————— eee J ? “awn for 1e Daily News oy If the Boss Had Seen Her He’d Have Understood oe" Se " LEM ‘Col ; - ———— QvES OF ME HELP YOU OF GO RIGHT AHEAD AN’ Use Y 00 BETCHA- WHUTS MINE IS YooRS= \=( WEES igacit WATE) YOUR HEAVY RAIN DESI<- (TS YOURS FROM NOW \( HOLLER WHEN “OU WANT ANY THING TE ar ag