— PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1914. VENTY THOUSAND AUST AR SITUATION TODAY ows from Belgium in the past two days would indicate » armies have fallen back with a concerted move- » defence tine which they have been throwing up in the Brussels being taken without a shot would in- ” was never intended to defend the city. The fights Liege and Brussels would appear to have been for the gaining time to prepare a real defence farther back southern part of Belgium the Germans have sur- up but they keep out of range of the big guns of the will be almost impossible. to keep open a line of on through that city without first silencing the forts. ng the French border the French seem abie to hold the s back and in Alsace and Lorraine are successfully taking sive. The French are pretty well into Alsace. despatch this morning says the German advance line has Ghent which is only about forty miles from the coast of th Sea Antwerp is the big shipping port of Belgium Germans have long cast envious eyes upon it. It is now rongly fortified and the Belgians and the Allies will be old it oficial! communication from the Belgium war office says tion is very good. he eastern end of the war zone the Servians seem to be e Austrians a series of defeats, and Austria finds her- pelled to call out all her reserves. ia, too, reports successful movements over the Austria an borders. ews is given out as to the movements of either the Brit- or navy. y's news from the Orient tells of the active operations of ese army and mavy. A joint assault will be made on the naval base immediately upon the expiration of the time the ultimatum. Rainbow pulled out of the harbor at noon today. PREPARING FOR BOMBARDMENT POLA, AUSTRIA Special to THE NEWS) Rome, August 22—A Pola, Aus- tria, despatch says the authori- ties there have ordered the in- habitants to obtain provisions for |ninety days or leave the city in twenty-four hours. The bom- pea bardment of the city by the An- of the Narr nin S BUSY alNG DEFENCES ABOUT ANTWERP ial lo THE NEWS) Antwe s area ure ght oe —— -—._ +e s —_ 7 ‘ ~ One hundred members th Irish Ww. D VANCE, Fusiliers are leavin here this Box 1605 morning for Prinee Kupert “1 DONT WANT TO FIGHT, BUT BY JINGO, IF | MUST” FORMER CAPTAIN ARL GREY'S RIFLES MAKES STATEMENT Prince Rupert, B.C., August 14, i914 To the Editor of the Daily News: Sir Owing to many inquiries as to my attitude towards the re- organized Earl Grey's Own Rifles and in answer to many questions make the following A delegation waited e days ago and asked I wish to explanat on me sol me if | would accept office under Mr. MeMullin as Lieut.-Colonel In view of the present serious situation for unity and a spirit of compro- mise in matters of local differ enee I informed them that T would do anything in my power to aid and assist in the present erisis and I agreed to accept any post tion under either Captain Me- Mullin or Captain W. 8. Fisher, who are the senior offieers in town. Yesteray Mr. Peck called and offered me a position in his command and while’ IT have no personal difference with Mr Peck | was compelled to refuse for the reason that it is contrary to all military procedure and et tiquette to place a Sergeant in command of a regiment over the heads of seven officers resident in the city, all of whom held fleld officers or captain’s certificates So far as T know Mr. Peck makes no claim that he has ever held a commission as an officer, or has an officer's certificate, even of the rank of Lieutenant Yours truly, FRED STORK, Clifford Laessar pleaded guilty at Windsor to stealing a cheek for ®156 from the ©, P, RK. but was let go on suspended sen tence, after promising to make complele restitution London, August 22 \ des-| Aboard she has been quite|the number of officers and men in atch to The Morning. Post tells | hansformed. The carpets and/the various units. The total em- os hn etiphure aie Gee German} oer eains and trimmings are all/pbarking streneth of the foree is to Uhlans singlehanded by an Al jremoved and the shelter deck is|be 22,218 although upwards of an ‘ jchanged to a modern hospital. In]25,000 men will mobilize at Val- satian locomotive driver .. addition to the regular berth cots|eartier, Gommanders and staffs Be was moving “Sean oarey jhave been ‘placed along the widejtotal 90; cavalry, 157; artillery ing Uhlans to the frontier, and alleys The elevator has been|3.888: engineers, 142: signal ser purposely diverting it 0 another | nade over to carry cots and a big}yice. 698: army veterinary ser- track ran the cars full speed wate operating room has been fitted uPfvice, 14; ordnance corps 18; army France He stopped at ~ are in the lower deck forward, pay corps, 2; postal corps, 16. In Freneh station and handes over! phere are several doctors|addition to this there will be 4.750 the whole trainload of Germans!) ‘ ; . jaboard and a corps of trained|oficers and men at the overseas with their horses and equipment, | . oe bn the Brena anidions. ,OUFASS. base and 2.395 in the administra- The George came up here di-/tive units available for reserve or ’ jreet from Esquimalt and was un-|peinforcing purposes infantry ** ee eH HH aware that the Rainbow was here.|{2.025; army service eorps, 347 . *# She is awaiting ordera, an army medical serviee, 698 * RUPERT MAY COME OUT *) “apt. Donald and several of the Canadian troops will all be pro * * fold crew are aboard the ship. vided with the Mark TH Canadian * It is said that an effort is * eee Ross rite, declared by military * being made through the gov. * experts here to be the Tatest and * ernment to have the bond. *|GERMAN MONOPLANE best military 1 the world * holders of the G.T.P, Steam. *} DROPPING BOMBS At Disposa! of Admiralty * ship Company to consent to * —-_— In the e dence there is * the Prince Rupert being put *| Pa \ugust 22.--A Germania cable und late of August 8 * on her run again and it is #}monopla which had hoisted the|from the G General to * possible the popular boat ®) PFrenc! iz, dropped three bombs | the eolonia y stating that * will be out again in a few #lonl sixteen miles east of | the Canadian | ment wished * days *) Nan na height of 4,500 feetito place th: bmarines at * In the meantime the Prinee *) accord to an oMeial announce | Esqiumalt il posal of the * John will continue her ree *] ment ied = =6'The uvissiles ex.) Admiralty il serviee, On * ular sehedule *| plod i in @ publie garden, No! August 9th t! f the sub. * one was hurt and only slight dam| marines was lly aeeepted eee RR Ee eB gee was done lo property, iby the Admirailt * * * * * * * * ’ ~ > o * > * * > * * * * . eee RRR HH WHO PAYS THE BILL? Will the Mayor please ex- plain why he stayed so long in Vaneouve and Victoria and whether or not he will pay his own expense? In these hard times we want our Mayor economize as well as other citizens The Council declare the Mayor had no city business to at- tend ’ f the Hydro- Kleetr ‘ igain fooled urs : The people want to know ind an ex- planation should be forth- Coming “eRe ee eee RE hurope which ealls| FRENCH TRAIN ENGINEER ‘PRINCE GEORGE *| OF THE RED CROSS :| IN PORT AGAIN | * : ; ol All last evening the G. T. P. «docks were crowded with specta- * tors who went to get a glimpse of *|the Canadian cruiser Rainbow. */ This interest was increased dur- */ling the evening when the Prince =| oe ze came in and tied up at the # | Wharf rhe George looked almost m like a stranger. Her hull has been */ painted white with a green hand *)| around her main deck. The stacks fare yellow and a big red cross lappears on the centre pipe. This «| the designation aecording to jthe Hague convention for a hos- pital ship, and the George is said ito have the distinetion of being TOOK 300 PRISONERS (hie very first naval hospital ship jput into Commission, THE DAILY NEWS CE _—- + i xtra! PRICE PIVE CENTS (Special to THE NEWS) London, August 22.-The Ger- mans are over-running northern Belgium now. It is believed they are within striking distance of Ostend. Fifty thousand Germans marched through Brussels and are now at Ghent. BELGIANS ARE OPTIMISTIC Antwerp, August 22.—An of- ficial statement says the situation is good. The German cavalry patrols around Brussels are sev- JAP ARMY AND NAVY ARE OFF T9 TAKE KAIO CHOW (Special to THE NEWS) Shanghai, August 22.— The tenth division of the Japanese army, consisting of sixteen thou- sand men, went on board trans- ports at Kokura Friday, and the Japanese battieship fleet has sailed to bombard Tsing Tau, the seaport of Kaio Chow, and cover the landing of the Japanese for- ces of occupation. SUBMARINES COST OVER MILLION—-30,000 GERMANS PUSH ONTO GHENT BELGIANS STILL OPTIMISTIC ENEMY SURROUNDS NAMUR BUT KEEP OUT OF RANGE OF THE BIG GUNS IN BELGIAN FORTS ering communication between the capital and Antwerp. CITY NAMUR IS PARTIALLY INVESTED ; Paris, August 22.—An statement says that Namur is partially invested. Heavy artil- lery opened fire on the eity and the westward movement of the German colurmns continues along both banks of the Meuse outside the range of the Namur guns. The German cavalry forces official have passed through Brussels go- ing westward. They were follow- ed later by an army corps. (Special to THE NEWS) London, August 22.—It is of- ficially reported here that the Austrians lost between twenty and twenty-five thousand men killed in the three day fight on the River Drina in an enjagenicht with the Servians. The Serviens captured ten thousand men and many gurs. FRENCH PUSH GERMANS OVER ALSACE BORDER NEW RIFLES ORDERED Ottawa, August 22.—Copies of orders-in-council passed since the outbreak of the war and tab- led in the House of that the Government $1,050,000 for the two submarines Commons, show paid purchased at Seattle; that an or- der was placed with the Ross Rifle Company for 30,000 rifles and bayonets at $33.25 for each rifle complete, aggregating approxi- mately $1,000,000. and that a third war expenditure was an or- der to the Canada Tool & Speeial- ty Company of New Glasgow, for the conversion of 10,000 Jong Ross rifles and sights to corres- pond with the present Mark Til rifle at $3.50 each. This work is to be completed by April 4, 1945. The total expenditures on these three items is about $2,100,000 The expenditure for the subma- rines, which had’to be made at onee, was covered by Governor General's warrant. Embarking Strength An order-in-council for the Canadian force of one army division detines providing expeditionary London, August 22.—A central , News despatch from Paris says the French forees have defeated la detachment of German cavalry leom'ng from Leopoldshoehe and )}Hueningen in an engagement near |Rasel. The Germans retired in the direction of St. Lonis, leaving 500 dead and wounded on the fleld. They lost most of their horses. Basel is in the southeast corner of Alsace 6n the Baden border. TWO MILLION MEN IN GREAT BATTLE 250 MILES LONG (Special to THE NEWS) London, August 22—A big bat- tle is now under way, declare mi- litary authorities rhe battle line is stretching over 250 miles, and includes two and a half mil- lidn men Phe French have eaptured ninety e German guns and four lags to date. REPORT SAYS NAMUR 1S SURROUNDED (Special to THE NEWS) August 22.—A des- patch says that the Germans have succeeded in surrounding Namur. Brussels, DEMAND $40,000,000 FROM CITY OF BRUSSELS (Special to THE NEWS) Antwerp, August 22—The Ger- mans have demanded a war tax of #410,000,000 from the eity of Lrussels, The city treasurer stat. es that by no possible coersive measures will they give them even a fraction of that sum SERVIANS GREAT VICTORY (Special to THE NEWS) London, August The gen. eral staff announces a complete vietory of the Servians in a four day's battle near Losnitza, The \ustrians, numbering 150,000, fought an equal numbee of Berbs. The both sides were POV a8e8 us SENDING PRISONERS WAR BACK TO ENGLAND (Special to THE NEWS) London August 22..-A des- patch from Bruges, Belgium, says that eighteen ofMfeers and 432 men prisoners of war, have been sent away from that eity for England.