a hn : i a i! it ‘ as Se NEWS 4 THE DAILY GET THE LaTestpwan . a Special Effort to mt war News Immediately NEWS FIRST Received iN THE DAILY MEWS -- - 7 F , 4 —- ; e eo" fare x 02 PRINCE RUPERT, B. CG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1044 PRICE FIVE CENTS emma ——— —— — ISER OFF TO EAST TO REPEL RUSSIAN INVASION GIUM GUARANTEES BIG WAR TAX TO SAVE BRUSSELS -~ AUSTRIAN LOSSES TREMENDOUS [ CLASS G. T.P. SERVICE OPENS ON SEPTEMBER SIXTH NG OF A NEW ERA IN THE “HISTORY OF PRINCE RUP- 2T—-THROUGH PASSENGER AND EXPRESS [_ GERMAN RIGHT WING CONTINUES TO ADVANCE Special to The News News - 12:30 noon) London, Sept. 1—A Paris re- | port says the spirit of the British and French armies is excellent. This British transport is working temporary set- bes 8 Prince George on Monday and Well. The German supply ar- ved by the war] Wednesday at 7:45 p.1 oem an = said to ng are PacifiC man- , . , own and the men are living on led to put on 8 Phere will be in ade to the | nopse flesh. frou oie OCTETS fw way| Today is the Sedan anniversary from ‘Prince| freight and one fast ht f and fighting has been resumed. It is an epoch [through business. Th vill leave | @long the whole front. ind it is) the} ppinee Rupert for the east The German right wing con-| y era to Prince ) Wednesdays and will leave Prince Cnute te aguanas erce. It is not known if the British o moektu of. | George for the west on Fridays jare engaged today or not. th waka hee a et neat train will ~y ea jity of carrying tish from Prine ! e will be two|Rupert to the eastern markets ‘BERLIN FEARS r ver trains a week | he passenger train will also} | s service attached earry fish in special express cars RUSSIAN ADVANCE ' i time through to} While the G. T. P. may not KAISER CONE EAST) B make profits out of this new ser-| 1« here on Wed- jvice, the company is endeavoring | Special to The News - 12:30 noon | Saturdays at 10 a.m./to assist the development of the] London, Sept. 1.—An express lard Grand Trunk penty by opening the road ‘ \\- | correspondent says there is grave TOUCHING SCENE AT STATION tandard cafe par-| ready arrangements are being | feeling in Berlin over the advance | IN LONDON, ENG his train will | tnade by citizens to take adva jor the Russians. The Kaiser has | ie nt id Ween lonehian fare George the fol. |tage of it both in pass er and) left the western headquarters; i of catdiers of the aan. where the | freight traflic, and gone to the Russian fronter.| fo wviments leaving for the Ibe attached to One of the big shiy with The Russians propose to treat | didtidae aa tne haab ind The ind) =Winvipeg |the new servic: b» \tiin | Bertin as the Germans treated pleture shows a soldier ta fa to Winnipeg will! Fisheries who are sé their | Louvain. railway carriage kissing his at least two! boats with i Many citizens are going to Nor- little daught. farewell, pérs come mm so as to connect th the | way, Denmark and Switzerlan« to and for the last time , will leave trains for shipments |get away from the threatened FISH MERCHANT WAS FOUND DROWNED IN HARBOR | FICE AT 9:30 AND WAS FOUND IN WATER ABOUT TEN O'CLOCK rt son, who econ-:cate that he was dead before he cet on Third #0! the water and may be due to a case of heart failure. while Sixtl Stree as 7 sreet, WOS! tending at the edge of the irbor this fore wharf The tide Was coming in ind this morn-jat the | so that he must have ind jleft his office | fallen « somewhere on the G \bout ten o'clock) T. P. wharf. wharf at the Ru- 1s noticed a body water a short dis- and Capt. Han-| went out and} und him and} shore. He} ly that some sol \ ENEMY BREAK THROUGH CENTRE FRENCH DEFENCES im not to do so (Special to THE NEWS) appeared. call to The News| Paris, Sept. 1.—The War Office utative there at|}here yesterday afternoon said: that Constable ind the man at the water at the “On our right after partial checks we have taken the offensive and the enemy is retiring before us. vt but the top of]tm the center we have had alter- at once pulled) nate checks and successes.” ation was found | And appareotly | princess VICTORIA + old wae imme. DEFENDANT IN SUIT vas d Dr. Gade tele- lhe doctor worked | . . { th } Seattle, September As a re- others in atten. considerable ef- sult of the collision which sunk need to be be-|the Admiral Sampson this morn Messrs. Haynor|ing, the Pacific Alaska Navigation he remains, | Company ownel of the sunken an old-timer|vessel, filed a libel in the leral een identified with|court in the sum = of $670,000 from the early|against the steamship Princess yas employed at) Vietoria Motions in the libel ae M set till he open-jtion were immed ately placed in t himself about|the hands of the United States was a Welchman| marshal and the Prineess Vietoria ind without any|will be taken int custody and is Country, Helheld pending the disposition of ds in the eity and|the suit. Nt of by all who Smartly cut, the latest styles ‘at his bedy was|ladies’ new fall coats at moderate found would indi | prices. Wallace's ost POOP LEPELETS. NOTICE THOSE APPLYING FOR ENLISTMENT IN THE REGIMENT FORMING HERE WILL PARADE FOR ‘LAT THE GOVERNMENT WHARF EVERY EVEN- AT SEVEN-THIRTY SHARP DURING THIS WEEK ; . W. PECK. se SP eee. eee ree | The musie was particularly} good and is one of the Majestie’s | features WEST HOLME eS ES ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSN : | OPERA HOUSE Dr. Tremayne will be the lee | salient turer tonight at the men’s elass of the St. John Ambulance Asso- TONIGHT ciation which meets at the Citys ona Hall He will take up elementary | “ phvsialogy rhe session begins] THE at 7:30 ALGERT A REAL KING | Mil I ION London Sept 1 According to the Antwerp corrsepondent of the DOLLAR Daily News Kine Albert con tantly minglés with his troops, } ind was in the trenches around MYSTERY Matlines lle was always alt the nt of the e@reatest danger. as AND A comnters CHANGE ting and encouraging the me jtle went amonge them attired sim er jply as a soldier, and his sympa SPECIAL NOTICE thetic conduet had a remarkabl Owing to delay in shipping it was wet a a arrangements have been made to ITALY PREPARES TO repeat ihe, million, Balan Mvstery INVADE AUSTRIA plete change of program both Tues- day and Wednesday. home, Sept, 4 \ telegram re.| jus tite tin Nish sts ENO) ADVANCE IN PRICES m > me ma it o mvaide meatier, ‘meuk, hate seinen; ae Admission; Adults, 150; held by the Austrians Children, 100 | Russian invasion. GAVE GROUND BUT ALLIES NOT BROKEN THROUGH Special to The News - 12:30 noon | NO SIGN GERMANS NEAR BOULOGNE 1 the I rees a iB} gne, Sept rrapped in front of the detachment of jerman troops re cut to pieces London, September 1.—‘‘The wding. t travellers. from | Anglo-French Corps have had to ‘ districts arriving. here|give ground but nowhere have cate morning \ll is quiet here.| they been broken through,” says rhere is no sign of the advancing the French Embassy here. AUSTRIAN FLEETS PUT TO FLIGHT Special to The News = 12:30 noon London. Sept. 1.—A despatch says the Austrian force, support- ed by the Cattaro batteries and a fleet on Sunday last re-attacked MAJESTIC’S GOOD OFFERING | BSudua and Mount Lovchen, dam- j aging the Montenegrin position, Majestic | but the British and French fleets | appeared and put the Austrian iships to flight, silencing the bat- Giermans seen vet ROME REPORTS a. |, | | DEFEAT FOR AUSTRIA Rome, Sept. 1 A report nees here that “the met with a great def Russian Poland. Great loss rted, an- Austrians | eat in| of life have s repe at the evening was an excellent one The ast program her lover | AUSTRIAN LOSSES TENS OF THOUSANDS- RUSSIANS WINNING Special to The News - 12:30 noon London, Sept. 1.—The Russian operations against the Austrians is at a stage where a decisive victory is within reach. The railway center south of Lemberg has been captured and communication with the Austrian fortresses on the Dneister and in Bukovina is cut off. The Sixth Austrian Corps was annihilated between the Western Bug and Wieprz Rivers. The losses of the Austrians ag- gregate tens of thousands. BELGIUM GUARANTEES WAR TAX TO SAVE BRUSSELS Special to The News - 12:30 noon Antwerp, Sept. 1—Belgium has guaranteed the German war tax of $90,000,000 in order to save Brussels City. GREAT BATTLE FOUGHT TODAY Special to The News = 12:30 noon London, Sept. 1.—The Times corresponednt says that today a great battle is in progress at Croisilles. PRINCES AT THE FRONT Four of them Shortly to Take Places in Fighting Line London, Sept. 4.—Prinee Ar- of Connaught is leaving, al- |most immediately, to join his re- giment The Duke of Teck and Prince Alexander of Teck are al- weeding to the front. The Prince of Wales will go with the First Grenadiers, when they move jto reinforee the troops in Flan- } Queen Mary will thus have la son and two fighting line. so pre ders brothers in the KAISER TAKES CHARGE Geneva, Sept. 1—Emperor Wil- liam and the German staff are making both Cologne and Mainx and was greeted with a crowded | ponies also. their headquarters. according to house, “A Bowl of Hoses” was &) the Montenegrins then coun- re, repaeatetitican con film of beautiful pietures with} ‘ter-attacked and repulsed the ree mies! . eee - ue 0 “ome e g | ruall . 1A » , . as. just oh : h ~%i i 5 runnin | Austrian forces. personally directing the armies in through | wee eS Budua is an Austrian city eo Gettin “nee ' Sterling omenty that keeps one | whieh has been captured by the the fighting in Belgium. laughing mm the beginning ti iM Srtipepeeetrcnmemagen ontenegrins. It is on the Adria- the end of ‘the reel ‘Saved by ltic just one of Cattaro. WOMEN AGAINST WAR Wireless” is a romantic story of ew i } ve fork, Se 8 cave an d ot alan — , vivian We buy end serve ony the best |, pee ee oe eeeeanee who is finally outwittec " it - rket ¢ in a ' C 5 ibre-ele oO . rchec heroine using the wireless to eall the market affords. London Cafe. | down Fifth Avenue this after- ~ noon to the beat of muffled drums ito signify their opposition to war. | Nearly all wore black dresses and iblack hats, and at the head of the }procession marched a standard- bearer with a large white flag in- | soribed black with the word | ‘Peace Wi of Teutonic, and Gallic extraction march- ed side by side as evidence of the solidarity of their sex against the ecruelties of war, in | men Slay GERMANS BURNED } CITY OF LOUVAIN A correspondent of the | Berlin | Tageblatt reports that Louvain, jin Belgium, bitterly punished for |the uprising of its civilian popu- fore has almost ceased to exist, London report said that it | we as German guards who fired on fGerman troops believing them to ibe Belwians and in order to cover jup the stake the German gen feral blamed it on the eitizens and burned the city, } ‘. 1 TURKEY JOINS IN ITALY WILL OPPOSE HER ’ | Par sept, 1.-—-If Turkey de jelar war on Greeee, Italy will declare war on Turkey, This as sertiot made by Le Temps i'Vhis paper usually speaks with joffietal nspiration, FRENCH WAR OFFICE EXPLAINS MOVEMENTS FORCES AT FRONT ADMIT THAT CENTRE DIVISION HAS BEEN PENETRATED BY GERMANS — BRITISH HELD SUPERIOR FORCE IN CHECK (Special to THE NEWS) _ back on the Meuse without hav- Paris, Sept. 1.—The following ing their organization broken up. official statement has been issued During the last few days the by the War Office: enemy endeavored to spread out “The situation in general is a8 ' trom. the.. Meuse. considerable follows: First in the Vosges and |froces by vigorous counter offen- in Lorraine it must be remem-|8ive movements. They were re- bered that our forces which had |Pelled with great losses. In the meantime fresh forces of taken the offensive at the begin=| German troops have advanced in ning of operations had driven the the district of Rocroy, marching enemy outside our frontiers, and |in the direction of Rethel. A gen- afterwards underwent serious eral action is taking place be- checks before Sarreburg in the tween the Meuse and Rethel. It region of Merhague where were js stili impossible to see definite- encountered some solid defen- jy the issue. sive works. Our forces were ob- “The fourth operations have liged to fall back and reform one | been in the north. The French part on the Courenne Senancy,/and British forces originally took and the other on the French | positions in Dinant and Charleroi Vosges. The Germans then as- (country, and in Mons. They en- sumed the offensive two days ago. dgured several repulses i the force- This attack continues to makeing of the Meuse by the Germans. progress, although slowly. it is. a veritable war of seiges.. Each position when occupied is im- mediately fortified. This explains the slowness of our advance wheih has been characterized as French local successes. The second section is in the re- gion of Nancy, southern Vosges. Since the beginning of the cam- paign this section, between Metz, on the German side, and Toul Verde on the French side, has not been the theatre of important operations. “The third division is in the di- rection of the Meuse, between Verdun and Mezieres. it must be remembered the French forces took the offensive: beginning at Longwy, Neufchateau and Pali- seul. The troops operating in the region of Spincourt, Longuyen, have been able to check the enemy’s army under the German Crown Prince in the region of Neufchateau and Palliseul. On the other hand certain of our troops have received partial checks which obiiged them to fall Near Givet upon our flank the enemy compelled our troops to retire. The Germans seek con- tinually to move forward toward the west. Under these conditions jour British allies attacked the Leneniiy who were in greatly su- perior numbers in the region of Le Careau Cabai. They have withdrawn toward the south at the moment. Our forces operating in the dis- tricts of Avesbes and Chimay made a retiring movement which was prolonged several days. In the meantime a general battle took place in the region of St. Quentin and Vervins and at the same time in the Hamparonnes district. “This battle marked an im- portant success, our right having thrown back the Prussian Guards and the German 10th Army Corps, into the Oise Owing to the progress of the werman right wing on which our adversareis have united their best corps, we have made a new retirement. FRANCE CALLING ‘OUT ALL RESERVISTS TOTAL 600,000 MEN (Special to THE NEWS) Paris, September 1. — Addi- tional French forces comprising the 1914 young men, and the eld- er reservists are to be ready for service in six weeks. They num- ber some six hundred thousand men. LLOYD GEORGE DARES GERMANS COME AND GET ’EM (Special to THE NEWS) London, Sept. 1.—Lioyd George announced yesterday that German men-of-war have captured some 20,000 tons of British shipping. He added that there are 2,000,000 tons left for them to take. ANTWERP REPORTS BRILLIANT FRENCH VICTORY IN SEMME (Special to THE NEWS) London, Sept. 1.-An Antwerp despatch says it is reported that General Pau has won a brilliant vietory over fifty thousand Ger- mans near Perennes, in the de- partemnt of Semme. This must have been the advance army of the Germans who were yesterday reported near Amiens. IMPERIAL GOVT ACCEPTS GIFTS FROM CANADIANS (Special to THE NEWS) London, Sept. 1.—The Official |Press Bureau in an announce- ment says the Government has gratefully accepted the offer of the Government of Quebec of four million pounds of cheese and that from the people of Alberta for half a million bushels of oats for use in the army. A novel proposal is made con- cerning the sacks which convey Canada's gift of flour. The sug- gestion is made that these be sold as mementos at a dollar each and the proceeds given to the Belgian relief fund. CANADIAN TROOPS TO DO POLICE DUTY THIS SIDE ATLANTIC (Special to THE NEWS) London, Sept. 1.—The Govern- ment is favorably considering the suggestion from Valcartier of Col. Hughes. It is stated that part of the Canadian force be us- ed on various lines of communi- cation to act as protective force here. BELGIUM QUEEN — NOW IN ENGLAND London, Sept. 1.-—-Queen Eliza- beth of Belgium with her children have arrived in England.