February 29, 1989. es pee reereeeeeeennner, poncare reer wie Hirectory = TE p ® |. Vietoers Association ——— = + piret Ave. and Biehth at w. © Wright, Prop. roer wore. CONTRAL pipet Avenne and Seventh st and smertcan Plan re | } | winpson HOTEL | ; ropean | peter Bleck, Pree | anox POTEL } Retween Riehth end Ninth 1.00 plan, Rates 80¢ to per Pay & Beener, Prom reopen! Beener wher ter a ewrrees HOTEL ave, Between Sixth and ! Seventh Streets opean Pian, 6O to et Per Oe, yY Thr wOvYAL MOTEL wey & Burgess, Props rhird Ave. end Siath 8¢ Pian Bieam Meated as oo AVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LimITeD ’ ave. and Sisth Si Phone 102 pees Second not PUPERT IMPORTING CO. 3) - A VETERAN WHO WAS WITH LORD ROBERTS Laid Low With Rheumatism —But Cured By “ Fruit-a-tives”, CHATHAM, OnT., Aprit, 4rd, 1913. “T am @ veteran of the Crimean W ‘ ar and the Indian Mutiny, volunteering from the Royal Artillery into the Royal Engineers, and served under ford Roberts during the Indian Mutiny, and am a pemsioneer of the British Government, Fierce hand-to-hand fighting and continual exposure left me a wreat sufferer from Rheumatism, so much so that my legs swelled up, making iLimpossible for me to walk ‘Fruit-a-tives’’., They cured me of both the Rheumatism and Consti vation, ay ae iro f walk uirty miles a day and enjo health"’, . pt egos GROROR WALKER. 50C. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c° At all dealers or sent on receipt of Price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Prince Rupert Feed Co. DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and CHICKEN FEED Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Mat! orders promptly attended to A SPECIALTY LimrTEeD } rreser eno Gisth Sts i ee Phone 7? 908 Third Ave. ; Phone 68 SUBSCRIBE FOR ee | GUARANTEED if. DAILY NEWS FREE American Silk vata HOSIERY CE TO DELINQUENT CO- We Want You to Know OWNER. HNSON, or to any r- t whom you may ve interests, Notice odersigned Go-Owner with ! King No. 1” and the, eral Clatma, situated at the) Arm about three- -| m the beach, tn the ee | « District, Province of) 1, have dome the required) sork on the above mentioned | r to hold the same under | 6M 4 "= ‘ or refuse to such expenditure, to osts of this advertise est in a ecome B. C., da rinee : Rupert, Certifcase of Improvements. varen Mineral Claim, situate im the Mining Division of Cassiar —About ated fa mile, y \ (the Mining Recorder for 6 ' improvements, for the aciog &@ Crown Grant of further take notice t 5, must be f such Certificate of Im- 21st day of September, A.D. | PEDRO SALINAS. } that ection, | be- These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the is knit ine not pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- shape solulely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us to cover shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Theee pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE with written GUARANTEE, any color,or Three pairs of our Ladies’ 50c Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE. DON’T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in your locality is selected. Give eceolor and size desired. international Hosiery Co. 21 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8S. A. PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE. sce Alver and Athabasca Rall. | ‘de, at 108 Bext session, for an Act, | company to lay out, con- | erate the following lines of | wnmencing et 8 t on) r pear the head of Kitimat) the Kitimat River in a. ‘on to the summit between skelse Lake, thence in @ nor- siong the valley of the and river to the : rossing the Skeens ver high level bridge and over | k Paecife Railway with! ble at ne S course to the summit of | sod thence, following the! Ness River, at or near) “stance of approximately one_ ‘welve miles; (Bb) from the) ‘he Blackwater River, with) following the course of Delivered to any part of town, or can be had at Spurr's Market, Knott's Bakery and the Pure Fulton Cash Market. Milk Govi. Inspected Cows The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Good kw River, to the summit be- | , ¢ Galanskeest River, thence | ‘h of Bear River approxi- seven miles. : ‘awa this nineteenth day of | MESON, BURGESS & COTE, ‘tors for the Applicant. || eee Ver OReNeeeeeeeers | Bear’ locaped one a, less, from the northwest po 0 vine ALARM SYSTEM 3 the "head of Alice Arm, a branch of Ob- servatory Iniet. : TAKE NOTICE sas I. Podre Setine. Pee Ufcate o, 80 . . ROUT GD. 9 } 8 6° trom the date hereof to apply 112 to tne Mining Recorder for a Certificate ‘St. and Srd Ave of improvements, for the pereese of ob * 13 6th St. and 8rd Ave. taintog a Crown Grant of the above claim. + 14 Sth St. and Sra Rid ‘further take notice that action, » 16 Ave. under section 85, must be commenced be- ; ‘vbetlon of 1st, @nd and fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- — provements. 7 *t Ave, Detween 8th end Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. . knox Motel.) 1016. PEDRO SALINAS. 7 18t Ave. and 7th St. (Cen e CROUIT NO. 2 vost are BE Capt. J.McGEE, M.M.S.A. 4 Ave and MeBride 8: } NAUTICAL ACADEMY pee Ave and MeBride st | + 2 20d Ave, and ena St 3 Masters and Mates Prepared more is for Examination OROUIT NO 8 3 es mpasses Adjusted . i Ave and Puls | Pp mm ae | ona ' and Taylor Sts | Ro al “ Ave aud Pulton. 86 Heigerson Block, Opp. Roy , ‘ve and Comox Ave Hotel—Phone Red 502 Ave end Dodge Mm 10 Thame a4 OMOUIT NO. « O--6t> Aus 0) Benerson s 42 * 4 i Ave and McBride St and Green 81. Ave a 44 mm 45 on 144 Ave and Basil s1. 7 Ave, and Ebert, Ave. and y ung 81. ae Certificate of improvements. ri Chance It Fraction, and Black Mineral Claims, situate to the Skeens ing Division of Cassiar District. ere located located between the “aldebaran” Mineral Claims near Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Blac! Minera) Claim, “Lilly Bertha” ap Bear Min: rit Chance it Vroctios | head of * FREE Our Trappers Guide c Ship your atelow Lint. jay, address URS To (OHN H4LLA Desk B, 18" © tent come Write t M LIMITED TORONTO H.C. BREWSTER ADDRESSES THE DAILY NEWS. LARGE MEETING AT VANCOUVER | Continued From Page Two.) jlish our credit, which has been | seriously injured by a | Poliey of guarantees to railways and machine manipulation of the reckless jMillions of dollars spent on roads, trails, bridges and public works for political advantage jrather than the benefit of the publie Must Have Railways. Sir Richard McBride says that | ratiways roads and bridges must ibe built before attempt jmade to induce agricultural de- velopment I want to point out to you, he said, that some twenty- any is five million dollars have been ex- by the McBride tration since it came into power pended adminis- on roads, trails and bridges with- in the provinee, and we have over and above this assumed the tre- for and guaranteed railway bonds to the mendous responsibility extent of over $80,000,000. And yet, look at the condition of our agriculture What agricultural settiements have we along the routes of railways at the present time? Roads are unquestionably necessary under proper settle- ment conditions, but the hap- hazard construction of roads un- der political conditions and in or- der to carry constituencies simp- the of “wagon-road” pro- ly means encouragement farmers who duce the being drained of an amount in excess of $30,000,- votes and not food. Today province is 000 annually for the food pro- ducts it should raise within its boundaries The government appointed a royal commission on agriculture which cost the province $42,000 alone to enquire into this ques- tion. This eommission reported in favor of the policy advocated by the Liberals for years, and yet the premier stated in the legis- lature that the proposition was a monstrous absurdity.” In 19413 a small portion of the Liberal platform was enacted by the present administration and free land was granted to the pre- emptor. This after the speeula- tor was surfeited with land, the choicest pickings of the country The permitted graciously his location fre the lands rejected by the ispeculator. Yet, under these adverse conditions, we find a in the lnumber of pre-emptions. What happened had the lands been available? Oppose Speculation. Let me point out that the Lib- always has been, and will to the speculative land policy of the It is, there- e-emptor was to select ym even considerable increase would have choice eral party is, always be opposed present government. fore, in a _ position—with its hands free of obligation toward or sympathetic feeling for any policy of land exploitation—to inaugurate and carry out a land settlement policy at once effective land full of promise. It need not enact or inaugurate any land poliey at variance with any of its former practises or protests. It need not go through the mockery lof pretending to be in sympathy | with progressive ideals while all its past activities stand out bold- ly to contradict its new assump- tions and pledges. What a hollow it to expect a government that has fostered a policy of real mockery is consistently land speculation any or honest attempt to reverse a policy 8 lone encouraged by them- | se ives. Let me point out to you that before any successful land poliey can be adopted in British Columbia it may be necessary to have the whole matter placed un- the responsibility of a eom- mission absolutely of partizanship orpolitieal interests, det devoid , the finaneing of a ration- al scheme for f jland settlement, as well as as- have already difficulties attached to the let me to that . the ts paid out as Commissions | As ti the encouragement those who ely breasted the conditions and land t clear you on land sales, together with the eost of royal commissions to im- vestigate this, that and the other and make reports to the govern. ment which are not acted upon had they been so applied, would have paid interest on a vast sum that might have been devoted to such land settlement I shall give you a few of the figures so that there may be no unbiased criticism We have spent on commissions, paid to middiemen for sale of crown lands, Indian reserves, etc., and for the services of royal commis- sions, such as agriculture, tax- ation, coal and labor, during the past three years a sum which must be not less than #350,000 You can easily reckon that this sum would have paid interest on no less than 87,000,000, and which might have been loaned, on good security, at a slightly higher rate of interest to provide for the collection of a sinking fund sufficient in due time to dis- charge the debt. This single statement shows conclusively that either our government is not a business government or that it has not applied its business tal- ents honestly to the solution of these problems. Unpaid For Lands. Just here I think I can expect you should say: “You have told us that the best lands in the prov- ince have been alienated to spec- ulators and that there is little de- for What are you going sirable land available new settlement. to do with these alienated and un- paid-for lands?" My that These purchased under the authority of answer to is this: lands were laws already on the statute books That they have not been paid for is because the title complied of the province. statutes under which was have not been All the machinery of law to situation is already in If they are made effee- sought with. and statutes deal with that existence necessary tive no new policy need necessa- rily be enacted. There the statutes vision made for the eollection of is on pro- a wild land tax of 4 per cent, and the of this tax alone upon an honest assessment of the land the treasury with a sufficient amount to of in carrying collection values would furnish assistance out an efficient land policy. More than this, such course would result either in the improvement and of these lands or their relinquish- ment to the crown for other dis- position. The wild land tax was designed to prevent the withhold- ing of lands from production, and we will apply that tax not as pun- ishment for withholding land from use, but with sufficient pres- sure to induce you to make it pro- We wil! aid you to make it Aid you by fur- nishing a amount of money at a reasonable rate of in- for making approved of improvements, and between taxa- tion on the one hand and aid on the other, we will make it to your advantage to make your holdings be material a cultivation ductive. productive reasonable terest productive or to turn them over to others who would do so. As ince will permit we will aid the individual holder to his such an improve holdings to extent that he can Honest Men Needed. Legislature of men and ministers who would honestly attack these problems. to be deceived. Election suceeed- ing election has found them plac. ing in promises and jpledges which were, apparently, never made to be fulfilled. A long train of broken promises marks the historic trail of the present administration, and the publie should, by this time, be eonvineed that no reliance can be placed on the of a government confidence leaders far as the resources of the prov- | obtain, with industry, a| comfortable livelihood therefrom. | The diMeulty in British Colum- | bia during the last ten years has | been to secure the return to our | The electorate of this) provinee have allowed themselves | which has consistently betrayed ita publie trust. SS f There are ne » Vere are men and newspapers | MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A supporting the Conservative | ’ party who, sweking to avert the HH BSirks’ []lustrated Catalogue public mind from the main issues | § at stake, will ask us to go into the ; hawaii om dagg hcg aor In Your Home During 1915 money will Jones be able to bor- - F : . row on his security under our re- Ae @ medium through which you may sélect gifts suitable for every gime?” “How much will be avail- occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. able for somebody's irrigation Birks’, Vancouver, le the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order scheme?” “Will we introduce gov- ates ment and our Hluetrated Catalogue forme a convenient avenue lead- 1g to @ selection from our Immense stocks. ernment land clearing as a part een . . y he poliey?” ° ee of the polley?” ete. Toubmit that WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. all such questions are questions |} seceeen ine eile iia of administrative detail and need a ide eas not«be settled in advance H Bi k oe So : ; ; d The thing to be assured of and enry ir 5 ns, imite to base confidence upon is that a JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS practical and efficient solution is Granville and Georgia Streets possible if men of business ca. Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C pacity honestly apply themselves 4 to its solution. : 2 — e008 SHINGL<: , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and MoBride *t. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 PHONE 25 Branch Yard st Smithers THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C. LIMITED SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Write To-day ——— Address at - poeetes JOHN HALLAM ““""£2. TORONTO A Real Lever Simulation Ladies Guarda, oF f Alberts, sent carriage peld to wear with the wach which wil be «ven Free (these watcher rt Jewetion ‘lept. it ), Eveiand For Making Pure, — Delicious Home-Baked Food. PAAR RRR RRR RRR RE RRR RRR ERE ER Ee aad NEWSPAPER = wos for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opt) mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper lo advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger cirevlation than any other paper the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. ~~ oo *~-~-~ DAILY NEWS RARER EAA EAE AAR ARERR RR Re ; SAREE EAR ERR REE ee ee mn ee gm rE >