———— —— a ~ wBRIDE’S DAY S DONE AOD aw THE DAILY NEWS _~ VI POF 2 rary PRINCE RU PERT, B. C., FRE DAY, MARCH 26, 1945, [ THAT TURKEY HAS BROKEN WITH GERMANY fittle boate are boosting for Pattullo.” } Pere rere Hess es oe 6 os py GRUNTY GRUNDY Says. It certainiy looks good when even ine | ' “put-put- PRICE FIVE CENTS TTACK ON _DARDANELLES RESUMED YESTERD AY—AMERICAN SUBMARINE HAS BEEN LOST KS BREAK WITH GERMANY. REPORT WILL SUE FOR PEACE AN GENERALS HAVE LEFT CONSTANTINOPLE FOR SOFIA AND ADRIANOPLE — RESUME ATTACK ON THE DARDANELLES. f i (Specia The Dally Newe) Smyrna Thirty minesweepers I ey has preceded the warships into the dvisers | straits, iv¢é AC ~- oe - ~ eceive | GERMAN U-29 SUNK. le (Special to Tre Daily News.) is left! , London, March 26 The Ad . a, and miralty announces that they have ders has good reason for believing that the Attack Resumed. | German submarine U-20 was i Che duel) sunk with all hands. She was of Dardanelles |the ngewst type and of 800 tons ts from She had been playing havoe with ch trans-(|shipping around the Scilly Is- 00 men at) lands. RICAN SUBMARINE i LOST IN PRACTICE (Special to The Dally News.) as : March ted States | Di tiiici Ma Miedadidadiedaieiadialel * DON’T GET MAD, WILLIAM * William Manson should not allow his rage at The News to get the better of His heated shows that he 26. him. attack na t Honolulu wy larg With at least, didn't mean he “knoe a what he said when re marked that every " i luring ma- of The News was a boost. ed the sur- In that case he wouldn't water is want to “send feeditor to vhere she Japan.” * * * * * * * * * * * > * * * * * * * * * * P ed, became public servant would meet pth of 196 criticism by rebuttal in- . ch the craft. stead of by the epithets, - es that the “liar,” “deceiver” and m1 trepid report “knocker.” When Wil- _ ty-five fath- liam Manson said he al- . s believed to ways “stood four Square . The vessels on every questién'’” he made a joke of “himself; the people haven't yet for- CANADIANS TO FRONT. gotten that when the “Seott Act” was up in this Reinforcements Are Being city he refused to take the Sent From Tidworth. platform and declare him- self, but secretly ac A strong cording to exeeilent au- forcements thority, he sought to as- leave Tid- sure both parties that he ‘he men go- was with them Some tarry Horse, straddling, William! (the thickly eee eee ee eRe HH iu OMecers ‘ipplications | TURK HOWITZERS that their RUNNING ON RAILS) first on the -- ire now per- Athens, March 26.—-The Turks had another | have now at their command in the anges, Dardanelles howitzers runniig on rails which can be coneentrated | BRIDE'S DAY IS DONE at any points menaced. All the artillery in the Dardanelles is not operated entirely by Germans. eer eee EXTRA SPECIAL! esl Thealrg ISKT AND TOMORROW OAL) ies easel : HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY. The of Corps will start a canvass of the members the Cadet city on Saturday morning morn - SHANGHALED BABY" — Three ing colleeting old linen and cotton Frum Sty aod Thrills for the ladies of the St, John Am bulanee Association TW ea THE MISSION, AND Kindly have your bundle ready Drama of so that the @ood work of making BATS” bandages may not be delayed thedy T ME one , — Situation wanted by young man T ~ SAV OAs Experienced salesman and busi High class refer Box 135, Daily if ness education Admission 10 and 166 Oreos TCC Co Ceoe. ences, Apply News, * ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee oe ee “vy QJ TALK OF ELECTION IS MORE PRONOUNCED 'Premier’s Provocative Utterance Was Evidently Not Unex- pected by Opposition. Ottawa March 26 I talk is more pronounced tha ve in Parliamentary cor is a esult f Premier Borde s dis tinet ly provocative terar in the House Parliamentarian n both sides of the House recog nize in it the trust in the proteet- ed interests, and the waving of the old flag, which will be the chief ingredients of the Conservative campaign appeal. It was through- out an effort to show that the gov- political rather than national rea- sons, The Maritime Previnces fishermen will be for the most) part at home that week, and it is expected that practically all of the third contingeat, and possibly a portion of the second conti igent will not yet have left Canada, and ean be voted to the accompani- ment of the martial music of a} | khaki appeal. | IN THE RING. | (Special to The Daily News ) New York, March 26 Charley White defeated Leach Cross In a lfast ten-round battle here last |night 166 BRITISH SHIPS LOST. London, Mareh 16 From the beginning of the war up to March 140. 166 British merchant ships lane interned, captured or de- stroyed, it was announced today Iby Winston Churehill, First Lord lof the Admiralty | TENDERS WANTED \* renders wanted for the con { of a 60.-foot fishing iboat Plans and speeifications lean be t The Daily News. tf. CIT YMARKET. Pork, 18 ¢ts. may Special ' d ye ernment was justified iw going to} the country, and the cheers which greeted his most partisan utter- ancés showed that the govern- ment side of the House at least! knew what was coming. The election is expected by many Conservative members early i June. It is stated on good au- thority that nomination day has been tentatively fixed for June 3 with pollling on June 19 The early appeal is fixed for purely = [RRR EEE EHH HH \* SHARP PRACTICE * * — * | For the last few days * i the Conservatives of this * SOME VICTIMS OF THE GERMAN RAIDER PRINZ EITEL. * city have been advertising * The family group is that of Captain Kiehne, of the American |, 4, smoker for last night. # clipper, Wm. RP, Frye. Below is a group of the crew of the same * When the meeting was * ship. The portrait on the left is that of Captain Conesion, of the |» Gajjod to order, however, * Florida; on the right is Captain Erichon, of the Russian ship Isa- |y it was announced that the # bella Brown, and Captain W. J. King, of the British bark Invercol,, |, purpose was to elect dele- # all of which were sunk. Pietures were taken at Newport News. * gates to a convention and # * a little later even dis- * CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION © shone tastesgueiaien. * chose their candidate. * \* Surely, that is machine * CHOOSES WILLIAM MANSON = ss ‘ac™star 2 |* kind. What will the fol. * ————— * lowers of the ever-popular -* MANSON MAKES BITTER ATTACK ON DAILY NEWS FOR CRITI- |, Sam Newton have to say * CISM—WANTS TO CLOSE UP THE PAPER AND * about that? There is no * SEND EDITOR TO JAPAN. * doubt but that Sam New- * ' ata ONTD * ton is the most popular * The Conservatives of Prince Half of his speech was taken|, man in the Conservative # Rupert District held their conven-/| up with an attack on The Daily|* party today and that had * tion last night and unanimous!y yew. Mp. Manson showed more |* it been known that a can- * decided on William Manson 45 /ihan usual heat and temper as he|* didate was to be chosenhis * their candidate in the forthcom- |. immed up all the vituperative|* followers would have been * ing election. epithets in the catalogue in his|* there in foree. Sam de- * he meeting, which was held in | genuneiation. The News, at most,|* - serves a position like that, * St. Andrew's Hall, was called to he said. was a lying sheet, and if|* too, for his recent visit to * order by J. A, Kirkpatrick, the ye had his way he would lock the|* Montreal shows him to be * president of the loeal association.| piace up and send the editor to}#* a financier of the very * J. E. Merryfield read a number Japan for three months or any-|* highest order. Surely, the * of telegrams from several points way till the election Was over. * very stones will cry out at * n the district appointing proxies He read to the audience an art-|*® such injustice. * and instructing them to vote for jele from yesterday's editorial and| * * * *#*# ##*# ## eee HHH ® William Manson it seemed like good stuff to the | eT ee ee ae It*had been decided at first to audienee for they picked up their ‘HAS BEEN EXTENDED FOR leleet delegates, who would meet ears during the reading more A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS this morning, but Mr. Flewin, of than in any other part of the . ap a4 Port Simpson, moved that in view speech. Mr. Manson had nothing} Ottawa, March 26, ~The order. lof the unanimity of those pres- to say about the charge made there] "@-council prakitting. he Cane ent that William Manson should|about the city charter. He ap-|' at any port in British Columbia of be declared the party’s choice./ parently realized that that was | skilled or unskilled “artisans has This was dcivied-bn @ Manding|inc selfccetient. to "Als He dia | been extended from April 1 next, aad douy, however, thas the eavern- j the date on whieh the prohibition | Mr. Turner and Mr, Braun, from ment had made the city pay for [wanes have expired, Until Septem Terrace, were present, They both pre-incorporation expenses (not | Pe! $0, 0 Daring 20 Gs eRe. made attacks on a speech deliv- withstanding the hundred thou- The reason given for the exten- jered by H. F. MeRae at Terrace a}sand odd shown on the city’s ve Do Begs ome-choutee | week ago. Mr. Braun didn’t like books He denied that he did not re of the labor market in | the fact that Mr. MeRae had told | make good in getting legislation ritish Columbia. jthem about a map the govern-|to keep the Prince Rupert Hydro- YET ANOTHER. _ | ment had out for election pur-|Eleetrie Company out (notwith- | poses which showed in red the!standing, also, that the final ae jland along the G. VT. P. open for|word is still with Bowser : He Londor, Aerob 2622The Brit- jcoteipnney This map shows sev-|tried to convince the audience ish steame@r Debraiva was torpe- | doed in the Ohatine! today. eral of the little towns along the j that because the city had a larger lroad as well as most of the land | | record on Warks Channel power Dawe jalready taken up to be open for | tinal the city was protected and FME WEATHER. ipre-emption, Mr, Braun would | kept far away from the fact that not believe this tit) he saw the | the Continental Power Company ae. w ppowtine, Observer. jap. has the prior record and that the Bc The chief speech of the evens!government was not wader abi, ee m., March 26, 1915 | . - jing was that of William Manson,|) gation to give th company a a 30.074 iwho delivered to the party @ re-| coneession all With regard | Max SS ae 62.0 port of his stewardship, Continued on Page Pour. Wee. COUR savicdes soe MOD ‘TURKISH TROOPS "ABUSE MISSIONARIES | (Special to The Dally News.) Washington, D. C., March 26 _Comgul Paddock, of Tabriz, Per- | sing reports that violences have the Turkish troops to refugees at the Ameri- The Turkish co with troops, broke in Assyrian Christian massacred them. j bee committed by ean mission. nsul, and seized efugee and s He ed and beat the missionaries also insult. CANADIAN SOLDIERS RETURN TO “BEEG FAMILEE” York, March French soldiers who enlisted with New 26,-—Six the Canadian contingent and went to Europe last fall returned home on the steamer Rochambeau. All were discharged from _ further service because each is the father of children. This exempts them from service after they have for seven months. six further served BACK FROM TORONTO. Rev. H. R. Grant returned last evening’s train from to, where he had been attending a meeting of the Home Mission Board of the Presbyterian Chureh. Mr. that there more interest shown on the Prai- any other subject. Saskatchewan has already decided to abolish the bar, and Manitoba has ordered all saloons closed at 7 o'clock, while Alberta is*to vote on the question in June and the feel certain they can day. Throughout Canada the peo by Toron- Grant says is ries over prohibition than prohibitionists carry the ple are taking the war very calmly, although the list of Canadian cas- ualties is bringing it near home. INDOOR BASEBALL. The Terminals defeated the Catholic Club in a great ball game at the Auditorium lagt night by 7 runs to 5. The teams were: Terminals—Graves, Embleton, Ramsey, C. Blythe, W. Blythe, Scott and Evans. Catholic Club—E. Murphy, For- tin, J. Murphy, Astori, Henning, Hannigan and Rowells. Umpire—Joe Scott. TEXAS CAN’T BEAT THIS. Mrs. Carpenter returned iast evening from a pleasant holiday of six weeks with friends in Texas. During her entire trip she did not see weather so beautiful as that which greeted her return. Mrs. Carpenter is the proprietress of the musie store on Third Ave- nue, Quality, satisfaction and econ- omy. New Wellington Coal. 63tf. Phone 116. rr THE LADIES They are busy knitting for the soldiers; ught to supply the cash to buy the yarn. Any amount ite- fully received, Leave McRae Bros., Ltd. Sixth Street you 5 ul