TO SPEND HOLIDAY IN PRINCE RUPERT Indian who Threatened Father Allard may be Tried Here “COLTS GATHERED IN THE RED SOX A1 Ball at Affiictic Grounds When Colte Again Topped League. Father Allard ene ha fhe Colte: watked away with up to bort &t James, whys few weeks {ithe Ind mas baseball game will pend a Hed Sox by the rhe score ia by no rat even against the of 11 to 5 ! if [f the | iy as Primes t bageball i the wixth d Sox d six runs to end the inet tate by the scorelhis brother Miodi« abo throughout COhronict inning when sclibol hae the air ununer tolidays, While w? Atlin some ft Father Allard was whart by an Indian it up come ind allows Mi.) lo the treet at the had was Ned places very fichting ind the Lhowr he held everyone it hard ys eommenced mak- saik eg in 1343 Still in nd because no rf f bad cor ame ne of business one eould tell *t what would age Dh Indian, seeking Hundreds in use in happen. enge, followed jest up t = lp to the sixth the Hed Sox ithe native village with a 44 Prince Rupert. ve 4 tol\and told Father Allard that he and it looked as if they might come for him, and exhibited On SALB AT put the game bare The Coltsiweapon 1 i and S k’ vere saying Litt on the bench dage so the priest ft od tor $s vere apparentiy wailing with ; ‘ in the Indis qjuitet ¢ for the ime Vindow and while Hardware 1 thes id start t SROOND AVENUE rr) i * here that ullock§. er Indians who prev hone Black 114 ‘ ‘ Pe the ed a wit ] play for the i j there were wo stead The ons pit o n firs is fall their eent from the communit on a gramd «te fuet ts 4 the pr gun! had} the leading by the score of entione onfide nes nat the priest was a nz taking place ul man wae allerward r ' cme shen oN COAL O. nd an enmey Colle had 10 men the QUALITY England you will find men everywhere smoking Player’s Navy Cut Cigarettes with the.same keen enjoyment as they do here! Over in Australia, the sailor in the , “ Chay pet ma 'lifebuoy is a very familiar character, bmith and e v, We oe : ' and there, too, PLAYER’S are universally enjoyed. ld nad t ” the FINE MELODRAMA _ AT THE WESTHOLME! “Should @ Husband Forgive?” is Powerful Play Full of Action Coal- - $12.50 ned, sacked, $13.50 », sacked - $14.00 nce Rupert There can be only one reason B Feed Co. t RINCE RUPERT rat Lebor Council, 0.B. U. ym Richardson : INTYRE HALL ay. 30th, at 8 p.m, rday, 3lst, 8 p.m. w mont CHRISTY MATHEWSON IS SERIOUSLY ILL ° SAHRANAC LAKE, N.Y Waerid ' La ’ amous “LOVE AND THE WOMAN” Good Picture Shown at Empress Siarring June Elvidge ' that keeps all the to the very ulCmme is @ M LEE CO, ists sree eine Second Avenue, West EQETASLES Clesale and Rotalt ‘ral Contractors and Labor Fxchange rince Rupert, B.C. May P.O, Rox 725 PHONE 99 si reas IFIC CARTAGE.LTD. 1 ‘ nable Kates fe facilities Manager Se Parker, i VANCOUVER, July 31 Dr ' Sprague kk i dentist lett pen rT? have bes - wi this and the peared be delighted to heat of change P. G. E, OFFICIAL. VANCOUVER Wilson who oral manages July 34 Robert acting gen has been appointed hae been a Walker 2 bases | « i it recent ex Ble } seve used eanr tried | ** Gl were ily aie heighbor hi had Nd wave } st natu r bought tWo t and ses af 1) “ays "On any «) Drake ilmited + Vanco AC Uver Tory aT LAONER . o —_ pare sie bi cs lives about ' rifles about} &Way, explained that |2¥ the Dominion Government, i 4 Can, Mrs, she likes it ne has used, ific Milk Co, ana ¢ (ireat | Aas aut ier of the railroad, Anagrer mmptrol Pacific stern) POLES DEFEATED BR rhe Polish defeated Phey) BERLIN, July my is it, reported to be | jand is fleeing in wild nant | lhave left the border \ large number of forts have been! | | | ; | quagpentpeapee | unprotected, aplured, NEW PARK ral} ied a OTTAWA, July 4.—A na- tional park to be known as Mount National Park has been ‘stablished in British Columbia new Revelstoke ee eee eee Peewee owen anes Notice to Advertisers Jasual advertisements for insertion same day should be in the Daily Nows oifllce before 10 a.m, Changes in advertisements should be on hand before | I. 5 p.m. on previous day. *| SFeeeasaeeeeaasee ler DENTIST FOR ANYOX. " . it FPORERSHOKE LEASE that we MPANY tf Va mine nt THE LAMITED uver, i, Seee al wheres, intend & jeoase the following TAYLOR EN Mint mourning a1 the northwest corner { 3643-A; thence running south & dee min, Weet « distar of 469.76 feet orth 8&4 deg Si min West @ dle 176.7 feet to the southeriy b 1443-A; thence following Up « i “ 3 allowe beundary of Lot $643-A nort? ‘ Fast a distan f $01.3 fret 1 | nt of rminenoer end containing | \ lor 4 Dis r acres, more or lees 1k TAYLOR ENGINERBRING ¢ LT Vives Deparunem Agent (Si;med BK. GEO TAYLOR DATED at Alice Arm, B.C. thie twenty tay of May, 1920 b = ‘AVIGABLE WATERS nL 8.4 b The Minister of IS ‘per package ecelved by than near Keament eal feet of da for te hiet F resicr KOTECTION AGT. the ‘ 33 Works — quality ! That is why men: pretér PLAYERS ‘ lwo for ID r = - r : f British umbia, hereby gives Dated TIMBER SALE X 2556. ; under Section 7 of of Juty > v t } i : r f : ! herp with tb Mim ! of Works Ottawa, and the for the Registrar of the Laud . Prince Rupert, B.C., and the plans of 1 end of Prit ert e + Block, F., Prince ihe re Mre edar tension 1 the Eas t Wharf, Waterfros Townstite 1 jake Motllee® Ural after the e@&apiretion month from the date of tw “first ation of this notice, the Minister of . Works will under Section 7 of said act, apply to the Minister of Publie Works, Gliawa, for approval of the, 1 plins and for leave to con sald. wharf extension rester Prinee wks. at pub OMice Publ Disirt 2 ad . : e Govemm- str uw for the te is . and €., being-a@ part, of O pieved, Sloce ones Kenge ' - striet, and Blocks Uhe and oO art of District Lot 4445, Reage ist Distriet in said Prov a TAKE NOTICE that. afier ~- f one month from the: rhs t\ publication of this notlee, \“and Products. Limited. wilh * m Seven of said Act, y he hister 4 Publie rots at i the City of Ottawa, ‘or » said site and plans, and Sof dea e struct the said wharf. t Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C,, this ou jay of July, 1920 it THE FISH OIL AND PRODUCTS ba, by ita Attorney, & A, a4 SSIS Gene Byrnes. Says:—“Here’s the Music—Write Your Own Words.” —=— inn ty.