= DAILY we Page @ be Youn | Hraketes the Place | Daily News Classified Ads. Where People Enj Oy 2 CENTS PER A: IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than 50c Life-and. Get Health oe cs oro ¢. 0 etamaeedial } _- . Aad « (An Appreviatielty H. F. Pullen) AVANTED — Rushmen for spruce | FOR SALE Lot 2, Block 10, Map| When ron meet with an accident JH} forests in British ¢ olambia, | $05, Stewhaet Tewnesite, Price.) —~a cut, a burn, a scald or a bruise | ite == = . oT 100 Swampe ; ce per hour | 81.000, This tot adios bei ’ Dee tae. Nar chor ta ae Awny fe the country, far fram the ordinary haunts of men,) 50 Sawyers, * ner hour ness section on Sixth Street @t once. This herbal balm will end yong the bears and wilé fowl, close to the trout streams: and 6 Top Loader fe per hour Apply Dany News affice tr) ) . . , , 7 : en eae ene se ae San Reel cialy.” oun on the banks of one of the most delightful lakes in the country, 0 Oant Hoo er we per HOUSES FOR SALE | KITSUMKALUM SCHOOL @ box handy. there is a log cabin where all sorts of people congregate. This rout ‘eat Te For skin troubles Zam-Nuk is ; 0 Peaniater { oie FINK. HOME, treat = reetdentin! Vertis UNTHAC TONS equally invaluable. A skin disease [ere | called Lakelse. In addition to all the attractions men per hour ction, Moderate term Hel 1 Tend nea “1 : . . : me mlerute ‘This ates ender oreeribes ender for Sea Gute. guecead Zarn-Buk Sees Ronee there: a spring of lithfacwhter atfost of boiling heal 0 Men to wo sawmill, gerson, Neal Meatate, Iysurance, | ieee & dingat r Papi from the “root” up. and this is piped to a bath in the log enbin’so that guests may 52%c to 55 ‘ eur. Netory Mubtic. : Zam-Buk is best for eczema, bolls, (jake warnt baths ad libitum. Alything fram a dozen to twenty Nineshour day us ’ he erect na on Dednetions Men he, FOUND oan a ' ; ; 7 ‘i’ matory tf © Kupert Ky : blood-poisoning and piles. All : dealers 50c. bor. paying guests gather there at one time and if you happen to " ta si ma tidin . ‘ ospits n?T everepey t on, ) sinter 1 ne meet any of them, they willtell you that-itis the most delightful . : 1) FOUND -OW Kitson disiand, two! Pians and Speciteations can be seen 1.50 per u afief ihe 41h Gay of August, 8090, a1 the s place they ever visited. j Apply to ne st government ever boats with marke MAW. | canes | visited Lakelse recently and a pool! suehsas many men would) qeaneioc*for peduerd fares. Do (876 and MN. $48. Apply F. B.iy Seed: Begs Covernment Agent, court let me tell you about it. [ had pay an immense sum to get. It} not wait to « ‘ come’ wa Hent Ltd, Prinee Rupert, Ho MeMuitin, Ke, Government Agent of men 204) » . tht ‘ retary t Soho n : its ; : : he Department of ‘ race on the train, intending to six feet apparently at the deepest,). pejpetletage cary und accom 7 ve wait antil the next day to drive to but the trout! It is dificult to) wadation pt ded LODGE MEETINGS | —I, the lake. However Mrs. E.* A. tell about them without risking U. GG. SAWMILLS, LTD Monde 1054 LOVAL Oa ONKMAAN " . res tngineer ; Bayne was going out that after- being charged with telling fish) ogo Hutton. B.C.) Moose meeth every Mondas|, ’ ; reper tame i, hoon and another man’who was. stories: Prout by theedozen were . : evening at the Deep Sen Fisher. | vie 4 . ' ' suffering from rheumatism, was’ there, § We° ced’ see* them, and| WANTED —in Prinee Rupert dis- men's hall tf : ; sons too ‘ , . / . lanxious to get to the springs.’ some of them were very big. Wel trict, perman representative Accordingly we took advantage of dropped ‘in ‘our brit: and watched either sex for BRITISH CO.| PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS ; seore . arency Rei want Ae tric) , a sing . ake . nena : UMR ONTHI iow enter. | We have secured the agency for jan auto-truck that was taking out them take it and brought the LUMBIA MONTHLY, now enter-|) oy ane @TEWENS. late of the work. And | the best Coa) foundin the interior provisions and rode to thechread ef silvery fethows out without effort ing tenth year as the Sooial, tall ef Orw Limited. } tart ' ; and can supply any quantity. e lake, a distance ‘tee , re rt sportsmen o Rdneations Literary and Re- . ™ canine: 4 Maeda ’ } pply any q 3 th lake, a distance of thirteen) We were not good sportsmen t duecational, ry < « ing in business September 4 eur excellent j QOur prices include delivery. miles, near the mouth of Wil-|we should Rave used flies. Run ligious Magazine of the Cana- j independent of handling Digh-cias« piane ton : Cleaning and | Co ’ 0 liams Creek, There we found ning short of bait, we used eran-| dian West, ine. vemelabbnal.*nt + ‘ , ix e c nic: re naires ” , e al a $13. 0 truce Johnston, the proprietor, of/berries and clderberries. Jack] party, seet or faction Sub. nhonographa ne enn e ss af NOTICE. : d k d,.$14 00 ithe low cabin hotel, and he took -MeLeod, who was of the party stantial commissions; renewal . . os GIVE yor R work ~ : a a . . 1th Takes ‘ Tice % WERERY “Ive Screene Sac ed, jus in a tanneh about four or five drew in. a three pounder with a premioms. Address mention- PO A-PERMANENT RESIDENT |Srntanee with au Anendie i jmiles fo the neighborhood of thejcranberry for bait. But this is| ing experience and references, | i ° : ye Se \ - R. t 11400 Bute ‘ho will be here to stand be. | tee toss snes tine : by 5 Canadian hot spring and half a»smile over-senough about fishing. All Prince Manager, : Hand found 4 t the hotel. It R t will be tl fi Street, Vancouver, B. © hind his work, Your patronage . tos hoe St La Frices on car load lots on j ’ ' “4 i ‘a 2 , : « mm rh $3 aie ; ' 7 3 - - solicited. Phone Hed 2at P.O : eam ur jWas { mst enjoyable ¢ aif ‘e O sf ‘ » Be . ’ site ‘ : ‘ 1 me enjoyable and pic uffice i » say that the Bayne WANTED Re iil, cateietaes Dak Ras °4 ch has . Phone # jturesque trip, even if the road/ boys, just youngsters, went up the been to Usk and returned to Ter- was not very deep, not more ‘than can tise. any ty Per Ton Delivered 1 Ry ee ape ee application to thes f ' itely for the fas none too good. lake the day. before I left) and : , : Rupert FARMS FOR SALE wher } t “ Pp As Y Pi jbroug ome fo 2 fis yin Frince upert s You Please brought home forty fine f ‘| Public Sel reward your P. Rh. FARM LANDS.—The rich Mrs. Bayne with her children/] can attest there never wer ‘ ! e ane and ters to prairies of Alberta, Saskatehe . Feed Co. and maid were tenting on the, better flavored trout. deadline ae ta Rd Aah ae ‘ . : : flake sifore, where the children The Hatchery. | . r ; wan and Manitoba are especial - ry . Corner 2nd Ave. and 9th St. bathed and fished and enjoyed life! ‘There is a hatchery at Lakel , Db. VANGI ly suited for mixed farnring, |)!" : 7 my ' We can > Phone 58 Green 548 like healthy little savages, the|a mile or more from the lake wu inatural life out of doers, a~mountam stream where the WANTED met or crops of grain and fodder, and . a : ; et P] y At the hotel there is no hurry.|liberated Try will have a chance fu ' ee well adapted for dairying or . : : ‘ ease i {You get up when you like, usually |to hide when they get away. Its ed-reom lwestock raising can still be jjust before ten, you bathe when!capacity is ten millions, but at the sitting-ros kiteher ; had at prices averaging about 40 ACRES lyou like, you lunch at two andj}time of our visit they had about t x OG i ein wie 718.00 an acre, with twenty idine at eight. Between these,a million and a quarter eges taken years to pay if you wish. Only WANTED l ahity ’ 10 per eent down, No farther jours you fish and bathe and fishjand it seemed evident they would FRUIT LAND. |some more, or perhaps take aj/not get a full catch this year. petont st¢ a cthngtra , payment on the principal until lo : tory salary | ly ppli the end of the fourth year; then 4 Land that will produce bi« a ) Semmp through the wren The) ‘Phere'i& splendid timber around + Fon mies trom verrace, awo- Faunch is pressed into service|the-dake. We-walked through a| °aMt. Apply in person to the} sixteen annual payments, - In- Ineadaw, three acres readg¢ to stump. J |¢Very day, not oan to take people couple of-miles of it between the| —oyal Bank of Canada, _tf) ‘terest 6 percent, 8. G. Lough- About, four hindred thousand feet 7 /(o and from the north end of the hatchery andthe hotel and it was /y ANTED TO RENT-—Young mar- ran, ¢ anadian Pacific Hatlway saw-tfmber must be gered tis Plinke, but to take owt fishing/clear and thick. Much of it ried -sddbla’Qudlew’ tdbalahen Station, Vaneouver, B,C. re mined ana aeivred at Sewmlt one Hl antion;-all of which in free of}sewnted tobe hemlock and cedar.) \isp nr awit No ehihdeen Stee TIMBER SALE X 2579. PRICE $1,500 ON TERMS. jeharge to the guests. Ati Get Well. } Ap iy box 93 Daily News office MINEHAL AoT. ei dean ar catia tee: ghee banbet Will mure than pay for iand. | The Fishing People who go to Lakelse for] 202 whistesii-ca Wenstdiialo, tise ' ms : thas Fine eee for Man with team. We went to the intake of Lak-jtheir health get well. That is N else Lake one day and a little way;the inevitable story. On their WANTED. Three or four roomed oe K B & Co. ldewn the tertuous stream found| approach’ t6 the grounds they furnished house or suite Ap-}. Alice Fractional Minerel Claim, situate in |* enney TOS. ae —=lerose a-bridge over a stream and ply Box 94, Daily News Olfiee. [phune Kiver Mining Division of Cassar ney Estate » Brokers, BYLAW NO. 356 ja guest, while I was there, ro- Y aoe forated Al the heel of Alice Terrace - - B.C. City of Prince Rupert imlantically wrote the fellowing so ee TAKE NOTICE that 1, Alex M. Manson, || A fot vorvete ' Vancouver at WANTED Sinall house or vrinee ht t #C, erst . —— lverse about it and the custem) tor J.B Sear, bree Lunere’ Ceruneate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN|connected with it: ess : ia arm, BC. ‘Pree Binere Gorumene Ro rat four (4) days after the last At this smah-rill ae " 407 ‘ intetd, sitty days from the date linsertion of this notice in this) Your thirst assuage IWANTED wan or press for & Certincate of Improvements, for the a . > ner , lpaper, application will be madeto! ‘Twill-eure vour ills, | work Apply Canadian I@undry purpose of obtelling 6 Crown Orant of be Dendy 2 : M. ¥. Ste the Chief of Police of the City of} Retard your age: j ; And further take notice that ection on +s . i ‘ et ‘ 7 te ilu 4 seetion 85, fet be cominenred before . ana bt : ‘ " ; ; hereof, to apply to the Mining Herorder SITUATIONS WANTED Apply box 95 Daily Night Phores - J. G; Steen, 271 W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Prince Rupert for the grant of a Stoop then, nor panse tye suenee of such Certificsle of tm vefhetit« : < ear cence for the sale -veraces | j » br : ne for h : ile of beverage t pon the brink; i iwo “ x ladies arriving from Dated thie 7th day of Juiv, A.D teee oe * defined in the above Bylaw, in Quafl deep and long nee < . . September ‘, want LAND ACT ree Mine nd upon the premises known as Phe healing drink. et th : . a" ng, os ; empl ner owe er or sepa ain ' fhe Noval Doo » ‘ P “ao are ; : Royal Pr Se ae aa Mr. and Nera. Johnson are in rately) preferably in office. or FORM OF NOTICE. can oF ie the corner of Sixth Street -andjtent aii the time on seeing that =o Address box 91 Daily \Vancouven LANn nisraicrormrmet clare store, hird Avenue in the City offtheir .guests have an enjayable OF COAST ‘ ° : ; pli — News office, 209 TAKE NO res 4. der section ue ; I () Prince Rupert. tHlinne. Trout is served for at least |——— +a - — f aa Pon On eeelian tale tot me tesues : . «+ or ule Dated this 24th day of August, one meal.a day. Milk and eges FON SALe paper make AB Tor per. eed inig_99 . nem “sim 16 lease ” owing deserib Tatianna Notary P whic Agent for McCleary Furncaes Sanitary and Heating Engineers Sth Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert - ie ABM. 1920. lave raised on the place and every- HERBERT HAMPTON, -\one gets strong and well, cither|FOM SALE Shap 20 hp, N. &). \/mmeMine GH OR Powe ee Mivers eNIe eee ee GAETANO CICCONE, froens tie waters or the surround . engine Rew Padays fac 4 085 etek ance een 1a share tieact Market Prices ; $35 50000 SMITH & MAT LETT Applicants, ings and atmosphere. tory price is S500 higher than | \isiherie aking aBhte bo. padut nt coe sa wee Ve - | Ott r Att actions. when tt was boul Pour Rear eEn ere aud containing (48 arres, more oe em me me ee : i ! qocbaeeonaes —aetabgmmarreraerse nee | Some day there will be a fine clas it sove® this amount PACIPIC MILLS. LINrren Monts. ty Mark Sweaty, Ament < Tr ' i ily PLUMBING AND HEATING A jhetel at Lakelsxe and many sum . | Aivavell and W fate Jone iat. 1980 ‘ . Heel ENGINEERS leit cy gh r imer coltagea on the banks of the Kinilelon for particulars and Eatimates furnished ; ; ‘Nake. Shere is a fihe climb to Lenin Peinee lMapert Cigar “™* te beel, chuck re st Mie ORO Wy ‘Boat Mouttaim to the east, up Shavre hind Avenuc. Phone * ‘) Beef, cil ros . " if ib 4 axe 4, Heel, boiling . ” 4 ; Address, 3rd Avenne, teas | & t which aaddle horses could go with Blue Of ’ ae lenre some na aa Hamburge of Second Street : \CELLATION OF HESENMVE very little preparation. Near the. ‘ : TIMBER SALE x 2604. a , ’ surmount are wid goats in abund. 3 ntiing cated teniere wit he rerrived by tne Horned be i lis trawberry plants towing beef, per tb., 260 ‘Phone 174 PG. Box 274 /IICE 1S hereny given that the reserve . ul or spring = pla ; existing over Lot 4044, Cassiar matnet, ance, Bear are everywhere. One Dittrict Mirester, (hier Kipert, Ht. net ee eer rr ee pot ronat Send your erder now for @arly jiater than neog on the god day of Sepem Laid, lew, per Ib ter 1O78, TP the phiviaee of Liceute Lani loir »¢ ’ ’ ye fo a. eorererr Ub. A. -WADEN, was seen close ‘to the hotel while te} P me ; leeree delivery «~ “ apoliu Deputy Mintsier of Lande I was there, At the south end of PiGes pp 04 ar Deen Mhy, Dean Change! © 1 reese REPT OOO PROO OER OOOH CA epartment tion, hrortianad Nurseries : 1 cut G34 000 tard fret of Sprvee, Aliiticen leowih Pat ; Vietorta, MH. C., s.7 the lake are hundreds of acres of rR ; 1". Pp ‘'. Mintoe’ “ait Wateain The Smeeton Tee ee duck tands which attract thou- temo, B.C, (iF, tf aed il Wil) be attowed for removal Mutlon, sthoulder, th a ‘Shampa eee ‘ “« “ka 4 ene’ 4 , ad ; ner particulars or ine onier Forester, Lek of ain . ands of ducks and geese in the por SALI 22-ft. launch with vicina i as - “ihe District yorester Loin of wutton Tea Rooms | : automn. Everything is there to cabin and good engine. Price Urine De i aad Veil Aid toen provide enjoyment to the city £200. Apply Datly News if : ; wern man, woman and child who - Pant vent jlongs for the open air, the sun- ‘shine and close contact with na een reele mutton, Ib rue aypoo fl Cd —m. omemane ene angen renns 309 Second Avenue for Home Cooked Meals FOR SALI Raby buesey, 530 —— Vinin sausages, per ‘Tothate sausage Sumit Avenue, 2007 ee ee Pork, leg ‘ture. ; . TIMBER GALE X 2617. ' ’ SAP FOR SALE—F. W. Hart. tf) giciqiseenepe “anil inepeceived py the Pork chops Breakfast, Dinner and Disivied Perteiey Pritee tpert, Wt, tet . : ‘ (hat Hoan om ihe vad hey of veplom Pork, shoulder, .....+.++ Opposite © Supper i VOICE is heveby given that on sonasy..! ; , Fresh Home Made Bread Lain day of Seplember, 1020, at eli WINDSOR HAS BIG SANITATION bee. 1900. tie tha: arene ors lerheebue Mend te St Three Times Week! clock in the forenoon, at the Court & 7617 RO deme to entse,06u nest ee Bee, teas : 210 4th dt ‘ : y on , J ripe vary pe-sgaon Hho . oe aa Kaustine System of Sanitation ree: of teder potes I uk wb bee : |purpose of revision the tist of voters for, WHISKEY LOOT, TO0, suitabh for unsewered dis of ten Wil "be anawed ‘for removal Ham, smoked, lat seer ft above-named kiectoral District pur: | ‘ 5 ate a8 rurther ritcutar® of the Unter 4 . o-~ suant to the provisions of the “provincial tricts Odorless and water vr luni Wi or ithe arenes forester. Bult backs ... oan ins tS ; ki gist | our hag PRINCE RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT. PO eee ts for hemes and schools, (reinee Hapert,: a Ohicken, per th. ‘ Hand Y feiepticats Aet' te fertner given snes ony Prtee® Rupert Not Only Town with Lavile nes al 8 jalan ! TOM LEE CO. § pitino itieiiats't tttegt! “ammense Amount of Liquor | oe 1. Hunt, sit Second Ave, iretiy pee. 1 BRO! ’ Loral District may apply In person to have Under Confiscation. Phone Blaek 416, Post ofice ; |Picklod pork, por Ib, ...eee- ’ JOE B40 Bocong Avenig; Went, ith, "ad “iiccloral’ Uisires at ta “ea meer hox 573. a Covked ham,.sliced, per Ib. ‘ra sieaiiaiaee iting oF the Court of Kevision, gor | WINDSOR, August 27.—Since’ os oe — - Spare ribs, per Ib. : Motor : VEGETA BLES omitted from the list of applicants for April 1 seventy thousand cases of _ hdvertion - aoe Dally Sart, ! ect eee oe x S608. yr Hoast ham, Sper Ib... eed Passeng* registration, or that he has omitted tw Wholesale and Retail siply tor pemotrwtton at the Aune or a liquor have been seiged bere, The pistriet Porester, Prince Mupert, BU, not General Contractors ysl Pee a Reree ee Leen by 6 botthing value is estimated at a PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD later eal mann di ie 3 $48 Hay Of Aumust Jellied Longue ' 64 p Labor Exchange. fhe Mist of appiirants for registration issnitlion dollars and fines amount- * Bitucar Sing isiend, Visher Uheuner to ent Broilers sarees B Phones 2 ’ now posted and may be tnspected at the! ! PHONE 03 J9R,000 Feet of Spree Cedar, Nemtock , yee amiee of the undersigned Kegisirar offiNe to #215,000shave been collect- Neliable Service at reasonamle Kalen,