50 few Bi THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. fH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING :Epit SUBS&C RIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 7 By: Mail—Canada or Great Brit: idWanece, per year [To United States and other cou TELEPHO TRANSIENT DISPLAY DVERTISING } Py Contract Rates on application. ; DAILY MDITION tay rh | Effort of Churches to Extend Scope of Work. The churches are making an effort to extend the their work. They are realizing that spe: times in matters religious as well as in the ordinatr Ta life. The business that does net make a special effoi then is on the chute and will hit the wate | of endeavor. it is nect ry sometimes to al shake the cobwebs t of ovr brain cells, fo conditions and adjust ourselves to the new, slough and unnecessary. So it is with the church, She gets int sometimes and weais it so deep that it is difficult to out. Just now she is dizging a little and she expects } herself soon and arouse herself to new activity. Depoputation of Rura! Districts. Various publie men assign various causes for the dep tion of rural districts a the enlargemé point to the tariff. Others declare’ that farming is tinuously protitable pursuit. Still others blame he em. But the curious thing is that tht trend tay Is is Similar in all countries, Perhaps the faet that farms are larger th he a parlial explanation. Agricultural machinery enable to cultivate a larger are than in the past. Perhaps also natu.al desi of men walk with a crowd \ which the public speal ind writers haye.oy ooked, P the drift to the cities the result of many | have not yet bee ven discovered. Education And Religion. The fact rather than the caus: plan of Consolidated Schools seem cely to meé th so far as education is concerned. ‘To consolidate is not so easy. Frequently, in a-district formerly y four or five churches exist. Orfce they were in a fairly prosps state..-Now they serve only a few families and find it difilcult to “carry on’ without aid from the hor I funds of the various eee ational bodies. One or other of the little churches may be forced to giv fhe struggle. And yet, even in such districts, there is re believe that if the rural churches were better ad specialized task they face, they might awaken the interes body of non-church-goers generally found in such districts In the meantime, the task is to stir up the existing mem give them a vision of the place of power and inti earnest church may have in any community. i aN ‘ l the splendor of their high calling as Christian Lo { rural church problem, the first need is to give the ople a outlook on life, The fine thing about the forward moveme churches as co-ordinated in the unitéd natio the appeal is not a selfish one, The membe1 consider their Own troubles | diffieulties, but to tus f towards the mission fields at home task of the church as a whole. It is a certainty that home church is the one that is giving generously for t “ tension of the Gospe! in less favored fiel AS Out o UGanedians for the stimulat of their spi a solution of the rural church problem MP LEIT WE OCL VIA DE CME FE OR ET PEE ID DID SEAN ba D NTIST 2 a‘ » dia Bue®s gh ta price you cana to pa ee er oe ha, e ies Teeth Examined : oday Estimates Sliecrtuily Gick. i ase 3 CY BUY Za i. OS. Vi ArUuIrTc Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Phone S75 Corner 3rd Ave. and 6th St vont hours: PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cc. Open Evenings : ” ? a. m. Sunday by Appointment Pp. m. Lady Attendant. em. I Oh RAT as! Ma katana “ INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC e Royal insurance Vompany, Limited 7 7 rorthern As urance Co., Limited oat 8 London & Lancashire Fire tns ure Co., Limited mn € Lancashir ai General RealEstateAgent ,.,Ac'se.o Sor. Second Avenue and Secong Street, $e Insurance Co | | PE ET — ER Se ; . eu é t . Hi e 4 Ji . ’ ments, and to the Ww from: —— “and in erent of @ caveat cate of lis pent ens being fil the registr n a ’ son entitled und sucn 1 eee so served with 1 ape those ¢ THE pA Y Nk W MAIL , n f v : ‘ n Anyc ' . en On ' i J i 1] il K ve t ap ' I S ~ ° i UY OF nev i ; LAND A otice of Intent Ap Le OF ¢ 37, { AF i ' ; i I LAND AQ j Ry | 1 i OLbt ct I f | I I i f more W. E. Gre Dated 26th October, 1919 =F ‘ Leia eta a x1 SS =¥ A oan FQ | Seenacremaemmameniie ee. ws ' \ ry a ¢ o G26 Third Avenue. Phon® 266 x PARE 4 5 AS = we Ws \ _ . ¥ ea ; t ¢ q / ‘ 4 3 eM A t > . ¥ i, ay £9 Set ANA RE s a nr aon 5 1 O SERIES. No. VII by 1 hinery the modern method m. fresh air—a procs : lick he manufactured pr ¥ luct aroma all combined in » wilh a Heart.”’ eA fe fo a iy ni , vi a. o Ff — eR SRR cn me aoe, moe cnet | Fr: ‘ 7 | ‘ d tc ls i UR 7 rH! 1 j | 200th IOW Y our || - } cy | ; a \ F | £ uw > > 2 i} t “7s 18 fon" | ae | in % i af | it | 5.30. Selurdaus. § | y tet HvOU tN g i n tendance { it ppoir | i Blk., Cor. 31 | i i] ne eee me mee sews - —— - ee ee men = eee ee eS pF One omg «* gO LX; - err atl ’ ‘ iy ef i) | ' Al I Cenaty, & pati iid » a? . ut 72a ; ‘ vices 3 MAF f R ry fn 19 nitle fr P 1 March 13, 24 j ‘ BEATRICE i “ Falis, Hardy B Ae Vv 4 ar nd Victoria toP. M 6 ! Ager ’ ric t js ¥ iS -_— ee gta tg nga . ' rh a a b ra * 5 ewi ; LVL LILI vanson » Ocea Falls, ; ttle I ‘ Anyox ’ INCE ALBERT r | e.! a ' hy j I ii : Steamshi Lines ae mn ocGqgamsnip -. ns apply to Smal el a ST Feet TA ebruary, 1920 MAR R. INE WAYS classes of boat tlans Passage ' all it HING AND MACHIN R y “ini e Ways, L td. 1 homMp 153 Phont Green rast rn