SE: rig cor February 5, 1920. Thursday, een A e Sure to Get idition in all climates and ssons.. Sealed tisht— kept hi, The perfect eum in the edn Lo perfect package. . gees ML EPI ee! / Lf eee, weg Het 4 ' t J ee A eee a The flavour lasts Do You Want a Fountain Pen---FREE? Coffee. Every Other Package in it—Worth $1.00 PICK THEM OUT! Buy a 3-Pound Package of FULLER’s Tea or Regular 65¢ per pound. Shown in Our Window has a Fountain Pen We Guarantee our own TEA and COFFEE to be equal to any 65¢ package on the shelf Thies Offer Good Only till Saturday Night. Phone 134 Mal 0 PHON Pie Pe, een PR or carse: amt Ceorgetown a ; w ee YPC C+Re CTP PCCD OO® THEO CO FOR SALE_ | MARINE INSURANCE one Blue 69 ’ eee Ke fully tion. site 2nd St, ' P.O. Box ‘ders Given Prompt Attention 1 {> I always send my patients there, for I know that the in- gredients they use are always fresh and of the very t quality. They double *k every prescription which meansa whole lot to you, and, too, this kind of service doesnt cest you any more than you would ordinarily have to pay for the less care- comy ounded prescrip- The Prince Rupert Drug Co. ES 130 ang 423, FIR Consult Us. eR Pa (rm Lumber Co. Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. 0. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY SPRUCE. CEDAR re mane ‘8 19 and 20, Block 18, Section 14, $3,500 Each A REAL 8NAP. McBridg REAL ESTATE Westholme Theatre Block Avenue near FIRE INSURANCE P.0. Pox 66 PPO PORE PD OOS POLO LOE LOD AOL SE ODA OLE LI OL LL OB LLART, Notary Public trretoreneereessesoorreccooceccoooooooroores Bulk Dates, per - i THE DAILY NEWS wetireailiaipbipetieniianianaie pec erence Page 3 RUPERT MARKET 1 ea MITT SO | ° Merchants are Reluctant to Raise) and War P Prices Except Where Abso- lutely Necessary. | POTATOES HIGH AND | EN years ago a Canadian clergyman was forced by illness to ARE STILL GOING UP | retire from active work. The largest salary he had received a 4re * ™ g . es iad” tae? as : ° in the forty years of his ministry was $1000 and a furnished ” narke s 3 reek . K ist this wee house. The average did not exceed $800. hows a tendency for a raise in the meat line, some of the items| On this sum he had maintained and educated his family. He and already having advanced. The! i i j ‘ : y new product, brills, is quoted for! his wife were given to frequent hospitality. They supported every ror i s, 18 3 e ° : Bib Srst time and {te ebpdoaed anal good cause, and even contributed to the maintenance charges of the cheapness is emphasized. Being | Church they served. : au local product and quite tasty it] ek is expected to become a popular A Minister’s Budget item on the tables of the city. Potatoes are on the raise and By good management and economy they were able to carry an their flight is expected to Con. endowment insurance policy, pay an assessment to their Church Su- t 1p il : ey oP . 3 i ats as . tiny tinutt es D : r0p aoe ” an Fund, and accumulate some small savings. When that Phey-ahs-now sailing abe eae : eee was superannuated in 1909, he bought a house, His income vee Vv se 2 f 4 > . c Z 2 : pound, the highest in history. | ee first year o: retirement was as follows :— spite 5 » Cc » | sue ; Si Co sl ue : tp ions Lar The retiring allowance from the Church (being $10 for each vance "ices, CE arehe s acti y ind wholesalers draw special at- year of active work) - - - - - a - $400.00 bewtiens 00 thédunt: gicat: tate Interest frora investments - - “ - = —& 100.00 ines prices in Prince Rupert ane Wedding fecs and sundries m re a ° 75.00 lowe! than in Vancouver and Summer supply work aA m = = ° = - 100.00 casere do not seem to come into Against this total of $675 stood the charge for taxes, insurance and maintenance ‘fect here as quickly as in the of the house; say, $75, leaving a net annual income of $600. south. Compared with Vancou- tnarket reports prices at this Th S ° | ° V plac ale most satisfactory and e hri age in alues mercirants are reluetant to ad- _ Before the war, the rise in the cost of meintaifi these people of ‘refinement and vance prices any more than is living had necessitated careful manage- cuiiure is $282 a year. bsolutely compulsory. ment of this income. Today, the Sis j on ae teil Serie pressure is too great to be borne. If Do you say that this is an exceptional Following is this, week's list:— Willers & : HOWING 5. a MARYS the statisticians are correct, the dollar of case? On the contrary, scores of retired Wieats. 1913 is worth now in purchasing power clergymen are_not so well situated as this LPG ALOR i casos: paseas sos 45e about 47c. : one. Some are tasting the bitterness of Beef, pot roasts, Ib...22c¢ to 28 $ ; destitution, since in a few instances no | ; a ope eh Therefore, the real income available to retiring allowances are provided for. f roast, Dai. 0 areas é 20 a OST 4D. sss aida eas 35 ¢ Beef, boiling, Ib. ,..-200 to 26¢ Veterans of the Cross MamMmpUreer, Der [D6 vi vs: v6) 25c raps ine . : ‘ “A ee his 5 S rT a These men gave a lifetime of unselfish time when the payment of pensions to old Oe ee a ee ee ee 4 service for their Church, their country, employes is accepted as a reasonable thing ‘ i Bee DOP Ag SOs 55 22c their neighbors; visiting the sick, burying by industrial firms, these veterans deserve Lam CRD tS pee aa 45e the dead, comforting the bereaved, preach- more consideration than they have been Lib! thine i oe es 45c ing Christ crucified, and doing their part getting from the Christian people of this . isi thas; ‘abel or in making Canada “God’s country.” In a Dominion. Mutton, shoulder reast, s° woc e RUBGWE Riss scab ecace eee 25¢ ee ae 254 The Forward Movements SROUIGCr TOUARL: sto 65 0s eee Leg of véal ........30¢ and 40c The Superannuation, Beneficiary or pension funds of the five Communions Dripping, per lb..... ....-. 25¢ co-operating in the United National Campaign must be largely increased to Pork squsages ............ Back yield a reasonable and an adequate income for these old heroes of the pulpit. Tomato sausages .......... 30c They ARE heroes. They make no complaint. They still are found doing Pork, 108, ce eeseee ee eeeees 45¢ all that their strength will permit for the great and noble Cause to which they ork CHOPS «6... sees cere es ave devoted .their lives. They still are enduring hardness as good soldiers of Pork, -snoalder, so. 5'626% 40c Jesus Christ. Ayvreshire bacon, sticed 55¢ Bacon, piece, per lb. ...... 65e - Bacon, sliced, per lb., ...... 70c ‘ + . S Wer ame ee 60c National Peace Thank-Offering SOOT EMER Sco Pc) 77, BRA ae tae mane 55¢ Simultaneous Every-Person Canvass by Each Communion RIG PORN eile a's eee 3's 45c : February 9-14 e lurkeys, per Ib., 65e SER RAUMNL ADMIN ADD Sa ds 6 000 98" « 50¢ Ma MT AE i 66 864 6 8 0 we 45c¢ =7 - Ducks, per Ib. ....6.5.05.. ide What Are You Going To Do About It? DO I ee 45¢ . Z > ° ° ye 3 ° : + ° Bo : oe This is not a question of Charity. It is a question of justice, of chivalry, Pickled pork, per lb. ....... 45c 2 peer ear i i of common honesty. Cooket i , Sliced, pet Meso a i < x r Spare Ribs per Ib .. 25e] Your Church is seeking, through the Forward Movement, to do its full Rom WE cry Sess... « T5e| duty to the retired clergymen. Bologna, per lb., ...... ... 300] Your interest and your subscription are needed. Jellied tongue eevee ges 60 Tell your Church leaders where you stand. Do it NOW. PROQMIGED caine ce cad ek 4: a d5C | DRM IPIE CARS AMIN ea Te. 6s.» oes LOG ’ Dairy Produce. h U ° 2 cl y z ° } e 75¢ WR? ITT Dene f Baier tia maces 3e The United Nationa! Campaign SUREAEAES, AAORIEEIIE Dh) 5 c's 0 eo o 8 65 z Cheese, per th.,... Bae B.,: ne Representing ihe Simultanecus but Independent Forward Movements | Limberger cheese, per Ib. eel of the Anglican,-Peptist, Congregational, Methodist, and | Eggs (CASC) ... ee see ences 700} Presbyterian Communieons in Canada Washington Eggs (fresh . 80C] , 14 Strictly new-laid eggs $1.10 dargarime .-.--+sseeeeeeee a ce er —- quae ae: = = ace —_o-- re ee Comb honey .......++++++> NO fn rn ee caecriiera — — _ Buea HOP Ua ia ch 938 a8 {744c| : ; f sik oep Bread, per 1daf,’.... 25.0... 15c| Navel oranges ...... 30¢ to 90¢ LAND ACT, | LAND AUT . ‘ . 2 OF lL Anes a SS a (Form No, 9.) Flour, (hard white) 50-lb. sk. 3.25|Grapes, Malagas, .......... OO i a ce oly th @ureten Mt HAT CARBS is ko 5 88s oe #6.25| Jonathan apples No. 1 $3.25)" hand. © ba al FORM OF NOTICE, - ‘ : ‘ I ane er La atrict, Rec s- - Fish. Cooking apples .......... $2.00 rics ot Coast. ‘Rouge Til, and situate on PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. Frozen salmon, per Ib., 30c] Cranberries, per lb., ....... 30¢ the weat coast of Calvert Island, near its DISTRICT OF CASSIAR, ‘od, 2 Ibs 35c{}Canned Italian prunes ..... 40¢ Take ‘notice that Mark Smaby of Ocean TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, 0G) 6 FUR a er citings ee eeeees bay ee 95 |Falls, Lb. C., occupation logger, intends to|of Duncan, British Columbia, occupation ‘od fillets, smoked, ........ 20c|Raising, per Ib.,........... “9 |aoply tor permission to purchase the fol-/Spinster, intends to apply for permission ig : ae Currants pen lb .... BOc}lowing described lands:— /to purchase the following deseribed lands: Fresh black cod, 2 lbs ...... v ‘ 5, ee Commencing at a post planted one hall Commencing at ~ post planted at the int haddie > Ibs. 350) Peel DOR ADiicss via ees aes 50C/} mile worth of N.W. cor. Lot 897; thence;South West and only South corner of Lot Pe LRRD: 2 lmeenetcd at, ** 7 95c|Mixed t Ib 35ce }porth 40 chains; thence west 40 chains;|434 (Portiand Canal) Cassier _ District, Halibut, p@P 1D. 2... 62-0002 ~oC|Mixed nuts, pel tote ee eee vs thence south 40 ehains; thence east 40) Province of British Columbia; South 55 H kippered, 2 ib. for 35c Cluster Raisins, box .... SOC] chatns, and containing 160 acres, more or Goarecs 08 Renin so ttrke "he teen Hlerring ered, « . sl 0 ae . t Kid Py seer, - ess. ee ence; Nor igre T's » Figs r c fas YO thousand one wundred and fifty Salt Herring, tie 05's 6 {0% Table Figs, per pke., eee eb 15¢ sd a ; MARK SMABY Baek. a r less thence;, North 55 de- Floundon Fillets, lb., ......- 20c|Glagzed Cherries, lb., ...... $1.00 Dated December 29th, 1919, a grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five . Rha nals y hundred and fifty feet more or less thence; Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 55c| Pearse, GOs. 0. 0536s 6s seis es 50c LAND ACT Nan ae Gurvebe 55 minutes West, four in » doze 50c | Minioa Reems oss a 20¢ ‘ hundred feet thence; South following high Oysters, per dozen, .«+++++> VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT-—DISTRICT] water line to point of commencement. Bulk Oysters, Pint, .....- $1.01 Evaporated Fruits. OF COAST, RANGE Il, Approximate area one hundred and forty- A ¢ — . ¢ , ; Sa ( , ‘res, re 288, ph AROMBR t, Cela is a8 0c] Black Figs ........., seves BOC] rane NOTICE that J, C. Glausen of| °C" 8°res MONG oF less. SMITH, : : 250] WOUA FEE Ses kes cess 30¢] Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation superintend- by her agent, A, A, Forsyth. Shrimps, ID, oe cere errr eee 7 a ent of logging, intends to apply for per- Date 8th January, 1920. Mabe nen AB. i's tacghs&*,' $06 | AGERE cee ae on a cot oe 40C} mission to lease the following described | ————————--— hate spor 1D, ss% cee ue . pension ri : BCH iis 0d coe st oie 3 for 25c} Peaches .....,2..-.65: 1+. 35e ‘Commencing at a post planted 2% miles LAND ACT ADDR eg ee ae as arenes 35c,in a northerly direction from the north- (Form No, 9.) Vegetabl PI 44 : ° ge ables . 5 ai west corner of Lot 897 on the west coast a lige GOR Wivekc hc {0c|Seediess Raisins .......... 30¢€ | or Calvert Island; thence north 40 chains; FORM OF NOTICE. Onions, dry, ] ren - = at ae 20ce-25c] thence west 40 chains; thence south 40 PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT, Spanish Onions, per Ib... 150 | PURO ik cae esi - chains; thence east 40 chains to point of DISTRICT OF CASSIAR, ; 8140 cacbdtieepeteeitemninnnimmnrtemanend commencement and containing 160 acres, TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, Carrots, per Ib,, ...+++++- ‘ more or less. of Duncan, British Columbia, occupation ‘Turnips, per Ib ee RMS FOOD FOLLOWS VICTORY . C, CLAUSEN. Spinster, intends to ‘apply for permission Turnips, per be SS sig Bie ano Date January 21st, 1920, _|to purchase the following described lands: olery, per bunch, «.,i+-+ +: 4° I e Soviet | SKEE ND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF|on hish water line bo te Wontar ahone Beets, per ID, weeeee reer 5c; LONDON, ‘Feb, 4A Sovie SKEBNAUEEN CHARLOTTE. ISLANDS, of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- Cabbage, per Ib 12% 0} wireless despatoh states that ow- ; at Di 1, |Provinee of British Columbia, distant south f age, . By wee < ee ze .“ y ‘E NOTICE th jel L. Sutherland, | Province o r olumbia, dis 80 Cauliflower ..-.cererereres i0c} ing to recent victonies workmen of Beye Point Saliterntn toi besten te 85 degrees, 06 minutes East, one thou- . 20c}in European Russia will be per-|tends to apply for a licence to prospect for|sand three hundred and thirty-six and five- Head Lettuce .ereeerescers . , 2 coal and petroleum over the following de-|tenths feet from the northwest corner of nrouts 35c] mitted larger food rations. scribed Jands on the West Coast of Moresby|Lot 434; thence south 85 degrees, 06 Brussels sprouts Mia's Island, British Columbia; commencing at ajminutes East, two hundred feet; thence WOLOLOGE (i500. 06 ot bare ees $5.50 re ee post planted about 200 anda from ibe pours : eogtecs a ete at . Ne tia southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles4hundred and ten feet, thenceNor - Fruit. FLU AT TORONTO au or ne S ethonae corner of Robert! grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and BaMaMas vee aeeerereere: one eg Mg TS Pree FAO RAD PN LE? PO 10460; thence nor c , thence w ° Grapefruit (California) .. 12%2¢ TORONTO, Feb. 4.— Official) oi iniins, thence south 80 chains, thence |mencement, [ae 35c] figures place the number of in-/east 80 chains to the point of commence- ares epproximately four and a half acres PE AMGMS i ican sd seaeeeeeegee? t. nore or less. oo a aio _,.. 85e]fluenza eases in Toronto at 10,..)"" DANIEL. :. SUTHERL AND. os LENORA MABEL SMITH, Si ales NOR MTTR EL Rese. fet eK r r ‘ : y Hans shristensen, rent. y her agen . . rsyth, Pitan k ota x 60c|000, The mortality is low, Located October 9th, 1919. Date 8th January, 1990, —_—_ eerie ett nee