tik DAILY NEWS " «7 § february —== I —— - | mae memset as mmsommommsrmesl® | Ripert will have to work harder | jlo keep her laurels than ever be- | x Sport Briefs |fore and it is very unlikely that! et etme er mrmnrmorneet Ketchikan will be the only North-| aday; fhul (NALUENZA LA GRIPPE | ‘These balmy spicng days bring ern town that will prove a serious | 2: its . keri among the contender. Alice Arm, Anyox, | ‘ @ pack the hankering g » ANyox, Relieved in baseball fans to get up on the Stewart, Hyder, Ocean Falls, | nig Acropolis or over on the Market Swanson Bay and Ketchikan may | Square and get the hypnotic be expected to bring forth good! sphere in action once more. How- nivals and form a regular Aurora am ; ; ; IN CAPSULE, Fe Quinine, ever, one particularly bright noon Borealis League. _-Aspirin, z Cam- Formula oe n, Cascara and © e day last week one of the tiends | ee cage rM nobromate Pour physician was sitting at lunch beside one of | —~3 yd ¢ ¢ sts A Box the local experts and the expert ° { Atl Druggists.D dispersed his anticipa- | The Man In the Moon { -_— ‘quickly SAYS:-- ] » tions for anything immediate in | the grand old game for he says) o~ 38 } they never start here before April. | THAT a knocker never hears sCkKUB » However, sporting gossip gener- the knock of opportunity. sTOVE rusnes ally starts long before the actual | eee NAIL performance and, indeed, base-| THAT it is much kinder and On Sale ball gossip is almost as interest-'better to use a sledge than to ing as the real old action with the keep on tapping with a tack ham- rooting and cheering. mer. e . es | . . * The same expert said that if! THAT there are those who do we had a town team as excellent things and those who talk about as we had last year we would be doing them, 95 per cent Discount) This Week Only QUALITY GOODS le pend on. thal \ ouR OWN BRAND BUTTER doing well. But there is no rea-| oe PED ae ae y.F. STRICTLY FRESH § .., why we should not because | THAT one doer is worth ten LM. | rillions of talkers. our home run king is still here ’ and this last winter has kept him- |, and Coffees. self in good form at basketball. we guarantee every article Tf On the same team is our star tisfactory OF fF Hitcher who also remains in good ted ded = : the more ages she invents. 1det. trim. Besides the members of, oe ce _—_—_—_—_——_—_— ooo «ff last year’s district conquerors; [HAT play is a sign of youth. in | ! ( there haye been some new men Jf you can’t play you have a leg Phone 45 EGGS. ® . . THAT Shakespeare says that man has seven ages, but what about woman. The older she gets Blend Teas mey el come in who held enviable repu-'jn the grave and the dull earth tations hene two or three years has already closed over your soul ago. So there seems to be no and smothered it. % reason Why the Prince Rupert e ge ere team should not be as good as THAT if you would be welcome __. the aggregation that took 13 out wherever you go, learn to pay ‘of 16 games last year. cash. The man who wants long i i 8 credit is placing a mortgage on ‘ In this “man’s town" active eternit at at the e y. Eat at t ‘support of baseball financially were ae should be given by the many peo- ‘THAT truth is a lovely thing ple who are so interested in it- sometimes, but at others it is the Ever since the first scrub teams venom that drips from the jaws were made up here ten years ago Of the deadly serpent. the burden of financing them has, |. aia always fallen on one or two per- PHAT an optimist is a man who sons and now is the time for a when he gets into the soup fancies he is in the swim. Poston (all WHITE COOKS Three million dollars for a phonograph! That’s what it cost to perfect the only instrument that Re-Creates music so faithfully that no one can tell whether it is the living artist he hears or the phonograph—when one is heard in direct comparison with the other. Add to that three million dollars, Thomas A. Edison’s genius, his vast knowledge and his indomitable will and you realize how much was required to make The NEW EDISON “Now go ahead and build replicas,” said Mr, Ucison to his staff when he had finally achieved an instrument which would mect the tone test. “Call it the Oficial Laboratory Model and uphold the standards I have set to the last detail.” This three million dollar Phonograph is on display here— come in and hear it. Ask for a copy of the beautiful book «Edison and Music”’ and the booklet “Whet the Critics Say” which proves Edisor s:periority. 255 ‘S J Charles W. Teetzel, . Prince Rupert ONLY change, There is no doubt that ts ie baseball is the most popular sport) yar come people when they played here and that is suflicient get si ‘the hast society never We carry nothing but Swirt’s reason why it should be given get out again ‘ini if they do they Premium Ham Bacon and #fair support. Divided among 4... 69 useless that they might as Strictly Fresh Eggs. many the cost would be little, ecail: have stayed in more intenest would be taken in Ce Kap ite ,the games and the unfairness) [HAT reformation is simply Fora Good Breakfast, try our would be removed. Even though putting on a different style of Br ige and Eggs the same people who went hun- gopget, Country Style dreds of dollars out of pocket last s © #« aegi® year over it state they are will-| THAT showing your neighbor ee ‘Jalty’ Of aaa ing to do the same thing this|to be wrong does not get you ora Well Goolead year, why should they? anywhere. Getting right your- D ee ® self is the main thing. | An example might be taken} ———————_-—-—- from smaller towns in the district | No Disqualification. —_____. |like Alice Arm and Anyox. At} both these places thene have been{| WAHINGTON, Feb. 11.—The ‘baseball clubs organized for sev-|ostmaster; General has ruled eral years. A membership fee is |that the publication of liquor ad- Heslhalme Lunch For a Home Cooked Meal \\ nf to all members. financial assistance such organi-|in the United States. zations lend an “‘espr ec " nace _-~ zations lend an sprit de corps NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT to the community teams and have Kt. S. C. Chapter 115 ( cing. good successes in - both places. They are organizing | British Columbia, hereby gives notice that , it has under section 7 of the said Act, Breakfast 35c¢ and 40c up there now. What is the matter | ueposited with the Minister of Publi : with Prince Rupert? Works at Ottawa, and in the office of thé From 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. District Registrar of the Land Registry Luncheon 11:30 to 2... 5Oc ‘istrict of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 .. 5Oc Uritish Columbia, a description of the sit und the plans of reversible Aerial Rope . __ §,son than we have ever had before. Appreciation of 1 We may look for a better brand vay over the Skeena River, proposed to be ur Home- “Looked Mea unexcelled proven to be The Kleanza Company, Limited, of Usk jof competition this coming s@@-jj uit over the said Skeena River at Usk Uritish Columbia, the supporting towers of che said Ropeway to be located on_ Dis- Stewart is a boom camp now and|irict Lots numbered 1487 and 833, Range , P ; !, Coast District. .so is Alice Arm. Before this, the AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex: ites : , rdration of one month from the date 0 teams at both places have con-[3i0 arse’ punlication of this notice, the sisted of older men but now/ said Kleanza Company, Limited, will uncer cit section 7 of the said Act, apply to the younger men from the cities are {oninister of Public Works at his oMece in ‘ » % he Clty of Ottawa, for approval of the drifting in and among them are raid site and plans, and for leave to con seen by our sLomers, inagement ro } ‘ oe len ri ar Cana-|Miner’s Certificate No, 81762-B, , charged and a button is given out | Vertise ments will not bar ane sixty days from the date hereof, to apply|souin West and only South corner of Lot{on high water line on the Westerly Shore Besides being a|dian newspapers from circulation |t) the Mining Recorder for a Certificate | 434 LAND ACT (Form No. 9.) LAND ACY (Form No. 9.) MINERAL ACT Certificate ‘of improvements. | a ois | FORM OF NOTICE. FORM OF NOTICE. eae | PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. “Copper Crest’? Mineral Claim, situate in| DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. DISTRICT OF CASSIAR. he Naas River Mining Division of Cassiar | —_— sa istrict. TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith,| TAKE NOTICE that Lenora Mabel Smith, Where located:—Glacier Creek, Granby/or puncan, British Columbia, occupation|of Duncan, British Columbia, occupation ay. i. Spinster, intends to apply for permission ; Spinster, intends to apply for pea TAKE NOTICE that I, B. L. Johnson, Free |i, purchase the following described lands: to pure hase the following described lands: intend, | Comamencing at a post planted at Jhe|. Commencing at a post planted at a point (Poruand Canal Cassier District,|of the Portland Canal, on the North Boun- f Improvements, for the purpose of ob-/ province of British Columbia; South 53)dary of Lot 434, Casslar District, In the aining a Crown Grant of the above claim. |qegrces 06 minutes East, three thousand] Vrovince of British Columbia, distant south And further take notice that action, un-|feet thence; North 34 degrees 54 minutes|85 degrees, 06 minutes East, one thou- er section 85 must be commenced before | past, two thousand one hundred and fifty | sat three hundred and thirty-six and five- he issuance of such Certificate of Im-|feet’ more or less thence; North 55 de-|tenths feet from the northwest corner of rovements, grees 06 minutes West, two thousand five} L 434; thence south 85 degrees, 06 Dated this 11th day of December, A. D.| hundred and fifty feet more or less thence;|minutes East, two hundred feet; thence 919. North 8&5 degrees 55 minutes West, four|South 8 degrees 12 minutes West, eight Ihundred feet thence; South following high|hundred and ten feet, thenceNorth 84 de- water line to point of commencement. grees, 55 minutes West, two hundred and Approximate area one hundred and forty-|ninety-seven feet thence; following the BRITISH | « ir acres, more or less. high water line northerly to point of com- COLUMBIA, | LENORA MABEL SMITH, mencement, : : IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- by her agent, A. A. Forsyth. Area approximately four and a half acres TION ACT Date 8th January, 1920. { nore or 188. na ni panes cecanen IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF — and — ee + > ; ° > by her agent, A. A. Forsyth. iN TE MAT IER OF See eet OF TIMBER SALE X 1988. Date 8th January, 1920. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His! Sealed tenders will be received by the TINGSER SALE X 1987: Honour F. McB, Young made the 3rd day Minister of, Lane pet aso oe ome oe if Febr iA. D. 20 r inted the tith days of March, 20, r fi ~ : Fa a mtniatn tee ra ‘ae dataee ae fomeoh purchase of Licence X 1988, to cut 1,440,- Sealed tenders will be received by the Brown, deceased, and all parties having | 000 feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an Minister of Lands not later than noon on laims against the said estate are hereby |area sttuated near Lot 1087, Dean Channel, the og ve =e Bare, +008, tay, ae ennire sh same > veri-|R. 3, Coast District. purchase of Licence 2 ’ wens” eae cereee See t emery Weer Two (2) years will be allowed for re- 000 feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an jarch, A.D. 1920, and all parties indebted | mova! of timber, t area situated on Dean Channel, Range 3, to the estate are required to pay the Further particulars of the Ghief Forester, Coast District. mount of their indebtedness to me forth- | Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince two (2) years will be allowed for re- Gene Byrnes Says:—‘“Here’s the Music—Write Your Miss \ ti vie always p se " struct the said Aerial Ropeway. ’ 10v or, E I Billings. alw ays to be found those who Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 31s! with. : E Rupe rt, B. C. —: " ye eer aian of the Chief Forester, ———— | have played good ball in the] asy or January, A. D. 1920. JOHN H. McMULLIN, a Victoria, B. €., or District Forester, Prince Short Orders larger t : F this ré ; KLEANZA COMPANY LIMITED, OMcial Administrator. Advertise in the Daily News Rupert, B.C. "ders Served at Any arger owns. or ls reason z Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors Dated this 6th day of February, 1920. time from 7 a.m. to Midnight SSS : ~oren Pepi Own Words.” oo Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP : For Kitchen Stove. pend ‘++++ $15.00 per ton oe '»» $7.75 per Yo ton 8 4p - $13.50 per ton nly a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now For ‘ Comfort, Courtesy~ | and Service The SAVOY HOTEL . SOwness NL AN AGER Phone 37 p ‘O, Box 1704 aE = rea, > 7 . i 3 Fa “Saas a * oF. 2 =: eo Fi oe ae ah a 48. "Hs -. : ~ es . 4