ror wey A SHOE . i} that is smart and practical, sub- . stantial, well constructed and fits em the foot, isSworth a good price for you get correct style, real He comfort and jong wear out of it. When you consider the service- able quality and style value of OUR SHOES you know they will prove an econ- omical purchase. Come in and be fitted. Family SHOE Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoes Men Phone 357. OL Aa ON tm ae TRADING Post IN PLAY Magnificent Scenes in Jewe| Car- men ene Drama. \ world of 1 romance is centred | about the trading posts Of the far North. Many have wondered what they really look like and in the new play “The Girl with the Champagne Eyes,” that William ox has made and in which Jewel Carmen is the star, one is shown that is true to life This play is to be seen at the Westholme Theatre tonight. Great care was given to make real this scene in which men from ithe known world met the men from that which was unknown | There is a rough picturesqueness about these places that does nol |fail to attract. It is here that | the girl of the play who had been -|a criminal in the land where her a ee a IN YOUR HOME has un influence that’s worth more than wealth. : THE PATHEPHONE ¥ the World’s Best Phonograph} i ett! Plays All Records ” Get one now,—delays are un- if necessary when you know our , easy terms. F . ™ Shipment of New Rec- ee ords Just In - $ Come and hear the world’s best artists. ¢ Sugg . } / Will Edmunds : ee Prince Rupert Music Store i j Opposite the Post Office { Box 644 Phone BLACK 183 t » | TOM LEE CO. ~ 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall General Contractors and Labor; Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 EH. SHOCKLEY 2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber ai- ways in stock. ‘Agent for J. Fyfe Smith’s hardwooi, Estimates Given REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. hull What ro Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La (Carte. _ [ A. G.GRAY | esate iawn PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93 Reliable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Warehouse facilities, 8. E. Parker, Manager Phon® Green 607 1017 Sra Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists tn Light and Heavy Con- Struection, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS lkind are so mercilessly hunted, ibegins her period of reformation jand becomes the clean and pure element among those who are, for the most part, dissolute. JINE ELVIDGE IS AT THE EMPRESS June Elvidge in ‘‘The Bluffer” is the picture play to be shown tonight and tomorrow at the Em- piwess Theatre. It is a story with a strong appeal. June Elvidge is an actress who is a popular fav- orite. She shows to advantage in this play. THREE DIE FROM INFLUENZA ON TRIP VICTORIA, B.C:-, March 4.—The steamer Suwa Maru, a Japanese iner, arrived at quarantine from the Orient. She reported eight of intluenza aboard and deaths from the disease the voyage. ‘ases three luring LAND REGISTRY AC'L, (Sections 36 and 134,) No. 11365-l. File 6274 that application has been Hays, of Prince in fee under a Ke Application TAKE NOTICE iuade to register David H, iiupert, B. C,, a8 owner Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the city of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 23rd day of October, 1919, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract oj ud and premises situate, lying and being i the City of Prince Kupert, more par- uecularly known and described as Loi iirty (30), Block forty-two (42), Sec uon eight (8), (Map 923). You are re- quired to contest the claim of the tax yurchaser within 35 days from the dat if the service of this notice (which may) effected by publication in the Dail) sews, Prince Rupert), and your attentior is called to section 26 of the “Land Regis y Act” with amendments, and to the iowing extract therefrom;— “and in default of a caveat or cer- tiflcate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the person -entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served = with notice, - and those claiming through or under them, and all per- sons Claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and de- barred from setting up claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall register the person entitled under such tax stele aa owner of the land so sold be for taxes,’ AND WHEREAS application has bee iaade for a Certificate of Indefeasible Titik to the above-mentioned lands, in the nam: f David H., Hays. AND WHEREAS on investigating the tth it appears that prior to the 10th day o Uctober, 1908 (the date on which the sai: lands were sold for overdue taxes), yor were the Crown Granted owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at thr ‘ame time I shall effect registration 1) pursuance of such application and issu 1 Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe to th id lands in the name of David H, Hay niess you take and prosecute the prope) roceedings to establish your elaim, i ny, to the said lands, or to prevent suc} roposed action on my part. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Rupert, B.C., \.D. 1919. Prince this 7th day of November H. F. MACLEOD, Distrigt Registrar of Titles. lo Ethel Tate, Victoria, B.C, 56 TIMBER SALE X 1988. Sealed tenders will be received by th Minister of Lands not later than noon on he 41th days of March, 1920, for th urehase of Licence X 1988, to cut 1,440, ‘00 feet of Fir, Cedar and Hemlock on an wea situated near Lot 1087, Dean Channel, '. 3, Coast District, Two (2) years will be allowed for re- moval of timber. Further particulars of the (Chief Forester. Vietoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince ‘upert, B. C, Cadomin Coal Guanacs & STEAM COAL 50 Ton Loose Ton Sacked CLEAN SCREENED KITCHEN LuMP. $15.00 Ton Sacked Full weight. Consumers Coal Company J. Lorne MacLaren ‘Manager Room 11, Smith Bloc Phones: and Black 293. No wait. THE DAILY NEWS ——— NO | PROFITEERING ‘WTH ZAM-BUK | Refore the war, Zam-Buk was 58c. a box. All during the war, | when the cost of production was | rapidiy advancing, the price of Zam-Buk to the consumer remained the same. Now, with the war over, while some prices continue to soar, Zam-Buk: is still 50c. a box! Not only so, but the 2ame high standard of quality has been main- tained throughout, There has been no profiteering in regard to Zam-Buk. For every box you have buught, you have been asked to pay fair vaiue only. Is this method of doing business not worthy of recognition? — wer this question by continuin recommend, to appreciate, an use Zam-buk—the greatest Eee hold healer of modern times, Use it for all skin troubles, ec- zema, ringworm, abscesses, ulcers, boils, pimples, piles, blood-poison. ing, chapped hands, cold sores, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, etc. All Dealers, 50c. Box. Fst tes ee meee BE Sport Briefs em rt tet rt ee es re BE Football organization is géing apace, Already two clubs have eet and appointed organizing committees and the others are ouking on their plans. The Great War Veterans have put a confident challenge to play any team in town and they will show next Saturday what kind of an aggregation they have to offer. They have a large field to choose from in selecting players, as the membership is large and a lot of th» members took an active part in the football field before enlist- ut. If their members do not become attached to other clubs they should put up a formidable aggregation. The matter of af- filiation is apt to cause trouble in arranging the different rosters. of base- managers nothing The still we hear it organization. are busy, however, and when they do start there is no doubt’ they | do something. The season > a little early as yet but the d players are pretty well sized uj) and it will not take long to get them together. The season will probably open with a smoker to obtain funds for working expenses i then they will be off. A week or so should bring forth some concrete plans in baseball circles for the 1920 season. George Kennedy, prominent sporting promoter of Montreal, announced recently that his part- ner, Jack Curley, has signed a i\ly-day contract with Georges rpentier, the French heavy- ight champion, to give exhibi i n bouts in Canada. Carpentier in Montreal, Toronto, and some of the western A bout between Carpentier and Dempsey in Franee has been practically given up. It is the opinion of Descamps, the French- man’s manager, that if the fight takes pla@e it will be held in the United States. Descamps also fates that the promoter who gets Dempsey to sign a contract will get the fight, as the French pugi- tis not holding anything in the | appear Oilawa cities. y and is only too anxious to ve the fight. \ meeting of the American committee has been called for March 13: at New York and notices have been mailed to national as seciations supervising amateur sy ort, whieh will be represented iL the international games at Antwerp. The manager of the Olympic is expected to be elected at the meeting and it is thought that this position will go to Matthew P. Halpin, of the New York Athletic Club, who suecess- fully guided the American teams if Athens in 1906, at London in '208, and at Stockholm in 1912. = . * The first.detachment of greater New York's major league repre: cntatives is on its way south for spring training. Pitchers Al. Mamaux, Clarence Mitchell and Harry’ Heitman, and Infielder Chuck Ward of the Brooklyn Dod- gers, in company with a troupe of New York and Brooklyn news- papermen, sailed recently for Jacksonville, Florida. Managers Huggins, of the Yanks, and Wil- bert Robinson, of the Dodgers, have planned ‘to begin training this week, The main squad of the two teams will be leaving in a few days for the training flelds. Bishop Bunoz went south last. night. | — s~s— ts Tt Oe At a ns BE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | mo WANTED. WANTED—Young lady who un- derstands photo printing; also young lady with or without ex- perience to help in photo studio. F. W. Chandler, 318 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C- 52 \\ AN! PED First class stenog- rapher and clerk, one with in- surance ollice experience pre- ferred. M. M. Stephens. tf Competent stenographer wanted for railway oflice. Apply box 14 Datly News otlice-. tf HELP W ANTED at the injander, 830 Second Avenue, between 7th and 8th streets. t! WAN’ ' ED FOR RENT —Three to live roomed house. Phone 193. TWO MAG HINISTS Ww ANTED \kerberg, Thomson & Go., ‘Ltd. SITUATIONS WANTED *xperienced bookkeeper and sten- ographer wishes position. Ref- erences. Apply box 49 Daily News ollice. 53 FOR SALE OFERING FOR SALE, 30 units of $500 each to purchase and operate a well developed pnrop- erty at Alice Arm, B. C. The property consists of two full claims, with a well defined sil- ver-lead ore. A_ tunnel has been driven forty feet on the ore, and has the ore the entire length of tunnel, with 4 feet of solid ore in face. This prop- erty proven to be able to produce tonnage and has the earmarks of making a_ very large and profitable mine. Every dollar received from sale of units will go to pay for the property, and working same and putting on paying basis. The property will be under the management of a mining engi- neer who has made good in other properties, if he can be cured. This property should pay returns each month of the investment after six months’ operations, with silver at its present high price. D. J. Han- cock, Alice Arm, B. Q, “OR SALE—12 h. D. heavy “duty Atlas, with bronze shaft, pro- pelier, magneto, coil, ete. This the engine I used in the ‘Aileen.’ It is in perfect orde: and very little used, $1,600.00 — M.M. Stephens. tf is ~ is “OR SALE—Edison Diamond Dise Gramophone. Owner leaving town. Cost $265 new. In good condition; with forty records. Cash, $225. Apply box 47 Daily News office. 52 OR SALE—25-40 h.p. Medium Duty Sterling Engine, Bosch Ignition, 4 cyl., 4 cycle, in per- fect condition. $1,500.00,—M. M. Stephens. tf ‘OR SALE—Spruce float—36 by 66. Price $400.00 havn & Hanson. Apply Dyb- tf OR SALE—Gerhard Heintzman phonograph. $60 cash. Singer shop, 114 Third Avenue. 54 FOR SALE of old newspapers, cheap for a job lot —News Ollice, LOR almost new: SALE—Range, six-holed top, Phone Red 198. LOTS FOR SALE OR SALE—Fine level lot wit! harbor view on Fourth Avenue Near McBride. Price $1,050 Half cash, balance 6-12-18 months. Theo, Collart. West- holme Theatre Block tf FOR SALE—Splendid_view lot in Block 1, Section 2. Price $600. Nd. H. Mortimer, 324 Second Avenue: tf FOR SALE—Two fine view lots. Section 2, $750 the pair. Me- Caffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd., ‘Third Avenue. tf FOR SALE—Lot 10, Block AL, See- tion 5. Price $250, Ed. H. Mor- timer, Real Estate and Insur- ance, 324 Second Avenue. tf FOR SALE—Lane corner on Atlin Avenue, Section 2, $400. Theo. Collart,. Westholme ‘Theatre Block. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE— Apartment house containing two modern _five- roomed apartments on Borden Street with splendid harbor view. $6,000. M. M, Stephens, Real Estate and Insurance, 3rd FOR SALE—Four-roomed house with bath on Fifth Avenue— $2,400, Terms. MeCaffery, Gib- bons & ~ oyle, _ Ltd. tf FOR SALE Sevenarodiiet! house with large lol on Atlin Avenue, Section 2. New. $4,250. Terms arnanged. MeCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid., Third Avenue. r FOR ONE “SONGS MIXED FOR RENT RENT—Two housekeeping Apply Pat Catey near wharf. D4 rooms, Government TO RENT Phone Red PLAT Rooms, Wolters. St. Louis %1—Mrs. 55 TO RENT TWO- ROOME D HOU SE -plastered- Phone 525. tf FOUND kFOUND—Tobacco pouch. Apply Daily News ollice. tf FOUND Two sets of rosary beads, apply News Ollice. TRANSFER iAL L OWAY'S CARTAGE—Order your Coal now. Patronise re- turned veteran. Phone Green 325, tf INVESTMENTS IN VESTMENTS — Our monthly market letter mailed at your request will give you latest re- liable information regarding Bonds, stocks and investments generally. Enquiries soltcited regarding ANY Bond or Secur- ity. Particulars of prices, yields and standing of any list- ed or unlisted stock in the market forwarded without charge. Leased wires to all parts of the continent. Unex- celled business connections in New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. European invest- ments specially dealt with. Leading financial house of Vancouver and Victoria. Ad- all replies to BURDICK BROS. AND BRETT, LD., Steck and Bond Brokers, Hotel Van- couver Bldg., Vane ouver, B.C, LUROPEAN INVESTMENTS Offer exceptional opportunities for investors just now on account of the low value of European currency and the fact that the Canadian dollar is at a prem- ium in most European coun- tries. British, French, Belgian and Italian Government war loans can be bought with 15% lo 105% better opportunity of return by Canadians than by investors in the countries men- tioned, Confidenti,l circular in this regard mailed upon request. Ask to be placed on our mail- ing list for monthly financial review which deals with every phase of the investment situa- lion. Latest information garding standings, prices, yields, etc., of any bond or se- curity supplied free upon ap- plication. Vancouver and V; toria’s leading financial house. BURDICK BROS, & Brett, LTD., Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver B. C, dress re- _ MISCELLANEOUS UNBIDDEN,” Prospector, will make sift book for your friends. Poems of Love. Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette covers, $1.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by Victonia Printing & Publishing 521 Yates St. Victoria, B.C. FARMS FOR SALE FARMING—The G. P. R. has still some choice lands in well-settled districts in West ern Canada for sale at low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny South- ern Alberta, with loan of $2,00( in improvements to assist new by the a nice eastern Nature, Co,, EEE SD Avenue, tf settlers. Act now — they are going fast. For free booklets and full information write H. G,. Loughran, 744 IMastings St, Vancouver, oe ee * TO SUBSCRIBERS * Subscribers to The News * are asked to pay the de. * livery boys each month * when they eal, except # where paymeni has beer * * made for the year in ad- * * vane. The boys when * collecting carvy official re. ¥ * ceipts which should al. *# * ways be preserved. * * * eH He eRe **x *#* ‘ Friday Mareh TORK’ SELL TOVE —_—_—_—_—_—.~ Gurneys commen ced , ing stoves S In 1843. ‘are the same line busin . 1919, Hundreds in ian td Prince Rupert, ’ ON Sau AT F red Stork’, ardware SECOND AveENny; Phone Black 114 ie Se SOROS / i] Talking Over The High Cost of Living This is partly solved by using our coal at $13.50 lump deli ered. Ask thos Phone Tr Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co, for OUR Pool Room tu moved 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hote! —_ CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer POPOPOOCOPTIIIN rroccrerrret Hand Your Bagg JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and } Passenger Service fs. Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 Quick “Del iveries There i A Photographer jn town T.°J. DAVIDSON The Peerless Glut Suite 22, Alder Block PHONE Red 326 secon SMITH & MALLETT | ae rl PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished Address, 3rd Aven" head of Second Stree! a Phone 174 — P. 0. Box ? —" nanccoonnccroncoerssset errr DENTISTRY 5:30 pm OFFICE HOURS @ a.m. to 12; 1:80 p.™ DR, J. 8. BROWN DENTIST ue @mith Biock, Third Aver Phone 464. neoeoott to Sane emapmpamennernrrrrr