> a" x Cc CJ eS a pe Sea Ce. \ BRIER “ ae THE DAMLY NEWS Friday, Ma, et es ne ee om Local News Notes ~ 4 1 |: heard in Rupert Sunday night. For expert shoe repairing. Mc- Arthur, Third Avenue. 55 niver on last night's train. to Rupert. Syin- 56 Soloists new phony Concert Sunday night. | Morley Shier returned from up- j | / ! | é : . . . iy H. S. Wallace went south _the Prince Rupert last night. The “Director” Corset. Manu- ,factured in Prince Rupert. Phone | tilue 92, tf . . . on One of the Best concerts ever; —_=_=_=_———EIE_— ‘$2,000,000 BONDS STOLEN AT NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 5.—Thefts of bonds aggregating $2,000,000 has taken place in the financial district during the last couple of through the operations of messengers. days fake NOTICE TO FISHERMEN I have for sale at my residence on ist Ave. 4 Marine Gas Engines: Two seven horse power. One twelve horse power. One twenty horse power: All the above are new and will be sold at a sacrifice. tf P. RORVIK. Tickets for the concert Sunday | jnight can be obtained free at the, local drug stores. | * . ' We offer steam coal in car or lots $7.00 per ton f.o.b. car—| | Albert & McCaffery. tf| H. Smith, the mariager of the} Anyox stores, was an arrival] on! the Prince George last night. 73 | SATURDAY Specials: Qualcer Tomatoes: 24-2’s pecials - tot os 9c 2" 3 8s r * Christie’s \ssorted Bisetite: 415, Tins, ‘ $1.85 ‘this |oe is now retail- at 50c Ib. Australian Jam: 1 lb, Tins, Extra Special - 16c SATIJRDAY ONLY Rupert Table Supply Go. Phones 211, 212 HOUSES FOR SALE 7-room house and large lot, Atlin Ave., Section 2, new— $4,250.00, Terms. | | 4-room house 5th Avenue, Section 5 $1,575, Terms. 4-rooms and bath, 5th Ave., . Section 5 $2,400, Terms. LOTS FOR SALE. 2 fine view lots Section 2— #750 the pair. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyie, Ltd. 3rd Ave. Phone 1] Best Coal Alberta Screened GUARANTEED LUMP For Kitchen Stove. Sacked ..... $15.00 per ton | Sacked ... $7.75 per '2 ton } Bulk ....... $13.50 per ton |) Only a Limited Supply Phone Your Order Now Albert & NicCaffery LTD. Phones 564 and 116 FOR SALE A good double corner Section & for.... in Block 23, . $560.00 Lot 10, Block 41, See 5, price $250 Lot 34, Block 50, Sec, 7, price $86 A splendid view lot in Block 4, BOGMNOR DB. BOR 6 is 458-45 wie $600.00 =; Apply to Ed. H. Mortimer Real Estate and Insurance Agent. 324 Second Avenue Ketchikan arrivals yesterday | include Mr. and Mrs. W. F.! ; Brooks. ie 1 | | \ c 12 }o. Tins, Special $4.75 eo Synopsisof Land Act Amendments Minimum of first-class land reduced to an acre; second-class to $2. an acre. 50 Pre-emption now confined to sur- veyed lands only. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes and which is non-timber land. Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties of not more than four may arra’ with necessary claims. e for adjacent pre-emptionse joint residence, but each making improvements on respective Pre-emptors wet ecmvey claims for five years and make improvements tc value of $10 per — including clear- ing and cultivation before receiving wn Grant. at least 6 acres Where pre-emptor in occupation not less than 8 years, and has made pro- portionate improvements, he may, be- cause of ill-health, or other ca provement and transfer his claim. use, be granted intermediate certificate of im Records without permanent resi- dence may be issued, provided appli- tant makes improvements to extent o/ $800 per annum and records same each year. Failure to make improvements or record same will operate as for- feiture. Title cannot be obtained 1 less than 6 years, and improvements of $10.00 per acre, including 6 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are required. Pre-emptor holding Crown grant may record another pre-emption, {f he requires land in conjunction with his farm, without actual occupation, pro- vided statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land. e Unsurveyed areas, not exceedin, acres, may be leased as hom title to be obtained after fulfillin dential and improvement conditions. 20 tes; resi- For grazing and industrial urposes arexus exceeding 640 acres ants be leased by one person or company. Mill, factory or industrial sites on limber land not exceeding 40 acres may be purchased; conditions include payment of stumpage. Natural hay meadows inaccessible by existing roads may be purchased conditional upon construction of a road to them Rebate of one-half of cost o/ road, not exceeding half of purchar price, is made. wv PRE-EMPTORS' FREE @QRANTS ACT. The scope of this Act is enii include all persons jotnin ans ing with His Majesty's Forces. Th and serv time within which the heirs or devigee: of a deceased pre-emptor ma for title c y ave under this Act is exténde from for one yeur from the death o such person, as formerly, until on year after the conclusion of the presen: war. troactive No fees relating to pre-emptions ing tc ar due or payable by soldiers on This privilege is also mude re pre emptions recorded after June 26, 1915 Taxes are remitted for five years. Provision for return of mone r YS ac erved, due and been paid since Augus 4, 1914, or taxes On soldiers’ pre-emptions, on account of payments, fees Interest on agreeinents to purchas: town ©: city ivts held by members ¢ Allied Forces, or dependents, acquire? direct. or indirect, remitted trom lietment to March 2t, 1920. SUB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN LANDS. Provietun made for Crown graits to sub-purchasers ‘ Crown Lands, purchasers purchase, tr who failed to complet volving forfeiture, on fu en w issuance 2 acquiring rights fron Uliment of conditions of purchase, in ' terest and taxes ers do not claim whole of original pa: cel, purchase price due and taxes ma be lstributed — pre portionalely ove “ bo'e area. Anntioatince mist | nade by May 1, 1920 QRAZING, Grazing Act, 1919, for development of Ilvertock industry pre $ Where sub-purchar systemat: Vi Ses lor graziug districts and raik acomituetration under ‘Commissione: Aunusl grazing permits issued base on numbers ranged; priority for estat Nehed owners, Siock-owners me forma Associations for range manage nent. Free, or partlally fies, permits for setliers, cainpers or travellers, wu: to ten head. r MLM Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer FOR SALE Apartment House ‘Borden Street $6,000.00 This consists of two modern five-roomed apartments with a splendid A first-class investment either 4 harbor’ view. for rent or for homes. M. M. Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent a B ieee: | Special matinee for Mary Pick-}; ford Saturday 3 p.m. at the West- | |holme Theatre. Prices 15c¢ and) | 35e. ; | | i . . . Leo Waugh, government tele- | graph manager at Anyox, came ) in on the Prince George last! | evening: 1 The Westholme Lunch will be for,a week or ‘ten days | while repairs. are being effected} ftev the recent fire, tf} ‘losed Special for the chijdren—mati- | ige at Westholme Satunday at 3 ».m. Mary Pickford in “Heart |)’ the Hills.” Prices 15¢ and 35. . * . | Annual meeting of Municipal} hapter I, O. D. E. will be held, ia the Presbyterian Church hall n Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 3 p.m. in} Vestholme Theatre. The last) hance to see Mary Pickford in! ‘Heart o° the Hills.” Special | sriees, 35e and ’5e. > . * In the Junior League basketball! ames played at the rink last ‘ight the Colts beat the Cubs by score of 24 to 10, with Charlie ‘ythe refereeing. In the girls’ the Bluebirds lost to the by a 3-4 score. Harry. lenzies refereed for the girls. The Prince George is at the ‘rydock today, having steamed up luring the night. The Prince Ru- ert, freshly painted and over- iauled and her fittings and me- hinery shining with polish, got away at midnight last night, re- | her coastal run. * . . iming | | feteors | | The case of Rex versus Lee Yong, charged with wilful dam- /.ge in breaking a plate glass indow in his father’s grocery tore, was remanded until this! fternoon pending medical ex-| mination of the aecused by D»r. ade, city medical] officer. | | } . - In custody of Chief Minty. of he Provincial Police Force, John } former boarder at the! de Vickers, arrived last] ‘ight to make a two-months so- urn in the cily lockup. He was) ound guilty of being drunk and} isorderly by Government Agent | arry Andrew at Anyox. . . | lnown, a | Totel W. E. Duperow, general pas- | enger agent; A. E. Rosevear, eneral freight agent; W.-C. Rid- | ell, advertising agent; James} ‘‘orman, superintendent of din- | ng and sleeping cars; F. L. Nor-} ian, general passenger agent at! eattle; C. E, Jenney, general agent at Vancouver, nnd Roy Walker, secretary, were | nembers of the G. T. P. official party who left for the south on Prince Rupert last evening. Other. members of the party in cluding L. V- Druce, freight agent t Fdmonton, and H, F. Tilley, passenger agent, will return east hy tomorrow's passenger train. assengel;: the night can be obtained free at the’ ‘ooal drug stores. 56 OPO LOL LOLS PE PPROE DOCG OLECDDDODL | DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One deeaye ! or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT | | ee ee Oe et SF BFE OF ELE BIOF OF OPE EFSF ETRE a OE OORT OE Spring coats and suits at De- mers. 55 . * . One of the best concerts ever heard in Rupert Sunday night. . Terrace, is Hotel Prince McDonald, of the P, registered at Rupert. . * . 8. N. Wolfe, accompanied by his wife, eame in from Mirror on last night’s train. 7. *. . The St. Andrew's dance tonight in St. Andrew's hall will com- mence at 9:30. . . . Rh. Robertson was a passenger ior Vancouver en the Prince Ru- pert last night. * . . ‘Miss Mary Morrissey, accom panied by her mother, Mrs. D. W. Morrissey, left for Vancouver llast night. . ° . E. P. Gingras, engineer of the Dominion Public Works Depart- ment, returned from a visit of in- spection to Anyox last night. * ° . A heavy windstorm is raging up river today and is on its way westward according to a report received by the Dominion Meteor- hlogist. . ° « D. McGregor, managem of Little’s store at Terrace, came in ‘on last night's train and returned to Terrace this morning on the time freight. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Lous: heed and family returned to Van- couver last night. Mr. Lougheed has been superintendent of the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills. William Turnbull, secretary to the Minister of Lands, neturn ed Lo Victoria by last night’s steam- er. Mrs. Turnbull, who has been ill with influenza but is now re- covering, will remain in the cily 2 few weeks. The firé department had a run ‘o the residence of Mrs. Johnson, 225 Ninth Ave. W-, at 8 o'clock (his morning. The roof had caught fire from chimney sparks and the blaze was extinguished vith the chemical hose. The funeral of the late Ser- ceant Horace Rochfort, of Swan- son Bay, will be held from the B.C. Undertakers’ parlors at 2:50 ‘omorrow afternoon under the wispices of the Great War Vet- rans’ Association, Canon Rix of- | ficiating. The Great War Veterans’ Association request ‘ALL EX-SERVICE MEN to attend the funeral of the late Sergeant Harry Rochfort 30th Battalion), on tomor- row aftermoon. Service at the B. C. Undertakers’ par- lors at 2:30 p-m. Burial at Fairview at 3:45. OF THE NAVAL BRANCH invited by the under- signed for the. charter of two gasoline launches for the purposes of Fisheries Patrol, one from May 18t to October 16th, and the other from June 15th to October Sist, 1920, One boat to be used in the Rivers Inlet vicinity and the other in the Chatham Sound and East coast of Queen Charlotte Islands area. Approximate Al- mensions as follows:— Length 60 feet, SN 5 5 BS Lieto pk in 18 feet, with speed of ten miles per hour, Accom- modation for two other than crew, The Department of Naval Service to supply gasoline and lubricating oils and engage crew, Tenders should be payment to be made for days when boat not running due to necessity for repairs or faulty equipment, Tenders should be addressed to F, H. Cunningham, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, DEPARTMENT FISHERIES SERVICE TENDERS are nN No at daily rate. 801 Rogers Building, Vancouver, B. C. F. H. CUNNINGHAM, Chief Inspector of Fisheries. DATE, Mareh 1, 1920 67 If you want to get rid of that Cold quickly take PENSLAR Cherry Cough Balsam A combination of wild cherry bark, wine of antimony, blood root, benzoic acid and pure cane sugar. It tends to give immediate relief by clearing the air passages of the obstruction. There is no mofphine, cocaine or other habit-fory : Penslar Cherry Cough Balsam and for your protect Ming drugs in formula is on the label. We can recommend it ag bein ah bye ®Xaet For children, we recommend Penslar Childre: * a effective made for their particular needs. SRN Syrup FOR SALE ONLY AT THRE PRINCE RUPERT DRUG co THIRD AVENUE PHONES 134 & tn - ame a NOTICE TO FISHERMEN | _ BiG SUPPLY OF FRESH Balt and Ice At BUTEDALE CANNERY WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED ‘Butedale, B.C. Open Ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE ways Shawatlans Passage Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length. WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHops Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia, Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. W. E. Thompson, Ger Manager Phone Green 153 A. Swanson, President Phone Red 391 5 Di ME a Western Canada }¥ MMEASURABLY _bro dening 4 our banking servic? to agri- cultural interests, we have estab- lished 270 of our 390 branches is Western Canada. We nim to oxtend the fullest possible bank- ing servic2 to the Prairie Pro- viuces. Our managers will be glad to dis- : cn.s farm financing problems with their farmer customers UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager CEP LT SHAME OW , You LAZX HEAD. Yoo SHOULD UP LIKE THE CHICKENS IN THE MORNING GIMME ( MY RANA 4 Ne ee