—T RHEUMATISM FOR VANCOUVER ‘v“csscsszeas‘"*: (= —— OVER 16 YEARS DEFEATS ALE | sonsnst tists, as si DEN TISTRY Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, WS ‘ MONEY BYLA From the East. oo Ol. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. se No Retum Of The Trouble tisineys '§ "ge 2 é " THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, June PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News THE DaILy NEWS . , Tuesdays and Thurs. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Since Taking “Fruit. a-tives” School and Hospital Expenditures T4¥8 at 7 p.m, ; QUALITY; Citv Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ 75e. Refused—Very Few By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the Unite® States, 108 Cuvkos Sr., Moxrrtas, Voted. For Vancouver and South. in advance, per y@ar ..... cee eee eee e wees elo 4 tie opie $6.00, “T was a great sufferer from AAen- PUOBOAYS cee ceeeeenees p.™ To all other countries, in advance, per yea? ............ $7.50, | smatism for over 16 years. Toonsulted VANGOUVER, dune 24.—All by- | Poursddys oo. .ee eens. han | specialists; took medicine; used [jaws to authorize the expenditure PAWMm as Pl ayne TELEPHONE 93. | lotions; but nothing did me good. of the building of a million and | SUOdAys «6.5.66 eeee if p.tn Lianne ThoaT began to use “Fruit-a-tivés”, |. paif dollar school. to add to the Saturdays, 1f avn, OFFICE HOURS— Transient Display Advertising $4.25 per in-4 each insertion.; and in 15 days the pain was sasier ()..n ital and for other expendi ~ Morning. 9 0 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 4.30, Saturdays, 9 10 12 on! Sininatarit sivertioibu on front page .......... $2.00 per inch, | S4 the Rhoumatism much better. (i... were defeated on Saturday. From Vancouver and South. it Every Evening from 7 Local tidade r per insertion 25c. per lime, | Gradually, “/rwit-e-tiers” overcame joy ton per cent of the ratepay-|Bundays ........ee0ss. 10 p.m. % ng ‘rom 7.30 to 9 jocal Readers. socteeeees Babine (Som Bbc. pear a he rt ee < Classified advertising, per insertion, .+......... 2c, per word. oad *ikls ta ak nes A lers voted and there was a two-|¥ ae SdaYS «1.6656 aaa a m. Dental Nurse in attendance ‘ , a 4 eerti ky Be. a ri 1 4 ears, " rds ior yy sinst. BPUMNGRAIS wecccseseoces ' 0 acim Legal Notices, each ee PF yee a < abr per agate line.| | cuble. I Gordidlly resommend this jthirds majority ag e tors tale ef. i hm Phone 109 for appointment Contract Rates on Ap shcetion, fruit medicine to all sufferers.” a ee F Mondava. a All advertising should be in the Daily News Office,on day pre- P. H. Me HUGH. ‘RECORDS BOUND FOR ; Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th ceding publication. All advertising received subjegt to eit SOc a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. Best Equi 1 Office j ‘ : , , For Anyox and Alice Arm. st Equippec ice in Northern B.C, At all dealers or sent postpaid by SKEENA JAPANESE Sundays . . hi cide de ciate. if p.m = 7 v | mi 96 ‘ Pruit-a-tives Li | \s WERE TON, axe: Tuesday, June 22, 1920. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Wellnesdays ......-.«. mt we DAILY EDIT "| STOLEN IN VANCOUVER essesaave 02000000 44 po = y - =e — : - = | aoheontinads , aia , , From Anyox and Alice Arm. ei AGENCY’ POR |, vssc70s7i go, st. ecoayttte etn Is to be Rushed. : jhundred and thirty-five Japanest ; or aes T sactor the ground making arrangements for ALL KINDS OF jxtamophone reeords intended DEIN O is F698 a a The contractor is on the groune ; § arrang | Canvas goods, oilskins, shipment to the Skeena river cat onto the commencing of work on the G, T. P. doek. The structure is/$ poots, overalls, mackinaws, » a f th ‘elit at af the or Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili or } eries for e® en ne 0 e to be large and substantial and will serve to relieve the present|} gloves, waterproof clothing, lSapanese fisherm: there, wore Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. ai congestion. | bagsage, harness, shoes, istolen from the rear of i) Powell SUNGAYS oe sars cdevees af p.t GEORGE , > Mt § . ; I “ SB . eee eee eee eeeee op i -- There will be a large quantity of filling needed for the dock. | ened) baton, annem luteeet, according to a report mad lay ; j SAILING Some of it will probably come from the Metlakatia bar but, unless ; ? : ; i police headquarters by mall From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Milt Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ocean — a ei J Japanese living at 316 Powell Falls, Vanoouver, Victoria and Seaitie. it is dredged to a considerable width, there will not be enough Bay, Wales Island and Naas River ’ aterial secured from that source All. will wish to see this 722 Second Ave,, Prince Rupert street tuesdays p.m Anyox Wednesday, 10 9. m. Stewart, Saturday 10 p.m material secure ror i é ved . EE: He stated that he had left the h a a conor eer eererae . a 8.5. PRINCE JOHN work go ahead. - irecords for a few minutes while OF? sets te rt eeees es Port Clements, Massett and Buckley Bay, June 23rd. Ai! eS en ee ee eS ae : quiestinecsiiditiin Work of Local : Se eeRRE RE eRe eee eo ON " ae a : exp 2% Queen Ciariotte Istande: Pointe Southern Queen Charlotte Istands, June 26th. Wagon to take the to the north-[.. “ Teacher Appreciated. : * PRINCE RUPERT tribes «| sand steamer. and on his return? 0° Massett, Port Clements and, TRAIN eERVIOE ‘ : siete : : a i ee . oi t ‘ oir Poeoeneer Moedey, W*éneeds od Geterdey ©) 11:90 6m for Smmrthers It is always difficult to single out from a group of hard|® &#@® @e #8 #88 SS BO Ske line wore gone Upper a ip — ca a ree. iateae eo . Wieshene. making direct dens 4 working and eflicient people one that is in some respects more Tuesday, June 22. —_—---— —— sit points east and south , : The > case 4 r . High, 5:48 a.m., 17.8 feet mm) 3 si . ares prominent than the others. That is the case among the local} , ” ’ . rom Mésset. Pért Clemetite end school teachers, all of whom seem to have done excellent work ive be ae = oo es poe | Ten Years Ago Upper Island points: Agency All Ocean Steamship | Lines : s0W, m . Mm., ” ‘el. i c f during the year. It is timely, however, to draw special attention 5 : : i in Pri R ‘ June 24 For information end reerrvetions appty to 23 unday, June 27 n Prince Ruper / Oly Ticket Offices, 626 Third Avenue. Phone 200 to the excellent Service of Miss Mills in enconraging local games|. Wigh. 14:27 a.m.. 16.4 feet. it ~ and sports, specially among the boys. Her work is unique. \She| 23:04 p.m., 19.4 feet. | Steamer Coquitlam whieh ler} 7% agp eae Para 7 | © E£ : 2 : i ue owe le oin takes a keen personal interest in every pupil at the school and | Low, 5:18. a.m., 9.2 feet. | veste rday afternoon for Stewa ee ' ce bee a her influence is sueh that the clean sport has reached: such a} sala gs eer jwith several passengers ' stage of efficiency as it has never before reached here among High, 1 it wie, 463 fem mee tt ms ou aviette aa From Skidewate. Queen Chariotts s + Bae a.nt., ys CUS. ipast three and had to renin there ae i , . the oe people, We are not suggesting that Miss Mills’ in- 23:46 p.m., 19.5 feet. antil inidnight, when she was Ory sad ee en etd ‘ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY fluence is the only one working along this line, but ‘it is a fact] Low, 6:04 a.m., 4.4 feet. floated by the ineoming tide. ‘The oe fice eee that it is very powerful. 17:54 p.m.,, 8.8 feet. passengers had a jolly time on has ontaitae-aneitne ialadee . 1A CANADIAN PACITIO OCEAN SERVICES We look on the play feature of the school course as just as Tuesday, June 29 the island and the Coquitiam re- ; ; . . : play fea chool « Suet OO Re as Tate eee th tee eee Comultiaany ape Mondays, {1 a.t B.C. Coast Steamship Services important as that of study. Boys and girls who learn to piay diab’ Gidhie mc kes teed ’ a Poe : From Skagway end Yuton. well have received a large part of their training for the contests 18:34 btu. 85 hie eee pons ore | Saturdays, a.m. ; & & PRINCESS MARY of later life. Unfortunately here we are somewhat handicapped Wednesday, June 30 D. W. Morrissey who has besn a a wtchitan, Junees, Skagway, Alecks, from Prince Rupert: Bs Sti Wines ago OR ks he h O-8 hry pe ec ae ohn > _,| stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Tas. june 94,81. 90) aly in this matter, on account of the difficulty of securing proper| High, 0:5 a.m., 19.9 feet. jWharfinger at the G. T. P. leaves Point. Wieterle end Beattie from Prince Kupert 3 % ; 9.¢ - . grounds, but in spite of this, there ‘is great. acticity among the 13:90 p,m.,'17-9 fact. De Aree eae wearers NCC Ne For—Saturd aa 9 on = "hoe 30 26; July 3, 10, 17, 94 end 39 awe. and cir ers 2 . , i Low, 7:18 a.m., 3.3 feet. will take charge of the stores and : wouter ey ¥eee es 7 eM. | yoys ard girls, an impetus toward which is the generally cool 19:44 p.m. 6.2 feet plant of the Weatholme Lumber| From—Suvdays ...... 10 p.m 8. 6. PRINCESS GEATRICE — *s cae ae sas ’ v- e “9 & ° , : ’ ’ ‘ € } Bey, Oveen Fella, Mardy y. . weather which obtains here. demasagieente Co., who have the contract for Ore er Gore’ Powel Rivers Vancouver end Vietoria— That the work of Miss ‘Mills in teaching the pupils to make] The time used is Pacific Stan-!building the McKenzie & Mann) Every Geturdsy, © om the most of their play opportunities, is appreciated by the pupils |dard, for the 120th Meridian west. |railway. : For rates, revervations end sailings, eppiy to It is counted from 6 to 24 hours,! i he | W. ©. OROHARD, General Ageni. from midnight to midnight. John Unwin has resigned his The table given is for Port/Position as night patrolman in part of the commuftiity in expressing to Miss Mills appreciation Simpson but the time for Prince|?rince Rupert after five months faithful and efficient services ie to be connected themselves is shown in the recent presentation made to her by them. We take great pleasure in voicing the sentiment of a large Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. of the publi¢ of theusplendid work she is doing in the city. Rupert varies only a few minutes} 0! on some days and on others is|!te will conti Longshoremen’s Strike ~ ; ’ with the fire department 1 ne Becomes Interestin the same. The range of the tide|Wi'h the are cepartment as one ‘ sc | ‘ — > > > Mm ng. may be computed as 5 per cent/0f the call men, sed NOTICE TO FISHERMEN he strike of longshoremen is being taken up by the business |greater at Prince Rupert than at! o aes ii erect men and it is possible there may be some developments in the |Port Simpson both at springs and} ae ne — we lerws “auc. BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT i . Z 1: rort “lay snorliy atte ne t near future. /*The News has given the men’s side of the contro-{Neéps. ‘Therefore the rise in-the/! i e \ i. a ms — At rs the site or suburb of & town payment fui versy and also that of the company. Last»night a group of loc at ee oe were ” edged a full cargo of freight. viskee te Sonia a tema eate cuidenent and Ice business . a , at A eater an Por impson. “ ‘ of such lend im cemsideration of th = . ’ I i t in ’ i d Mr. Hinton asking for arbitration. Possibly The height is in feet and tenths| Last evening Mra. L. W. Pat a a oe ee peat At BUTEDALE CANNERY yy ventiiating the cause of dispute thoroughly, some way outlof feet above the average level of} ae oeerrrer ween eee ; _ ms y | e enty ) more was hostess at ¢ elightful) } may be fo hich will satisfy artiag ; . : sade ie ae Oa nore was ! it a deligh i ’ he a me h will satisfy both parties, an h inconvenience |lower low water, roller party in the Sixth Avenue , ‘ WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED is being caused loeally by the tying up of traffic and the strikers TIMBER SALE X 2439. irink, About 75 guests were pres-!sale as atore said: taitinat "to. aoa appitica Butedale, B.C. themselves are Josing money as well as the company, : ——— mt and after a couple of pours’ | ing” fy im taking sdveniage of such SEALED TENDERS Will be received DY! roll the guests adjourned to Mrs, |privitewe nd will be subject the fui —— r a erent a " ——— - . the District Forester not tater than noou ment of the t ’ " p ; “ of tf ermué of the sale and the) == Sa on the 24th day of June, 1920, for tr) Patmore's home where dainty re-!provisions of the Lend Acts governiog| ete re yurchase of Licenoe X 9439, near Clin! : verdue purchase money in congerttot ea - ay, Kildala Arm, t© cut 365,000 feet of | freshments were served, iwith which spectal attention i¢ drawn te "| Hemlock and Balsam | rhe ee oe ecurre osu Th R ' One year will @¢ allowed for removal, a ee ee hy gg ha in the current tesues € oya an oO ana a it Jorteer’ particulars of the Chief Forester, | ry Sane } f ’ + n ru . ; y , ‘i ale « Deputy Minister of Lands The B. C. Supp y oOo acy t r ; att We a the f a ~ : iV ict4 or ° 5 t o s l 7 c , ’ begs to advise that it has for rental at moderate prices Prince Hupert, See The Man i m the Moon victoria, B.C.” Oct} | ictoria " SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES ||_stimsen sae xazie. L soc bt a abe. | Fly Chaser «= They are recommended Sealed tenge de ' y : for the protection from fire or burg- + a) Sealed tenders wilt | later than noon on} THAT while the Juxury tax is ary of valuable business or private documents, Victory Bonds, jewelry, ete. NOTICR OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO | | the 2nd day of July, 1926, for the pur siacesiat site : . . | ichase of Licence x 2318, to cut 6,660-900 be mg revise d, it inight be we i to | - ae jfeet of Spruce, Heminck and Cedar on an consider putting @ pretty heavy} wm thx Cassiar Land District, Rerording area adjoining § T. L, € “ . os The Manager will be glad to furnifh particulars on application | Hiiniet, Gieen 87.1 elena’ pisuret ™ jduty on grouches apeyries of skeone situate in the yieinity q of ‘4 (.aesiag Prince Rupert Branch - A.W. Cameron, Mgr. | fire or‘iniar” "i! * Mlowed Tor re | 1: Se lak? police that we, Allen Falconer and - j Further particasars of the Chief Forester, fHAT any person who tells his eouetts a pet Ee of Sten rr E ply | Bite oo + OF Distriet Forester, Princel(rounbies to a married man should |fer permission to lease the following de-| ] H 7 [seribed lands | = = ——_—_—_—_—_—_e_e—_—_—_—_——— een | taboo in decent society, |, Comioencing at a point in the easterly} 8 ere. —_——— “ ee . . ‘ | boundary of Lot 1074A, Cassiar, 375.1 feet = + — ae —— ——— — 7 on nartheriy from the South-East corner of —————— = THAT newspaper poets should! tion—an offense fF ! ‘ é wf said lot; thence at right angles to «aid Plies are an abomination ibe execute ‘ rilw jboundary easterly 175 feet more or le sa against com.-ort, sanitation and-—-aorse i | x pa sumuparuly, to the Westerly bounttary of the Kiteault! a r ; . otiia, Farmers and dairy- in | i . ‘ jingian reserve;. thence southerty along ee ae “eee “a An ovi g | THAT when a man grumbles at | sald westerly boundary and the project tH men know What a plague they are to i 6 ! | thereof 025 feet more or teas to th inter. | cows ahd milkers They are more thah ‘ | the cook, it is a sign he should | «eetion raareos with the p clon south. | wmnnoving——they are dangerous And* Fast leasterly of the sauthe ou 6 BND , | live out of doors mom and pa- 444. Ceteny at boundary of rt they are expensive, because by pestering wt i EE ‘ tronize the cook less. jmin, West along projection of said last cows they cut down the milk supply The ® nites } . . . or NT ut scene ‘eum aoeeenat | Calves and horses, too,” lose flesh and here and.’ Wi ae ara 4 | } 4 : y ° " ° sPVO wm f | R 7 d i | THAT in the States a priest re-|dee. Bast S019 feet to the north ebet vitality in sammer and become nervous orders from “e ‘ ooms an mil Oc learner of said lot 964%; thence 375.4 fees when they are hethered by these pests they arrive, © : | ifused to larry a woman who was} | hartherly along the easterly boundary of ‘ fiable as well as bumane our supply now ast | ——===== Himmodestly attir ! said Lot 10744 to the point of commence Pas 6 Grant ; 7” ent her | stiy attired and at another ment, and containing ton acres, more or and desirable io every fh a will be ~ yn snicemeat. ff place @ judge said women who|'!e# ihe animals With PRATT'S F CHASER, This i# the ony | D N IS RY ay evetything to jasked for divorces in his court | A PERT UR, ARNArRONe, the acknowledged remedy for fy-tor- Send to any breach, & | NER, . . , , or ' » the 4 | OW ~ lar a6 by Allen Paleoher, Agent mented dairy farts, Wratv’s doer no “ | ith your suc jweuld have to wear more clothes, Dated 12 May, 1920 taint the milk or biister the bide; does cess---your person- THAT : { ‘ol I LAND ACT. not gum up the hair; but surely DOES maiL ORDER | “4 Suitable subject for a ’ 4 6 wT ---your pea ood | CHASE FLIES, DEPARTME ality yo ae wan and your § health depend jHebate is: Do men worry because Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease. Land, j Perfected } u n 0 tee ; : a ; an i 7 Pratt's Fly Chaser le @ cee eg po y ur ou cannot afford to neglect such jthey are ill or become ill because ole Lm Bhee eer oerree me Product—Money Back Guaranteed. bees oe a valuable asset. * aw worry? orly from town of Allee Arin Get your order in at once, eee . . * Take notice that H. AL Powler and A. F one 1 « 5 : , : Kergin, of Allee Arm, B ‘ occupations PHAT an orator once said the|meriner, ahd tnatried’ woman, intends to} LOW PRICES---Best material money can buy. PERSONAL ATTENTION, Prompr SeRvice, will insure the BEST RESULTS |]/"i""!-Conservative party was Paden fegman te las, she Follow like a mule in that it had neither! Commencing at a post planted ‘on enst jbank of Kitsault River; thence south 20 Remember my address, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block —_—{f. "2" ®estry_ 00 hove for SS iidate Rosh thease rest alias sterity. Mill ourtenay, Duncan, Langley Office Hours: a ore or less to Lot 5; thence west #0 Office and ° cour joverda Lady Assistant Open Evenings smaenenanenpete chains more or tess to paint of commence. VANCOUVER Ladner, 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. T'wo-éolor wi vt ; 4 Sunday by A int: | wo-color window cards take|ment, and containing 160 acres, more or Bo tee pa ANA A Rae Oe Phone 575 ait er ive eye quickly. See them at the |” Won, POWDER ER TETENTE I — aman maaan —— Ne » A. ¥. KERGIN, * ‘ ews Job Department. FP Fiwter:: coent am. . Vancouver Milling & Grain GO, vcr, mansimo, row Limited AORNOHE: voatminstel Aldergrove,