is Vacuum Cleaver « s ALL IN @ & » ON : og? an . + Eureka “Vacuum” The EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS “> PATTINSON, LING G & CO. Third Avenue *rince Rupert. B.C. > «er ere ->—- MISS GLEESON rat has returned from th: i personally Ladies’ ee You ar Sia Bal Mre. Goldbloo Phone 558 m's Olid Stand Third Ave. ower ee Ca PLEASE PASS THE BREAD 1 2 PTeau ar Ty La Casse’s NEW MARINE WAYS Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. resw : . Phone Red 391 Phome ( 153 areren Office Phene 130 Wharf Phone 423 LePine & Wright, Ltd. Lumber, Insurance and General Brokers Crorgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. eee POP OEED OPOOEOT OBPOOEE THEO COLLART, Notary Publie Fo R SALE Lot and House, 8750. 00. hoo 3 room House, Sth Avenue W « REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast t Blue G9 Westholme Theatre Block P.O Bor 66 Mi « $750.00. W LOVES OF LETTY THE DAILY NEWS v7 = . ‘ Local News Notes |} Sport Briefs | 7 = larry Menzie Was fr sig sk for Atkins’ Sausage. tf for t FB ‘ * . * . _ tak reets for £1.00 Walla s siz e t kines. Miss ar)6=6 Day Wallace's ~ mis aiued at * a a zt os 4 4 4 & at n ff werk . ih i is - if st i ; Ka Ma 4 4 . We 2 x ee 5 1s ning 1eu s¢ c fi S : a Bay - a ttw . i 4 5 = Roa - : : ‘ 4.3 i 3 : © t : a that th s iy @ Wa : iis Kativtee Ma . VW 4 > > ‘ : a 2 at Public Health Association at ; : Vancouver Draws Attention to “ Evasion of Public Duty. VANCOUVER 21 adia P Hea Aes ~ se as be av }- z : I . . s at x ? EXCHANGE IMPROVES WITH GREAT BRITAIN INTERESTING PLAY ¥y (ha “wa z Wes ” A : t " it 2 4 i “ti ce - Ba y a th : ws ated a Ss 4 It is ; oe = BIRTH 4 ) was born t« Mr. and M a f Vaneouve BA : . 3 a I ’ Mrs. Flood : f Ves % and twx vea z f the 4 val A =t ai‘ad \ les : va est I ' Pr Kathie 1 Ma\ { ~ : t ‘ ‘ j : 5 d ra iris re Westhol Orel . ‘ sf al Sale tinves ali 1is week. Jabour Brothers, Ltd./? I gad ‘ nee Wa \ {is ‘@eeeeene ee eeeaeeee * * . Tu SUBSCRIBERS . —_———— . $ The News ®* are asked : 2 lrw + v * whe e)3 x » whe as . mad ® va . . lieciing carry official re- ® : . . ways - s . > ee#ee te seeae ee ee a ®t MIN 4E AGT ‘ ‘ a Ww ‘a et : TASS : . : F Mt ts ¥ sm Wa ¥ < ‘a De . : f : pe Pps . a a ‘ sta at ee Datet : ay ‘ ‘ ews W ATMORE < Neo 4 ac CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ‘ Ti , is ; . ¥ vEN er > 4 he : \ 4 ieace a wal u . ‘ a celled R NADEN N Laas 4 ! 4a \ . & Zist Ap ve Oe. DAVIES Porkand Beans with Tomato Sauce > moment you taste Davies Pork and Beans you will recognize their supreme quality. Starting with the hand-sorting of the white beans and the selection of only those of perfect color and even size, right up to the time Davies labels are placed on the tins, guality is the first consideration. The beans are cooked to perfec- Tomato Sauce gives just The piece of pork for its juicy, tasty flavor. tion. The the is selected in Canada Made right Zest. Remember the name—DAVIES - —when ordering from your dealer. Also ask him about the other appetizing, economical lines of— Davies®2«FOODS ‘=~ “A Different Dish For Every Day” Lunch Tongue ai Loaf Reast Beef ae Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Cheese Hamburger Steak and Onions and seventeen other varieties of perfectly cooked foods that will save hours of time and work for the basy housewife. THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, Limited Toronto - Moatreal u ADD ARAL t<«4 LL of tetentice Lae. EST SUSPECTED SLAYING FARMERS || te Apply te Purchase ee ™\ Stewart Land Co. Lid. aaa Fifth Street STEWART 101 Pemberton Block Ve : Lots for Sale All Parts si pe Town ae of Eualetdi Lots Wanted LOCAL AGENTS HELGERSON, LTD - - XN WATER NOTICE. S AND S&S AGE ; ee } The Smeeton ~ « > >. a Pow achire Birks ,> > cooaetee Pes Saker oe Tea Rooms a i >t 7s & r : Bran a\> 38 Secom? Avenue : : fg — = : : - for : Ur ” Home Cooked Meals Wot Break fast, Dinser and Supper : Try our Home Made Bread and Cakes - : 4. ‘ . PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 83 Relabie Service a! reasonable Rates. . We have Warehouse facilities. : peer ‘ Ns TED MINING SMELT NG AND POWER MPANY, LIMITED Apoticant Pram® Green 507 O17 Src Avenue Dalgarno, & Watts m applicatien for f a fresh Certificate of Tithe & ee : Beck Pifteem (15 Town St-war Map #t $A Satisfactory proof p SISA). Satistactney peoot BiLDERS IND CONTRACTORS Title Mmving been produced notice is Specteiists im Light and Heary Cos- eiveo that $+ my intention + ee nesaien sod Alterations. afier the expiration cf one ment F he Arst publication hereof. @ fresh lowt Class Staircase Woes end "*ente ¢ Tithe «& the abowe men acé Sase. tm the name of Victor A G Certifvuate 9 dated 2408 wieder. (910. and? ts sumbered 2469-1 sad Registry (ffice, Prince Rupert, B.C. March, 1920 4H. F. MaclLEop, District Regretrar of Titles. Estimates Cheerfully Gives SRICK AND CONCHETE “UlOWme CONTRACTORS fay of i or é Four rage in- and the ‘raud diars sent-