We [nes day, October 20, 1915. THE DAILY NEWS. = oe TooRelALLY FOR WORE wryit-a-tives” Now Known as woman's Best Medicine “pRUIT-A-TIVES,”’ the famous fruit medicine is particularly well suited for the use Of women, because of its mild ahd gentle action and its pleasant taste. In severe cases of Constipation, 4ndi- tion, Bloating, Sick Headaches, Pain Te Back Neuralgia, or a General Run-Down ¢ nstitution, “Fruit-a-tives”’ is the only medicine needed to correct euch troubles and restore the sufferer to complete health. : As a tonic, “Pruit-a-tives” is inva- luable to purify and enrich the blood L build up strength and vigor. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. le s or sent postpaid by Fruit- 3 Limited, Ottawa. | a-liy nscale ta dechtariagilascaiia lal ve A. E. WRIGHT Land Surveyor Surveying and Engineering THE BOSTON RED SOX, CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD.—I. [! Wood, Gainor, Shore, Gregg jsen, Gardener, Manager Carrigan, Cady, Janverin. Provincial and Dominion Wagner, Speaker, Hopper, Fost ty Ruth, Mays, Hoblitzel and Barry; (middle row) Leonard, Hendrick- r, Scott. = P. 0. Box 10 Phone 85 Fourth Street APERHANGING KALSOMINING PAINTING F. G, ROBERTS Albert Rooms. 2nd Avenue——— Close to the Westholme Theatre CENTRALLY LOCATED STRICTLY MODERN RENTS REASONABLE Weekly or Monthly by Arrangement BASEBALL HAS PASSED SEVENTIETH BIRTHDA fans to know that their. favorit: game has passed its seventiet! birthday. It was on September 23, 1845, that the earliest base- ball club was formed. 14 Dyer Apte. P. O. Box 642 | UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT little mill you see on the left of the picture. Them comes the supreme test~-bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Aland the flour-ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'S ‘oncouver. New Westminster. Nanoimo. Victoria. oe fe unsafe, baking powder. TA: a The Royal Standard Test [5] Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada's = six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the BEST | | | Vancouver Milling & Grain CaLte y MM nM HAE The Housekeeper is Right Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. What does she do? She raises her biscuit by a mixture of cream of tartar and soda, or soda and sour milk. She may not get the propor- tions quite right, but she knows her food is safe. But does she ever-use a mixture of alum and soda ? a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a home Intuitively she feels it would be Was there ever made baking powder? Then why use baking powder made from alum or the same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare to nuix and use in her food? Alum js alum, whether bought in the drug store cr in _ ICES BAKING POWDER is made from pure cream of tartar and contains no alum, There is absolute safety in its use. DrPr CREA lime or phosphate. In the start it was called the | Baseball Club, but a little later | on took the name of Knieker- | bocker Club, The rules of the game _ have ;not been preserved, but funda- | mentally they were like the pres- ent ones. The bound catch was | sanctioned and the pitching was really pitching, not throwing. ;one of the early rules. declared | | | Because of the heavy batting, }that the club. making the first | Wwenty-one runs should be given the game. | The Knickerboekers played on la vacant lot in what is now lower New York, but presently went over to Hoboken and marked out a diamond on the Elysian fields. |For a time the nine was the whole |thing in the new sport. It was ithe mode), the pattern, to which } the other nines, as they were call- led, looked up. Then something happened. The New York nine, in the }summer of 1846, went over to | Hoboken and beat the Knicker- |bockers at their own game and | n their own grounds, 214 to 4. ‘Cleveland Plaindealer. t & TEIN Tie: Thomas, Train er It may interest the baseball to right (tep row) Collins, Green; bottom row) Lewis, A beautiful complexion —how to Insure It— Mi Pee at te The regular use of Lifebuoy Soap insures a healthy, clean glow- ing skin. And because it is healthy, your com- plexion will be clear Ee and velvet like. Ee The mild carbolic odor van- Fi ishes nfter use, leaving a &¢ sense of utter cleaniines All Grecors Sc!) LIFESUOY HEALTHY SOAP a SOOROEROPEGLERTLOOOLOOD OU DOEOSERE DARD IOREE ROE beOReEsarietee we or HTOUOHELU OTTO CEM ET mw Ie RE Lidddbibbbbbpbbabbthbbe iiiehu ib tit Sterling Marine Motors Can be purchased In town. A Motor that wili give you en= tire satisfaction. Built for hard work. Guaranteed. —HEAVY DUTY— FISHERMAN’S ENGINE 2 OCyl.—6 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12-15 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—5 1-2 in. by 8 In., 25-86 Horee Power. Do your remodeling with a first- class engine. For Further Information Apply to W. E. Wiilliscroft, Phone Blue 508, or D. Brown, Eleo- trician, Phone 383. Palace Of Sweets The Cholcest Stooke of ORANGES, APPLEG, BANANAS And Other Frulte In Season Fresh Stock of RAMSAY'S, LOWNEY’S AND HOME- MADE CHOCOLATES ICE CREAM SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL FRUIT SUNDAES H. KILLAS, Prop. Hart Blook, 3rd Ave. and Bth S&t. {Demand the Bra el Empress Jams Are strictly a B: C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to te purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. it will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4-Ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vanoouver, B. G. Empress Jams ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ a Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern :: British Columbia :: Largest Circula- $ THERE } Three quarters tion means the } {5 Best Advertising A : Medium = 3 REASQN$ intheDailyNews Prince Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas AIDIRISIIMICINIOIOICIOIOIIOIISIOINIOIOIOIOIOI III I hii in 2-lb. Tins Have attalned thelr enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda Bisoults. They are made in B. GC. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by “RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. couver, B. OC, ad ro o— ae : “a —. 2 ee eee oo. ae eee oe = = — a eee JAA aR : | eared ~ ee ea ae eee eee aa PIAA IAAI DADA ADA A AAA AAAAAAIAAAAIIN Iodieoo ones