YHf DAILY RuWws - eo Friday, March 10, 1914 “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. WATER NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that R. B. McGinnis, whose address {8 Alice Arm, British Columbia, will apply for a licence to take and use fifteen second feet of water out of Trout Creek, which flows Westerly and drains into Kitsault River, about 16 miles north of its outlet at Alice Arm, B. C. The LOST LOST— Glasses in case near or in post- omce. Return to. Daily News office. Reward. tw FOR RENT FOR RENT—2-Roomed and _ 8-roomed House, furnished, with piano. 704 Mc- Bride Street. 57. FOR RENT: Furnished Room. 855 Sum mit Avenue. -Board if required, Phone Blue 508. tf. FOR RENT—7-roomed house with heating system, phone 384. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2 x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, 35 h. p. Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C FOR SALE—One round tent, complete, 3 59, November 9th, water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 500 vertical feet above point of use, near its mouth, and will be used for power and mining purpose upon the land described as Wolf Group of Mining Claims. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of October, 1915. , ly “ : , e CLYDE A. HELLER. afternoon at 4 o'clock. your interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4 F. W. HART : 4 e z and ‘Stumpy’? Mineral Claims vested in me P AUCTIONEER SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF jin pursuance of the provisions of the Approved by Minis COAST, RANGE 4. Try our rolled roasts. Saturday |“Mimeral Act. Fe ; 3 Ee Alcetnn on | AND APPRAISER TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, pecial. Holland’s Market, corner |a Or ae on e ey B. C., this 5th] Marine as a of Te . tas ne 0 _|special. i S Me y day of November, 5. Passenger Bos OFFICE CORNER SRD AVE. AND f Tonopah, Nevada, occupation mine man Se assenge! oat 6TH ST., REAR OF HART BLOCK ager, Intends to apply for permission to/5th and Fraser Sts, t , . Mans - Sere For terms and particulars purchase the following described lands: eR ene er Alex. M. Manson, his solicitor. Ree ; Commencing at a post planted about - - Call 200 feet easterly from the northwest cor-| Get your piano tuned by Harry The Daily News delivered by| .W. J. THOMAS, Phone $|ner of Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District;} , ,, ‘ , " Green 391. AKERBERG THOMSON %|tnence north 20 chains; thence west 20|': Evans, pioneer piano tuner and|carrier, 50 cents per month. . 9 2| chains; thence south 20 chains more or player expert. Leave orders at COMP less to the shore .of Surf Inlet, thence ota t ‘a gee Fad ye ki SS = = = — ANY following the shore Jine to the place or | Bulger & Denike’s (Wark’s) jew- Sole Agents for the commencement, containing forty acresS|/pjry Store. 80. more or less. . ah ah Sha oj — atiee . PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY February 18, 1916. PHONE 525 FREDERICK BRADSHAW. Gerald Peters, son of City So- \ on oe licitor Peters, has been highly : ooes |) Ae commended by his commanding 7 ; td) c ; qa» ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ; Walker’s Music Store ofilicer and has been sent to Eng- ? LUMP ; Removed to Werner’s Old stand Qjland to take his qualifying course ee ee for a commission. He has been C O A L PIANOS at the front fop the past six E | $9.50 per Ton — Cash on PLAYER PIANOS, MUSIC $/months. f As children, our first de- it ROLLS, SHEET MUSIC, AND ee 2 Hu . . A Delivery ore Saale adie Mr. and Mrs. H, Chapman, who ee mand is for nourishment; our Money Back If Not Satis- . Oe? OC a ode Meee hil factory were recently married, are leaying second for facts. Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos. on Saturday for theip new home All thr h lif about ; . ‘ : ou oO bo UNION TRANSFER CO. Pianos to Rent. in Salvus, where Mr. Chapman is aft] i : g ue we g e oat lust SHIT HE ° . 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 in the employ of the G, T. P, The eat i NM searching for information. MINERAL ACT Notice to Delinquent Partners. To G. W. Maxwell and Charlies Nicholson. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done and caused to be done assessment work many friends of the happy couple enn TULF hit} iti aii ; Cou i We make a new acquaintance; but before we will accept him as a friend or invite him to our home we ask for facts about him. are wishing them good luck and HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED VACUUM CLEANING CO. happiness. CK KK KK RK KR RK KK KK bil ¥ on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at the | * WIRES DOWN % an ee ee Offices, Churches héaid of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, in * * tii ae ge an chool. rooms at low the Skeena mining division of Skeena dis- qi) W . it f ° | d: d fr 2 gee triet, assessment work for the years 1913,|* Owing to the government * ii e visit a foreign land; an om Bi 1914, and 1915, and have paid for said ; : ¢ Bi GOOD WORK GUARANTEED bent ea ekaneutick eae a sum of|* telegraph system being in * the moment we step across its ‘ 307.50. Unles y I the sum of |* . » The ai News * e $ All Orders Attended to immediately. $/ 505; 55, for sour share of. he ees: Se. eee, Nowe border we are asking questions— : $231.50, for your share of the sald as * he : saw tt ‘ ‘ a sessment work, together with the cost of iad to go to press without % ‘ searchin for facts N j OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. this advertisement, I shall, at the expira-]% ~ its war despatches. ; 8 ° tion of ninety (90) days from the date hereof apply to the mining recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C., to have your inter- ests in the Wolf mineral claim vested in me, in pursuance of the provisions of the mineral act, KKK KKK KR HHH HSH DENTISTRY | PHONE GREEN 268. We are asked to try a new food product; isn’t it instinctive with us to ask at once: “Who makes this new article ?”” | AUTO DELIVERY {ioschaaxe amet ee | ———————— i ae ne F : mae Ph HA ke aN GROWN AND’ SRIDOE WORE How is it made? what goes into it ? RO sere ‘ DR. J. F. BROWN “Is it worth the price charged for it ?”” Bank By Mail And ent rT EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE y SORE Sr