Pen eer ea mate —— PPC agg pe Bi le f eae ORIN SN: + abe SSS AE EE es ESS Tete ates 1 RNS SS Seis SSS it. erm te tt “= | “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. Sixty Years the Standard ‘DR: WANTED. | WANTED—Gocod strong boy. Express. 136. Hotel. Apply P. 0. Box 380, city WANTED—Donkey Engineer and men for logging camp. Williams & Man- 127. son WANTED—Girl for general Willing to go to Hazelton. Barbeau, Sixth St. housework. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Apply Miss | 121i- 123) WANTED—General servant, enoty Mrs. A. Avenue. Phone 492. tf. Apply Pony | YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK in house oH | | rigging | POWDER Made from cream of tartar WANTED—To rent, furnished house, (one overlooking the harbor preferred), for six months or longer. Apply Box i01 Daily News. 125- ~34 FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms | terms moderate. 139. hot and cold water, Apply Norfolk Rooms. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE—Airedale pups. Mother sired by Fritz of Vancouver. $5.00. Apply R. Wendt, Telkwa, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- | line engine, new, $165 freight paid Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor | Co., Hamilton, Alex M. Manson, B.A. W. E. Williams, B.A, LL.B | WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. 0. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. ; B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BSALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 DENT!S TRY | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DR. J. S. BROWN OENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 Piece Rupert Feed Co. P. 0. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele's, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take oesore for Nursery Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Chicken Feed A Specialty. Hay, Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Six weeks old. | Canads. wr. Prince Rupert, B. © | derived from grapes. NO ALUM | The Daily News delivered by oe: 50 cents per mouth. | “A Dollar in the Bank is Worth Two in Promises’’ JHEN you have a substantial Savings Account, you do not have to ask favours or court refusals when you require ready cash. A Savings Account in The Bank of British North America makes xe u independent of promises. he money is yours —ready when you need it—protected against loss—safe from fire and theft—and earning interest at highest current rates. Deposits of $1. and upwards are | feceived on Savings accounts. | THE BANK OF _ British North America | 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. | CAPITAL “AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. } PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH WM, J. SMITHERS, Manager. i Could We Interest You in the Purchase of a Piano Today? WE HAVE A GERHARD HEINTZMAN STYLE 60, WALNUT CASE AT $325, ON TERMS. he purchase of a Gerhard Heintzman Piano is an invest- ment containing no element of spec- ulation. We will be pleased to have you come in ard compare this piano with other pianos. Our service is always at your command, we will gladly give you our time to help you solve your musical problems. WALKERS MUSIC STORE ane. Fuller&McMeekin LEADING GROCERS SATURDAY SPECIALS 1 Bottle Aylmer Catsup and 1 bottle of Fuller's White Wine Vinegar 5O cent value for 36 cents. POTTED MEATS IN GLASS 20c. and 2 for 25c. BIG 75-CENT SPECIAL i lb. Schillings Coffee, value. .50c. 1 bottle Fuller's White Wine Vine- POP VOIRO sc ecccvaes sens 25c. 1 tin Equal Egg, value........ 25c. 1 tin value 10c. Lowney’s Cocoa, Total Value $1.10 for 75c. 572 PHONES 56 . FRED STORK’ == 710 SEC Stoves and Ranges a CR ence FRED STORK’ Carpenters’ Too!s SBuilders’ Hardware Ship Chanclery Wire Cable Stoel! Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition — Pumps bose Paint Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” HARDWARE AVE S S HARDWARE Friday, J » 9 5 : H HE DAILY RRWs riday, June 9, 1946, = = 1 ———————C..CCC‘(CY SSS ——————. * secrecre| eee secescoe NAVIGABLE WATERS PRote, F TION ACT . NINE e e e OF THE twelve JURYMEN IN THE Gosden case DECIDED for conviction, AND three . FOR acquittal, | ‘ THE JOURNAL says “IT IS believed “THAT the jury “LINED up, = “ALONG political ines.” Is IT possible oe \ THAT the people ‘ OF THIS province | PLACE politics | BEFORE justice? : IF IT IS so, IT MUST mean THAT 75 per cent, OF THE people OF Victoria PRINTERS’ “PI.” ARE against * * * THE government, BUT, though this MAY be so, WE prefer ‘ . TO give are THE PR OPLE o of Victoria CREDIT Ps ig FOR placing JUSTICE THE before politics. VERDIE iT was A STARTLING commentary ON the OF THE PRODUCED, by, value * . . evidence * the Tories. NINE of the jury REFUSED to take it AT ITS face * THE value, TORY imputation IS that : . THE VIOLATED their * *. Jurymen * oath. Local News Notes Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. J e e Cc. H. Sawile arrived from New Hazelton yesterday afternoon. . ® . Sheriff Armstrong, of New Westminster, is in the city for a few days. J * . The schooner Unity, with 4,000 pounds, sold to the Cold Storage Company yesterday. ® . 3 Best quality of household lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coa! Co., phone 15. t ® ® . Essington for the summer, in the city yesterday. s = s Cc. H. French, of the Hudson's Bay Company at Victoria, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Wrangel. . . . In the latest casualty list ap- pears the name of L. D, Pope, formerly a carpenter Prince Rupert, who has been wounded . . . in Japanese fishermen who are fishing halibut pending the open- ing of the sockeye season, brought in 17,000 pounds of halibut yes- terday. s s s Bandsman Alec Gray, of the {ith C. M. R., will leave for the south tomorrow morning, taking with him four recruits, Ptes. Fred Curry, Frank Gray, Thomas Ca- vanagh and H. L, Harris. Rev. J. F. who has just returned from the Methodist Vancouver, spirit pervaded Nearly al! this Dimmick, Conference in that a military the conference, says ‘year’s probationers have enlisted, while there are twenty-two min- isters already with the colors. Wilie Fuller, the little son of J, Murray Fuller, had quite a nasty accident yesterday after- noon, Falling of the sidewalk on Fourth Avenue, he cut his face so badly that it required ten stitches. Charles Balagno has resume taking pianoforte pupils. Terms ‘epsonable, Phone Piue 408. {{ PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Announce that they have purchased the business of the Prince Rupert Transfer Company and solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage of the customers of that firm. Careful attention to all or- ders for Cartage and Coal. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93. | Dr. R, W. Large, who is at Port} was | SOME KANGEROO Although the br Australian troops is our all their ideas on discipline ‘avery of beyond question, vary considerably from those held by soldiers from home. An Australian general, accompanied staff, spection in by his was making an in- the they came across a wounded pri- trenches when vate, who was calmly hopping his way to the dressing station, with a bullet in his foot. When the private saw the general, he hailed him: “Hi, general!”’ he shouted. The officers looked round in amazement to see who called, whereupon the private, as he hopped on:— “Hi, general, I’m a_ bloomin }kangeroo now all right, ain’t 1?° —Tit Bits. Corporation of Prince Rupert Tenders for Additions to City Market. Sealed tenders will be received by the City Clerk up to 5 p. m. Monday, June 12, 1916, for construction of additions to City Market. Specifications and plans to City Engineer's omMce. The lowest or any tender not accepted > seen @ necessarily r , T S| KALSOMINING "13 > LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS HOTEL 13 NOW OPEN TO GUESTS-—— One of the largest Hot Springs in America, circumference 300 feet— Temperature of Water, 180 d, Fahr. Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakelse Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace. RATES: $2.60 per day. For further particulars, apply to J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 > THE WESTERN UNIVERSI- TIES BATTALION NEEDS FIFTY MORE MEN TO COM- PLETE THE ESTABLISH- MENT. THOUGHTFUL MEN oF EDUCATION Leaders in the community should help the cause, by impressing upon the public the need fof men, and the common duty. There 1s only one convincing way to do this,—by EN- LISTING YOURSELF. A DOUBLE SERVICE! You not only give your own 6er- vice to the nation, but incite others by your example. 2 You have no future, your depen- dents have nothing to live for, if Ger- many wins, Dare you take any chance in such @ matter? The greater the number of men available for service, the shorter ; the war, and the fewer the losses. 3 You owe it to yourself, your country, and the boys at the front, to act at » once. Men of the University type have already done much—thousands have gone but their identity has been iost in the various units they have 2 joined, The University Battalion 4 Was designed to preserve thei iden- ® tity to help by force of example 7 is Well as by service in the field. You have an opportunity of ren- dering the double service, under most agrevable conditions in the Western Universities Battalion. Don't wait for your neighbor to point the way or to force you to do your bit, Apply at once to the OMcer Com manding U. of B. C. Company, 196th Overseas Battalion C. E. F., corner 10th and Laurel Street, Vancouver, heres Sige +E 2 Transportation to Headquarters | forwarded on receipt of medical cer- tificate or telegram from a doctor as 2 to medical fitness. deceeeoeee POOP SOS SELLS LLL PLES EPL POSH PPPS PCEOVIIOD APERHANGING PAINTING F. G. ROBERTS P. O. Box 642 44 Dyer Apts. R. 8. C. CHAPTER 115. The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited hereby gives notice that it has y 0 tion 7 of said act deposited with th ister of Public Works at Ottawa 4 office of the District Registrar of Registry District at Prince Rupert, p. ; a description of the site ana th ‘ of wharves and power house pl be built at the head of Surf inlet, Royal Island, tn front of Lot 40, Coasts District, B. C, And take notice that after the exp) of one month from the publication of this notice the Power Company Limited will, unde; tion 7 of the said Act, apply to th: ler Se Min Hd in the the Land Plans 1 Ww Princess date of ister of Public Works, at his offic: the City of Ottawa, for approval ; said site and plans and for leay; struct the said wharves and power ‘ Dated at Vancouver, B. C., this day of May, 1916. THE SURF INLET POWER COMpaAny LIMITED. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, R. 8. C. CAP. 115. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby notice that it has, under Section 7 said Act, deposited with the Minister; yublic Works at Ottawa, and in thx f the Registrar General of Titles at torla, British Columbia, a descript the site and the plans of certain str io be erected in front of Lot 31, Range Three (3), British Columbia, at the Inlet. AND TAKE piration of one lhirty Coast D head of ( NOTICE that after the ex mouth from the dat the first publication of this Notice, pa eine Mills, Limited, will, under Ss of the said Act, apply to the Govern Council for approval of the plan. Dated at Vancouver, 26th day of April, A. D. 191 BODWELL, LAWSON & LAN! this R. 8. C. Chapter 115. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railwa pany hereby gives notice that it ha Seclion 7 of the said Act deposited the Minister of Public Works at ind in the office of the District Keg f the Land Registry Office, Dist Prince Rupert at Prince’ Rupert scription of the site and plans proposed to be built in Pr pert Harbor at Prince Rupert, Bri jumbia, in front of waterfront B k according to registered plan of th ite of the said city of Prince Kut posited in the aforesaid Land |! Office as No, 923. AND TAKE NOTICE irauion of one month the tirst publication of Grand Trunk Pacific Rai‘way C« house that after the ex from the mpa under Section 7 of the said Act apply t the Minister of Public Works at his in the City of Ottawa for approy said site and plans, and for leave struct the said warehouse Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this Thursday and Saturday at 8 o Sundays at 7:30 p.m Range e * the first inf Inlet Said site and British Columbia, Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION AcrT. this notice, the day of May A. D. 1916. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. H. H. HANSARD, Sol Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday, m in his life! Prince Albert is’ such friendly tobacco that it just makes a man sorry he didn’t get wind of this pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets firm set And P. A. can’t bite or parch! by the patented process by which it ismade! Prince Albert has always been so!d without coupons or premiums, We prefer to give quality! Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know how! Ask your dealer for Prince Albert. If he cannot supply you, ask him to secure it through his wholesaler. Quick as you can, understand yourse/f how much you'll like “x » PRINGE ALBERT the international joy smokg It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if men all over the world prefer P, A, that it must have al/ the quatre to satisfy your fondest desires? > Men get us right on Prince Albert! you this tobacco will prove better than youcan figure out, it’s sochummy and fragrant and inviting all the time, Just realize that you can smoke ali you want without a comeback! AA" Wp MLL LM He counts it lost N That’s cut out Wy We tell Prince Albert is sold throughout Canada, gen- * erally, in the ip-lb. tidy red tin, also in pound and haif- pound humidors, R. J. REYNOLDS - TOBACCO COMPANY Winstou-Salem, N. C., ’ U.S.A. SSS SW S