THE DAILY NBWS Hnltmhy, January 7 The Daily News GIL LETT'S LYE THE MAILS Safo'c CATS DIRT . MiLa ta um tlmt? THC LEADINti NEWSPArER IM NORTHERN MMTIJll COUlMHiA Phlptf OianiUtMr I. . Published Dairy aad Wkr For the East. Hal-IUilaU-iM ar Ilwte, . Guaranteed LargMi Circulation Tuesdays, 2 a. in. -ship to::,- Wednesdays, 0:3u a. in. .lna!?ly "9 HEAD UFFICIi Saturdays, 0:30 a, m. inrj Uoii 3rd Prince llupcrt., ' fiews lltiilding, Ave, Telephone H, Prom tht) fast. Ve f,f f. IHAM8IKN1 DIISPIAY ADVKIlTK"LNtl 5V etila peir mult lmirac! Tuesdays, 6:30 p. hi. rate on application. Thursdays, 5:30 p. m. im? a. r. SHUBERT, Inc. KSJi.r m Sundays, 3:10 p. m. v DAILY EDITION Saturday, Jan. 27, 1017. For Vancouver. Tuesday! p. m. PATfteNAOC appoints any man to a position, Thursdays, 0 p. m. hi ilon. T. D. Patlullo has recently .whose solo qualification Sundays, t p. m. ' WINTER SCHEDULE been made the object of for the position Is his political Jl&lUCTT COMPAWUHrrgJL From Vancouver. a bitter attack by the Vancou- faith, the government shall . Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. 8. 8. PRINCE OEORQE er Province because of tils, have failed n Dowser failed. Fridays, 3 p. in. THURSDAY 12 Midnight f,or Vancouver having had the temerity to ap-! If any appointee of tho Hrew-j Sundays, 7 p. m. Victoria and Seattle. point bis own deputy. The sler government lakes an active Kemp, minister o f militia. Alternate Mondays from Janti- WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX Province went so far as to'fcay, part in parly politics, that that the change in the lands j man is false to his emnlnvera. I ..Does II..Mr.......nm.nll.Kemp take V.1 the 1 I view I ... ! ary 9i, 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Ul lliu time-lit a Pee Ketchikan, Wreat" eueaee ee ttaay Jeneart I41X, fjsul- uuiihiivis Paear For department had caused a split the people, and ought to be dis Anyoi. to returned soldiers taken by 7th sue (1st, March 7th end 11 aU in the Liberal party in Victoria. missed immediately. That Pre Sergeant-Major Creighton of Wednesdays, 10 p, m. POR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS aert 17th and Sltt, Ptheaaei 1ik That tbe Province deliberately j mier Drowsier and his minis 8 ad rtu. Frlilays, m. the city hall staff? Does he p. tried to mislead the people, wo! ters will fulfill their pledges to PA8SENOER TRAIN SERVICE In' propose to confine openings Sundays, 8 p. in. (in tint hpllnvo. lint thnl ft hii' the people we believe thorough the service of the people of tVedeeedar and SeleeOar at 1 1 10 a. m. fee Smtthere. Prleee Oaea. t. From Anyoi. a correspondent in Victoriawho ly and that a civil service com mealen, Saalateeej ead Wlaalaea, ellaf aaealet theee fee all e4u Canada soldiers who to is, to put it mildly, unreliable, mission will very shortly be can Thursdays, Hundays and Tuesdays. eaal end aeath. .Sllaed teal every Tedat at 4 a. m. show cards of membership In .is very evident. From reports active in this province Is cer Conservative associations? Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. of the recent meeting of the lain, as uie Tory papers Having stood in lino in the Tho Islands. For Information and reservations apply lo Liberal Association in Victoria, pointed out during the election City Ticket Office, S28 Third Avenue. PHONE 2o trenches against the enemies Mail closes. it is clear that the matter was campaign, the new government of the Kmpire, must Liberals Jan. 17 nml dint at 8 m. not even mentioned. has tackled a big job, in fact p. who desire places in the public Mr. Patlullo has made a the Victoria Colonist said it Feb. tllli ami 28th at 8 p. in. service now stand in line behind characteristic reply to the was attempting the impossible soma stay-at-home ward Mall Arrives. Province attacks and states in in seeking to abolish the pa. heeler? Mr. Kemp cannot afford January 21st, February 17th very emphatic terms his reasons tronage system, but Premier CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY lo Ignore (he Issue raised by and March 3rd, for making tho change. Drewster is just the man for , Sergeant Major Creighton' The Minister of Lauds has always the big Job and he has already remark lo-Sergeant Soloman. kt St. Vtaaoo. SJt. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points had the courage of his shown that he is tackling it in Toronto Globe. x P. Wllttama. R a.. UL R via Steamer to Vancouver and the convictions and is not afraid no half-hearted fashion, eveu WILLIAMS A HANSON CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to make changes, where he considers to borrowing the support of an SUrplatsra, Sotloltopt, Kte. Meets end Berth included m Steerre JUN AND TIDE them necessary in the Ottawa official. ONEV TO LOAN interests of the people of this Sunday, January 28th. Ret (It! Princess Maqulnna for Oranby Bay Friday 11 p. m. province. SOLDIERS, QET IN LINK! Nltrrii Blort PHoce Raaerl. B. C Sun rises ....8:34 a. m. Princess Southbound Sunday 6 m. Maqulnna p. Playing tbe game of politics Is it necessary for a returned as they know it, il is only soldier" in Toronto to Join a Sun sets , 4:26 p. m. Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, January 29th. High water ....5:3 lit. 21.2 a.m. natural that the Tory party Conservative ward association Low water ..11:11 lit. S.6 should immediately grasp the before he has any chance of a.m. J. !. PETERS, General Atrent High water ...5:21p.m. lit. 18.5 opportunity to holler "patronage," securing a government position? Stuart J. Martin Low water ..lUIOp. m. lit. C.t Co'nee Fourth Sreet enj Thlret Avenue, Peirtc KvpeH. B.C simply because the Liberals Is the spoils system still 29th. staled during the election In operation? Can no Liberal Monday, January ASSAYKH Sun rises... 8:53 a. ni. campaign that they would do who has fought for his country Sun sets 1:2? p. m. away with the patronage system. hope lo servo it in time of NAZELTON SI. C. High water ...5:10a.m. III. 20.4 peace without renouncing his Low water 2 mV HI. fi.3 . Patronage consists of the political creed? These questions -.12:1 p. High water ...6:29p.m. 111.16.0 appointing of men to government are forced to the front by The oldest established Assay Mctiee. M. 6. A. M. uaptain positions, not because of the uncontradicted statement 'the Offlco In North. their qualifications, but because that Sergeant Soloman, a returned they have rendered some soldier wounded In Call the Pony Kxpress for wood service to the party in power. France, was told by Sergeant-Major cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. It is notorious that many of Creighton at the city Desl household coal and general the employees of the McHride-Bowser hall, when he applied for a transfer. Piano moving our government were not position, to "go and Join the STEEN & L0NGW1LL Servants of tbe people, but! Second Ward Conservative Association rt-pcclalty. Prices mxCTale. political agents of the govern-) and get in line for a tOI. It. W. nugef. tf. SANITARY AND HCATINQ ment. If any of these have to) government Job." The sergt ENGINEERS be removed by the new government, major says he told the returned Sheets, pillow cases, blankets. that government is soldier to see the Conservative bed-spreads receive 20 our re doing a service to the people of Patronage Committee, not lo Agents for duction Geo. I tf. Tile. this province, and that is their jqin the association, but that McCLARY FURNACES doty. They were put In power is a very lame excuse. to clean up the political situation The statement made by Soo-man Salvation Army. FLUMatfNG The Royal aStamndard Test in this province, and if is all the more significant Public meetings. Tuesday and they fail to do so, they will be when it is remembered that the fhursday and Saturday at R n. m SHEET METAL WORKS Here's where we test (He false to their pledges. Second Ward is of the a part 'twdave. at 7!30 m p. Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. of Canada's If the Drewster government constituency of the Hon. A. E. choacett samples Night phones S76 alt taXon acre wheat crop. MVMMSLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. and Hlue 270 a. a. a. onajtee it. We grind tbeta into dour in Ibe BKST Tho right work, at tho right little a3 you see oa the left of time, and at tho right prieo. Tickets llama B. Bablartoa and 5ormaa R. the picture. Thea comes tho Brodhum of the aty of Prince Ropert, If in llw rrorlnce of British CorambU. here supreme Icat-lxeaJ-balint. by five notice tbal tncy br nailer it- LAND ACT tbe bread is perfect in every loewar. Uon 7 of tbe Mid act deposited vim the mark, Finland, Italy an stwaele. Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and way we pronounce the wheat sailinm moa NfW VORS In ibe omce of tbe District rurulrtr cf VANCOUVER LAND OISTNICT DISTRICT A I sad the flour-ROYAL Stockholm" ...... February tott) TlUe at Uie Land IterUtry Office at tbe Of COAST, RANI a. STANDARD. Krtatlaniarjora" February 17th. City of rrlnce Rupert aroreaald a description TAKE HOTICE that I. Leo Stanley Bor-dun, Tnlted States" February Itth. or Ute site and tbe plans ot a barf ot Ocean rails, B. C. occvpaiioo mill AT YOUR GROCER'S "Oscar II" March 7th. proposed to be bailt In Henslanr Bay, secretary. Intend to apply for permission Rave Your Reeervatieae mate brtf. Lanrara Island, la front of Lota tit and lo ptircbsie Ibe folio lor described lands: YancouYerMilliMSGrainCftUd:J BmL STAIOAD Tor Rates. Illnstrsted Folders end Its, Qoren Charlotte Island Land District. Commencing at a post planted about Ave ftrl information A poly to Province of British Columbia. chain, dtaiam and In a westerly direction DVRMAVN HANSON AD TAKE NOTICE that after tbe ex-plratlun from the soatbwesl corner af Lot tl, of one month from tbe dale of Rente S, Coast DislrUt, tbeace south 10 Insurance an Staemahl Afeaer, tbe flrsl publication of tbit notice itbe chains thence east IS chains tbence north Prince Rii pan. R. a said Hume B. Bablnrton and JtonnaO' R. to chains) tbence west It chains, to this Brodbnrst mill tinder taction 7 of 'tbe poet, eontslnlnt In all tboul 41 acres. said act spply to tbe Minister of Public LEO STAN LET BURD0.1. U-betbei- Works at bit office In tbe aty or Ottawa, NOVEMBER S, It It. ' r. t. rrortnre of Ontario, for approval of tbe For Yourself said site and plan's and tor leave to roc MINERAL ACT oraaa Let Ui Save You Money on your tract DATED tbe at aaid Prince wharf,Rupert. B. C. this Notice to Delinquent Partners. GUI to your Friend, 17 lb day of December. A. D. I til. To Orsnt Mahood and Patrick Daly. Gasoline or Distillate WILLIAMS k MA.ISOrf, TAKE NOTICE I bat whereas we have Solicitor for tbe Applicant done and caused to be done assessment work by surveys on tbe Daly, Sullivan. We guarantee to save you 25 pr cent, on gasoline or distillate and Edith and l-ols Mineral Claims, situated In PERRIN'S upkeep and freo any-motor from CARBON troubles. A seven ounce the Sahnrm Bear hlvrr District, Portland box of Carbonvotd is equivalent to (O gallons of'gasoline, fcvery box WI aUAJUUlTIK IB PER CENT. Canal Mining Division, for tbe year lilt. of Carbonvotd will savs you MVINO. WHY PAT MORE and have paid fr said work and record $15 In gasoline Carbonvoid the and give from PON inr tame the sum or ttio.ot, unlets you GLOVES 400 to 600 ad-Carbonvold puts ditional mi leu. piy to ti a the turn or tt 11.00 for your is a dry powder you FIRE tbare of said asaeasmeni work, totelber "GO" in Gasoline just drop in the : : tank. Will re- with the cost of tblt advertlmtnt, we Tha from well known FciTin trademark at move all caroon eylindera. shall at the eiplrttion or ninety (tt) dayt The larireat companies In the world uie it. TUB ALLIES ORDERED INSURANCE from the date hereof, apply to the Minlnr shown In rats should be on every glove IN JUNE 288,000 CARTONS. Previous order 250,000 cartons. Fully at Stewart, H. C, to have Recorder your funded. Mailed of$1.60 you get, aa this assure you perfection of guaranteed or your montyre anywhere on reca-ipt interests In the said Daly, Sullivan, Ediin OLD, 8TR0NQ OOMPANIKtf and Lol mineral claims vested In us. In Style, Fit and Finish. For Sale Only by BEE pursuance of the provisions of the Mineral Geo. L, Clayton, - Prince Rupert, B.C. CONSOLIDATED!Itorun II Smith EOURITIES,Block LTD. ACS,Dsted tl Victoria, B. C, this I lib rit) 4lmn tkm tHd tser aefi lA PHOS1I B1 and BLACK MS Of November, A. D. It It. ai4 PK MUM'S CLOVBS. james Mcdonald. 2 tsuy, 'J r tl. FREDERICK, C WINKLER. p. a. oawsoN PRINCE RUPERT, 0-