For the Up-standing MAILS THE The Daily News Manat the front, in the HIE LtAO'NS MCWirA.l-i MJRTMtRN BRITISH CmuMlliA the WRIGLEYS the firing line ror PttMitbeJ Du'f ene) Weekly trenches, on Guaranteed Largest Clreulitlon in any business, the best 9:90 3 "' food ;o sustain energy and ede. IJliAU HICK strength Is Shredded Wheat uturday. :?u "u A-New Ltvd Imilv Ne- fmitdinff, 3rd Ave, IT tier Hiipert. BiacuU, the food that from the EaU TMA.NKIKM DIPleA AllVKKTHINO 1 evnt imt iihMi 4tritra- supplies in a digestible form lue4l' 30 I m rafPS application tlie greatest nmount of bodybuilding mur.las. 51(1 P', m. Tempting nutriment at lowest tmndajs. J lO p. in. OAILV EDITION Wednesday, May V. ID 17. cost. A better balanced For Vancouver. ration than meat, or eggs, or luesafiyK. I r hf. " Two or three of Thursdays IDTf. liU THE RAILROAD PROBLEM people this Dominion lias more potatoes', m Minfay. P- 'j,, The solution of the railroad transcontinental lines than the these Biscuits with milk VancouVer.t rrom problem recommended to I'ar-liament United SUlcs had when its make a satisfying, nourishing by tlie Commission ot DODiilation was mer 40.000.- breakfast that puts you in a v. .dr.. .days. 10:30 a. ill. experts nppomled last session 000. To the U370.3O3.OOO ex-1 condition for the i i i.lftv. 3 p. in. with .......i .i AM at... .....i..... v..m ! top-notch KOx n part of the way - iiiiday. P. I". I...... el. l ..f I'nn I ClfiV fi work. Deltciously the proposal of Sir Thomas ti.Tii:ite Mondays frout Jant- Tait, Issued in pamphlet form ada have given either ly direct j wnoiesome ana nounsmng recently and referred to some subsidy or on the strength o, for any meal with berries, or ar lt. day ago. The difference between their credit nearly joo ooo .( othcr fr fruits. Made in For Anyoi. the two Is mainly ono of 000. The llxed charges ef this ( , o4nulay-s, 10 p. m. , scope. The Commission would line are greater than those of I L&"aQa - r nrtays, H p. in, As toothsome Trunk, the the Canadian Pacific and the. merge the Grand 8 the Sunday l, p m. as name Kings" and other Important (Irani! Trunk Pacific, the National company does not aiearlyjparn per-enough Anro; From Transcontinental, the to pay them. Tli6Jan- snnage. implies. Canadian Northern and the Intercolonial adian Northern, the Oraml! In the matler of cornering corn Thursday nHday. and Tues in one system owned Trunk Pacific and the Inter- 'Joseph was a mere piker corn-colonial days. Delicious,lontf-lasting. by the nation and operated now co.l the couulry pared with the wheat speculators by a company formed for the annually sums running into of Canada and the United Stales, COAL NOTICES The purpose, the only beneficiary millions. The question is: (The world has turned upbn its third of the "nM ",nc6 lne ,a" DUTSICT I w MCOHDIHO LAND stockholders being the-people shall, or can, Canada continue MtlNA of Canada. The Canadian Pacific to bear this drain' for privately of the Pharaohs. ISTHICT Or QUICN CHAMLOTTS UtASJO Wrigley trio would be left out of the owned a anj operated a roaus w l.i, mMrm Uttt WIHUtS Dill, ut Vir of refreshing scheme. Sir Thomas Tait would shall it cut the Gordian knot WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE tuna. K C. oeenauon arcosatant. islet!. include that railroad in a national by taking over the whole business? . "" - confections. syntem, acquiring It un-der Sooner or later all the Under the auspices of the Scan .i d retnJeuM OO Um tt rua.t Hall. m.bM uund. In Ticiwty of Wet rtr K. of P. dinavian Society. raiiroads in this country, indeed perpetual lease. 0 a poai ta w bu Good for teeth, t?lh. Game continences The v Tail idan thus goes and In every country, are May much farther than the commission's going to be nallonalited. This n. m. An engine, donated by if.l. thNMe Borta la IWce eaiil breath, appetite, which Akerberjr, Thomson A Co., will be t rh.m thffK ftotttb It Cham, uwttc recommendation, is now- the case in practically raffled for the II ed Cross, t fresh eti cnama to potnl of cwnnw-ixTnwiii digestion. is at best a compromise and, if j all the countries of RuroRe. WILUAM uiao.. be half-way well into King Salmon, etc.. for the benefit Brooa. ateat. adopted, would a Canada might as get March It. ItlT. Auitia step either to the control of all line now, particularly In view df the Ilurial-Ptot Fund of the Sealed Tgif LAND mCOSiDIHO DISTaiCT I Flc- (AICNA the railroads of Canada by the of the fact that she can acquire Lodge. Wes'tholm Orchestra. I STRICT OF QUCtN CMANLOTTt ISLANDS Kepi Right! Canadian people or their control some of the systems on favorable freshments and programme. by the Canadian Pacific. terms. Tickets 50 cents. Take nouee that Tamer Rotiitn Mailea.1 This .country's transcontinental of Victoria, B. c. occopauoa iMrtnaai in Throe of kind Chew It after cannot be NOTES AND COMMENTS The Daily News delivered by leoda te apply for peruUk.o to proapect Keep tbem In mind railroad system t..r mmi rwi winaieum va the it coait meal half publicly and half privately carrier, 50 cents per month. , of Uraham Itland. la Utwty of Weft titer every owned and operated. If it were The Canadian Government is a4MciiciBc at a pwat ptaatm one um auin t tbe aoatheatt comer of C L the Intention to take over lh? giving the actions of food speculators COAL NOTICES 7. tbmco eet chains, thenco nor la I MADE IX CANADA roads specified in the Commis its "most serious consider- it ekaina. thence eatt it cbaial, Utravce ON SALE WlttSEYZX CONTOrTIONS ASK BOLD sion's recommendation and , ....... SKCtNA LAND RCCOROINQ DISTWICT otith chalna to poUt of cvmatenceiaent v. .....i itprinnslr and honestly operate 'ment jaiiuui is quicker in action, and STRICT OS QUICN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Tt HrK NoTIIW ELL SlU-L. The Flavour Lasts!, March II. HIT. AatUa Brottn. arenL them as a national 'system thejmay be depended upon to do Take) MUc that James MCtiUty. ot Canadian Pacific would demand Something suddenly. But we rnnea Unpen, occupation mertJunt. tn-lendt 3CCCNA LAND RCCOROINQ DISTRICT-1 to apply far permisslea to proepeel ICTRICT Of QUI IN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS to be included and that demand hardly anticipate that it will.adopt for coal and prlroleutn on lb el eoatt would have every justification the suggestion of a member of f Graham itltnd In Um vleUUty or vvtai Take BUico thai Ames lirvwft, of Vic behind ft. The only alternative the Senate and either hang the Her. b,rix t occviaUll laienoa v. ! the eonamendnt at a tot tilaated mm mile iiuuv fur Mmoaaioa to proepect for cvaii to this, as we have pointed out. speculator or cast hint behind oats At atiUeail, comer el C L StaT; and Mtrolewa on wtat coait of Orahaa Spring Schedule is an arrangement unuer wuim ;oars. throce imuUi IS cnaina, tbenc eait so l.l.iut la alrlnll nr Weil ruer. the C P. II. would be in u- tbaua. Uteace. nortk IS cbaini. Utenc comnwocutc: at a poet pun lea two naie preme control an arrangement, Ottawa Citizen: It now- appears eat St chain to point of CMnmeocriseaL uum of ike swulbeeJl cwener l 8. 8. PRINCE GEORGE which, needless to say. that wooden ships are the great JAMES XCHUI. iil. thence well 10 chalna, thence THURSDAY 12 Mltfnlflht f.0 r Vaneootor Mir re Ji. It IT. Auitia Brown, arenL u.,rib aa chains thence eaal St Victoria and Seattle. would be challenged at once by need of the Allies, and that every Ibence too IS SO chalna, lo point of Com the Canadian public. No half 'effort must be made by the United tKttNA LAND RCCOROINQ DISTRICT meactUtroL WEDNESDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX measures will be practicable. States. Hrilain and Canada to get ISTRICT Of QUICN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS AOXU BROWS. f Hither Canada must go the such vessels ready. All of which March II. ItlT. Auatla Broun, attnl I Fee BeUAIIae. Wraet!. 0-a, star 1h Koat. of Prince Vaeceetee via, iw mv Tike sutlce that Joaeph whole route or leave the situation is a sad commentary on the political himert. B. n. occuraUoo protpector, in VACCMA LAN0 RCCOROINQ DISTRICT I R. 9. PRINCE ALBERT as It Is. Sir Thomas Tait bunkum regarding a Canadian lendi to konlr lor rwrmUilun to proepeel ISTRICT Or QUICN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I fee Qeeea Cbartetle bUMi a, Ota es tSe. fee Vaaeeetee " sees this clearly and his pro-noal dreadnought fleet of a few years for oual and petroleum on Ike wett coatl that Kdmrd rulard, of eee iwm. Itland. In Ulcluly Of Welt Take notice or Graham provides-for the acquisi ago Lua Anaelea. occupation eaitoeer. Intend I PASSENQEH TRAIN SERVICE and behalf of rlter:-- for permiealvn 14 p rue pec I for weeaeeear m r., . - on tion operation iisinrnrmi fnun a poet planted one U apply a-aetlea tbeea lee ai r The hand- of fate ha fallen cual and petroleum oo wa e,i cvi vi M.UI, SaelateM ae Wnlt. the stale of all the systems. mile tooth or the aoutbweal corner of C itei " t'aia nniiani uiinj. in vtcinitr or Weil riier eat ed aeetb. .' eeaef The problem is of trernen i heavily upon all the members of Itll. throce kmiU SO chains, thence eatt Linos. mile Stoamthlp lo throce north SO chains, thence Cotuuroclac si a poet planted i Agtncy All Ocean nalns. lux ih IaIm Itnldiii finvrrmneiit of UI'UV aim,iiituuv p- -- rormneocemenL uulh of the aoulheait corner of C U v . enwa.w eAaatfV tk I lr.fl 01 M T't fl K ri u rbatni to polal of rant inn ruiaiiiiu iftt f too many transcontinental rail-! Manitoba, with the exception of JOSEPH ROWAT. ttST, thence neat SO chalna, thence aorta t-i.w., nrnra. R?C Third Avenue. PHONE W aa rfa.iui thence eatt SO Chalna. tbance r J I IVRwt w t w wt ..n.i tlaitrriad con. Hon. "Hob" Hogers. who bak Marrs si. HIT. Anitin Brown. arenL aoth so chains to potst of cotnatenceiucnL .f,Hi.i(in hna mil at rinrwil hrr'ttintentrilly in the favor of Sir r a a uitaras '(- -- - - - DISTRICT EDWARD riCKAMU. K, hv a niil marcirr. llobert Horden. who seeiiii to con SIEINA STRICT LAND OF QUICN RCCOROINQ CHARLOTTE ISLANDS March at. ItlT. Anitin Brown. aienL with i... th-in ii?hi million aider him fit to "stand before SKCCNA LAND RICORDINO DISTRICT Take notice that Joan WlllUm Coaa, or ISTRICT Of QUIIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS RAILWAY tii.ta, a. occtipaUon merchant. Intend! CANADIAN PACIFIC MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT la tfplj for permlnton lo proepect Take notico thai Jainei Ray, of Vlcwru. r,,r .-oai and petrotrnm on tbe well coait houl Inunda B. C. occapaUon preprietor. U Eastern Points .tUTICe TO DEUSQCLJtT PARTS Ell f Graham Hlaod. In rtelnlty of Wet river. i.i anbiv fur Mrmiaaloo lo proepect for Lowest ite e Certificate of Improvements anmenclBr at a poet planted two miles ui and uetruleum oa the weal coatl ot via StRwr to Vancouver arid the Take notice, wnerra I hava done and .u(h or the southeait corner of C. L. Orahain Uleod. In ticiniiT or Waal. ...nver CANADIAN PACIFIC PJUWAY NOTICE rauiml to be done aeicitment nork on tbe 7; thence neil 10 enainj thence soota I Outiuueoclat- at a pott planted at toe I tnH Iterlh lrelu Sieerr"- Caritmu MiiMTtl CUlm ltuu tn the Mldnirbt rractuw mineral claim, altuated to ebami. thence eal II chalna. thence outunea! corner of C. L. lltl. tbrnce tkteu Mlninr Dl'ltton ot Cuiiar DUtrtct nn im IIHaiMw rtt.r nbrmt ronrteen mllet trth s i-batoa lo pntnt or commencement. weet SO chain, thence aottth SO chains. Arm Friday 11 P When tocsltd: Ner brtd ot Alice rrom tbe bead of Alice Arm, In toe Skecna join wiUjam 003 s, taence eatt kO thaina. thence Burin so Princes. May for Oranby Cay and Alice Arm. B.C. iiulnlor diTUlun ot Skeena dlatrlcl, aaaetl Mtrrh St, ItlT. Matin Brown, ItmL cfcaiiu to point of CMumencrmcnL Vancouver via Cce.n Falls, Sunday 6 p m TrtA BltcMt, nm work tt.r Itll. Itll. and ISIS, and Princess Way for TAKE ROTICE lt U 1. JAMLI RAT. Fie Miller's Crtihcu So. C. seiinr have paid for aald work and recordinr SXEENA LAND RCCOROINQ DISTRICT March 31. It IT. Auitia Brown, awa Princess Sophia for the t:utti Trlday. Way 11th. tfrol for VT. k. Wllliuns. rre Miner's uux the aura of, tiOT.a. Cnleai you pay ISTRICT OP QUICN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS CrllBct .to. itll C. Intend. Uljr dayl ine ibr turn or 1101.SO. (or your thart SKCCNA LAND RCCOROINQ DISTRICT from tb (UU bertof, to ipply to Xt of Um aald aiteaMnent work, torether with r.ka uuiire that lioalirn Poke, of Port ISTRICT OP QUIIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS J 1. PETERS, Ceneria Aecnl the ruft or tbla aleertlaemenl. I tball. at or Improvements," Recorder ror Certinest hotel la-leodl Wlnint land. Ore., occupation proprietor, n.C . . of day from Take notice that rrtdcrlck Morrsch, of ' i V.lrm Uun.ll. (to) of obuimnr lbe etplraUon ninety for ids purpose U applj fr prmliiKn to proepeel . In- v irli-ii 11 C oci ubatlaa aaleanian. Crovn Oram of the atr cUlm. tbe date bereor apply to toe nuninr recorder fur co I and petroleum on the wett coait B. C, to bare Ivndt to atply for permuilon to protpect at Prince liopert, tako notice tnat action, un-6rr And furttxr uf Urabaiu Itland. In the vicinity of Weil aectlon It mult be commenced berui yonr mtereita in the Mldnirbt rractlon rlter. fur roai ana peiroieom on ue wcti coaei ruineril claim veiled in me. In pursuance r r.rahara IiUimL In vlclnllr at Wett river. the ittnance or stub CertlOcate or lot-lrovrmeuU, Cfcmmencioc al a pot planted one mile rr th rroleUina of the mineral aeL cunuiencini at s pott planted tno mllet aouth of Ihe aouiheau mrnrr ot c. L. B. C. tbla 1 1 tn uf the aoulheait earner of C L D Dated at I'rince Rupert, of March, A, Dated ttui tJlh day 971: ibniee south SO cbalni, tbence neal I dr of April, ItlT. 17 it f I, ibence ceil so cbaiiu,' thence sootn ISI7. north SO thence 10 chain, tbence chalna, riiiLura. ao rinlui. Ibence wett lu cbalni. thence c. ii. I, FRED RITCIIie. Arent eatt so rbama to point of cumniencenMni. gc U As -: north 10 chalna mtutiui:lo point or MUERsai,cotuoieneeiucnL March II. ItlT. Auitia Brown, trcnL March 11. HIT. Autun Brown, aitnt. KIINA LAND RICOROINQ DISTRICT SKCCNA LAND RCCOROINQ DISTRICT Launch Alice B. ISTRICT OF QUIIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT Or QUCCN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Take notice iliat ol.'ter Prows, of Vic Take notice that John Booth, of Lot toria, B. C, occupation macniniit, Intrnda lAotelee. -octupetloii coniracior. Intend! t rOR METLAHATLA to apply for pvruiUtHn to protpect for!apply fur pcrmlttion to protpect for mat unsaya and Wailin r.l aru CM'iroieuni oo tbe eal eoatt ef land pvlrslruui on lbs rtl coatl of Ora urihani Itland.lo vicinity of Weil river. 'ham Itland. in vicinity or Writ rlvtr, At l noun, t and (p.m. cmitiuenrUiiat poal planted twv tuiin I ixiuifM-nrlni si s poal planted two inllei RETURN FARE 91.00 aouth of the aoulheait corner or C. L. aoulh of tbe aootbeeit corner of C L can 9971: trwnce aouth to cbaini, Iheuce ctl OITI; Ibrrkce eaal to chalna, thence aorta so rbatni. Ibence nurih to chain. Ilieore ISO rltaUkt. Ibence ett so chalna. tbeiu W. i. THOMAS, fbeiie, letrn In etitln to point of i"nuncnrcwcnl aoulh 10 cbalni to point of coiuniencrrLenl. The DailyNf Oeean 381, OUV'lll BRUWN, I J0II.1 BUOTII, Subscribe for Marrh 11, HIT Auiitn Brown, arrnt, March II, ItlT Auttln Brown, atent. EMPRESS COFFE PRINCE B. a uueeeU.Eaa.LE DISTRIBUTOR f O. DAWSON