f library The Daily news vo l VIII. ko. in. I-niNCK IIUI'HKT, M. "Ot TUEMMY. MAY 15, 1017. I'HIGK HIVK OWN'IT CERMANS CeUMTEK"ATTACK V fflT FIERCELY ENEMY MAKES VAIN ENDEAVORS TO DRIVE ALLIES FROM CAPTURED POSITIONS HINDENBURG'S ATTACK ON FRESNOY THE CITY COUNCIL COST GERMANS DEAR AW WATERFRONT ATTACKS ARE Uiiidon. May 12. Corr-p,ij At the meeting of the city council nt Itritf headauarlers m last evening, it was moved by CONTINUOUS; referring to the situation Aid. Mcltae and seconded by Aid. Montgomery, that the city clerk, . .at iresnoy, tay the village had be and is hereby authorized and luccattlve Attacks by tha Enemy,,M''n ,irncH I" htd ever siw-c directed to forward the attached Fait to Dltlodgo the Allies,' dip aiiailiitiu captured it lasi resolutions to the HonT..D. Pat-lullo, Grip on Hlndonburg Thursday. At the Hritish were minister of lands, Victoria. Raids Repulaod. iHit in poesioii of Ihr villas The council having had under .. . . I t !...Ill I - ji .unci ant ippy, respective- , consideration a letter from the tttM to Ttw p.iiy !. 'MX to north ami south. Fresnny Hon. T. D. Pattullo, dated the London. May 1 5,-To the north wa; y "',o:f,1- lnding j lith day of April, 1017, relating r'oul frt"n the like a basl.on. , uie claims ot uie cuy ui i-riuce of fcpeliy and to the north I ft r 0erman(, mau ,ron(r .,tackl, Rupert foj the granting to the Tpres, the Hrltlsli troops . re-j daily on each side of the village ! city of waterfront lots In the city pjt4 raids last night; In the to prevent the Hritish from Bet-! of Prince Ilupert, resolves as follows:- MM sector, the entire village tliffe forward lo strengthen their! y iu fallen into the hand of the lWIoni. That the council does not con- ' In their final assault the Gcr-Rrilitb, Mur in thq observations and sug Thin place lias been ii L., . . , jinan employed vaslly more men I gestions of the minister of lands, tlorui oi nuiiuiiB ir wio pv,than the Hriiuh had used in tak as regards the government wharf. ttfee or four days. At Fresnoy ing (he village. Their )oe are That the council considers its ib4 llullfcouft, the enemy coun-Ut declared to have been "o severe requesl for lots 1 and 2 and the tltacki have been continuous that if we bad lined up every man vacant space between the govern tad the lighting hat been of the we had on the field we thould ment wharf and lot 1 is proper rrtalesl Intentity. lloeux it one not have approached them i and moderate. t tbe key potltiont of the Oppy number, and if tbe operatipu That tbe present claims for the topplemental line of the enemy. cost ut tome ground , have a city are not to be considered as By progressing at thlt point, and large credit In man power to balance a waiver In case the city should DtiaUlning an unbreakable hold it." again present their claims for c3 Hullecourt the Hritish have a Not Main Defender. further consideration. trip on two parla of the vaunted The Canadans apparAiitly were That the council will gladly Hindenburg line. not the mam defender of the avail itself of the opportunity to Otrman Official. position, the brunt of the attack meet the O. T. P. and the minister ' have retaken the i-ulnt of falling on oulh Hngland troops. of lands for the consideration of B3tcourL whose stubborn resistance it very those lots known as Cow Bay highly praised. It U said that nroperty. AVAL FIGHT EXPECTED they were worn out and compelled These resolutions replaced the lo give way beforg.overwhelming lengthy' letter which Aid. Mcltae (vrUl U Tt Ustty .iws.) strength. XeverthelesC It was Ihe introduced" LTnae'lSeunell at Ihe same men who, after an bour'( MMBaMMMMMVK previous meeting and which the London, May 15, It it expected refused to sign. At that breathing spell, realtacked and , f"' mayor sere that a big naval battle may the meeting it was agreed that the recovered a Urge pari of -jJ the future. The- ?vm in near city clerk should embody its subject le ground. The correspondents ! o.varenlly aloitett raldt by the matter in resolution form. Oerman deslroirrt scribe the setback as b?ing on a , recently are Having this in mind. Aid. Casey bound! small scale and such at It reftrded at feeler. Germany asked the for the elimina to from time lo lime, j reason slake her whole in occur pro- may navy one tion of so much matter from the latt great chance. vido.l the enemy Is willing loi stand the losses such assault resolutions which was contained entail. in the said letter- MORE DCPOftTATIONS It was thereupon explained by qgyjMBBBBBJMBBBBMMjMBJMMBBBBBBBBBBB Aid. Mcltae that the elimination ffUl lo Ttx fully .tews. FISH ARRIVALS cbnsisted of all matters of a contentious Havre, Nay 15, An official an-lounreinent nature and hoped for the There were ijulle a number of bat been received by bbVShBbbVbVbVBbVb resolutions the support of the the Itelgian Government here lo fishing boats in the harbor yesterday, council. 1 tbe effect that all male between having arrived over the I'NCLK SAM MAKKS DIW.WVKHY. Saill Tor have a remarkably large The resolutions suited the the agea of fifteen and sixty-five weekend with their catches. The A Uncle a-wmall boy, you he of thing approved ' one ne been deported from the Hel. Alaska had 50.000 pounds of hali appetite Fro mlhe ew York Times. being mayor,their brevity, and on the ln province of Luxembourg to but; Magnolia, 17.000; llrolbers, motion' question being put, the ork in France and Germany. 17,000; Homer. 7,000; inelma, RUSSIAN MINISTER FORT GEORGE ELECTION !THE NAVAL ATTACK carried unanimously. 11,000: Active, 10,000; Itringold, STRIKE IN LONDON 10.000; lkros. 5.000; Mayflower, Of WAR RESIGNS. CAMPAIGN ENQUIRY ON ZEEBRUGGE THE CITY IS IN 1,000; I). C F 7.000; Doreen, FINANCIAL SHAPE tJl q Tbs tuily .".) 8,000; Jap. 6,0001 Uprightly, 5rrll to Tbe Pally Vvi Victorifa, II t ll-Tl!..n. sprrla! lb The Dtlly Mcwsj f m . . ... Wolf. 1.000; while the '"'"in, .-ioy io. nusinen are 1.000; I'etrograd, . May 15. General nt ,n unnn,..!nn .vlh London. May to. from tne In his report to the city council in strike The output of munition Oarrulher came In wllh 100,000 Oulchkoff, linister of war ui Uie . .. .... many reports regarding the at read at the meeting held last . it being retarded ilia jr nil anris oi usn lUKen uy . t..i., 1 n i. . mo flection oi v it. uoss, i,on . terioutly iiuvtTUIiiciii. was - the coast night, Mr. E. D. Johnson, the city t Zeebrugge. on on tig to their walkout. trwwl. ' . IretiRned. Ue prefaced his resig- "en alive, in the Fort C.eorge dis, stated that the city's This morning tbe Corona it In naUon wiih a ,iramatlcalb signi- trict, are to be probed with Judgo..if "Hgiom on aturday, It is un treasurer, all GENERAL NEWS ITEMS nort with 35.000 lbs. halibut; flrnn, -., . , jcIm v v...,' ao, on. .i.-i.t-i ylertood that It was nen big 1800,000 treasury notesare - - taken and that the whole debt up? T-ddy J. with IS.000; Allce.7.00;Vof 'U1? rePOrl1 ' MUn?mUtan pf the city Is.permanently financ jUI lo Ths Plly Mews.) mi nv.ral other tma er ..... -- ...nu - ti .indicated. America' man strength It et-limaled lie. The nrice reallied jester-' rt!.tiff .....kiiL Th' Th'ITemier has brought down"monitors took port in the bom ed. No short-term,treasury notes cents. a to lnU cfTecU Very strong bardment. One unofficial report are now outstanding at all. at ten millions. day was H . i liberty and even the very exislance Salmon. allegations atd aflldavits of mis- has it that the Iirilish lire was re- Knemy alient will not be permitted nr Itimsia i ilimniMnwi Ami Iia ... , ... . . k - - 1 L l. J ZEPPELIN DESTROYED to leavelhe United Plate. For the first time in the history pointed out lo them that the "''J ul puouc moneys in uie in- spoosiuie iir uie uiuihh uji ui Six hundred Invalided oldler of the nsliing inuusiry in ithumj situation was very grave. The terest.t of the Howser candidatetw'o submarine sheds, in which re expected to arrive at Quebec Ilupert, a considerable quantity oi godjer council Is apparently as-salmon iu the Fort George district dur- fifty-three persons were killed. (Special to TO DtUy Nsws.) ' afternoon.' has arrived in American 8umiK control and may yet over- ing the last campaign, are io the Another report says that the great London, May 15 The llritlsh funeral Joffre't vltlt it expoct-d bottoms. Over live thousand ids. throw Uie Government. The ten-arried hands of the government and the mole was destroyed. naval forces have destroyed Zeppelin to have a good effect upon refusing today. This salmon has tacles of this body ore far-reach-been bill today is the outcome. A wireless sent out by llerlin L-22 in the North Sea this n t!,e provnc of Que- caught In the-adjacent wat- anJ tjiey nre organijjn,- the Given Wide Powers. reports that Zeebrguge was bom morning. er. Sill American Jlshlng boalt wholc, nalo. The hearing will be in Prince barded by shells from a great dis Thfl war prohibition Iue ma'y always previously took their sal-1 George or elsewhere as the com- tauce front Hritish monitors, but GOAL M4MERS STRIKE tk lra .......mi uie I'renitieiu. . to tieeiue.. . . 'inot catches to Ketchikan. The THE CITY COUNCIL missioner may see fit. In the there was no loss of life and little American fishermen are expert AND THE HOSPITAL event of the .commissioner sud- material damage done. t Special to Tb Daily flew.) GERMAN LOSSES mentlng Prince Ilupert wllh re denly passing away) the precau. Window and doors rattled fifty Calgary, May 15 A formal card to salmon, and If their ex-J At the council meeting last ,,0W akeA that . the Inquiry miles away during the bombard slfike order has been Issued, Hix Pcll ta Tb Ptil .) nerienre are satltfactory it will vninir. it un mnvwi am. Me. should not cease but he continued inent. thousand coat miners in Alberta guidon, May 15-Durlng the mean quite a big thing. Iciymont and seconded by Aid. Mc- n" a commissioner la be appoint- and Western Hritish Columbia "Her half of April, Oerjnany hat There Is not very much talmon Meekin, thot the grant for the cd by the lleutenant-govcrnor-In nUPERT OLD TIMER will, be a fleeted. two hundred thousand men in today In Canadian boats. ''', Prinde Ilupert General Hospllal of In-councll. The commissioner Is 'M NOW IN "SLIftHTY" tt Woun,',l "d captured. Her spring salmon It now moving .$5000 bo confirmed: Ihe amount ft tnvflstigaie everytning Having a The favortio houohol4 Seal l 'J'lilitiiin! lotto n material and further out to tea, and the boats lo be paid when the taxes are rol. leoring upon the chaYges either Word has been received in town Ladytmlth WoWngton. Phono tf, "junltiona, havo been proporllon-nlfly have consequently to' go much lected. before or after the campaign, from Corporal W. K, Denny, Prlnoo Ruotet Coal So. tf. greater. further out lo get Ihem. The Any person giving evidence It to pioneer of 1'rlnce Ilupert who left open water trf" the north of Graham FROM EAST .TO WEST be imniutie from punishment for here wiih tbe 102nd. He is now CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF Island, and Dundas Island til or her part In the irregularl. in hospital at llochdale. in Kng- LONDON GAR are the favorlle placet for spring! isinii 10 td pny wfws.) .lles.-provided. of course, a per- laud, and1 BCttlhg on at well at iPrl 10 Ths Dslly flw.) now. although tometlmes the Petrograd. .May 15.- Germany sou giving sueli evidence tells the can be expected, He wat on the ANS SR4LL London, Mny 158lr John nsberiien are hard put to it to lias withdrawn forty division of truth and was not a candidate. . gotnme.unlll Ihe middle of Iecmn Third Avonuo ,,ai ,M,en chief know' just where the big flsli nr(. anprovimatelv siv Immlre.l (hnu. The eniniuidsinnip,. Is irlvcii .5 Appointed " m - - - m - - - " -" HIKI I'll! tuvii ts Prompt Soevloo of the " h Naval Blaff. tand men from the Russian eastpower lo' compel evidence, the until h uis Wnundeii in March thtrt la to tat at all Jutt arrived 100 ton watnea mint and hat couveyvd them to production of all documents l-He it now taking in all the pink mowers tharpeijed and Nut Coal Aioori mewanery, r ranee to oppose the Franco whether of a secret or conndeu-'tea and lot of motor rldet, and BOXES FDR LADISS Quired. Phone SflW. Frltx. Phone 11S. I llritisti offensive. ,tlal nature. 1 getting along fairly well. V t