Monday, June M, 1917. THE IMIL1 NEWS mm m BUG" mtfiT-xnvrt- ErouiM The joy of llttllb Aitr Two Teare; iurierir j QRCATE8T POWER ENTERPRISE IN THE WORLD.- The diag a. the left show tin Rin atnir; nnd distributing stations of the Ontario Power Company's ilanl at Niagara lad just purchased by the llydro-Kleclric Comrr :ton for 22,600,000. At the Kencrallntr Elation on the brink of the Niagara Fllver below the Horseshoe Fall. 100,000 h. p. is developed. From the illstribulinfc Action on the top of the hilMOO.000 h. p. is turned over to the Hydro-Electric CommiMlrrn, whfch distributes d over 1,050 miles of line In Ontario, while the balance of 60,000 b.p. Is exported o the Niagara Lock port and Ontario .Power Co., which 1 distributed through Western and Central N'ew York, The view on the rlghl is that of the generating station and distributing station. In the centre Is Sir AdaraJJeck. I! MADAM LAPLANTC 53 St, Itose St., Montres!. April 4th. "Furorer two years J tu sick sad WILL THE GOVERNMENT say it will belD to win the war LAND REQI8TRY ACT I j 1 from (jjuUhI FORCE AN EXTENSION? to keep them in a year longer.) lltidaiha, and JUJ fhlpUalion of tht What they mean is that it will j ' tamtam s tad ui. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE lUri to bad) Hut I f$ared I would(lie. t Continued From Page One. keen them In a year longer in Aiplicationt Sot. I0i-I lod S0S7-I. . ' ' 1 " 1 ' - " ,. rcrs swicd ta to a lup ia wjr whether it helos to win the war ruinr nl. .' itonuch And. tbe Con ti ration u Crolhers doei, to work more andjor Jiot. Many of them feel that TALE 507ICE tnat application baa been FOR CANNERYMCN dreadful, I salTered frosn it Me eat lest but utien it conies to U hen their own fight .comes off at made ne?erL to B.rtrtiter C. at owner Saran lo Undo,fea under of Prince two We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Bmk id AJntjr VUtcit. giving itself another year of the the next general election they are Ta lata Deeds from the Collector of toe line of Rubber Helling at right prices. I was treated ty physician for a year spoils of otlice it makes no bones not going to win it. Consequently City of PrlDfe Rupert, beartor daM the FOR FISHERMEN in J a bslf And he did me no good At JJ. of using all the means at its disposal. they shudder at the thought of find day of September. IU, and ALL A.tD of A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for 6101 un tbat certain parcel or tract I tried "Fnilt-A-tle " as a Iat retort. a ttar-tioie election. And they land aod preraiaes altnate, lytnr and belnr trolling Hpring Hrass, Silver and Hronie-. AiW tula; three boxes, I was grtaily A year may not be enough. The have red non. One might almost In toe Mtroidpanty of Prtnee Ituprrt, more FOR THE' WATERFRONT imfnnrd and twelre loins made me war may last longer than that. venture to slate that the shuddering particularly known and deterlbed at Lot The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat work a)I and there eleven lift. Block twenty-elftil welL Now 1 e dajr ', l'alpiUUon, The Toronto News naitely suggest is confined to these timid persons. Seelkn Sit (S, and Lot UUrty-Uirea tlS, paint -FLOGLAZFT A complete line of Ship Chandlery. HeadAches, no Are no so that the Horded Government They seek by their shud-ders Block forty-alx l). Section Elebl it). FOR EVERYONE Heart Trouble, no Const!pAtlon, no 1'aIo or Kidney Trouble and ff i be continued in office for to create a shuddering atmosphere. Map 111. A fine slock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Stoves. H i li,. a They shudder and Too are rerolred ts eonutt the claim "oration oi wie war ana six ,ti,r Sell But The BeL --.A,, We Nothing f tbe ux parcbaier wtuua It days from I liMAflil ha n f f If this should be they want the rest of us to join Uut cats me back my health". tte dau of tne serrlee of tua noUe Madam AKTIlUlt LAI'LANTK. a thirty years' war and Germany in. Human nature is pretty (bleb may be effected by publication). We. a box, 6 for UU1 site, 23c. has had that kind before the much the same the world over and your attention it called to section FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and there to S of the "Land Reentry Act" wiui llorden is reason suppose At All dcAlers or sent poi tpAld by Fntlt- u eminent, or such tod to tbe followtnr extract members of it bad that, if a war-time election Is in amendments, tire Limited, Ottawa. as escaped the therefrom. "and la default of a tooth or time, would still be In the best Interests of the country, raeeat or certiorate of lit pendens beiot power in iU47, and Sir Thomas Canada will do no more shudder Died be Tore tne rt filtration at owner or An Army of bile, who is now the baby of the ing about it than Australia did peraooa tbe perton ao entitled served under with notice.ucb ux sale,and all Cabinet, aged fi fly, would be a Nobody knows just what Parliament Uwae elalialns.taroutn or anoer tnem, ans Internal Bathers veteran of eighty. Sir George will do with the extension all pertons cUimlnr soy loterett in lb hosier would be just turning a proMmaI. but it goes without land by virtue t any snrertttered Initru hundred. saying that the question will be ment. In and tbe all land persona by descent cUimior whose any title ta-u-rrni You Can Make Excdkat Cake Oter naif s million Bristol, keen, up-lo-bie The llorden Government at the thoroughly discussed. Some talk la not rctlstered under tbe provuions or ctntdiani sod tumiu bats round present minute is handling some. there is about an onus. If there tblt Act. than be for ever ettopped and Oat Internal Beuuttr Is mors eaaeaual lo claim to or With Fewer Eggs for debarred from settlor vp any such I thing more than a million dollars is a thing as an onus a sold for to retpect of tbe land ao lates. Hut round tnet, ukm ootaiiocaiir ii:a day, aud naturally it doesn't general election it would be a fair and the Rertttrar tball rertater tne peraoo trtt. ur feel Has different pti u;uanl to let go while so much statement of the case to say that eoutied under tucb tat sal at owner of Just use an additional quantity of Dr. Price's both political parties share it tbe land ao sold for taxes." Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in with the British North America AND WHEREAS application baa beee M, imiuMM .m.llianus. Its Dast actions would place of each egg omitted. sraoe for s Certificate of Indefeatlble Title mtvrr maond ill IDs boltoniMil UM'Uti In tll thai II 1rwa nl hnlhur:Act which provides that there (na u Ur iDtetUn. uwy ' much about the good of the Deo- l,a" a federal election at least Sf la tbe Ssrab above-meotlooed Lando. landt. In tbe name This applies equally well to nearly all bolted m, " kui ii jo-- Aurrr about ti,unce every nve years KSt WHEREAS on tavetUratin tbe utle foods. Try the following recipe according to the 1 have heard Conservativ It appesra tbat' prior to tbe 14 tb day of new way: crora, bnsbi. Mrpr. cler-brAded And uueresis 01 lis prouieering v cwtiiAtat, r sod cafxtte for u dnu 'friends. It feels that it would be outside the House of Commons, Mid September,tinda nere 111.aotd(tbe for date overdue on wbicn uxes).tne CRAM LAYER CAKE recreant lo its trust I beg par- of course express a wish for a von were Um retlalereA aod aaseated Old Way. New Way u.r cuff., $. mi, jdw. ,u trusts the country i general election anyway. They swners thereof. 1 rp M(er t e eacar or uu a. T,rr.u. totoaw. obu . fu of f u quU nw Tljere put It on this ground. A Government FX RTIIEJt TAKE .tOTICE tbat At tbe M t cap nt oiilh Sew I X t cap eapa aula Boar ft ZZLZr lu' iZ are eral million, of dollar, in that is trembling on the time time I aban esect rertirauon in 1 1 pat Pt.Prlea'e Baktnat Pearde ta pooat Dr.Price'o EeMmPe See and laauc a a locar ponuance or ancb application caas "ie crisis yet. If the wicked Grits brink of an election does nothing K cap(bee tealea t tabtaapooa ahacteaioc no'A. and m ttnee4 ttui it is u Certificate of Indefeasible Title to tbe said 1 m -i mndtra and Kioufl nwinod nf jcame in Ihey might appoint a food for fear nf offending this Jr thai lands In tbe name of Sarah Undo unleaa taaapoea BeerlaaT' t taaapooa Aaaariaa' M wf.- ' dictator and stop the looting. If body of electors. The Government you uka and prosecute tbe proper pro-rredlnra kCakan 1 lax 2-Layer CaJco that comes in with five years lo ettabllab your claim. If soy. DIRECTIONS Craam tbe pmgmr aaS hottaaiatotbar.ttiaa pala tatbeea. ITZrJ JT H' Kiteusion Hill goes all the In tbe Mid landa, or to prevent tucb pro After aiftloK tbe Beae aad Dr.price' Baklac Pewoar tocathar,tw ae thea which of life ahead of it can carry out tlmaa,add tt an ta the lalitare. Oratfaallr add tbe milk aad beat aHth apeea rnu. m 1 raa pk trsursUy and en- way it may jiot it will posed action on my part autil Faa have a ameoth paar batter. Add the Saaortec. Pear lata rtaaaad IkvMatueally at la u menu. be because the friends of the a vigorous policy!!. F. Gadsby. DATED at tte Land IWfitlry omce. Ufar caka tine aad bake la a taadaratela hot aeaa for t waat r aaiaataa. Tbla Tosrs trjr iraly, prince Rapert. B. c . tola lOtb .day or caka la beat bakad la tare tarer. Pat taaatbar arStb craaai AOtaaj aad mill llorden Government tell it not to with m htte tcific. I. A. Carratk, desert its post while there is a When a woman forget her sex, IprU. A. D. til?. H. r. MACLEOD, WnokMls and Retail Men's Wear. she should not expect a man lo 'cent in it for them. Dlatrlct Reelttrsr of Tltlea i ui mn wwfl war imi uu nvtmj- 1 . . ......... remember iL To Charles rianltt, aa to Lot 11; sroniar and naiarat pracura? rbs "J.! Miension .ci, carrieu ny H. r. Clark aod II. O. Ricner, Dh.Price's n, L caiead", tbt ondnal and lit ap brute force through the Canadian at la Lot 1 1. leasee rr tola trpMe. maaufaetared by parliament, and ratified by the Salvation Army. A. TrrreO, M, D Ii now teinr Public meetings, Tuesdays. Cu"on.Milner-Caron crowd at RCCISTlTlKACT LAND itenn and ti4atne4 by Cjrtl H. Orme. Dmriut corner trd Ae. and ih street Westminster, would be thorough. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Ttera aba may ba nbuined frea co re- iy in line with what the people m. Sundays at 7:30 p. in. (Sections IS and 134. BAKINGT0WDER E,'Ur..?m.u,. moat laiereiUnc come "o expect of the llorden Its Application .to. rttinr s.sii . tuuklei on tbt subject.a It yon vttttr, Oo eminent. It is true that, by The Daily News delivered h7 TAKE NOTICE that application baa been rile in Dr. Chat. A. TymO. HI CoUera this method, any Government, arrier, 50 cents per month. S'-ad to rerlfter John Bertmao. of Prtnet ( Made clsxrireal frBaB firosi Crecus of Itreet Toroslo, fer aama. 'once in power, could keep Itself Rupert, t. C, u owner In tea under s ; Tartar, Gpapw Ui Sal Deed from tbe CoUcctor of tbt .there indefinitely by renewing Us WATER NOTICE Cliy r Prince Rupert, bearinr date tba Made in Canada No Alum majority from lime to time In the ' tstb day of September, till, of ALL AMD i Senate and holding no by-election DIVERSION AND USE inOl'LAn tbat ceruln parrel or tract ol ! when the seats in the Commons TAKE NOTICE thai Oeorre McRae, land and premttea situate, lytnr. and be ; ; note addrets, la Sklderate, B. C wit-apply lnr in tbe Municipality of Prince Rupert, fell vacant, yet it. would be for a licence to uka and m III mors particularly known aa Lot Ten (10), against the constitution and cubic feet per minute of water out ol Block rive (l. Section Seven 171. a against the spirit of Home Hute Deratter Creek, whlcb Bows northerly and It. drama Into Aliford Bay, about IS chains You are required to conteat tne claim just the same. This Home Rule TIMBER SALE X S95. from tbe N. E. comer of T. L 111 Tba of tbe Ux purchaser within tnir'y-nve 1111 I of ours wo have won with wounds water will ba diverted from tba atream at days from tbe date or tba service or thtt GREAT EXPECTATIONS J sealed tenders wilt I melted by ins!and blood. The Tories on both a palm about ten cbaina wett from XW noUce (which may be effected by Rerts- rJu are in this batch, and they wiO be reauzed 1 Minuter or Land not later Utan non oo!iiU of the ocean should be care-Ml corner of Lot 4, B. C Flabertea. and wlL' lercd Mail or at Directed, and your at uaed ror tbe land tention la called to section IS or tne be power upon fx of loo., hit, ror "-I ful how they conspire to take it purpoae of Urrora XSSI, to en I t.ltl.0S deterlbed aa aiUotttinf Timber Limit III Land Rertstry Act" with amendments,J from us. ami to tbe followlnr extract therefrom:- - ftfcSB r siruet. Cedar. Balaam and Hem-kk away in application to lease. biseP on an ares altualed on tns sail anor It is only fair lo say that imtny This notice tu poated on tba rrounc . .-and In default of a caveat or cerUO- of MtttUeaoo Channel. Kane I, Ooatt D lawn members of tlje Conservative m tbe llth day of January, HIT- I rale of lie pendens belnr Bled before tbe xpy of tbla notice sod an ppUeMot miitratlon at oner of the Derton en. Threa parly are opposed to this infringement purtuani thereto aod to tbe Water Act. titled under such Ul tale, all pertons to i) years wtu ba allowed Tor re-ooal on responsible gov. ill win vr uira in id otuc v u tervod with notice and thote cUimini rurtber of limber.bartleulars of tba Chief roreater. eminent. The llorden Govern. Water Dscorder at Prints Rupert Ob' tbrourb or under tbem, and all persona ' Sv 5 Ii! I!i ROYAL STANDARD has the flavor 1 tnterett in tbe land by virtut A! Flour ma!e from the of Canada's 'fcrtoru. a. c, or Diiirttl roreater at lloni ,i04,a noi Uatter the Dcoule leellna to the application may be Bled rialmlnr any i pick rrinra rnirt. B. C T. wltb tbe Mid Water Recorder or with st any unrerittcred Inttrument, and all Vv&-tV ) golden vthcAt. ROYAL STANDARD it "Vnn ,lf cnnil,. .nv.. ara lite Comptroller of Water Rttbtt. Tarlla- persona clttcUnr any intereat In tbe land v& I Has the texture! Flour around wondrous )1 feverish and hysterical. Your mem Uuildinrt. Victoria. B. C. witbit, by Ueacrut wboea title la but rerUUr4 1 A ROYAL-STANDARD judgment is not to be trusted. We tbirty daja after the Brat erpearanct of under the provlttont of nut Act. than ne blljM hsa the 'Jiia notice In a local newtpaper. tor ever ettopped and debarred from aet-Una JfetSSs? unionaily I Flour laboratory tested that has Jj Prince Feed Go. are the only coo).headed people Tba data of tbe first publication or tbu up any, claim to or In retpect of tna ?5'SHit I nude great b, aavowy, apriony loaves be. 1 Rupert in Canada. Consequently we will aollcc la February lilt. HIT. land to sold for Uirs. and tba Rrrutrar SHcJr 3 1 'ore A rMchcd r kit hen. Use k I Make I entitled under election.' The OEORUE McRAt. Applicant. tball retiater tbe person P. O. Be Ate. jiiot give you an fS the of AAA. SOS TSled tucb tax tale sa owner of tbe land sc moat your baking art I 1 llorden Governmunt, I repeat, does told tor Uiea" RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS nut (latter the people w hen It says MINERAL AOT AND WHEREAS application hat been 'that, but the chances are thai It mads for a Certiorate ct Indefeatlble,Title Certificate of Improvements. WE HANDLE 'may say so, and if it wants to NOTICE to ine abovementloned Unas, in ins name of Jr.fen Bcrrm&ai Stesle A Brlgos, Rennlss' put the thing over it has the "Pout all;" urall rracilonal," and AD WHEREAS on tnvettiratinr tbe Ferry'a and Maoksnils'a majority with which to do it. Waterfront" Mineral Claims, altuals In tula II appears tbat prior to tba lib day Garden and Field Seeds. ! Of course moderate Conserva-1 tba wkeeua Minim Division of Catsterf Pla sf September, 1114. (tbe data on wblek Irtct. lite uld lands wars sold for overdue lives all over the country are Ateo Partllliera. Wbers located i On tba weal lid of Utes) you were tba aeeeescd owner 1 pointing out that (ho Govern-imuit bead of Alice Arm. thereof. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED can't throw Homo Utile and TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Richard B. Me FURTHER. TAkE NOTICE tbat at tbt Chicken Foed A Specialty. Jtespoiuible Government into the Glnou, rea Mluer! CertlDcate Wo. IIIOs, aame time I ahall effect rrruirtllun It without doing artluE st a rent for lbs Dolly Varden Minea purtusnc of such application and itaaa t We Take Order a for Nursery .discard that way Company. Ire Miner's Certlflcaie No. Ill Certlncais or Indefestmls Tills to tba til ! irreparable harm to thp Conservative C. Intend. aUty days from too.dale hereof, lands In tba name or Jotin Bcrsman unlet! Stock. party in the esteem of the lo apply to tba Mtnlnr Recorder for I you uks and prosecute tbe proper prs Mail Oraer Attested Ts. people. Hut these counsels are Certincate of Improvement!, for tba pur cradJnts to eatablUh your claim. If auj framstlf pots sf obtalninr a Crown Orant of lbs to tba taUl Isnda, or l prevent suck pro outside the House. The Conser '"rfn 11,,, ,iuij,iiiiflffff abovs claim, twat-d acHoo on my part. vative members In the House of Aod furiber Uks notice tbat Action, un DATE at tns land Rerlatry omc Commons are pretty well agreed der ecllun SI, mutt ba cutuweQced ba. rrlncs Rupert, B. a, UUt lib day o ;l?VancouverMlllingoGrainC?b' J SUBSCRIBE FOR on an extension if the Govern, pruTrinenlt.furs the Ufuauce of such Cerlincale of I in. December, A. D. U.III.T, MACLEOD. 1 meiit wants it. They know thai Paled tbla lib day of April, a. l, HIT, Apr, It. Dietrtel Resitirsr of Titles, The Dailv News they want It themselves, They It, It RICHARD B. McOI.KIf, To Simon I'tfrton. DavltvlUe, California.