IX same mix! ture th: it the housekeener would not dare to n and use in her food? Alum is alum, whether bought in the drug’ store cr in baking powder. PRICES i ‘CREAM solace & COLDS es In 2-Ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their, superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house-~- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire’ when buying Soda Biscuits. ' They are made in B, C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means crispness. hea SE a eee eee ee Smee re a et eantember, 29, 49456. F 7 , Sel " THE PALLY NEWB. : ——— a “e Ha - — _meanagpemenren ee j i ‘ure ae -_ —é = —— n Ts ) L. FORD iLL BUILD h , a! ' I a ORT NE NO SUBMARINES ih j NeW Ok, sept an) Hey mH it i} Ai iH 1 pI Ess ams eon spent two hours at the navy yard today inspecting submarins cunday Seiad! a baer on ounud; n " vie ee alta jand the latest forms of may law =f Cri Gu how lmachiners At the conclusion of Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the et i | his trip the manufacturer a, delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of ell knowh. 7 {nounced he did not expect to b the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to mi eteelahs latly submarines in the neat te purest of Cane Sugar. t a lotof money | ts. Thave taken |ture and that he was still a st Every step In the producing and manufac- nonths now and pent Pe turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the u that 7 am well. t has not left my | i as very much interests Prosperity of B.C, It will Satisfy the most r will, but the hall I-saw,”. said Mr. Ford, wh ; exacting. | I ean do any SOL 1 gained 85 pounds | 4 ompanied by his son, Eds Here's whale we” teat Bie | +a te "hieas ALL GROCERS RA. area | For Mhey were met at the choicest samples of Canada’s is | ee en ee ee Ky L. i ‘ | ate if Da . ne | | trial size 250. tran to the navy yard by Lie - million acre wheat crop. lan THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD ym Fruit-a-tives ‘tenant Commander Rk | Cratt, i We grind them into flour = the Vancouver, B. C lela PME kt ina? ois little mill you see on the left of | ———me | MII «of neat aiUniré athaniel ° he | the picture. Then comes the Salvation Army. , sher. co ‘ ‘ . : alvatl y jf Ushi mnmandant, The Ford supreme test--bread-baking. If He state: Tieoaiy, Iparty v shown through va the bread is perfect in every nd Saturday at 8 p.m.) departments and taken into th way we pronounce the wheat a 30 p.m Submarine K-5 by Lieut. Ralph ¢ Al and the flour--ROYAL MRS ae RN pibintiniziy ee ee Fe ty Sacewsiy | STANDARD. © 2 ADVERTISE IN an aa eT Oe AT YOUR GROCER'S ltail of th explained to Vill ‘ OYA Fi need ~— THE DAILY NEWS tie manufacturer, but it was not [Yancouver Milling & Grain Colt) 29 " fb ST DARD | | ver. New Westminster. Nanaimo. Victoria < ;sabmerged, He also inspected two | a permanent cure. ; TSS EE = | aes Dee the wonderful popularity 3 ———— - a i ls your ebance to of Mathieu's Syrup of Tar | WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. obtaln i and God Liver Oni sunpclaily POPE LOI LPL ODP LOL OOO OODLE | { gents for one of our ue to its great value as a i eng Guarda or | permanent Inng and bron- | f fe Bi G Sons, Li te d |j sie mata | | TREC where, ss | | enry Birks ons, Lumiled || | Tih the Fate han eR ATHY hem ape lara | | (these watches are naranteed five yoars) LLER: SILVERSMITHS should you take ad” 3. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. ° | JEWELLERS AND SILVERSM si ae sestace of our marvel: Shesbreshe, Fs Prince Rupert’s Granville and Goorgla Streete about us and show .them the beautiful Swatch Fer headaches wee Mathieu's Nervine } | Don't think this offer too good to be true, hat send are useful alm to chase the . ! } ‘ 3 cen o-day and gain « ree atch. You accom; | » E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Jovi pe 00), TAME # LLOYD, Wie olen ae Se ele See ae Leading Paper . ho : 0111100040 GGG EEG AUREL GSAAULA STELLA GLEE R = | . > ee = The Housekeeper = is Right = aS Dea ar = Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quic k leaven- = JOO GOGOO OUR OROGEOEEEE CRORE CROCE RI LIRA ing ageni, and finds she has no bak ing pe wader. = What does she do? = The purity and fragrance of oe 9 She raises her biscuit I vy amixture of cream of tarfarand = Baby's Own Soap have made it amsa S soda, or soda and sour mil She may not get the propor- = Sane - a. ee tions quite right, but she ki nows her tage is sife. But does = neneficial to any p 4-413 she ever use.a mixture.of alum and : .2 Was there ever = Aan ines anit Montreal. ¢ i a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to m Sie a home = = made baking powder? iniuilively she feels it would he = unsafe, =] io ; Oa Then why use baking powder made from alum or the = TO eo oe R e Siorsicabgancecocseetooettrn las i ‘is BAKING POWDER and contains no alum, is made from pure cream of tartar safety in its use, lime or phosphate. There is absolute — — = — = a = —_ = = — — = — = = — — —= — = = _ — _ = = = = ~ = — = os ae — — as = 7 —_ — — = = ~— — — <= =- a = — -_ = = —= — = <= = = = — = = —_— = = = = = — = — = = — == = = = = = = = — = = = — = = —y = = _ -— os Ei — — = os _ = os — TUR RAL LS € a MKS _ = S * x * * * + * * . » * * +. * 7 y * * * . # ' | mn lo Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. . Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & a LTD. Vancouver, B. C.