.initiiir Jnnunrv 0. 1018. THE DAILY KEWB I U 1 1' w " w I cars uiaer man inc RED CROSS NOTES LAND LEASE N0TIGE1 CLEANSE THE n fffiminifiii: : i f a siiimia Tlie sale of home.cooklnfr held mss o UUII1I1IIWM w WAUWMW land district district LARGE INTESTINE last wren in the Htl Grots hull coast, rasoe five. rfalltPil Ihn turn nf a Art A ita In I .ess S (he implies. name n... . i ...'; .. TAIE notlre that waller t Walker, of Pretent War Cry of Advanced The Hank of British eni in, arm me luank of the So- intend! to apply for permitaton to teate Physicians. North America was clely in extended to all who eon. I foliowtnr tieecribed landas-. lhlishcd loud before the S of tba teadint aurreons of tba ,. mrs. Morrusey ttiii Uu peieinr world bate rone to far recently aa to re lf iiivwa ijiiiawu unu ,(r, ,n(j in t,,, tnd Wet have charge of the tale of home-lihrourti Concrete Monument tt Bartieti move part of tbe Larte Intettina la eatet lllllld B W W B I S I U B K. Wales tbnre rail to eertout aa that of Tsbercuioaia ana re- cooking on Friday. Point, Mind, B. Cj nndn. The sound, tt ebalna thenc aoutb 10 chalnt. mora ttored tba pallent to perfect bealtb by to I or Inn, to turn Water Mark Tonraaa Pee- dolnf. Th Alice Arm liranch has sent bat ere thenee -nwriberly and mutrtr '0'' Tba flaw Tort Ameiicaa recently i . . in the sum of 170 through Mr. lowtnr tt I of Said lllrb WlUr Mark raid: mi una mnrin ir n nnnni Iiert Kergln, which l gratefully to the pofft of commencement, a ad eontaininr Durinr ConttipaUon tba polaona In mm Larr Inlcitlna ofun become o mat 1 .infiififin fmiinrc mnkp acknowledged. HO arret, mora or leia. WALTER E. WALK IR. aa to form s aerloua menace to bealtb and jf. KrtnL' frit vnn walla or lbe( riate- llth day of October. HIT. even to lire. Tlsroutb tbe Miss Johnson haa acnt in the IntettlMi Ibey enter tba blood and eon- sum of $10 to the 1'risoner of SKEE7IA LASD DISTRICT- DISTRICT Of turne tba healthy blood ceUa, tmporeriah-1 CASSIAH. inr tba blood, and If tbtt proceaa It eon- i THE BANK OF War Fund from the raffle of n la Unued kmc enoutb an acuta polaonlnt Child dress, which la acknowledged TAkE notice that Walter E. Walker, of produced." I is n norm nmenca with thanks. Vancouver, 8. C, occupation Manater, II 14 lfnf.naall.ta Hrulr AHf nrwMnt-dAT T YEAB t MAIU9l. trrteodi to apply for permlialon to leeta mode of lirlnr for tba Inteatlne to rid it-1 Ladies are reminded of the re Hie follow inr deeerlbed lendei aelf of aa watte, and It II eaally proven J quest made for help both for aew. Commencinr at a peat plaotrd at tbe tbat tbere la an accumulation, no matter north Weal Corner of Lot Caaaiar bow rentier wa are. iii i. itui cm iirvviiLii Ing and knitting. Many of the ail. Dlalrltli thence northerly and weaurly Drata, If ukea reruUrly, form a Habit, j. ts.mi nir.nr. mummer heat knitter of the society are follonlnr tba tine of llirn Water Mark bet Internal Batbinr by meane or tba leaving town, and il is hoped Ihallrortiaod Caoal to a potnt where an Eaai J. B. L. Catcade" cieanaea tba Lower LAND REGISTRY ACT thnaei whn Iiava tlm In lenrn the. " rorooaTi a point ae Intettino Ita entire lenrtb wltb pure warm , . , .n . . Ickatoa Due norm of tba Folnt of com water and makes II clean, aweet and .gectione tt and lll.i iiaciiuics may jeci iiichhpu lu I owner men I tnuraecu wltb aald Una of Healthy. take their places. There are also linn. Witer Markt tnenca weal It cbeina; At tbe earns time It reyulatea tbe aya-tern Make This Work Easier for Yourself . a- DfiYf r that anntltlnn ! hfl many socks to be finished off. The tbenee aoutberly and eaauHy. paraUel to and makes one feel tbat every fuse-Ion to..rttuur Anne Duffy,, or Prince r,...llnIr tnr .--Intr I. h.M .i.rvlu "la 1D "'an waier mm roru.i la wot kin r amootbly and naturally a a - Ann.. All M ttKUP Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 In the Canal tbe Point to a of point Commencement;SO chaina Dae tbenca Wett eatt of and. Indeed, ibie la to. wQl find that Sunlight Soap is the of rimes Dupert, w trior data lae llaptist Church parlors. 10 chains to aald polat of commencement. rood TWa cbeer letter to many:will convey s mesiare of YOU and handiest helper for washing day of September, lilt, of ALL AMD and eonteiainr tto acrea mors or leaa. At last week's sate the drawings WALTER E. WALKER. Welland. Onurto. , dishes you ever used. Data ttib day of October. HIT. Dr. Cbae. A. Tyrrell, or rrtne mora ere as follows: Mr. Ileitbronner HI Collere Street..Toronto, OoL t Municipality neperi, Try Sunlight, and the hardest of presented a bust, which was wonlmuiA lard district district or Dear Sir, Wa beartily endorse tba J. part . ... nllf IKtrltf fia.. Mm l.v lrm II II 1-r.r.M- Mr. Iluliror I UAsln. B. L. caacade, aa we Bnd In our work dish-washing will disappear. The work I lap tt. .-n t.M t If T,I.Ana wk a a m tbat a loaded colon meant a potaooed aya-lem. are required to conieil Ut claim of ..... t...i..n TAIE notice Uut Tbe Antto-Brltlab Co- wblcb. In turn, meana Urameatoua will he quicker donct too. rH'rrh.ur iLMn il data rrom Ute Kiiaa n.Hiiwcii, tuia """ lumbla Packtnt Company Umlted. of Van contraction or tbe tpinal mutclea, aralnat by Mrs. AlDerU Miss Mcyueetl,couter, B. C. aecupaUon Salmon Caanera. wblcb our work la directed. Of course. Sunlight is the best all-round affected by puLllcau), and your yoke, won by Mrs. Conway; J. It. intend to apply fer perwiatioa to leaae Anythmt belpinr us In rainlnr relata-Uoa we cootlder a boon, botb to ouraelvea eoap you can buy good for dainty fabrics, Thompson, pan won by Mr.. P 'r.td Dertttry Act" lta amendmeou, and at ,..,b and our patieota. and those woollen blankets want to fclloiof aatract tberafrMH; Anderson; Mr. ratinore ts gold WiUr Mifk rortitnd canal, so cbaiat Doe Moat aincerely, you piece, won by L. Jiollby; Fritz, Ifiortb and to ebaina, or more. Due Weal Dra. Iiotley and Oarltnd. keep fresh and fleecy. Remember, it la tobacco, won by Capl.Honlk; Mr. Corner or ui tit. Over Ova hundred tboutand are now en-tbuttattie kind to the hand. rrrtitrauoa aa owner f Uva pcraon uaera of tba "J. B. L. Caacade," l J I Kff imiiUBVl vee rvt wetterly followlnr tba Una of Hlfb Water abown and eiplained wblcb ta now belnr . allti anllM .fwl on by Lorna Parker; A friend, ..a Mark, Portland Canal, to a point wbere an at Cirll II. Orrae-! Drur Store, cor. trd etaimlat tbrotiiu or under tbem. Victrola records, won by J. Iloerig; Eatt and Weal Una drawn ihrourb a polat Avenue and ttb SL, Prince RuperL O B-awuK.. at.laaa.lH m m a. 1 M l.MS I cbaina Due Rortb ( Um point of com to Mr. Bteen, tea, won by tt'. J. Atk or wine now, while you think of It, 1 1 Und by ttrtat or any Harerutered mrnrcment Interaecu wltb aald Line of Pmllhers; Mr. Uulger, mayonalse lllrb Water Mark; tbenca Weil tt cbaina; to Cbae. A. Tyrrell, M.D.. Itt Collere atreel Sunlight Soap i.tmi in th lintl hi- dtiail ahoaa pot, won by Capl. llorvik; O. . tbenca aoutberly and eatterty paralled wltb Toruoto, far free and Intereatlnr booklet. Wby Man of Today II Only 10 Per Cent. Nickerson, coffee, won by c. r.. tbe aald Una of Hlfb Water Mark. Portland Eiactent." Canal, to polat to cbaina Due Weat Uetts. Miss Hays, weight of cake. f the point of commencement! tbenca guessed by F. Mobley, three lb?. eatt tt cbaina to aald point of commencement Salvation Army. All grocer for uiet, and tba ItefUuar and eontaininr 1t0 arret more or sell and -aa k.a.lai. a a.a auBMa. mm.II t taa4 ei fwiam r leee of tbe Bed and foreabore of rorUand CanaL Public meetings, Tuesdays, recommend it THE A-tOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACK1R0 Thursday and Saturdays at 8 p. u WlltnEAS application baa been COMPACT UMITED, Walter E. Walker, Alt Sundays at 7;30 p. m. a CeruflcaW of tndefeaaibl Title Dat tttrj day of October, HIT. lit:it mtnUooed laada, la lb name StEEatA LARD DISTRICT-CASSIAR. -DISTRICT Or TIMBER SALE X1104. TAKE notlre Uvat Tba Anfto-BrltUli CO- cda vera aoM for orerd-e Utea.. Sealed lendera will be melted by the I lumbla racklnc Company Umlted, or V aa Um atteaaed owner Ibereor. Minuter of Laada not later loan nooa cnlrotiter. B. C . orcupaUoa Salmon Cannera, IiTII.B TILE NDTICJE Uut at UkC in ttat day of January, ltd. for Uva pur- Itntenda to apply for permiaaioa to leaae Keep up the Uaae I ahall affect reiutraUon la par rtuM of Uceaca X I ITS. to cut I.JOt.SSt ue folio In f deacrlbed laada "T AM assured that ol eacH applicauoa and taauo a feet of Sprace. Cedar, Hemlock and Balaam I Cotumeoclf at a poat planted at Hlfb sriii ui looriiu on nut m um ! oa aa area aituated oa Looy Lake. Fraaer water Mark, roruand CanaL SO cbalna Doe A my people will respond la Um name of Anna Daffy unleaa Reach, Raaya . Coait DUtrtcL porta and t chains or mora Da weal or call take and proaecule Um proper pro- Two t yeara wtu te auowad ror re I um Worm weal corner or ut aia, uaaiar Food Supply to every moval or timber. Diatrtct. tbenca nor tli ts cbalai. tacnee to the success aid laoda, or to pretent aacb pro-action rwrtber parUcuUra of tba Chief for iter. wett to cbatna, more or leat, to Hlfb necessary oa my part ictorta. B.C. or DUUicl foreiter, Prtnca Water Mark rorUand Canals taencet aoutb of our cause with Rupert. B. C erly and eaturly foUowlnt Um una or nopert, B. c4 una ata aay or sep- Hiafi Water Mark roruand Canal to tne and Help the same indomitable A d. ta 17. TIMBER SALE X 1170. point of commencement and conielnlnc tt ardour and devotion K r. MACLEOD, acrta mora or leaa. Diatrtci Reiiatrar of TlUea, Sealed lendera will be received by umitiie a.OLO-brttisii Columbia rni.m that have filled me with ert Mardock, ttq.m Minuter of Lende not Uur tnaa noun oalcoMrAJtT UMITED, waiter E. waiaer, syt. f 1 IIOVSOU 8k, V MCQlTrr, 1 i tba tltl day of January, Ills, for Ute pur-1 Date lUb day of October. HIT. Make Victory pride and gratitude rhaia r UfMM x Itai. to cut l.tlT.OOO since the war began." NVATKH NOTICK r. r Kr,n. llmlork and Balaam 8EEE.1A JJLtD DIST1UCT -DISTRICT ur Dlterttoa and 1'ie.) on an area a!tut ted ta uaat-woa Inlet. COAST, RA.10E TIVE. His Majbstt Kwo Geoeok Ranre . Coatt DUtrlct. MOT1CE thai Tba BrllUb Canadun One tl) year will be allowed for re TAKE notice that Welter E. Walker, of Sure C irporaUoo, Ltd.. nboae addreaa moval of timber. Vancouver. B. C occupation xaaarer. Tforktblra Bulldlnr, Vancouter. will further perUculere of tba Chief roreetcr. ntenda to apply for permietion to leate rtr a uctnee to take and um one Victoria, B. C, or DUtrlct roreaier, rruwe tbe followlnr deacrlbed undt: foot per eecond of water out of Rupert. B. C Commencinr at a poat planted at tba creek, wblta Howe aoutaerly interaction of aa Eatt and Wetl Line the at be people fed; soldiers must UR rain, into Mattel Inlet, about too TIMBER SALE X 828. tbroutb Concrete Monument at BarUett northeatterly from tba aoutbwett Point. W'alea Uland. B. C with lllrb Waur r or Lot 111. Seated ustdara wUl be received by UtelMtrk Tootaaa Fataai tbenea aouUMrly 0 home must be fed. And in spite of water will be dim ted rrom tba Miaitur of Undt not later tbaa boon onl, tatierly followlnr aald llllb Waur at a point about a quarter of tba llth dar of reXruary. lilt, for UMlutrk to a potnt where a nor lb and South Germany's murderous campaign to from Ita nwutn and will be naed for purrbate of Ucence X Oil. to cut t,ltt.000ijM drawn ibrourb a point to cbaina Due purpueea upon tba land deecrtbed feel of Hemlock. Spruce. Balaam ana -ar i or the point or couunencemeni uier Allies' Food by sinking off the supply, I Mil, Oratiam Uland. on an area aituated oa Loar Uke, rraaerM(U tald lllrb Waur Mark of Tonrata cut I. fkanlllOa. .. auulrl MB fr... a . Reach. Ranre 4, Coatt Diatrtct. pattere. tbenca aoutb to cbalruj thence and Ind day or January, Itll. a copy Tbreo 1) reara will be allowed lor re- laorthweiurty In a atrairbl una to a point every ship on the High Seas an ample la notice and an application purauaal moval of umber. 10 cbaina Due Wett of tbe point or com to and to the Water Act, III 4." will rurtber particulars of tba Chief roraaur. latenccroent; thence 10 chaina Due Eatt ot unfailing flow of food to England and Iril In Ilia) hfllM nf tha U'.u. Naanfn.. rrmo commencement and eontaininr Victoria, D.C.W DUtrlct roretur, tba point of riore nupert, . C. Rupert. b.c rti tto acrea, more or leaa. France must be maintained. .- w ftuv uwHUWM an. WALTER S. WALTER. with tba aald Water Recorder or wltb TIMBER SALE X 994. lata llth day or October, HIT. Comptroller of Water Rirnu, rerllt ouiiuiDvt, tictona, d, wiinm Sealed lendera will be received by the I gk'EEMA LAJID DISTRICT DISTRICT OF This is National Service 'i ncr torn nrti appeeranra v Minuter or Lands not later than noon on CASSIAR. uoute in a local ncaapaper. tbe totb dar of rebruary. Hit. for tbe Not to the Farmer only ne aata or tba nrti pubucatloa or tbia Durchaae of Licence XIII. to cut It.tTO.- TAkE notice that Walter E. Walker, ot aaa reel or Bnruce. Cedar, saitam eou visMuur. b. c occunauoa Manarer, But to YOU to everybody nit: HiiiTixii n.iAiiit iiTvnrn Hemlock on aa area aituated on flMlumBU(u ,0 tf,pl7 for pt-tnUalon to leaae COItrORATlO.t. LTD. river. Burke Channel, Ranrs i, "" in followlnr deacrlbed lands This appeal is directed J. T T ration. Receiver and Manater. trlcL Commencinr at t poat planted at tba By E, A. Cleeeland. ArtnL Three (t) yeara will be allowed for rS'iNarU Wett Corner of Lot tit. Cateiar moval ot timber. I Diatrtct. tbenca north to cnatnaj tbenca rurtber parUcutara of tba Chief Foreaur I ,a rtuiiu. more or lata, to llUb must unite aa a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden small or large. Utilize TRiGKFN H THE Victoria. B, C, or DUtrlct roretur. Prince Walar mil Portland Canalj tbenca south WE toSAVEand to PRODUCE. Men. back yard. Cultivate tha Rupert. B.u. '"Herkv and eatterlT followlnr HUb Water lots. Make them all yield food and children the tha middle vacant I yrk Portland Canal to DOint of commence women ; young, TIMBEn SALt avo. Im.nt and eontaininr HO acres mora or aged and the old all can help In the STREET Sealed lendera wilt be received by the WALTER E, WALKER. Nation's Army of Production. of towns can find no better Mtnltur of Undt not later than noon aDinui day of October. HIT, WOMEN outlet for their tha nth div of Januarr. Hit. tor wa pur- pound of FOOD raised, help Important '1'iiniE.iDiu. uncinrnn in uniiin cbate of Ucence X ttl. to cut I.MO.000 EVERY of living and adds to energtea than In cultivating a vegetable a.j w v aaj e w - the cost feel of Hemlock. Cedar, Balaam ana spruce By HFrull-a.tlY8sn on an area tl tut led on Lonr Ukt. rraaer the Fond Supply for Overseas. garden. Reach. Itattra 4. Coatt DUtrtcL 033 Hr, Vauks Sr.. MurraaAU Two (t) yeara will Da allowed ror ra THE ENCINfkCnNCNENIl in act as "lu 1912, I was t&Un suddenly 111 inotal of lltuber. Be patriotic $vbjci relating the Chief roreaier, For information on any 1 1 il a iii t aa iHMji i kts.ia rial Further Darttcultrt of raranrvaw.1 I. it., .a A t-.l.t virtnrt B a. or DUtrlct Foreater, rrince riSMSltaiAlt-S CMIM to th Farm end Gmritn, wUt: well as in thought rturwart.'B. C. J v antaMi Mikttaiai r.v a.ml a v. t Cl-a 1- la. kr 7 la tl-H BHTGiUCATION BUKXAU , aou my weight uroppe.i irom m Hoeee Pewae. Dprtmeat of Agriculture -if ere a w IVwUUSi a avtv a awaj by tt la , tw Use .-... . - - .... Harry Atkins t OfL S -A m. -w--4-i am f lavu utu tu at teie - Noeaa Pewae. OTTAWA 1 1 or a. I ff A j. J...a -I .J Overlook nothing. eamllr Butahae, Prlnee Wuixet. t 0L ! . - Herat Pe wee. frm lrt llitllrsiltlll(B, NOTHD FOI . PRIME SAUSAGE For Purthsr Information Dominion Department of Agriculture 'nnallr.ail.v I Vr ff 1 1. -Miil'AUUMWCrtCUIIU, aTlOW I VriKU Apply to flX ..,H.t . a. ..14 CANADA. Tomato Sausage a Spaolalty. TTAWA, .llail tt la lirlltftl 1 r -e-w vuuuU -t it tTlllMlAalt ItVILLISCROrT W. E. Wc, a boi, G lor $3.fi0, tHJ tio, 25c. Phono 674 P. O. Bos prinot) Rupert, B. C. HOW. MARTfH BWRJUX, Mtakter, -uvea umlleJ. OtUas.