Tuesday V- TUE DAILY KW8 The Daily News Insomnia Cured LAND ACT Don't Grit Your Teeth! Put THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NO ITU ER I BRITISH COLUMBIA Without Drugs ilEENA UND WSIWCT - WSTaiCT or Publlahed Dally J Weakly Guaranteed Largest Ci-culatfnn Internal Bathing Relieves TAKE NOTICE- l . fttli.mll T"IB' WRIGLEYS the Cause HEAD OFFICE: . ... .....iht lft Ada; tenesmi - " . ik Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. TcL 93. Diily News BuHdin& It yow do Ml tWp Ih-r- U !!. .. IK. veil SfcM M "' . ,,.... between them and bite . Doa't tun Owlet lNimi. aboat on u Your TRANSIEtf r DISPLAY ADVERTISING - &) cents per Inch drun. Nrrve. re"t Nmwm Uwm.I tbeeer writ t eketa. tome nocio Contract Rates on application. RrUrv lb rant and food, toand lirrp 1 t( cbaiat. throe rail ts tbala. jbcatf determination will be Just as strona-stronger til p the retail. I rHiM to im at x""' The ITtwm cannot be rfrbt If IM mi J MaUIWr " In fact, for you gain DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1918. colon of urr m let tin 11 not kept ciraoi jun.i orace. Pluck, tad rrr front an warn nutter. Batbeln'iTt n Nevembrr It. HIT. perseverdnce. renewed vigour, from latrroaur tr Ton want perfect brail. SOAP newspapers, and showed up the nr. .r. W c a voin.....,Rapid..... an.. a I -.' . usd d1stwct district or this great pick-me-up. The aooearanee of certain scheme. It cost tbe lord some frxen ladirr-tttoa, Nerroaa DebMtj, la coast, ranoe pipe. words, the .combination made J thing in the courts afterwards Had DO appetite, aad doctor, did Del ripect I voald bvt Tilt bout - Do the soldiers In the by the letters composing them. . thougb. Toe combine was Be Honorable Gofamlaelooer of Unda aad as trenches are thro r boat the winter Toar book latrr aa they strike tbe eye, in many denied at the time, but the fact MUd cw. 1 rl -I. L. Catat" uvii la WftM tbe rMMni oreerwo doing -chew WRIGLEYS cases visualize to certain minds remains that the Levers bought t m. r.w Jtmm t iJililu wms w iiMiBwifi.-h V t. u..W4.I a. 1 , , ,K to get a their meanings, quite apart up some firms, entire, in others now ttrrv and ray my malt Ixtwrl C . . 1 "7 fresh grip on yourself. uua far m Uttt. I rrrd tlx- -J. a. r"i interest from their etymology, or accepted acquired a controlling L. Cascade" J a Oodwod la BM." ! r"" - Some words look and at the time, started sense". same Tfc. -1. B L Canada- If irfld w B"" when printed as pleasant asj new ones. This system of acquisition anIU for latmtal BatiHar. tnrrsKd tj w ranwr " UIIM (t helps teeth, breath, appetite and they mean, while other words' went on until not so Dr. Cha. A. TtttHI af Nrw Tort, and ha. " O- dm tlw na&a e MurHc Uknuuli in I lroT MTU, mora or Iraa. took as mean as they really do long ago Sir William Lever, trfrrt hriMB II la ikn mnA raUtBM.I " BBaaarrr, digestion wtMIe It soothes your mean. Soap is not one of the speaking at one of his meetings, ktr Crrll M Dm- Ivn.Mii m, lixl ft.. I WaVtS IlIaBd CAOMTJ. particularly pleasant words to informed his audience ... ft.o a, -t. .n k. .i.... ....I sfrmir lltk. HIT ri throat and steadies your nerves. look at. Tbe appearance of the that then they had something vmm aa tavmllat bank ratva Tta niuil TM NTsy. Tbt Way of Internal BaUUBr1 NOTtCK. It comforts and sustains. two vowels between the two like eighty-eight of these sub rrtruvat. Ait for It. consonants does not appeal to sidiary companies scattered Sea Can.- 'Imi Sear." -Utlla Toaaj one's aesthetic susceptibilities around the globe. That was rlft. aanH,ll aafl taatllAai la a tlJ Neither, until recent years, did some years ago, and there is aucuon oniy. rronis woum go Irrvtio.: ttt aocw rracOoo.- -sj Keep YOUR boy for the common good. lira." "tutsp Bird rrtruoa- sad -ottarr propinquity to a soap factory no saying how many more they Ji Th lirno mar nnl h an farlMtorf- Miami CUUn. alnale la Iba supplied with to have secured since that time. appeal to the other senses (arras Mlatar DlrlMoa) of Co J I DlatrKl any degree. In fact, like a tan The soap trade, it would ap distant when the manufacture WDrra torahrd: arar Bear Lake, Sarf yard, it was one of tbe places pear, has become one grand of necessities, such as soap is. Inlet, mart Moral laUad. WRIGLEYS being under one international TAKE S0T1CI Utat I. fred M. WrUl, , sweet the to get away from quick. song chorusing rraa Mlarrt OruOrata .la IISISC tbt control, which is, too however, to of with soap Science, a great pleasures associating daiy sattwrtird arret of MUUrd f. War extent has improved factory Lever. You may buy soap largely at the present time, will rra. frrr Mifter! CerUSrilr 5a. IKK C conditions, and in tbe most' with many a manufacturer's be nationalized and we will tatrad. titty dar frtau Uw date Wrrar. The Flavour Lasts I ' then have a soap dictator. lo arrr to ta Mtaiar Hrcordrr lor modern boiling shop, so far as name upon it, but it may be one effluvia is concerned, it does' of Lever's companies, and even Everything points in that direc poaa Orttstai of otuituar of Improttaxata,s Qtti Oraat far Um a rr-rack not exist. Hut even to see soap in Canada too. If be does not tion. af iba aboto rtaitaa. MADE IH boiling does not increase one's own it, he may control it, nevertheless. A.1D rt-RTMEa TAIE 50TICX thai at CANADA respect for the great cleanser. THE GERMAN SENSE OF Uoo, aadrr arrtloa SI, taaal Ka a ararrd befora ttta lur of (at CerUOcata As the great big lazy bubbles While there is no doubt that HUMOR MAKES TROUBLE ft! Itaftrovratrata. come to tbe surface, as the big production in this fashion FOR THE HUMORIST DATED nus tits day of Oetobrr A. D alkali combines with tbe fatty and co-operative buying all Itlf Its acids in tbe boilers, the whole tends towards cheap production, Amsterdam. February 11 The appearance of the yellow viscid.1 it also tends towards larger artist who designed the paper COAL NOTICES mass inspires a feeling of dis. profits for the manufacturers. money of the denomination of SaCE5A LA5D DISTWCT DISTMCT Of gust, rather than pleasure, Soap makers nowadays fifty pfennings which is now be OtlXS CJUBXOTTE ISLANDS which doubtless accounts for grow their own cocoanuts for ing circulated in several rural tbe indifferent appearance of the oil they boil. Tbey manufacture towns of Prussia, has been arrest-1 TAKE NOTICE thai I, Jam a p. arid, ol the four letters combining to their own soda out of ed at .Niebertahnnlein on the rrtaea aarart. B. C rroapoetor. to trod to make the word. their own brine. Their own charge of holding up the Father-" proaprti for eoal Soap, however, is going up In tank steamers bring the oil land to ridicule Ui. offence lay.I YZull price, according to dispatches from the uttermost parts of the accruintj ui me Jtaaspaae, Ol lc4i.mroeln al s Poat pUnted atwal . of from Toronto. This is one of earth to their factories. To a Rotterdam, in the designing of the! aula otirsttrrt7 from pott loratrd the bad habits of soap. It has large extent, tbey are a self-contained ornamentation on the margin of o ifca abara of aaaU Bay opraiar out of Caac rata Brlwora Uortbj aad CfcaaU bad a tendency in this direction entity in manufacture, the bills. Ulaoda. abool t (bile aortltrrty aloof tba for tbe last six or seven years. so far as it is possible to After the money bad been in Mortey lalaad tldo or Caaoa ran from KtEtA LAND DISTRICT- DISTRICT OP SKltNA LASO CHT '1U There have been Botk Potal; tbraco Mutt SS rbaiaa; larata ttt'EEN CHARLOTTE IILANDS ()t.PJ. I R ' ; A5p reasons of be. But it all comes down to circulation ror some time 11 was TAIE NOTICE that Oer trade of TAKE RWTKE I Mhrt laatrati taott, taal nt ss rfcaiaj. Utrara aorta IS taoia course for this, as well as ex. this, that it will be that discovered that the margin decorations soon ibreca rail is cbaias to iba puiat of turn Prtarw Rupert, B. C clerk, tateada t ap f Pi tan SMtprrt. B ;j l aaav cases. Cost of materials is the no one can wash their face un consisted mostly of draw. ply fur Herat to proepect tor real aad tattali t ap4p far a m i trv stock one, which covers a multitude less to tbe glory and for tbe ings of articles of food. Above a JAMES P. WO, ApplicaaL pelrUrum over tba foHowtae' dracrtbrd fa oaal aad wwtum o ' ient tyocatrd Jtarraabrr lib. 1117. laadft M Mm Wtat CM 1 1 C Mrijr ItUad lead. i' Vett x a of ham of others. Profits, of profit of the one company, and picture a the artist in Cotaowaciac it a poal punted lead: coatjL oit u its coarse, must be maintained, company of companies. scribed in microscopic letters. "A aula rojirrty from a poal loraird ptwaiad aUoal to jar - vv-. rnaii too, by the manufacturers, From the modern point of tender memory and a fond hope.' IAXE5A QCEX5 LA.1D CUAMLOTTE DISTRICT ISLA5DS DISTRICT Or bar of toe eaat aid of Cano pata al poet keratrd a) tha b ' ; at itiwj which is tbe real reason. view, Ibis is the stage to which Over a design of three turnips he aotat aboot s ntUrt bertberly aluos tb ted eT Cttna Pata. ttva t 1 1 iVal ' nor from Back Point; throe toata IS autre artbrrly alM the s: ' 11 It will be remembered that all industries will eventually be wrote: "This is how the Germans TAKE SOnCE Out t, Joarph Srlloo, of Cbaiat; throe real IS cbala.; Ibrar aorta Patati tbrwe aaru aaaa several years ago, In Great brought. When instead of com. live. rrtaca Baprn. B. C, rroaprtor. tatrad II ctjaiat; throe wrat II caaiaa to aotat IS ; tavwre .' Britain there to apply for Bernao to proaprct for coal af cocnoftroerpirnt. IS (ttelat was a great scare petition between different firms . eel te p ftfwt r.lMinfii mm IK f.t L. 1 n 4 about the alleged "soap combine." in the same line of trade, there rurnnure waniea. CERTRL'DE KNOTT. LLUAStTM - i5I ny quan- uadi oo tba Weil Coaal of Merarbr lilaad. By flaas K. Ckrutraara. trrat Bp Utrt-I i Who is now Lord North-cliffe, will be co-operation instead, lity. Good prices paid for com-1 CMaawoctac at S aval pUalad abool u Loratrd Norrmbrr I Itb, HIT. Loratrd Nerbrr IU who, it was said, attempted tending towards cheaper pro-duction lete household furnlshine:. ani m soauttttiariy from poal locatad a press combine, got and higher profits. But all kinds of tools, men s suits. Z ZL?ZV.Z!?"r KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP SKI EN 4 LAND DISTf.. ' ' tntf out after tbe Levers of Port from the radical point of view, oou, etc. Phone-Red 241 or call Ulaoda. aboot ftv,ww s aair .tortbrrir wxuf w aloes wiaau tba TAKE Oil NOTICE EN CiiARLUTTE thai Alriaadrr ISLANDS t- Salbtr TAKE OiltEN NOTICE CHAS1.'that kit! C Izm LV Sunlight, in his numerous the end would be F. M. Morraby lalaad alda of Caaoo rata cheaper pro- n Crosby. 715 Third Ave. frooi land, of Prtac Kkpart, B. C, atlacr. to' Prtac Roper t. a c x Buck Polaii tbraco aoatfe SS cbalaat tbraco trad, to apply for a Itcaaee to prwpect for trade U apply far t. jc t Paf"" rait SS caalat) tbraco oorth is tbaiaai coal aad petroleum over tb foOowtac d ea.1 aad prtraeraai or- O ' - Salvation Army. tbenco eal SS duitu to tba potat of cota crtbrd kada ' 1 oa tb Wet I Coatl of Mereabr acrtbrd laada a lb W- tDeacraieoL Ulaad: Cotttmroctas al poal pleated lalaadt Oanntranpf 9 a . - r S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Public meetings, Tuesdays. Xocatrd .Hottmlxr JOSEPH SEXT05,ISI7.AppUcaaL about I aati eattrriy rroa poal located ahwt IH yardt a 'Tj Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. im. oo tbe i hoc of tb caat tide of Canoe rata aoratrd eat tb - c n the it s polal about s anile a aortbrti alonr caau rata, aaw ai , Li a. -sailing i. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. I MCI A LAUD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP tb abort rrom Baa Potati throe oorth aortarrly akiaf the m M WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX QL'EXX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS IS cbatne; throe rait caalaa: the ore I'atat. the Be arta t Crate THURSDAY MIDNIQHT TO VANCOUVER, TIMBER SALE X 878. aovta so dMiB; throe weal II cbaiaa I ejftalaa; tbeatrr .r VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. TAKE .10TICE thai L Cbarlra E. Biirrtu. polal of MeABMrroarnA, rati IS eweta to i of rnoce B. loleod to ALEXANDER L. SUTHERLAND. At.i ie r E.IS1 Sratrd trader. .111 bo recelrrd ll tba .nZ'l ZLZV 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN By Cbarlel E. Barteaa. arroL Bp . Mlnlaur of Uad. act latrr Uua aoo. oa liocaira aovrcntwr Ilia. HIT. Loralrd Nvrmbr i.Ut Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau, tb. Itu. day of Marcb. ISIS, ror tba par- td. oa lb. w.siu? totTfiiS CllftM fif UrsMaM V.f. tit AVtAAAA : . SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Or ACT Islands. a.-1 1 r.A m a.an.4 a . a . I " ' a rw noHK mtVt LCI MINERAL VI CHARLOTTE IIUNDS TRAIN SERVICE TAKE NOTICE that Belt. KnotL of Prlara Ruprrt, B. C. Burt, latrnda to itur tar CtNTtPICATt OP IMPROSIBMTI raaacntrr Waaaay. Wadaaoaar and aatordar at 11:1 a.m. for SmIUtera. Thrra (l) yrart alU ba allowed for r. ltltaA. aboai t .l.. ,k7...TT. .1. liernee lo proapeci for coal tad petroleum PrtDca Oaorre. Edtnootoa aad Wiaalprr, maklnr direct coaoecuonf ror all moval of timber. Moreaby lilaad alda of Canoo ovtr tbe foUowiar dracribed lande oa tbe NOTICE points tail and tonUv. Purtter partlcalart of tba Chief Pomtrr.I,k of. ,k- fcTT..."V wrat aat tf Mortaby UUadi Comment ma at a poet planted aboot I mile tatlcrty Claim, ill ita l la ibe Pi.c uai thence wait 10 cbaloa lo polal of from poal located oo tba there of the l" Agency All Ooaan SUamship Lines. com Dtvutoa ef Cauiar d caai aio or canoe put si nracrmrot. a polo I about I Wbrr aerated: a i'-' t For Information and reservations apply to TIMBER SALE X1235. CHARLES E. BUROESS. AfpUcaaL mllca northerly along tba a bore from Back Caarad mk. It an let ft m it City Ticket Office, 52 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Located ."lOTemtxr itb, is it. romi; tame north ss caalaa; tbmc wrat Portland Canal. IS cbaiat; thence tow lb is cbaiaa: thrnr TAkE NOTICE that I rrtd Staled tender! win bo recelred by tba . r caains to polal of Commencement Mlntatrr r I ftrwl. i.t-. .,. 1 UlSilUCT DISTRICT OP trrr Mtnefl CrrUBcatB r BETTY KNOTT. sun. VPUEtgt CHARLOTTE la aa a rent for Rtartaai'l k t ISLANDS tba lltb day of February, is IS, for tbt BT lltaj K. ChrlfttMftn .mi purctute of uceoes X lilt, to cut l.ttS, bureira .tovtauorr lltbf HIT. Mlaeft CertiOeel N" ' tt ajt aitly dajrt from tbt datn voo leei or spruce and Hemlock on aa TAKE NOTICE Uut I, Haas K. CbrUMn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY arts adjolnlos U MSI, Eatt Sbora of aeo. or rrtnea ropert, B. C, proaptctor. Ul.D DISTRICT tiiaTBirr r lo lb Mlalns Recorder for tba r jtuaaf Iniprevemrota. p Juakatla Inlet, Quern Chariot u Iilaoda Dlt loirod to apply fur t llrtntc to proapeci LMARUITTE ISLANDS of Iba ab mum. Crawa Oraai met for coal and petroleum orr tba followior TAKE NOTICE that Thnmn ;i acu Lowest Rt.8s to all Eastern Points Two (1) yaara will be allowed for re dracribed laodi oo tbe Waal Coait nt Prtnca Rupert, B. (L. nhm.n in.n: . And furthrr Uka tvHl' drr rua si. uut l be moval of limber. Hortaoy uuod. Coauurnclnr al ipply for a Hcetua to ij5w poal proapeci for ccal via Stea.nor to Vancouver and tha and Ibe Ittuanr of atieh t.rnn: runner particular or tba Cbirf Foreitcr. I punted about v of a mile aauihrft.u,i. l""""" OVtr the rollowlnr il..M CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY menu. .... a ihiuiu,,i, b. ur unirm rerriwr, rrioceiiruia a poll tocatra On tbe I nor cr a w w tua Y ctl Iiftil nt UnM.t,.. t.i.... rmbe'. v. w, l.l.UU i Dated una II lb day f r Moots and Berth Included on Steamer Rupert, B. C pularaall Bay epealnr out of Caaoa Paia La. votomroriQi it pott planted about tOI BIT. PttlMCCSS SOPHIA TO ALASKA MMUAIIV 2S FEBRUAflT 11 aa ZSth. larrn Morctby aad Cbaatl lataoda. about S rda rattrrly from poal located on tb PMMCCaS SOPHIA PON VANCOUVER FEBRUAMV 2, 1S MARCH 24. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. m,,M wwtberly alorif tba Mortaby lalaad Ta ' af Cano Paia. MINERAL ACT Prlacaaa Reral far Orankf Bar (H. B, C Cnapter III.) Udr of Canoe paaa from Buck Polnlj tbraco al point about mu. Uaaer Bth, 1tk, 20Ui Peareary Bth, 1SU, Beta. aorta 10 cnaiwj tbraco weal IS cbalnai V? from ""'k o'ail Ibrnc rtUm far AktHUEHO Tlinuanv wut rnuoiMv lornca aoum is caaloii tbeoce rait an " " cfRTiricATE or mrnovi""1 Mayal Voooaarer via Ocean Patla S a.at. DeeeaiBer 171b, J.7TJ V? Z7M imrf 2SU LIMITED, aerebr rt,. ntie. ih.. ....'I rD,n 10 tKln of commencement. ' win it cnftini i IK,.,. .... . 7th, 17th, Paaroary 7 Ik, IStk aaS 2Sta. ... ... .. . " ew bate, under arctloa of aald act denoitud . "A8 CHRISTENSEN. ApplicaaL " t"ot or tommriwrinrnl. NOTICE. J I. PETERS, General Agent with tba Mialitrr Of Public Work! .tl"""3 Br liana THOMAS PETERSON,. . Slmiiaon," -rtuprrL" 1 'I..U f r, oiuw and in Iba offlca of tba District " ton." -Catcade falls N t Co nor Fourth Street ood Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. htrtitrar of tba Laod Iterntrj omce, Dlt SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or Lasted Nov.nd, otb Tl 7 Palla No. S" Mineral i laloi y mtU irlct of Princs Rupert, s deacription of tba UUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Portland Canal Miniar O'11' He sod Iba plant of wharf and other ail.l nirft LAND DISTRlrTtiTt..--."'""i r DltlrKL work propoard M be built on Lot one, TAKE NOTICE that Daniel I uih.ri.ni r.""-' -"l-UTTE ISLANDS Where located. -On IM ,tt n Waterfront Block P. aty of Prince Rupert, of Prlnco Rupert, it, a, clerk. Intends to Tinea TAkE 'W I ILl. 1 II...J I '7' ...... ?f. decade Creek. II mile trom Province of Brltltb Columbia, and lake I apply for s llecnae lo proipecl for col and Bftrslv ttuper.a, . c." , , ISilCMttJ HJ Porlland CkuaL . . a aiirkS DohI merely smother your cooi noUce thai after Iba aiplraucn of one pelruirum over Iba followlnr a,tmi ""' w Proapeci ror coal ind TAkE NOTICE that I. I a month from Iba daU of tba flril publics- land on Iba Waal Coatl of Mortaby la. 2!Lm..!M.'. ,b'n, de.cr.bed free Miner's CrriilicaM N PI TOE1 TV Malilru'a 8;raa of Tax aad Cod Urer 00 Dofomh Hon of Ibis nolle AUrttrr T bora ton and I land. Comnienclnff st a pott planted about 7. co, f Mortaby It r sirnl for Oakley Bfi' I 1 I Company Umlud wlU under Section ttvtnll mile raatrrlr from a Dual located on ih. tea ...m, PIh Ul Mlnrfl Ceruncate Nu mtt) prtaaipUy uraU coufciag, tot thaoaa to rtaioak aad If wv VV"J atrt DrUMDiiit; proyortlra it brl pa t be ratesa Urow oaT of lbs aald Act, apply to lb Mmliter of trior of the tail aide or Canoe Peaa at tUly day. from the dale " ,(,itlicate af 04 aod Utaa effccla a pcrauacal caa. U U thia qualU arkicb boa Sar Public Work si bit ofOeo la the Clip of polul about I mllca northerly alonr the rata, and at a .mint . to ii Mininr Hecordrr r.r t ba larg cat aaia id aay ccgB aad coU roaaody la Canada. Oltawa for approval of tbe aald ill and inure from Burk Point) I hence eoutb 10 prtHrnirnia, for tb purr- plan and for Icivt to cooatrucl tbe aald chain; Inenre well II cbalnai thence Cfown tlvanl of the af K Urjt ItHttt, tmi)aai r. barf and wcrkl. north II chalnn tbrne taal is ehin. ia And further Uka nolle 1 ' h J. L. StATHUCU CSV, Prop. Dtled l Prince Rupert. B. C, this aeeond point of eummeacemeal. tbatnt to furiHW weal 10 drr aerlluti II. mual be day of January lilt. DANIEL U SUTHERLAND, punt 0f eoHunenrriiat. ba Ittaaur of aucb Ctrlin i" aaay,W tfUtlf&X lt attErVM AkfcfiBEHO THOMSON and COMPANY, LTD.I By Cbarlel E. Burje.t, ,ftnL Ur It.... .... .. ' luruia. pavia Tbomaoa, SecrtUrr. I Located November toib. tut. Ueatal Ha. 't"V" "isas.a, iftnt Dated tttls 1Mb dar af 4 ruil "nr ibi ST. HIT.