ihk dmj.t nivri MiMnl 1 U.S. FOOD i'OOTROLLER FIXES Appendicitis Opera IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIilliiiililllliiiminiihmil ii.i.iiii,,,,,,, . G.H.Arnold tions Not Always NOTARY PUBLIC PRICE OF AMERICAN HALIBUT Necessary I Gasoline E ngines hi bale i Internal , Word was received In town this n.uid be received from the south T,r r' un ro" ; We Sell IUal Estate. morning that the Food controller This applies, of course, to the ArrendfiiM WA eowHM ' I V write Fire and Marine in the United Stales had fixed tho catches brought In by the United ik. bum sack called rwrnef Um Appendit r Um colon tl Um or jg One 3-C,llndep 4 cycle 30 H. P. Falrban.MorM " Insurance. price of halibut at 16c. per lb. Stales fishing vessels, which are .....lovr mbt-hand MiiM bv deantinr I till '-ok Engine $750 1 We have Apartments, Stores, f.o.b. rail. This information did shipped through from here in bond with portSed wtrw waler by lb "I B, , tbit ck It cleansed and Um M One 2-Cllndep 4 cycle 10 H. P. Palmer Houses, and Offices not come direct from the Fowl to the United Stales. I awade" Htndredt ot Engine $350 Rent, and Want More. - -a Controller and caused consider. J IT this be correct, it will mean mHUmmimi be mb.Mca.been tvolded by rat ; Wa Deal in Mortgage Loans. fable discussion on the Fish Hing (hat the buyers here will have tc um ilwraMiM mi wr ear ror Arrn"inii S One 1-Cyllndar 4 cycle 10 H, P. Hicks Engine on the waterfront. All bids wore "deduct their costs of handling Mr Jas MrUarbHn. tl EvaMtoo ttreet, o s Wa Sell Timber Limits. called off on the catches now in 'from the 16c. price fixed before U'iihmi. WHIet : H One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 3ft H.P. Rga Eng.ne -i h.i neat ever tflT doUart wlUl $125 Wa do Conveyancing. Ii until verification of this bidding. port ikM-teet trrtnt to ert AppelrlUt. na g One 2-Cyllnder 2 cycle 14 H.P. Callle Perfection ally UM doctor tatd I mad to to tbe S Engine aatyaT bosreul tl once ror tn oprtuon. iw $200 ! H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. (dverustmeet tereMd me 1 beat! t sjjj One 2-Cyllnder 2 cycle 9 H. P. Falrbanhs-Morts BUSINESS ANNOUNCE. Local News Notes j B. L. cascade.- wK& relMved um ai Engine $200 1 me, and aa now completely cured. (WENT. Sever fell better la my life, all pain and S One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 2 H. P. Waterman Engine w I, J. C. Oavigan having When you think of shoes think bey.reoest I am rone,rriterul tad I eat to and Dr tleep Tyrreu likt rr t jg Practically new, 35 lbs. weight and suitable for purchased the Hegal Automobile of Wallace's. . (53; UU wederrl bealUt rvUtf tavenUotL" row boat trolling $75 1 "The Daily News" Licensed at No. 12,-538. tt per rent. f all nwtnaa ill are caused formerly owned and o-perated The "Chelohsin" arrived in pqrt by arrwmutated waiU la lb Colon. jH Cno 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auto Marine Engine $75 1 Iniernal BatbiBf wttb tbt "i. B. L. Cat CLASSIFIED ADS. in the Taxi business this morning from Vancouver rade" krepa tnl lirre tntttUne at free by Mr. H. Howe, proprietor about ten o'clock. front all waiM and tt dean tt tular de One 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 6 H. P. Callle Perfection $1251 of the business known as mabd II tbold be fee per feci bealta. Distributing Co, Mrs. J. liruce Johnstone, of itie Ask Ctrtl H. Urate, Dm trill earner Ird 4 The Regal -Wby One 1-Cyllnder cycle 12 H. P. Buffalo Eng.nt 1 WANTED. will not assume any debts Lakelse Hot Springs, arrived in Ave. and 4 ta tt. ror beekiei raited 800 Man ef Today U Only IS Per cent era or business responsibilities the city last evening. He win alto be JAMTOR WASTED. ArpBeaUOOS U1 , eteet" It U frre pleased THESE ENGINES ARE SECONO.H&ND, BUT HAVE Etrt received by U imdertifned. ep to Feb. of the said Company, which to atww and ei plain Um "J. B L Cascade vunnniinui v nursuim rn enu . Mrs. W. WrighL of Usk, was tlib. for the position of janitor t the retired from business on to yea. Bortea Stmt School. SUM eirrtK March 1st, 1018. Plans for among the passengers arriving iq and qiiauacatkoa. Saury I 0.00 per,, the future also the business town fn mup river last evening. ew Spring Suits for ladies' GIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT awBtb, W. D. VA.1CC See, 151.00 and Wallace's. S3 up. of the : name new Company Miss Curtain, who has been will be announced on or WASTED. CBamfeermald. savoy Bout 'visiting the prairies for some time It) I In about the meantime the 1st April,Phone 1918 55, pasL returned to town yesterday i Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. evening. FOR SALE. will be temporarily discontinued, AOR.NT8 FOR FOR SALE. Quarter rat Mt and oiber together with the Chief Gammon, ot the Provincial Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Unlo Englntt E Household narnltore. Apply ttl Junta, Taxi business. (56 police dept., returned to the Art, ml St eity yesterday, after attending LAC3CH FOR SALE BUl la wrlttnr arej court at llaiellon. SALE OF GOVERNMENT IIHIIIill.llillllllilllllllilllllllllUlllHtSI IIIIIIIIKI'IIII '::S'SM Furniture wanted. Any lavnea.ror ih uibci iwtnu u. hii-kbit quantity. LAUNCH. 'tor ttimoa Bhinr, AlUi earae. Good prices paid for cora-lete A treat lor you at the Methodist Cu be made law (xiMUftr boat Adam household furnishings and Church Concert on Monday tilslil ladua dace. Prince Rupert. .11 kinds of 8 Tickets includes Tenders Wilt 1 received at llie C r. MORJUSOX and C. C PERRT, tools, mens suits, pjn. 50c, re Ktecstort cf um etuu of Um Um F. oots, etc. Phone Red SiJ or call freshments at the close. office of the District Lugtueer, Fishermen Notice! Parker, deceased. n F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Ave. Prince Hupcrt, up to and including in? ran iiir Rirl In w-rttin are In. Annual concert at the Methodist March iSlti, iy IH, fur tbe pur. vlted tor lot t. Block 14. Secuoa 7.! LAND REGISTRY ACT church on Monday night at tt chase of the government Launch Ambrose Street, near Drydork. Lot ! (Sections St and ISM pjn. Principal and Mra. Brady ' The Gald Starage FertMawr mmi Oil Pin : ,t i af., Wakes ia" complete, with engine aid.,it do to encumbrance.Mr. Btytbe't Store,Addre.tut tadiaa At. J So. Hil 1777 l. SISI-L tlL will play their part with their wrji and other equipment as It now row In operation and will eternal ail tlte y. .,- - .nd Tke OBee. TAKE NOTICE uut application ba been known talents. 51 stands. Launch can be seen at ewmpany will buy alt marlUWe all ajtsj w,.i . :.mv r.f nude to track W. Hart, of Prince retuter C F. MORMSO.I and C C FERRT. tremor or Um eitate of Um Um F. Rupert, B. c. a owner la fee under four Special information regarding Swanson'a lloat House, Govern-ment I-lth at flfteen dilar por lM 'eejuttalent t. at rt. Parker, deceased. Tat Sale Deed from Um Collector of Um the products of Gold Seal Ltd, Wharf. Prince itupert. per fish). Halt will be prei4e4 rrtM asd all u . cu City of Prince Repert, bearlar daM UM FOR SALE. Om et Story and Camp-a-tll II Lb day or .lovember, ISIT. and mm Tat who have been using our columns The successful tender must bet be pure bated at the Comftty" tre at rea- . : pr.? Sin tie Erpre Barnes complete. Sale Deed dated tad day of September lately for advertising may be bad prepared to pay eash down and for U faelhtles cat i ti.her. Ito.oo. Also it est incubator, it.es. ttlt, of ALL AMD SIM G CLA R tbat ceruiM from Mr. 11. K. Ross, of tbe Em. take immediate possession. Speotal are prPt4 4h Apply P. O tt ) parcel or tract of land and premise situate, Mtt brtttflaa' their fas tts wtll be ali-i f f. Hotel. See him Art I. tf. lyiar and beinr la Um City of Prince Rn press Prov. Govt. Pub. Wks. DfU tHfnsea of trio to Paeefi. Toe plant it 1m-. h heart LOST pert, more particularly known and described 61 Prince rtuport a Lou evea (7) and erteea (IS:, Our first car of No. 1 potatoes of th aVshlos; graatodt and etngr ea br . ..-m freet Block incite (It), Lot twelve (it). Block will arive Monday. Price delivered LOST by toldler-f wtfe, ebamot band. fty eltlit (41). and Lou Utlrty-Utree WATER NOTICE rMtmbers all tbe r round. GojBst ta lor- ' ; is l bar conutntnr money, Mease return from car 12.00 per 100 lb. sack. i(J' 4011 UUrtI ru'' . Bluck Bfty-eoe MYMSI05 A.tO USE. make day Asnfof. to Dally Mew Offl. Reward. Hook money every (SI). all In Section Elfftt (I). Map St. your orders immediately LOST Gold suckptn. between Irocraott Ton are required to cooleU tbe claim of special price in quantity lots. TAtC .IK TICt uut J. T. UeSerwaa, Pol Room and Flfl Arm sc. r Re- jtfae tat percbaser wiuua SS days Tram Um Phone Table Supply. . 53 addr U r e pauoore ft return. Prtnce ward. Finder please return to Dally idaM of Um service of tat notice (wnlcb Rspert, B. C, wUT apply for t licence to Internaiional Chemical Co., Lid. es Office. IT..' be cITecied by pubUcatloa In UM APPLES uie tnd rts ltt ruble reel per mtntu New ton Pippins. No. Prince Rupert Daily .lewii, and yosr ai-lenUoa ef waur oat or a creek now knowa at U called to section It of Um 1- Rome lteauties .No. 1; Illack Deer Qeek wnicb Bow oonUMaiMrly and Pacofl, Queen Cha lolte Islands. 'Land RetUtry Act" wlta amendment, and lien No. 1 and Xo. 2; Grinva Gold drain Into tlekane olet. abot ttt mikt to Um folio win r eiiract tnerefroni: en .No. 1; lilack Twig So 1 and from Batedal. B. C Tbe wtur will be and la derail! of a caveat or certificate diverted frotn UM ttream tl t petal abont of lu penden belnr Hied be r ore Um red. No. 2; Winesaps No. i and No.2: one-naif mile from moo lb of it re am and iraUon a owner or Um penoa eouued Winesaps No.t. 4 lbs for 25e wUt be tased foe power pnrpoae epos Um ve seweaae)s ander tacb ui tale. aS person m served Winesaps, No. 2, five pounds for mine described at Um "Mooee" Mineral it notice, . . . and Ukm clalminc Claim. 25c. These apples are the viry Harry AlUns, throucn or under tbeta. and an HARVEY'S person Thl notice wat poaud ow tbe r round TIMBER SALE X S79. claimlnr any Interest tn UM land by virtue best. Alberta Creamery 50c. oa Um lltt day or Jaaaary. Itlt. A dy e DANCE ORCHESTRA reaiBf BeUtiee. of any nnrefuwred Intu-nmeni, and all LUGS 60c, weigh 1 Vi lbs. Dairy ef tbit notice and aa applies lloo purtuaal Sealed tenders wUi be receited by Um penua cUimlof any inMreit la Um uad Hutter 2 lbs for 85c CITY MARKET. thereto and to Um "Water Act, 1 1 1 4." wiD N-1 Minister or Land not later uun noon on by detceat wnoae UU U not retUMred be Bled In UM clSre of UM Water Beeoeder e Open for Engagements. um ttUt cUj of Marcn. I til, ror Um pnr-rhate under Um proTUton or UU Act. batl be (53) tt Prince Rupert. B. C e PRIME SAUUCC of Lleenca X tit. ta cut a Tja saa fur ever eiicpped and debarred from Objeetiona u Um tppUcaUoa may be Bled a Violin...Mr. IL, A Harvey feet of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on utlWu T tUUn K or In mpect of Little F.lbel Young, a neice ut wttb l be said Water heorder nr wiik Um Tomato Satrssgt a SftcUJa P piano. ... . . . . . .Mrs. Hay area' adjolnlnt L. 111. Swindle liUaO.!" m a w nut. tsa u wru-tu&te Mr. and Mrs. D. 11, Harrison, who Comptroller of Water Rifbta, Parliameal J. coatt District. jtrar abaU revuur Um person entiUed on- has been, visiting Prince Hubert BaUiUnra. Victoria, B. C. withla tttfrty Drums. ,w. , ..Mr. Collier Tbree (11 year will be allow rd ror re-10" tuth tat al a owner or Um land with her dayt afur UM flrtt tppearance or this Phone 574 P. 0. st M okl toT Ul'-" parents from Govan, moaI or umber. notice la a local newspaper. FwrUMr parttoUar or Um Chler Foreur. A5D WHEREAS appUcatton bat been Saskatchewan, was all ready to I. T. HIJTER.1 A, AppHcaaL Victoria. B.C. or DUtrte? Poreater. Prince tot Certlflcato of IndefeaalbM Title come down to the train on her way by i. D Leedy. A rent. e Repert. B. C mu LUtj iwiiii ii m imiiitJ'ii in um Tbe dau of Um Brl M. IS I home on Saturday, when she- fell pablicauen of tbi of Frank W. Hart. nouc U February. Ilia, ISIS. AXO WHEREAS OO lnTeUrUaf Um ufl the lounge in her aunt's borne, jUUe It appear Uut prior to Um II Ik day breaking her little arm. Her departure, v.u private orrccnvE mekcy ot October, lilt (Um dau en wbicb Um of course, had to be put A HOT BATH THE 20 Hetrooeilua VaMeavar. Und B14i, jaaid were told ror overdue uie). ,yoa were Um retUMred and ataeaaed own- off. Ethel, with her . father and Prince Rupert Feed Co. MINUTE YOU WANT IT Day Pbone. Beymonr 4 lit. ,n a tuted below. mother, left this morning. Tbe Sltbt Pbone, Fairmont Silt. rLRTHER TAKE SOTICE Oat at tbe little one was looking fine, appar ame Uom I aban effect retiatraUon n PHONE 51 You are t ..tt-meJ ently feeling no ill effects, unless 1 ..... . Itead Ottce, Bit Ml cm. BMs-VIcteeM. m DinuiM or ib,b irinnnHM ..wi KettlflK r ,1 B. O, P1mm S41X. .cerufieau or indereaaibU Title to um taidj'or Der srm being in splints. tUtitly. l- a fUt; land to Um name or Frank W. Hart unlet Ton take and proaecvu Um pruper pro-reediDn Fort Ufaetlon -f fH'" to ettabiub yoor culm. If any. AUSTRIA OFFERS Wale iu ii- w j to Um said und. or to prevent mca proposed BULBS abwed-anr. f rdwij acUoo on my pan SERBIA PEACE bow h in- ittu Phone 15fi Dated at Um Land Rertilry OOce. Prince ret Rupert. B. C. thU lltU CUr of rebmarr. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, before. FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR A. D. lilt. London, March 1. The Press MOT WATER LIKE iC,C H. F. MACLEOD, Easter Lilies, Narcissus. DECORATIONS DUUIct Retutrar ot Title. Association's special correspon. To r W. aayton. Pnoce Rnpert, B. C dent with tbe Serbian Headquarters Harry Hanson aaaeaaed owner of Lou SI and II Block telegraphs as follows: "With Stall Oedsr PeeieU AttsMsd U. few Hot Wal- - - tt: Cbarlet PUnlU, Edmonton. Alu. ret reference to the undoubted attempts "turnout UMred and attested owner or Lot it. You tn..' Acorn Sign Co. Block 41, and told ror Utet on I Ilk day of the Ceutral Powers to end 45 P- 0. BOX J or September, Itlli V. Street. tST the war I learn on good author, ' t. a Be taS. M TMe a. Powell It, Vancouver, B. C seed that Austria-Hungary iiy not long FOR SIGNS owner of Lou T and IS, Block It. ago offered the Serbians through a private channel to surrender FOR YOUR NEW SUITS IJosnia and Herzegovina, with an See outlet,on the Adriatic, if they E. H. SHOCKLEY HARDWARE FRED STEEN& LONG WILL would cease fighting and sign a STORK'S Steve King peace. In this connection it Is iSntcesaor to i. L. Mickey I. SANITARY AND HEATING Prompt Cleaning Pressing instructive to recall tbat the exiting CONTRACTOR A BUILDER FOR CANNERYWEN ENGINEERS Phone Green 418. Constantine, in conversation -A We have added (o our stock of valves and i i with the Serbian Minitter In Athens Store and Office Fixtures, line of llubbcr Heltlng at right in -FOR aa long ago as September. Bash, Door, and Mouldings, Afltnta for 1015 , FISHERMEN (r consequently before tbe McCLARY FURNACES HAIR SEAL SKINS Auttro-German.Ilulgar attack a-galntt Oak and Hardwoods of all A complete stock of the best goods that buy I want to rtl Into toucb wit Serbia, tried to persuade kinds. trolling 8pring Hrats, Silver ani " PLUMBING person navtnr or wno may nave the latter to abandon the struggle, We Specialize In Hardwood FOR THE WATERFRONT bair teal or tea Uont it Id wbicb !pe4tl and are rret rrota tcart or fork or book offering in return liosnia and Boat Rlbt, Sash, The celebrated Maple Leaf Palnls and Varm"- ti.iidlery. SHEET METAL WORKS bolet. Herzegovina and the channels of Doors, etc. paint "FI.O(HAZK"- A cmpete line r ,.v ' Phone 834 J. N. M. BROWN Cattaro. The ex-king at tbe same Plate and Sheet Glass and FOR EVERYONE 5, Second Avenue. Poet OMca Be SOT, VaaoeHtte, tML time 4ipresed the conviction that Glazing. A fine stock of Hardware. Ourney s '' I -t Night phones 570 Serbia would be completely oru tiled Best and lHue 270 by the formidable combination Corner Fmttr and 6th Sta. We Sell Nothing But The The right work, at the right SUBSCRIBE FOR which was then preparing to invade PHONE GREEN 269 time, and at the right prloc the country If she did not FRED STORK'S HARDWARE The Daily News accept these terms, j P. O. BOX 1SS