DINGER LURKS IN LA Nil JtftilBTIlY M.I ACT. "SLACKER-RECEIVED TREATY BY IS SENATE ' EVERY OJ OF US r TAiF,- HoTltft z rer?mi.ts i. If Iffled Jdne 8 If Memrarv T,.- """" ine UNMr af th nttr r ntt fll the Hrtttah amI.(,BIMior Full of Deadly wae rwajtired OANAQA We Are At by Iho Senate yo-irrday Poisoru A A Germ and a iDerifti mwtirw of the foreltn Laboratory. IIm Mitnirtpaltir of Um citr or prnn ha relatione committee 5."rL."' C ' wf HflelH known im ,M ed for tolay to m. Ider it. Register Ahed of Time AUTO-INTOXICATION lien eiftit ai, xt ati J-T Tbe treaty prwMea that Ameri-earn Alttfdl t. . . . Hi HHMefc trritory betwtm, ,urrh"r "n din frwn Um d.i ti and 31 the l,'nitd Htittee OR SELF-POISONING 'r itm wri or tMt b,, Rl(r draft limit aball fw aiihlamt Where You Can ""I'd ..... l paMaraHMi la t)M oraft irwlodine Canadian, h. ,.nr .iiiiiiwm M ranea to te- tii ttie BgM of 18 and IS, tbe TIVES- Abaalalely Pre- " -' um Irrtnin Art" m4t ntUIT-A Condition. Iritiah draft limit. n l Tkia Dff'" fWltl HMrrirow: by tire I nHed States. i -rit 'Mef 3uU f f"c'r 'a!i r.rul.1 W r rrrilflriir Tb I nilcd SiaUm rroably will t of tbe bowel. "Waste s. ,rf " not draft Iirilleb er .... Hroe uttd un cititee over the :..d of panning" from the " . an parwaw to iwrvrd Arneriran matiimioi aar of 31 ,i.ifune rrtTtlarir every day, MPB ,rT imw, M all wruM yeara, Kenalor iiitohcock aald. ' ' nzDkxtt t',frf grneraUnf H.Khmht any kMrr. la lor hag In irtw - abeorbed tbe of uiMm4 lawnow. awe rtl t,icu wich are by wot MORE LUXURIES TO GO ON ZLiTTZr rvrwrM . l"""'01" OT HOT ACT, tfWII M LIST OF IMPORTS CURBED fU. who Is w a peraon ""ti m oMm nm mi U IMf ND aat rtUim to or la n H. ju conaujiated, poiaonin j land m ante for tataa. aad lim litrkMrar Ottawa. June 1 6. The We know now that Auto aMH fvfUMr tt imtmiq eatlUrd under govern- t . ! i--lo non-action of the uh laa mm o.nrt or the i.ni meBt, it it tindereiood, ha under ooaidcate9n extnakn of tb lint ntpoutiblt tor A!r j WHiKtAS ir ii, end BUdderTroublea; mad far a ontflcal praiM af lodrftatiM baa Tttw of restricted luxury import Further 'T'HERE is good sound advice in the old saying "Come ile Stomach, M the atae-ii)rnttiMd Unda. In Um mim fixing of prffea i under-elood - u rau-a u v and avoid rush." Come the the early early to registration v is- of Appetite and or John c. Bert. aleo to le reeetvitib rloe 3 wm ciiroBK! jujenm. H atvara WHritCAB ibal mar on intMiirium la Om Ilia um dar utl af attention. Deeition i expeeted booth on Registration Day but better still register before rain In Tbe XUcL, are mJMr. Ilia Um data oa bwa Um atd to le raaclted within a few day. njrt, UKXiu tbe lowela become era aoM for avrrdM Utaa), In regard to price, numerous Registration Day, if you can. oi : Uat rimpJf, Haihrs, Mf tt atetMd ew-Mf tbmar. eofftptaintii have hern reeetvok, r. -ja i.- -Ue r Skin ACVctioos n'RTMtB rant I TAkE mih aif XOTICE eel rtrutrauoe Ibal II the la ince the paeaing f the order-ia-eouajeil, It is going to tax the powers of deputy registrars to the utmost 'js 'rf :. "KrtiK-a tirci" are (naiiw f aaca appHcaUon and latua that certain dealers to handle the crowds on June 22nd. Realizing that to be so, hi.a c "ft t onaUpatton. Gtrusrata af Imkrratibla TlUa to tba bave takn advantage of the situation rp ; .'" trill frvtrrt yen Md laadt la tba a me af Jba C Btrr. improperly t o advanee many of these deputies are arranging to take beforehand the aMa raa uk and praarraia tbe peeper ar-j i- '" lataxleaUoa beeawae prowediart u r.uMHh your Halm, tf prieef. Ia such eaes. it ia eeti-maled. registration of any persons who care to present themselves. v r rful fruit mcdieiM arts l. la Um aald laada, or ta prevent aab there is likelihood of ae-tiofl 1st a.')tbe rlirainaUnp orpin, priiMaed actioa a my part. to force prteee down to a i'e a Ki.6 for 2-S0,trial airs 26c. tiATID al Uw tand Retlatrr OtBcc, reasonable level. The Board urges you to read the papers carefully for news rnara liipert. B. C IbU ITlh day af it t fcaicrt or tent on receipt of Pateottarr. A. D. III? items in regard to prior registration in your locality, and to put FI-a um limited,Ot Lao a. M. r. MACLEOD. Adverlne in the Daily News. tMttnrl tftrar of Title. take advantage of any facilities offered in that connection. Te Walter McLaren. XI3ERAL ACT. 5Mtij'A. Idaba Appendicitis Opera Enquire of your employer as to the arrangements in effect for advance registration at the place where work. He can T ATE Of IMMOVtMEXTt. Not you .NOTICK OF ASSIO.NMEXT tions Always 90TICZ readily make such arrangements, if he has not already done so. -i .ttlTKe li IILKIBT 61V tit Ibal rrabl Necessary ita-t f a Mineral CUin, alluaie la at He-a Matter Dlrltloo of Caaatar Ola-r. km tuttut, r Um (Mr af Iriare Rapert, aran urtted: seven i&ilrt from ta tbe rrarlata af Bnu.b CaliiBibU. carrr-tmt tba Caina lalema! Bathing Rrile.M iM It; a Um anrtfcaeat brnxH or aa tHialneaa a Um SlerenT Oaar Stara. REMEMBER rci ?. did a lb IU day aT May. A. O IIII. Year pfcrMeua tell you Uial x - ta Hemaa MW, rrtaea Kb-pert, Appendant la aa tnXUned ceodiUaa of; ju :c tkat L 'a t. Eerna. tuirn arret, n s. li'i c artut a arent far hUM OwsaitiU. la trad far tba the MiUc aatk eaHed Um AppeedU at Um, Btiif f M. L. Ja. SIM. tad Wa becwlt af bit credHara, aH bit real and lower nrkt band earnor af tba Ceton or I r M I He. IllllCand for peraabal prtrtrty. eredila and aSecta. larra a let woe. By eaeanaiet tata Coioa That registration ahead of time is valid registration It i6 tp- aiity daje from Um dale abwai auy Im tetaed and aald eader eaecn- auk tartdad warm water by UN "J. B. with the law. L. caeade uaa aack la ateaaaed and Um complying fully r t.- v to Um Ml mar acrdr l bMb attinmo-et la dated tba It ri'S au of tmproeemeata. fee tbe day of May. III. imnnano jakoidea. Haadreda at ' XUUOaf a Crown Oraal of lb A.HD aatiea ta furtW rrra Ual a meet aawealMM baae beoa atoaded CT uaiat 'i That by so registering you will almost certainly b saving a ia And ranker take no tire tbat aat of Um (redtaar I0 I bead at tba warm water eara far 4-pndteHU. Mr. Jea. MatarkUa. II Eeaaaaaa atreet. yourself great inconvenience on Registration Day. a i ae-Uea f, mail be root' law ear af Meaaea. I'tUuore a rattan. ss c -s Um ktum T lack Cr it Biota, rrtera hapert. aa um ITU 1 Wajpaanaaanj w TTVaaB' . day ut May. itil. at lb hoar af a o'efcwk 1 bad apeat over Bfty dotlara wKh That every registration taken beforehand is so much of the i:m dijr or apm a. d iiii ta tbe atlirnwaa. far tbe rpa af tll daraaea arytar t eara AppeodMtua. ru-tr direriaaaa far Um diapietal. or conttaalat Um docaor aald I hhui r ta Um job done so much of the load lifted from the overburdened Um Imaiaeaa af Um aetata. baepttal at oooa tar an prraHee. Yoar rcgittrar so much congestion avoided. A0 aauea li fcrtarr ftvea UmI Um adrertiaeBMtrt uterealed no. I boatbt a STEEN & LONGWILL tuirora mm, oa aed after Um lib day -I. B. U Catrade." whtcb reKeved toe al r lone, IIII. peoreed to dltinbaU Um a. and am now OMnpletelr eared.and Study your own convenience, aid the Volunteer Deputy, obey the law, and lU af Um aatd rraak A. ieena anwai Meter felt better ta mjr We; an paA MKITAn urn) KCATINO tbe rruat ealltwd tbereta. bartat r-lard aareorte rone, and I eat ana aieep uaa a serve Canada, by registering early in the week if you can, or; In any event, miy to Um claUn af wblch b aball bay. I am tTatefsl to Dr. Tyrrell far CffOINCERt Umb be nouce. and ha ta not Im held late waDderfHl bralUt-tirlBt IneeaUon." early on The Day. reepoawtMe for tbe ateu or any part li pee reoL of aH tnunaa iBa are caaaed for Ibereof o dittrtbated to any peraoa at by ateemulated waaU la um comb. Iaaued by authority of genu boaa Vutna ba aball not tbra ba bad Internal Batbint with Um "I. B. U Caa-rada" cCLART PURNACia botiea. ketpa UOa larra UtteaUna aa rrea Canada Registration Board DATED at rrtnee aopert, B. tbi lib rroaa aH waato and aa dean aa nature da-manda day of May. III. it abould ba ror perfect bealtb. HEAMAJ IUU, Aaairneo. AU cyru II onne, DmrfMl, comer Ird u and Ate, and lib at, tor booklet called "Wby bOTICC Or CAMCCLLATIOM Of KCICNVC Man of Today la only It rer Cent. Effl-caeot." SHEET MCTAL WORKS It U frea. He wUI alio ba pleated rboue 5, 831 la abow abdipUla Um "I. B. L. Caacada Becond Avenue. Um Notice la kereby tiren ttat rere Xiat pbooet 678 ailauet on tbai porttoa or it ta. 10 TOO. Registrar for Skeena District O. H. Nelson, Prince Rupert, B.C. j urn Cbartetla Dutrltt. aarreyed ana and Hlue 270 inown at Lot III by reaton or a noUea Th right work, at the right appeartat ta Uw BrtlUb Oataaabia OaielM Umt, and at the right price. af Dercaober IT, IMT. U raaeetted for IIm parpoae of leaamt laid Lot '. Hlifornisa Pruit Queen Cbarktlo DtatrMt. to Um Brltlab taaadua Lanber Corporation United for taw toil! parpotea. Seeds! a it. a Ant-1'. Seeds! Depatr Mlnlater of Land, tMuruneel of Laoda. llna. B. C I4tb May. IIII. J.tl Gum W IwBiUo nnU', Ferry'a and Steele MIMEKAL ACT Brlggt Garden and Field GarUOaata of oaprooient, Seeda. fertllliera and Worm Dee-t"irr. noTtCE. A healthy goody-goody . h ......iam- ofm.'1 and for hungry kiddles. Own" Mineral Ctalma. aliuata In tba Nf. Grain and Mill Feed, Saeena Mtnlae Dirmoo o Good for little teeth rttt'e Poultry Regulator, Wbera loraiedi at '". which tome sweetc harm. cNckan Feed a apeclalty. . "'"am: NOTICE tbtl AkE. M. Manwo, " ... .. Na. liltl-C at- Better for little tummies than too rrMtif aui u. . C. Ball Work. lot aa attnl far Um frequent eating. limited. Free Miner - y Prince R upert Feed Co. I br.f.IT r.. Intend ta aPl'lf aiiu dtjt tta. Oa"ff"data Thebest in-between meals "treat" CerUBfato r Improrrnvnta. for anyone. . for a r. o. u of tbe Oraal pun ' obUlninf a Craan att claim. 1 Prominently dtaplayed In moat atorea And further ue none im. Harry Hanson's dr i aetUon itiuanra IV of mutt aum be Cfoiroenced"tafora" ? AlADAMS(theoHfllnal)TUTTIFRUTTIGUM PATKNTED PfMtnttau. ,,. Iiatea in viiw Fast Heating ADAMS Hot Water Coil TllttNOINttflNtMLN Pure Chewing Gum r tr on .Tru A - w muiMim. vp cum tr 1 trit a m i am u mtit it tbia riBHtaaiaire inem t ei-e v la. i - L.CI W'M. 00 UP. At Ua Mart, "a'' Prra. BJBJBJfOftfam) v a wa-a BBnj4fBBJaoX ol-a - la. ay ! " aiaraa raaae. ' " tonn,t U and up - gwir- II for om ,ar. tad e 0,a Ut la. ki ' irPr' pr'tM "4 ,u',, rur Maeaa raoae. mtoi! '"to'0 tiiiUnt aarta- Information L ;!c:n iU olh' Piuara For Further Apply to 4. 11. "Ww. I t4L, , Pmuu to anrmta to W. E. WIUISCHOFT w'a a?, ?, t1Nowitu Prince Rupert, B. 0. inrrtBtfttMnta, Harry hinm SUBSCRIBE FOR caxamax chewing om ct. TMt BUM PIUMBM i The Daily News