The Daily Nevs 1 fna tfce Eaai- ,.uM9. Tlf Jew C&y ththtry by ex fat t&M, per vus&ii Tte. Following ft jfaM4temit ?sr Gr&A ttrkxtx, fa iMnixit, par rsr V '' Fur Yaa&swiir: si.a -...-- l J. - f .. .- the sun with r. .? - .SJ Frose Vsew ir WRIGEYS ..xer 1 -X St .? - r lf5 Fee Xsyex; Oytio4tm f . ft PJES. Uislon, for a moment, those far off ports beyond t&e trackless seas iMtiUfi Vj yfur; iuia Uel Vlto the VWA MwW MmA ih 4r d) f i never return tut i tpetiisgtry it UxA, Ur -- - Frees Anyeit From Arctic lec to the torrid lands hf u In finger on We vtfte 4ltm. He kmnve, mA U ,-ro ttinuzz, oorrmxaox, etc lyilM Southern Cress beneath the if, 4 teeml of iww lMnVtaK' jTtmr? --. t&v&fer From towns fucked in the mountains, to for Port ZUx&i&a m4 Hui TUttt j .. . . , , . . . . . tfce busy river's mouth i I 1 1.' Ji. A. A Ma i.J 4. 4 A .f ji' &j " it wvAvM KXVtrvtMx of vht Uit tier WRI6LEY5 Is therel of iht tp,rtWA; of ht jmt hi mke yuiAU: natvmmxtatnl Frcai Port. Simpson 4l4 Xajtt o im Mm tuki th euoit oi wt autmn i fui m um m fSier Point: Ttuxe because men find MADE IN CANADA Ahi ly vAmh every tiriUthtr kMUA Mm UHU uA tmpd Teixr comfort and refreshment SEALED TIGHT hop Urn Ihtnv. mm i mwer fmorrtrw, gone w im Htwxt of wwAUtn wing. tore. Queen ChxrtoCtt. IUa: In its continued use. KEPT RIGHT THE JgOLIiiATKI MJXI.Y0 A Ytr MaiL Prl Oestesl xsA Vim of mUHry mmnno eo. Upper Ittaad petals: Because of its benefits '4adr p- . tH,k4 hi from Ufirth wUrriiitte wAui of view tout value - and because ViVMtt lUtpr. of Urn miHUiry operation in iitteri'i very QHtta CliztUilU UUaAti can t'fim Mai, Port Chmtmi sod gtrM, rrom mm urn on miten mn hi open untote xrme oi Lptr Utaad pefksU: iinrt iinUtin uA eapecitUy for the lr4e of CnvU, The utftrtU not (Uj btUr lhH wail UieJr rlay, priatinf need to The Xei Print p. ra. VAHWtihn i Ut VMivmUtk I I'finee Hupeti, the ditltren&i MmP aud uei Ui work dime Mlwn il mm nr oxher vn mum mhh two Jy Journey, Tr SktceaU. (JUartotU and well. (ues Tttf homer Hibeii i opened U) lUe irwie of ihe yotA the rotiiptly City asd Ier lilarxi poioU: wner iUere will be h tjhJj Une miming from ihe fori uhd act tom MO. 11 aturdare 8 p. tn. ot Vrime Htipeii Ut lite writ of ihe Orient. When one Vine mnki it pHf there vrilt he oihern, ami then jul ieh ntert utitct or tnimnm to krrvr iu ULMT. Ukh row, The eommerem centre ot tm north eotwtrY will he r.ily and Lwr Ifaod pelnl nn ftvi fmi of deKr.rihiitg thU eUr. That will eltle the t we WfT. HbCWUHHi KKTWCT Ol'l Te4ays, UoiL the street iyienlUmt the quetllon of making a thing kud the UktMi Alt HIV Alt 0 tOVTH of to here. muHie or im ixttrr, HQhfJHi HWhwn mdmmg Mp)W come For the Yukon. tt.H, AHm:i mz KILK fJWV ITS! Shaoway and Heed ot t&'T MOV1H. Fry ten day. TAIK fUittCt Out 1. iUUX M. MAC- Hou9 tn Town, MILLAJt iff VuMMrftf, U.V., cMmi In view of the iniUlf ot thi centre It neem Jitlle From Skagway and Yukon. mrhM thht no cnmidemhU preparation i heing mule for the f'v-ry ten day. amnng in of ihe Inrge numhern of people w!i are lxnnd to he fmOt f Ijhvm llC Mffbr It- Subscribe for The Daily News Advrtie In tbe Dally Nerw. m in the near future. Tke the In t&le ut an imtane.e. A 14. imt tm um trua iti turmtb; number of good lot were recently offered tor utile in Heclion two, Hur ! If thXi thrm wmtk t yel there ware few buyer. These lot could hnve been pureUtiimi $tm; itaMMw ran tf etaia wm r kM Ui Jww (r Iturlt il Urn llteiM for very ttiutil nmn md title aeeuretl At once. On lime lot vmtimrtt ttXUrwitiu In ittr tuuV. tn tL Hinnll coUakv for the incoming resident tnizhVlie 'I'hem in Utile deumnd for extieimiva phcen, hut there' n'lUmwd m unt9 or Um. trjm McUftTY M ACHILLA mm it amnimtrnhle one tor niimu, nent aMniie in which iall OttJ Arl IU. .1 1 tttmiliea muy live renpectnUly t re&nonnble rent, ft U not every "The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility otmnn imi cure to wn in un uvurlmem, Arid even it they di'J MINIifiAJ, ACT of oxaggeratioiL" Sir Robert Borden tht'rtt hie not tmoiikh uimiiimm tor all, Khuno property J tciliti Mul that can he necured by imrclming from the city or Certificate of Improvement. from pmnw nrw, Lumber tuny be ccurcd right on the pot mill l Horn win eoof) be plenty of a kind numule for the purpose .JTICK rttru I ruthtit Mtwtl citim, mmt la I City and Town Labor lUiitmUir ttrv nmrea hut the mml of Ijoiikox Ik great and orre lit kH U)umg Wftvm or CAur thing will lrmt (o be dona to supply Die need, PttOltl, Mulol Aocltlon' Attn. Auiplclou Oponlritf, 1Akf. toiler, ihu I, Um W. Pilimr. Must Save Tlio f'linco llup'trl Mimirnl AKMoclatlon lm owned llio ea- rttm MMri far John Mrtratu Wtlford no.iiromlK-rk,19197-c Fin ti mom iilnlc' iiiplciiii circmiiftlaiiceH, II lind a largo attendance VtAor1 criint No, mtt c. muni. i I (fit; llmt pninliKti mid III ore wm n good dnl of Intcrent and uijr ify from Um Oim Ixroof, w iiiyl The Food Situation (Ui(liiii)niitM on tlio tinrt of tlini who wore p re ft e it. TJioio wlio Imprumitfiiu, for ih jwrpMM of obuin- llku lo (itlmid concnrl Imt wlio IIkjiiiicIvcx Jiovo not tlio Inclina iDf Crown Orint of l tu,tt awn. tion or opportunity to hku port In lli prforuiAnco will look, for Atul tuHMr itk ntl ilAt ftlo(i. en- giant thlny at tnn lirnl pniilin niilaiiinu'il given oy the new tlrr ii litu Htli or t ult rnuil criinru Ix ifnmrntl cf lrff tfor npHE A heart of the food production problem is labor, andtho iiNMovlflllou. Tlio performer iwny get in most from the mii, heart cf the labor problem is the city dweller. City people niUAlCttl pef'fOrmfuiceM, lull if lliey do tlielr work welt tlio general DTFn iiiii i iiii dty r auvum, a. d must produce food it Canada is do her full in pnlillt' ami Maud to lienofit. Tlio tnmtenl ansoclallon in looked ion. on I to duty support upon ftiimttwlml nn it civic lnlfliitfon nnd everyone Is iritcrested MHf.r.Hk LAN ft I)ISTIlinTll'MICT OF I of our soldiers and Allies. in ll ftiicceiw, iji;k;n ciiamLottk ulamis. Men who are needed on farms must come from the cities and BrllnWt U Pnylog TAKK NOTICB thil llgnr iohn Drl- towns there is no other source. The Provincial Departments Interest on Uobu Mif. of Trlnra Jtuprrl, i, c, occupnum flrk, Iriumli lo tpply for xnrillon lo of Agriculture co-operating with the Canada Food Board, can All (lie dclit'lliAfgei of (Ireal Ilrllaln nro doing paid out of lnia Ilia foilowlnr drierlbrd Umll: nirri'iil laxfilhni, yet during the war the national dohl of (he place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. country linn uicrenited from tlirco nnd a iiot lor hillloii doiram to lid t htU mllct frum ilia tnoutli of Ut um I They are needed at once. iiefiily forty hllllon dollnrM. In Oennniiy the tnxus do not pay luy in ilia north inn or Blwyn. Inlet, Mnrliy liUnd, O. C. IiUndi; thenca wril ihe interont on the war dalil, for the Interent nnd principal wax to 10 rliAfiii, tlii-nr ouih to rhtint, tii'nr. Those who remain at home must also Grow Food Inive heen t liiirgnd iigalnut the Allien nflor tlmy lind heen ftiilnlned lo riiilm mora r iit lo lfrii, ttM-m- nnd made Kiilntervicnl to the linn will, The prohnhlllly now ftnduif lnn Itfarli n forrihoro to point or ltwrn roiumonferiiciii.Mrb and iu in A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will llntt the iirtlloiial dcht of (letmiuiy will lie worth very little when Mtiri fonulnlnr 40 arret mora or Imi man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow Ihe wttr l ovr. notuce joii.t nriADDunr. Is on a form. But War Garden more food for export. ntl fun 17, s el service is needed from those who The veej:able garden offers can do no more. an opportunity for service to men Lengthen lite Lift of Byry Bflok of Your Prooloui Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it Impossible WHEAT FLOUfl LUMBER produced on city land by for them to work on a YOUR BAKING city labor,will be n positivcaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls Agent for to the food supply. Home Garden to city people generally. I Milly ntftiiaHCil wlieii you hnvo Ibnl on the propor "mili-tiUilpn" lo employ. In IIiIn the avernKo woman In Kiiidptl Prlnoo Rupert Lumber Oo. Be a Food Producer This Year luiMy I'y to IIiIukn, nnmcly, the corcnli (lint nro mml and If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in unlvprnnll)' nduplnlile nnd the preferouce of Hie family. Hailing' Saw Mill your community, associate yourself with if. If no organization Provided A Good BMlo Flour LU "ROYAL BTANOAnD" Il exists, do what you can to interest Used You Will Find n Cucollonl nna of Cholo In COAL your neighbours in the War Garden campaign. ooiin M.otm itvn klouii AtrunU for Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture YKI.I.OW ROIINMKAh Nanalmo Wellington Coal for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. ItOI.Mil) OAT8 and -Yellowhead 0 ATM HAL Coal CANADA FOOD BOARD Vancouver Milling & Grain Complete lino of is BUILDINQ MATERIALS 00., UMlTHl) Director of " Director of, Miller of tlio Knmoua "Koynl Stniulnrd Flour" Production V- Agricultural Labor Chairman Millar Mcomin 13d Wholptnlo I.lcon.o 12.105 Albert & IMaffery, Lid. I'Acknito Orenl I.Icpiuo 2040 lo 103 (In Co-operation with the Provincial Department rf Agriculture.) Wharf ornaa, rhn a 33 Off!., taeano- Avtnua, fhana 1U r.rzsi