THE DAILY NFWS Wednesday Sppt, l'bJ i9 ' LORD ATliOLSTAN NEY AGENT-GENERAL Tocrousoasiuggm, G. H. Arnold BIG FINISH IS Louz jVeuu votes IS HERE ON VISIT WAS HERE TODAY to stomach,relievo to fortifwr?a iUtrS notary puuq EXPECTED IN self against A new shipment of ladies' raia- Think Taking 0er of All Rall- F. C. Wade, the recently ap disease, eats. ail sizs at Jabour. 215 (or Brit By Dominion Govern pointed Agent-General FOR SALE QUEEN CONTEST ways ment Would Be Grave ish Columbia In London succeeding Sir Iliciiard McUride In that feet. Cheap. Weigh Scales. MUtoke. r oftlce, was In the city this morning Lot 17, block 18, Section t Each Candidate Confident: SnectaJ Ben self returned this morning) AtboUtan who controls where he was shown over the il On Seventh Avenue oposile Prizes Offered for Second and ! & z a mm s Lotl . . . . principal features of the pine. jaiier a bujuhi wp u anew- Monlra star, arrived in me the Kin Edward School ton Third In Great Race for ver mer Prince Rupert He is going east on the special Temporary Royalty. ... city train. $500 Harry Lipsett was among ti ft? i7Pro" nee.the He southern wa, In. When seen this morning Mr. This Is the last day of the big amrals this morning by tte Club Wade said that he was just louring Canadian Half cash and the balance in race for the position of Queen of Prince George. vited to address has the consistently re- the country in order to fit he three months. the Carnival. Each candidate is kere but himself for his new duties. confident and theii; supporters are Beaver, Coster and the Tank '! all such imitations. He is If You Would Succeed the latest shades neveaiv years of age and is travel rallying well. The fishermen de Gray are in H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. clare that Miss Wcslman shall ladies overcoats at Jabour's. ling for pleasure, accompanied by MINING DISPUTE TO ........... .. win A group of Miss Allen's " rHr Atbolatan. Discussing the 'supporters are equally determin- "P 8UPfr . railway situation His Lorjlship BE TRIED AT ATLIN ::Be: ed and the Granby residents think,"' :uc " said: THE DAILY NEWS arrived this morning on the "Throughout Canada among 0 there will be anotuer Ule to leu j One of the cases to be tried by steamer from Vancouver. thinking people there is a very i tomorrow. Barker when he reaches Judge Classified Advertising the railway : In order that there be no strong feeling on may will be between Frank Allin one Launch Alice B. for the Salt and I find it strong in losers in this gifal race the management question H. the former owners on Phone 08 have arranged that the akes leaves Prince lluperl Boat-house the west. Next to the war it is Mobley and which . hour 10 mining property every commencing is of,"' felt that the railway problem 'second prize shall be a free trip Tfci. tb Advert l!ri a Colama ikat o'elock on Sundays. Round trip overpowering importance. It is " t J I .t . .L! tto Seattle in the best acoramoda- SO cents. tf of Canada is and bought by the present member Time , b," i .t,on lhal can be Purchased, and fell that the credit fihe consolation prize will be a The fishing boat Washington "P. Jh -l.'two men. Tallmlre and We-sche. '- diamond ring. brought in today 45,000 lbs. of uuanciai uuiikiiuud itiuiHuei- ..... . were ia u 10 be lurjneriy in WANTED. I The Queen will receive a pres- halibut; Fairbanks, 8,000; East from the war emphasiie the vlUl,ln leresled in the property, are now .ent of her diadem which is now Point, S.000; Bravo, 9,000, importance of not making any ........ ... ern Buy Your Watch i under arrest and there are a num. from - mistakes in the railway made by Mr. Bulger, the more j being and Fisher, 4.000. which make the ler of side issue wLfTE0?aiaicrs wanted at ooee, jeweller. She will also gel all the . policy of the country. tUrtnUt Brothers. .,paraphernalia including a white Now that the road to the' mill "An outsider's opinion on this case an exceedingly Inlrieale one! BULGE? WA.fTU Tsniiibea house or lut, tor st'satin gown trimmed with erynine, s completed the Prince Iiupert question may be of very little and interesting to the people case!who least ix nomas. Canadian tuaUy. p- a r0De of purple lined with gold Lumber Company is ready to de- value, but it has been my privilege live in that district. The ply . Q"y cact- "i.nt- to be made to order as soon iver lumber to the local trade. to discuss Canada's railway problem was started in the Supreme Court Expert : Watchmaker tt-Aj(TED attt or woman to tue ear r as the queen is elected. She will Orders may be placed with Albert with many of the most far-seeing at Vancouver, but remitted t the two ttaanu br r. oood also get a medal. An automobile & McCaflery. tf. and discerning exports of County Courjt Judge at Atlln by rTi. T rri. l -l-PC on the fete the United Stales and Canada Mr. Justice Morrison. day and she will receive all the It f mmnred lhal Mr. All. men who have operated railways ....... ... . WOME.1 BZW WA-TrtO SKady employ- honnr. nf - r-irninl, nuen bright's "May" of Anyox will bei on a large scale, who know me HOTEL ARRIVALS aunL I'lcoeer Laaadry. tr There was a dance last night,inere ,or lhe races nexl week. The'hislory of traffic development and EOT wax ted apply Qnuft Ltd ted. the proceeds of which will pur- Doal 19 a ma'l one ana it is!are familiar with every province Hotel Prince lluperl. ' H eaters aor WA.HED savot hotel. ufebase something like 1,800 votes,hardly expected that she would Gf Canada and in their opinion Kenneth C. llatnillon. San I for Miss Allen. ;etand the strain of a long race. tne solution ot uanaaas railway Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. W. P.! WA5TEO Waitress. Howl rrtsec RspcrLj problem might easily mean a set- Hobertson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.' The "Tillamook" is just FOR SALE BRITISH FORCES (Pleling the discharge of 10,500 com. haV n tnn fntintfva Hpvitlrtnmpnt K. T. Saunders. Mrs. J. J. ScolL' $3 to 3! fop According to the a century Pineher Creek; Dr. and Mrs. A. FOR SALE Wwr motor wtitunt macbine iTPirirrn it rntiri cases of canned salmon which view of these railway experts, a Vorktown. Sask.; Mrs. For Coal, Oil cr Wood It. Lindsay, Al 1 ALrLlf AI LrllLl 8ije loaded at Ketchikan and other tf-trlj new aad a Fruiklia stotc. lte t: : 1 i I. 1. 14, Cbcap; pbone Hi. It 7 'American canneries in the neigh-London, wruiif, wiicy iiiitciu iimnc iuo r J. Thompson, Usk; Mr. and debt loo great to Dear witnout Mrs. J. Lambert. Miss M. A. Way. II. British borhood. TfcB will be FOR SALE 8-borse-power. it fL trolCnr Sept. cargo ship-forces burdening the people beyond their Ornamental or fl n Mrs. J. Boslrom. W. II. Pierre.' boat, an rltred In flnt-clus condltlcn; below Ephey were attacked ped over the G. T. P. handling cbtap for caih, owner Ittrlor to"n. at 5:15 yesterday morning. The! ... .... capacity,... .. while.. . prudent. 41 Port Kssington;. .. Mr. and Mrs II. Pbofx 100. Sll assault was made on a front of .....V. l.owier nepre?nun?. in.. ni- inn aiiimiinn"V7 wnmci,.7 .7 HirenKLiieii" ' . ""u Winnipeg. Jas. Lamb. Thompson Hardware Cu. ii wn irrnnn m uiiu kiik iitvk uriu WOOD after Sept. 10 will be $3.50 a.ana varri rfpniie rain whirh .ortn American Timner uo. ana o--i-r w . .. Mr. ana irs Swann, Harellon: E. . : v...,.n-. . Ih lmln Timh.r rn lu in " siren&uieu uur crcun. IU 1C I. Kuapp. Prince Oeorge; F. St. UMiriD pr load. Pony Express. tf "SrTmSdJ ioZ cWVSU. r "-k of the world Clair. P. Mutters, C. L. Liodhe. St TVH Aaa qk . FOR SALE About fifty gasoline cana. Apply New Office. Ephey is on the Hindenburg line of lh. firm,. These two cor'JJ!: Vancouver; L. G. Skinner, Copper south of Gouzacourt. tons own, about Z2& square miles " City; T. GaMn. Edmonton; W. W. Mill OrJcrs at'cnJtd to pmtcpUj Ih,, fll ... . FOUND ti.. n.iii.w it ii .,i ni I imnpr nn .iinrcsnv .island.. - - DIaikie. Prince George; A. W. . iiie jusii nil c: uvriucasi ui ture has in store for us a demand in the salient ad Carey, Smithers; A. J. Lovell. TOU5D Flr of rold mounted f jO tlitees. N'ieppe Lys was which If complied with give may ( I A new barge arrived in the Vancouver; R. W. Iirge. Port vanced the and the Apply piny stws omee. tr during night Canada blow from which ft city veslerrfav for Ihe Imnerial a British positions in Ploegsteert Simpson; A. L. Goudie, Kitchener; rOUXD At Salt Lakes, Ud)' tathlot tall Munitions Board. She be might not recover for many year?. -will J. C. Spencer, Port Simpson. and two to we!. Owner mi) care same region Improved. , used for carrying lumber from the perhaps not in the lifetime of any Hotel Prince Rupert at Dally news oOce by piylor for this Kemmel Is under fire 1 rUHl adrertlsemenL tf Islands to Prince Rupert. She is present-day Canadian. heay guns. 141 ft. long, 37 ft. wide and 9 ft.1 Immigration, EUROPEAN PLAN deep and has large carrying ca-' "In the East, anyway, the feel-pacity. JANITOR WANTED RED GUARDS MOBILIZED 51X0 per day and oo, tag is that if the Government of Canada deals with matters in the M. I STEPHENS Stockholm, Sept. 10. A large For the Borden Street FIRST-CLASS CAFE number of Finns at school. Salary 90.00 arrived Cayle'town tbat Lieut. F. S. late per. Long, will rank the question of filling up A La Carte. NOTARY eUBUO the last few and de- month, duties to commence during days manasrer of the Bank of B. S. A. ih rnnnirv viih,i n.nni Offers desired on the following clare that they left Finland be- in tnls cityf ha8 been wocnded al a8 a compeiiin? question after as soon as appointment is properties: cause the Germans were forcibly the front, and this information is the war and if they mean to do made. Applicants must be Lots 15 and 10 Block 5, Section mobilizing for work,...on the .Mur- followed bv th iniimaiinn lhal hp u.u i, . ih ih ,.iw.. prepared to make arrangements 4 ) .--w aa J a nv liiu auaariMJ 5. Fifth Avenue. man coast both lille and lied has bcen awarded the Military question settled in a way to stayl with the Inspector Guards the of Steam Boilers for a certificate V. I. PRIVA1C OCTCCTIVC AOtNCf among refugees. Icross iii nnn!i Lots 23 and 24, Block 26, for conspicuous bravery. nettled (.aiiafartnrilv in 20 MtrcBliUa !, VMi". lo operate the heating Section 0. with dwelling, ! essential preliminary. Wise LAND REGISTRY ACT W ord has been plant. Full lime must Eighth and Bowser. I received in town men feel tbat as Canada's effort Day Fbooe, fteyaoar mi, (Section 30 and 134.) of Archie Russell who for many be given lo the work. NUbt I'booe, rtimoot 1(11, n the war ha9 been hig Ug effort Lot 25, Block 22, Section 0, W. 1). Secil VANCE, member lary. years was a of the Post Eighth Ave. near Dry-dock, lie Alteration io. 101 111. File it to. in peace mugl be hlg 0f we wJ Haa omc. aia hi mitt- P. O. Box 1556. office staff, lie and 82 ft. fronaagc. TALK XflTirr f h annll.xlnn h two brothers, 8tagnale. u does nol requfre any Victoria. B. O, rttea S4IS. s nude to rerMter Brvnton fl. llonre xiul the - youngest not twenty, are nnwpr. nf Hi.mmnni i Lots 42 and 43, Block 27, Hot l. Moore or Prince nupert, B.C. as fighting in France Aiinougn lie ii,. .(..nHh r,r m..i it s Section 1, Park Avenue. owoer. ...In tt under... a .Tai Sal Deed from Vites cheerfully, he is Inn! In 7. . ' . . ' j t ""n""n t ri aa nnu'inonapi a a a nnimi in 1 lhe flghl over and relurn lo Uillnga Wantod Montr Loanod fceanur data tbe su day or xannZtr. in their attitude to after-war con Iniurtnc of All Kinds. ni7. of all A-D sisouLAii ttut cruin Canada. ditions as they have been in the1 parrel or tract of land and premises situ- NOTICE OF PARENTS ate. Irlnr and belor In Uh iinitlnUlv or S. P. I.inrlhp nhn la a nhivm- struggle, the politicians will find AND GUARDIANS WANTED ibe cr ef Prince Hupert, wore pirtlca- holder in a big group of timber 11 Per"0U8 rifle w'ln l'0 aucu al Kitimat. Kildala iind " 7 1 Experience! atenogr .p'' REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Pupils will be accepted t,aTo,utn!Mi ftis ,em and Emigration.- cr by September 3rd. app i FINANCIAL AOCNT Gardner y Canal, was In the city for the receiving classes of 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 are required to ccnteit u euim of the yesterday. He has been talking all Urn Public Schools up staling salary and. expr ZZcSirTJTy ot floPinjr the limit, and ex-Le STIRRING TALE OF lo and including Friday, Sep- ence. P. O. Box 1708. effetted hy pobiicatlon). and your at- here within a tcmber 13th. Kindly pre- s i trntion is called, to section 36 or tbe "Land couple of weeks when he will have LIFE IN THE NORTH sent your children on or lurtstrjr Act- with amendments, and to an announcement to make, PONY EXPRESS before that dale. SUBSCRIBE FOR the folio win r extract t herefrom: ' j ' A tale of the stirring times of W. I). VANCK. Secretary. "And In default of a eareat or certificate The latest styles and the newest PHONE 301. .0a nf ininU f in.iinn. r lis pmdens ilnr filed before tbe rrri c-nmhiino- raum as owner of the wrson entitled un- shades of ladies' fall and winter i.i i.i .,. The Daily News MOTOR TRANSFER der such tax sale, til persons so serred &rriVi,d Tahniir'. .7.," ,7' f "V"" wim noun ana tnoie cuim- .c081 Jui and aj llje esCiteinent which went ing Uirouro or under them, and all persons! . cuiminr nr Interest in the land br virtue nrr mrs a am f innn l"1 Ue lure Of the north In the .......................................... 4f CORNER FIFTH AND THIRD or auy unrerlitered In.trunient, and all! ftftUtO RlH) LAuUK early days is encompassed in the (Rear of Hart ntock). person cUlmina any Intereft In the land by desrent wnosa title I not reruuered1 great 'The Barrier' AUCTION SALE ! under tlie provlilom of this Act, snail Le COUNCIL DOINGS 'SThf Wo Bell Tents, Safes Coal. for ever rttopped and debarred from setllnr up any rltlm to or In respect of tlie land ' Prince Rupert people like some. Wo sell by Public Auction sold for and Ilia shall1 Call so taies, lterlstrar At tbe meeting of the Trades thing high-class and will Manager's Nlxbt at Oarago rernier tue person enutiea under such they get PHONE RED 126 ui sale as owner of the land so sold ror and Labor Council last niclit lh ii I nnli?lit (n flia snAfiarn lap anil On September 12th, 19i8 PHONE Flrat BLUE AaalstanL 413 kx'o wiieiieas application has been reports of the Labor Day doings enthralling picture of life in the Unclaimed Hangar and goods in storage at' 10 a. u Proprietor, mid. for s certificate of indefeasible Tine snoweu me event to nave been far noijlh. It may be mentioned Bui plus equipment, etc., at 10.30; Express and'other wag' to tne sbove-HR-ntioned lands, m tbe name very successful. The entire that is but each there show pro- one at 11.30; Trucks al 12 Horses PHONE BLACK 451. of lirenton O. Moore and Imv I.. Mri.r. j ...... .. . noon; at 12.30 i;.,7,,-. ceeos oi uie oance amounting to evening because the films are at. wHFi.rta h. Co time on Bid Instant Delivery Meets on time Be punctual tnia it appears tint prior to tbe ith dsy,32-50 ,iave een handed over to long and full of Interest and can Yours for Unheard of Kvery Train and Boat. Bargains. or October, jfiie (the date on which tbe,Hie Red Cross and the proceeds not possibly be shortened to make said land were sold for overdue tie),'0f the raffle of fruit under the a two-night show. THE PONY EXPRESS you were toe injiieu owner merecr. i..iA. ii,. tiih i, ITIiTilEIl TAKE NOTICE lhal si tbe. , . " ' icia wan. same Unl shall elffcct rerlstrstion In pur-:,ven 10 1,10 same cause. LOOKINQ TO PEACE O. 0. WALKER sutnee of sucb spplicstlou snd Issue a I I lie thanks of the committee riANo TUWEn -r"" """ e w me Mia wa8 extended to Capta ns Helig, Basel. Sent. 10, ' lands In the uame of the aforesaid prllelwL,, lcl,;oenl Phone III us S . P.O. Bos ZB4 and Max Heilbroniier Wilson's unless you uie and prosecute tbe prober for; programme as a baa is Fishing Boat Insurance htttnnc: Any Music Teacher or proceedlnrs to establish your claim. If any, their aid on Labor Day. .for a negotiation for peace is en- Musician In Trlnca Itupert. to the ssld lands, or to prevent such pro- ii was arranged mat ir Presi- dorsed by Count Michael Karolyi, The Union Insurance Society 0f Canton, Ltd., have a toked action on my part. dunl H'nllpra nf ihu Tfohh .1 ,,ui.1,ini n... ir.. 1 n . Psied at tbe Land neglitry Office, Prince VlV rTl " .7! """.'"r" uo"' u"Brian Jie- thorJzed us to issue insurance on fishing boats ut 7 and 8 Work is being rushed on the liupen, B.C., this eth day of September,jLabor Congress returns this way.publican party, who says it whould per cent., according to the age of -tho boat. Policies a t Queen Charlotte City.mills and it A. I). 101 J II. F. MACLEOD. tp iiuiii addresfi Tanvuuci a public uv win meeting we invud here.) accejJiea written In our offlco, and cun bo issued on day of npplii is expected that they will be cutting District Itrrlstrsr of Titles ' ' " 1 I ' P;. Illl iTntPl Uaa nmAnrr Mia Hon. spruce In about two weeks. To Hubert Waller Williams,0. Laurie, Boys' and girls' slicker coals arrivals In town thi, morning McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. A large sum of money is being William Jones, and capes in black and olive irreen'rcTi, .n..ii, i.. . spent in putting the mill tn shape. Prince Rupert, II. C. Just in at Jabour Bro.. 215'nn vi.V " Third Avenue Prince Ruoert. B. O. i - i