111 K 11AI1.Y NKVVb. Friday, December 27, 1918. Page 2 t f f MAIL SCHEDULE ' ft' The Daily News j'. BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. PRINCE RUPERT - Mondays, Wednesdays and Sal-lrdays Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News at 0:30 ain. ; Printing and Publishing Co , Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays at 5:45 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Tor Vancouver: City Delivery; by carrier or mail, per month 75c. undaya 10 p. in. By Mail-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Tuesdays . .... 5 p.m. To United States and other countries,' in advance, $7.50. Thursdays.............Saturdays 10 7 p.a-m.m. : ' ' -J ... . Telephone 98. From Vancouver , Sundays ....10 p.m. .TRANSIENT DISPLAY -ADVERTISING- op' cents per inch. Vednesdays 10:30 a.m. Contract Rates on application. Saturdays 10:30 a.m. The For Anyox: DAILY EDITION. ?Ot Friday, December 27, 1918 tundas ...... . . 1 , . . , . 10 p.m. universal Vednesdays 10 p. m- IH WINNIPEG TORONTO,CAMADA MOWTPCAt IH f3 Saturdays 10 p. in. military The Political Truce. ' . . - .o From Anyox: service Although the Allies are still at war-UhJthe Central Powers, Tuesdays a.m. tins of the noticeable things throughout;the pressbf the Dominion Thursdays ................ a.m. Sum Sundays . . p.m. is the fact that matters political are once more receiving greater TO SUBSCRIBERS attention. Practically since tlie last election there has been an Subscribers to The News For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet unwritten truce to controversial matters in the world of politics are asked to pay the de- points: nt least ud to November 11, the date of the signing of the armis livery boys each month Sundays .10 p.m. A Soldier's offering to his , . ihfi.... first forward and visible emblem of when they call, except lllOa 1 liv miiuwuww where payment has been From Port Simpson and Naas sweetheart is naturally the cessation of fighting the war was as good and with the victory, made for the year in ad- River Points: i.s won. With the winning of the war accomplished, to ail intents vancc. The boys when Tuesdays .a.m. sweetmeat that gave him and no longer absorbing all the public interest, criticism of the collecting carry official re- most refreshment and greatest present Government is becoming more pronounced( and in the ceipts which .should al- Queen Charlotte Islands: Unionist newspapers, too. ways be preserved. For Ma9sett, Port Clements and enjoyment when on duty. Upper Island points: Thursdays 7 p. m. Signs and Portents. Tom Masset, Port Clements and Several rcnutable citizens witnessed the resurrection of MINERAL ACT Upper Island points: The Flavour Lasts many house Hies in their homes the day before Christmas. Ccrlincate of Improvements. Sundays, a. m. Another day, within the week, the dogs in the street were seen .NOTICE s'or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte lolling on the sidewalks, with their tongues hanging out, and Drum Lummoii, I X L, Caledonia. Mavis, ills. Kitchener. Bg Thing-. Dumfries. City and Lower Island points: panting, as they do in midsummer. And yesterday a citizen of Monlalve, Indei. Malachite,, Cupprlte, Orey Sundays 7 p. in. undoubted veracity saw a caterpillar, in all its glorious greenness, oppcr, Wharf and Bunker mineral claims, From Skidegate. Queen Charlollo ttuate In the Skeena Mining- Division of gobbling up the vegetation. And all the tinie seventy miles up lange 4. Coast District. Where located: City and Lower Island points river there is two feet of fresh snowfall. The mildness of the )n Copper Creek, Doug-las Cbanael. Thursdays. TAKE MjTICE that I, John D. Anderson, Prince Rupert weather around this Christmas is undoubtedly . C. L. S., or Trail. B. C, acting as agent For Skagway and the Yukon. unusual at practically any other point in the same latitude. One or the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. 2!.- Every ten days. plausible explanation is that the recent earthquakes felt in the 439-C, Intend, sixty days rrom the date From Skagway and Yukon. province have released many calories of. internal heat in the in hercor, to apply to the Mining Recorder Every ten days. for the fjr Certincate of Improvements, terior of the earth, permitting it to penetrate nearer the surface urpose or ohtalnlng Crown Grants"of the liove claims. When you have read tho news Real Enterprise. And rurther take notice that action, un-ler look through the classified column section 37, must be commenced before Page 5. Should this assumption prove to be a scientific fact then it ments.be Issue or such Certificate of Improve on may be presumed that the municipality will take immediate ad Dated this list day or September, A. D. vantage of it, when proven. Instead of talking for the simple 018. J. D. ANDERSON. t sake of talking, with the hopes of influencing the voles of the LAND ACT - ignorant, about the establishment of the ciyjc coal yard, when Form No. 11. everyone knows that even if it did have a coal yard the city would Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease i . Land. have no power to operate it, the city Public Works Department DISTRICT;N OUEEJt CHARLOTTE RECORDINO ISLANDS DISTRICT LAUD OF might excavate down a little further through the earth's crust, OF SKEENA LAGOON AND SITUATE INLET, MORESBY ON SOUTH ISLANL;SHORE nearer to this liberated heat. A small Vesuvius might be estab ABOUT ONE MILE FROM ITS MOUTH. TAKE NOTICE that I. John M. MacMUIan. Jished on Mount Hays, and a hot water coil patent applied for, or Vancouver, B. C. occupation cannery- man. Intends to apply for permission to and of sufficient size, might supply heat to the whole city. This lease the following described lands: consummation would be of Commencing at a post planted on the a triple advantage. It would first of south shore of Lagoon Inlet, Moresby Island, all keep us warm; secondly, would economically abolish the Coal about one mile from Its mouth; thence west SO chains; thence north ?0 Barons, and thirdly and lastly, or at least let us hope so, would chains; thence east 20 chains more or less save us from a foolish and meaningless election parrot cry. to low water mark at the beach; thence southerly following low water mark to the point of commencement, containing ( acres more or less. JOHN McLARTY MACM1LLAN. DATE October 10th. 10 IS. D.I 8 BEAUTY 9 MUSIC Wl LAND REGISTRY ACT. (Sections 36 and 134.) nrrri was nevermore needed Re Appllcat.on No. T8-li 07't-l uiuwjMi. i nan u id ' TAKE NOTICE that application has oeen thic r-wniCTi t ao LL. made to register Nathan Louis LanUo and Iora Schplnman as owners In fee under wo t sale Deeds from the Collector of the Cay of Prince Rupert, bearing date the J 1th day or November, 1017, of ALL and SINOULAII that certain parcol or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being In Ibe Municipality of the City r rrlnre Rupert, more particularly known a:id described as Lot e!even (II), Block ' lurniy-iive 185). Section seven (7), and b7v M m Lot thirteen (is Block thirty-five (33) Section eight (8), Map 0J3. You are re quirea to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days rrom the date Your or -iha service or this notice (which may Dainty Things be effected by publication In the Dally When cloud-banks blot the s!r ' c! all fTCY, or jcws, ana your attention u called to sec whistling winds make outdoors t,':.:: rcta!?lc,."ho,. Hon amendments,38 or the and"Land to the Degistry following Act"extract with can be washed over and over again with Lux anci cheery and exhilaraunj arc Lrr lights and therefrom; sparkling fires ; and In default of a caveat or rertinmt still retain the delightful charm of freshness and vi us penaeiu oeing niea Derore tho regis tratlon as owner of the Derson entitled nn And in these soul-trying days, how welcome der such tax sale, all persons so served newness. Very desirable, this, in war time ! Lux .... hiui uoiire, ana inose claiming is tb,e cheery brihtne; s the scothj- caress the 'iruiiKu ur iinoer mem, ana an persons g iniumiv any interest in ine iauu oy virtue is so gentle in its cleansing power that it cannot soul-satisfying messarje cf the music you love anx iiiircrvisiereu instrument, ana an persons claiming anv Interest In th linii harm the delicate fabric. by descent whose title Is nr.t registered most So this Christmas you need music more than under the provisions of this Act. shall be ever music, that the of lor ever estopped and debarred rrom set fill good brings Christmas spirit ling nr. anv claim to or In reanert nf ih to everyone, young and old. Such is the music of shall land so register sold for the taxes,person and entitled the Registrar under How to wash a silk garment such tax sale as owner or the land so Use tablespoonful of Lux of Dissolve in boiling om for taxes." a to a gallon water. 2&NEW.EMBON- 4ND WHEREAS application has been or very hot water and whisk into a thick, creamy lather. Add cold made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands. In the name water until Iuke warm. Dip your garment through the Lux suds many ''The Phonograph with a Soul" (f Nathan Louis Lamlo and Dora Scheln times. Work it about, gently squeezing the suds through the soiled This wonderful instrument brings the beautiful tan.AND WHEREAS on investigating the title parts but do not rub ! Rinse in three waters clear and also luke warm. world ofmusicintoyour home RE-CREATIONS I appears that prior to tho ISth day of Press the water out but do not wring. Dry in the shade and when of the art of the world's greatest artists. The New lands October,were 1016 sold(the for date overdue on which taxes),the said you nearly dry press on the wrong side with a warm iron never a hot Edison does not merely imitateit actually RECREATES were the registered owner thereor. one. Press crepes from side to side and stretch a very little as you with such utter fidelity that the human tiuo FURTHER time I TAKE shall effect NOTICE registration that It the in press. They willjpok just like newl ear cannot distinguish between the living artist and umiance or such application and Issue The New Edison. Certincate or Indefeasible Title to the aid lands In thn names of Nathan Louis LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED - Toronto The true spirit of Christmas Iie3 in the soul of I.ando and Dora Schelnman unless you take 48 The New Edison. Let it sing its of hope and prosecute the proper proceedings to message establish your claim, lr any, to the said and faith and love in your home this year. ands, or to prevent such proposed action n my pari. fhit cur tttrtfir dmtnitrathn if the marvtlour Ntw Edism ' iMieo at me laoa Registry Offlec vS3 r:iuvt tnt itfit t yur burnt, A ibligathn, gfieurit, yj JJ rlnc0 Rupert, B. C,, this nd day of urusi, IVIB. H. r. MACLEOD, Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince District Registrir of Titles. A Rupert, B.C. 2 To Robert Hlldebrandt, Prince Rupert B c ii,,B fiti vuiie, raoniana, Francis Calve, Prince Rupert. B. C