March13, 1919. THE DAILY NKW8. Thursday Page 3 CHURCH BONDS "If high rales cf interest rr.f r.lSl he tali on Canadlt BEST ORANGES (jnetr.ment boriiutiigs, the t topic thoulJ liave EAT THE ARE BEING SOLD the opportunity io coin i it.kteit". Sirt lllOW. U NITE, t.UnMr.rtf rinanc. OUR'S ARE EXttr llUiNALLi liUUU Presbyterian Congregation launch We were very fortunate in getting 30 cases Scheme for Financing Debt ofthesi Most Delicious Oranges, juicy, large, and Saving High and full of Sweetness, They are different. Interest. The rather novel plan of selling Why They We Will Sell "ihem This Week bonds to their own Deonle and thus liquidating the debt of the 70" r ,a Are 5c 60c' ant CZeD' accer'ne sat Buying 40c, church property by assuming THEM BY THE CASE n themselves is being carried out by ORDER the half case . . . 3 per tase the members of the Presbyterian WAR-SAVINGS unurcn here. The scheme was See Our Confection Window. launched last night at a congre gational supper, when three STAMPS trustees were appointed to act on - hminlf nf thr VinnH hnlflnn Tnlow Fuller's Grocery -W.UV.O. a committee starts on a canvass The housewife of the members. is economizing in PHONE 45 PHONE The Scheme. comfortable vays and investing in War-Savings The scheme was explained at Stamps al $4.02 each this the dinner last night by D. C. Mc-llae. month. In 1924, when these stamps are He stated that the oresent redeemed at $5.00 each, every dollar debt amounted to $7,500 and will have greater purchasing power. they proposed enlarging the pres 131 Oifice-14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 cnt building at a cost of about The business man is cutting off small and Phone $1,000. At present they were unnecessary expenditures and buying War-Savings paying twelve & Co. per cent, on the Stamps. He knows his money is available Prince Rupertjngineering Supply mortgage. They were going to pay it off by selling bonds to the any time he really needs it, with added members at C per cent. interest. $5 for $4 in five'years is an excellent Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors The interest will be payable return on money otherwise idle. Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete annually at the end of the year Plant Installations when checks will be issued to School children are buying Thrift Stamps everyone and at the same time at 25 cents each and are filling their Thrift Northern B.C. Representatives ten per cent, of the original in Cards in order to acquire a War-Savings Stamp. Canadian Westinghouse Electrical Equipment, Electric vestment will be returned. The They are helping their country and acquiring Co., Hamilton Lamps,Ranges,&c.Motors, Generators, debt would be paid off before any the habit of Thrift. proposal to erect a new church Goodvear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose would be considered. By adopt Men on the farms are buying W-S.S. because CO., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. ing this plan the church would the Government uses the money to Canada Wire & Cable Bare and .Insulated Copper. save $450 in interest. The can finance export orders for the food raised on vassers would be Mayor McCly- CO., Montreal Steeled Iron Wire. mont, J. G. Steen, Geo. H. Munro, Canadian farms. This makes their market sure. Domestic Engineering Deico" Light products F. G. Dawson and D. C. McRae. Co., Dayton Isolated Electric Plants Short Speeches. Men, women and children of all ages Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water whi and A number of short speeches and conditions of life, are investing in W-S.S. San FrancisCO Hydraulic Apparatus were made by members of the because it is a convenient way to"build a bond . congregation Fred Stork told of The security is absolute and the interest is Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc I the early struggles of the church unusually high. Some day they will look back Vancouver when they met in a small shack with great satisfaction to the day when they Emission M-JfagJ off Centre Street. He congratu- Dodge Manufacturing bought their first War-Savings Stamps. ated the congregation on the CO., Toronto etc. 64 Hangers, fact that they were not saddled A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical with- a big debt. He said that a Have You Bought Your Stamp Today? Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock small mortgage was an incentive to industry, but a big one was ruinous. The prospect of church union made it problematic what t & 4,11 1 the future building plans might be. For the present the task be fore them was to get out of debt for tjiere was nothing so dis Storage Batteries House Wiring graceful as church debt. They Charged and Repaired were the strongest congregation of investigation at Aiberni, gave iiillil!iiililil!!illiilll!lilllili!ilillflfflll in all its branches fl!!II!!I!!ll!IIlllf!flli!IIillilfliilllIliIII!il n town and if they dug down No Loss of Time While he location of the six plants of they would be able to pay off the Your Is his company. They are at Skeena Overhauled.Battery Another Being Is ELECTRIC-IRONS debt and leave a little for con River, Ilivers Inlet, Naden Harbor j Always Available. tingent expenses. (Queen Charlotte Islands), Quat- 1 ( . Shoulders to Wheel. Dentistry GRILLS sino, ucnucKiesit uarnor ana( the fact Mr. Munro emphasized Agents For TOASTERS Kildonan, Barkley Sound. that the debt belonged to all and EVINRUDE Portable RANGES At the Kildonan plant they had Motors. HEATERS all should do their part and $305,600 invested in the plant, H DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! CAIU.E traiBhtcn it up and thus save and six boats in Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS operated con Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES half the present interest. junction with it that cost $48,600. One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Mrs. advised all to REGAL Engines for Kickpatrick The cold storage plant cost $175,- their shoulders to the wheel H Efficiency" put LAMPS Trolling. 100 to $180,000, and it was prin The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS She said the congregation expects cipally used to freeze herring for PETTER HEAVY OIL, GENERATORS that all Presbyterians.this month bait for the halibut fishers. Mr. ENGINE FOR would do their duty. Burke went into figures to show FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, Mayor McClymont advised them that they handled about 1,500 ETC. to dig down into their Scotch tons of bait in the year, and if Dr. Bayne pockots. The Presbyterian church Full line of Electrical hey made as much as $12 a ton Appratu in ttoclr. had been the first democratic the for the from en it, profit year Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. church. He thought it lucky they lint source ran to $18,op0, whioh, OFFICE HOURS: did not Iniild a church before. the cold in 1 7 to 3 onsidering storage Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to.5.30, Evening, j ankles Phone to their lih ELECTRICAL They were now up overhead CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 vestment alone, without in debt, which was all right, but xpenses or depreciation, was a Dental Nurse in attendance. EE it was not good to be over the profit. There Ave lots very meagre Phone 109 for appointment head in debt. were "As a matter of fact, taking and the manso to show for the our business as a whole, have money already spent. you made any big profits?" asked IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIilll Mr. Carruthers as a new comer Walkem. WARN ING to the PUBLIC I was glad to know that the congregation Mr.No, we have not," answered proposed to liquidate Mr. Burke. "We have about $1, the debt. 100,000 invested in our company, Good Faith. lidward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager this would and profits our year Patlnt , "m"16 t0 my knowledge that the Harry Hanson Dr. Grant explained that the about $109,000." Edward Cunningham, Vice-President to tim. , !H Waler GoU8 has -been infringed from limo good faith of the congregation to Tracing tho profits back, Mr, mZ I 1 e Installation of Harry Hanson Coils by was back of the bond issue as 3urke said the previous they od year persons. They say the coil they sell is not a well as the property. Fred Stork, vere $88,000. The year ueiore Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. and di C0i1, but n h0 flrcbox Unings are removed Jno. Mcllae and D. G. Stewart that $1,400, the year before $53,-000. men a"y pltlced in lhfs 8PaC0- 11,18 is an infrlngo-autho.,, were chosen as trustees for tho or As a matter of fact, they T Palcn1, If 1,1,8 Practice is persisted in by un-Hoium bondholders. LIMITED had not paid a dividend yet. What P,!,r8on8' 1 wlu lako steP8 to protect my interests. The Supper. profits had been made had gono FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE .HARDWARE nson t? n,,??,d u,8 noto that havie a 1Iarr" Supper was served by the men hack into the business. On the Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories bKonu ,i'instnUed by any unauthorized person, they also and it was quite evident from the question of dumping fish, the r lh6 Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Prices Patcnt law8' quality that while the men did the witness said tho captains had CuaranipL0"!' made of ,ron PP. $20 with one Year serving they did not do the cook written instructions from him PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. of Brass, from S25 to $35, Five Years-Guarantee. ing. Tho waiters were men ana against destroying any fish. wero all dressed in white, presenting Registered Oflloe: Prince Rupert Office: a novel appearance. MINERAL ACT. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 HARRY Songs were sung by Messrs. Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 HANSON Mooro und Sinclair and Miss Ed-mands, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ... .... and Professor Harvey C 1'hA.,- The Reliable NOTICE. Plumber violin solo, tho accompanist Little Joker. Mineral 1I11I. Midas, Lookout. 139 Second Avenue gave a Mystery. Mletaa Lake Krac, l'as Fractional being Miss Stephens, Mineral Claims, altuato In the Tort-land Canal Mtnlnj Division of Casslar District. Phone 37 P.O. Cox 1704 IIIIIIII llllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll wallaceTTsheries Where located: On the East Salmon Itlver Valley. TAKE NOTICE that I. A. II. Oreen. act-ln(f For Comfort, Courtesy and Service pays no dividend as ajent for L. Watklns, F. M, C. No. I0S4S-C1 C D. CRrter, r. M. C. No. 8.588-C; It. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 0.68T-Cj II. BOSTON J. Keller, F. M. C. No. 9,8fl7-C; 11. E. GRILL General Manager F. E. Burke Says Carlton, F. M. c. no. v.dvb-u; niaruu All Wplrli. F. M. C. No. B.300-C. Intend, sixty and Profits Not Large days from the da;e hereof, to apply to the 608 THIRD AVE. PHONE Put Back Into the Mlninir iiecoraer ror a ueriuicaie 01 im F. T. BOWNESS, Mair 457 the or omainiug-a PLACE Business. provements,Crown Oram for or the purpose above claim. Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. CookL0000 TO EAT. And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced before i .an UDen uav ana iip-nT. p. E. Durke, general manager the Issuance of such Certificate of 1m-provetnents. Water 4Sc' 60 ?.!. giving . Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Shor?'C5 ' t -very of tho Wallace Fisheries, wu n jnin UUieu IHIB em Uaj ui maun, r, v, ivifi i t any time. commission 11. OHKEN. evidonco before the A. I