Page 2 THE DAILY AKWS. 1I9 The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA WRIGL For the EasL . . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and SaU ' Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. lrdays at 9:30 a. m. H. R PULLEN, Managing Editoh. The Greatest Name In Goody Lanrj-lKi From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Tiiurs-iays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p.m. City Deliveryy by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. in. -OU know the TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver II realm of childhood Contract Rates on application. Sundays 1(7 p.m. dreams Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 apd 22, Is a land of DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, April 2, 1919 at 9 a. in. sweets. Ice Everywhere For Anyox: Sundays ...... . . . . .10 p.m. Make Here. Except some of Vednesdays 10 p. m. I When the despatches tell of the ice-bound coast of Js'ew those dreams foundland where the ice floes prevent ships approaching the coast From Anyox: the sunshine and balmyj)reezes of Prince Rupert are particularly Tuesdays .ajn.l a delightful enjoyable. At some of the Alaskan points we read that the, ice Salvation Army. 'hursdays p. m.I reality by is breaking up. Everywhere there seems to be ice except liere! For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei taking Public meetings, Tuesdays, home Work Commencing at points: lliuiailays and Saturdays at 8 Shipbuilding Plant." , u. Sundays at 7:30 p. tn. Sundays .10 p.m. The announcement -which was made yesterday by officials of the Prince Rupert Drydock & Engineering Co. to the effect that Never forget to look through From Port(.Simpson and Naas I WRIGLEYS River Points: work on the plant had actually commenced and that the contracts (he classified list on Page a. Tuesdays .......... ... p. in. I frequently. had been let for grading the slips is an indication that no time is MINERAL ACT being lost and that the city will become busier every day. It wil Queen Charlotte Islands: be an additional impetus to the building campaign which is being Certificate of Improvements. For Massett, Port ClemeHts and How about carried on with vigor and is meeting with much success. NOTICE Upper Island points: tonight? "or Charlotte Skidegate. Queen 'lied rolot Ei tension" mineral claim. Present Government si male in lae 2aas mver Mining- Division City and Lower Island points: or uassiar District. Not Satsfactory. Wliere located: On tbe Kltsault River, anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; March C, There seems to have been some idea that the Daily News in near TAKE me NOTICE vig canyon.that Lews W. Patmore. 20th, at 7 p. m. SEALED TIGHT objecting-to Bolshevism was satisfied, with the present form of lag Free a Miners a Ken l for'certificate Ole Evlndsen,No. 20.107-C.Free Miners act KEPT RIGHT Certificate Ko. H.15IC intends, sim "rom Mauset, Port Clements and government. There was no such intimation. There are improve days from Uie date bercor, to apply to the Upper Island, points: ments to be made in our methods of government, undoubtedly .Mming iiecoraer tor a ueriwcaie ui 110- iroveuient, for the purpose or obtaining From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Flavour We are,a long way from perfect but evolution and revolution are And crown rurtber urani or take me notice aoove.claim.that action, City and Lower Island points two entirely different things. 1 the industrious and the clever under before tbe section Issue 85,or must such be Certlllcale commence!or anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. m y Lasts! are to be supplanted by those who have no ability to improve their Improvements. 11 and 25th, a.m. D.vitu mis &m aay or r enruarr. a. v condition here but who want to control by sheer force of numbers iviv. MADE IN For Skagway and the Yukon. and restrain those who have ambitions, if they aim to do this by a MINERAL ACT anuary Z7, l co. s and 22 9 a. m. CANADA process pf confiscation, The News is opposed to Iheir policy. It is From Skagway and Yukon. dangerous and liable to lead to trouble. - Certificate NOTfEE of Improvements. rcbuary 1 and 15 a. Jn. Chances of Bolshevism Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In ttcwart, Maple Bay and Swamp On This Continent. tne naas Mining Division or Cassiar Dm Point. trlct. As so much interest's taken in "the mailer of Bolshevism Where located: On Jhe Kltsault nirer. .lose Jan 31; Feb. 11, 28, 10 pm uilli lliiiiii... ....... JL'JS near tne oir canyon. just now and in view of the fact that some are advocating extreme TAKE NOTICE that John II. NcMuIltn, rrive Feb. 3, 17: March 3rd. ODlcial Administrator or the Estate or measures in dealing with agitators, we take liberty in again quoting Charles Swanson, deceased. Intestate. Free Miner's Certificate .No. s.sss-C. Intends. A number of people have ad from the article by Steinmitz in the American Magazine for slrty days from tbe date hereof, to apply vertised furniture for sale in this April: to me uininr necoraer ror a ceruncaie NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! or Improvements, ror tbe purpose or ch paper and they have had dozens "The chances of Bolshevism in this or any country are a aining a crown urani or the above claim. And runner take notice that action Of customers as a result. Some Our of Bait is exhausted plain matter of figures. Wherever a majority of the people is under Section 85, must be commenced Supply for the present i discouraged and hopeless under Us present conditions. Bolshevism before the issue or such Certificate of people want to keep their furni- ' or a revolution of some sort will find receptive soil and may Improvements.iiATtD mis sin aay or February, a. ii. ure. They do not advertise. -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement succeed. Where the majority is reasonably comfortable and be viv. of a new supply lieves that evolution is constantly lifting the people as a whole to MINERAL ACT a higher level of living, it cannot succeed. WESTERN LIMITED "As to the first point, the great mass of Americans is living CTertiOcalo of Improvements. PACKERS, under fair conditions. I do not mean that these conditions could NOTICE BUTEDALE - - - i-,C. not be much better. They should be made better. But they might 'lied Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate be much worse than they are. tbe Naas Iltver Mining: Division or Cas- "People here are free to express their will. If they make flar Where District.located: On the Kltsault niver. WATER ACT, 1914. mistakes in doing so, the remedy is always in their own hands. near the blir Canyon. 1UPAIUAN lUCHTS TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Our form of government is uneconomical and inefficient, to be Free Miner's Certificate No. S0.407-C. act- NOTICE is hereby riven lliat under the sure. But it is not class government. Everyone suffers alike Dg as aeeut for Ole Pearson. Free Miners provisions of Section 6 of the Water Act, Hotel Prince Rupert Certificate No. 14.157-C. Intends, sixty 9li. every riparian DroDrletor clalmlnc from its shortcomings; so there is no reason why one class more days rrom the date hereof, to apply to the any right to divert water or to the exclusive GOAL Miiiinz necoraer ror a certmcaie or lu use or water ror any hy purpose than another should try to change it by a sharp upheaval. rovements, ror the purpose or obtaining virtue only or his being such riparian proprietor EUROPEAN PLAN "And we undoubtedly are working toward something metter. crown orant or the-above claim. Is reaulred on or before tbe Ursl Price List - - Delivered And further take notice that action. day of June, ivto, to Hie a statement of I $1.50 per day and up. The leaders of I do not but under thought mean political leaders, Section 5. must be commenced ciaim selling rortn the cartleulara of his before the Issue or such Certificate or claim. Such statements or claim shall be thoughtful men in all walks of life are gradually working out improvements. Orad' per'tosv nied in duplicate with tbe Water Recorder I FIRST-CLASS CAFE ideas for a better conduct of the nation's interests. I believe that DATED this MU day or February. A. D. or the Water District in which the water t Screened, ,$13,09 labor as a whole realizes this. In labor is its 1919. aivertea or usea. A La Carte. Mine 11.75 fact, taking own After the nrst day or June. loso. no I t Run, part in it." NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT r'Kin iu aiven water or to tne exclusive I Screened. 12.50 use or water for any purpose shall exist 11i5 by virtue only of any ownership or land. Mine run. in J: : NOTICE Is hereby given that, pursuant i-oniis di siaieineni or claim can be ob Mine r-un ii , tr car 1075 to the "itevlned Statutes or British Columbia," tained rrom the Water ItecoriWi nr iho I - . Chapter 13, Intituled "An Act lie-specling several Water Districts In the Province orl aii bulk ' ... over'11' BANK- 0F-M0NTREAL Assignments ror tbe BeneOt or rrom tne uompirouer or water IUrbts. I scales with i ,:rp Creditors," and amending- Acts, and Known arllameot Buildings, Victoria, Ii. C. load art.: and cited as the "Creditors' Trust Deed Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this nth dav fier Act," John It. beatty or the City or I'rlncn t ESTABLISHED OVEU 100 YEARS nupert. Province or British Columbia, has T. D, PATTULLO, mis aay maae an Assignment on the 3 1st Minister or Lands. t Terminal Coal fo. day or March, 1919, to George W. Nlcker-Kon or the City or Prince Rupert, Province MINERAL ACT. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS ?lEk.?f or British Priors, Banking by Mail -: Columbia, or bis real and personal Blact Yard Prions, credits and effects, which may be for Farmers benent seized and or his sold Creditors.under execution ror tbe CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. WATER RIGHTS BRANCH A meeting or the creditors will be held "WATER ACT 1914:' at the orace or Messrs. Fisher and Warton, notice. suite 1, Smith Block, Prince llupert, B. C. utile Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look-it. Farmers thoroughly appreciate on Wednesday, the 16 th day or April, 1919, Mystery. Midas l.nk rnr, pi rmx. :ancellation of reseuve of water a. mo iivup UI X'.sv O iuuat luiuurai ijaims. situatn in iiia inn. CJOCK P.m. 10 Te- hutice is hereby riven tbat ills Honor the convenience of our ccive statement or affairs and ror tbe ana uanai ituninr Division of Cassiar b . ue Lieutenant uovernor or urmsu coium I general ordering or the Groce estate, and you iriri. la. n.v and with the advice or bis Exscu National system of Banking By Mail. are hereby notified to attend either In person Where located: On thn fi s.imnn nl ii E fl W3 ttl P.t iH III or by representative. niver auey. ive Council, has been pleased to order: ' AU claluiB must be filed with the iASC nuiiCE that I. A. H. Oreen. THAT pursuant to tbe crovlslons -or Deposits be made and i undersigned, act. may verified action 69 or Ihe "Water Act, 19 14" belnr toy statutory declaration, nir aireni ror L. walk-inn. p m r. Kn ihapter 81 or tne statutes or 1V14, tbat withdrawn with the and to entitle any creditor to vote, tils ibiKv-u; u. ij. tarter, f. M. c. No. 9,888. he of same reserve the unrecorded waters or claim . Sisth Ji must be llled on or berore the dale m. mariin. r. ni. c. nn. fl BR7.r. h Corner or the meeting. J. Fetter, F. M. C. No. 9.&97-C: iefuire Creek, established pursuaut to H. E. ease and safety as though frxii And further take nottce that rm nA canton. F. M. C. No. t.son.r. Martin irder in councu no. eg. approved on tbe after the leth day of Welch, F. M. a 7in aay or January, iiv, be cancelled, April, 1919, the said No. 9,699-C. Intend, sixty Groceries DATED tms I7tn day or February, 191V Cla. autuueu iu in person. assignee wm proceea to aistrlbute the days rrora the date hereof, to apply to the High assets or the Insolvent i. u. 1 A I I ULLU, amongst the parties """ tnwiusi iw L.criiui:iiie or m. WINNlPtO BRANCH entitled thereto, having regard only to proveuicnts, ror the purpose or obtaining Minister or Lands. Meats "im.ii no int. tiien received notice, b 1.1 j"ii uioui j i uie aoove claim. and that he will not be liable ror the And rurtber take nntlrn ihnt i.tinn m. Fruits H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. said assets or any part thereof in nv der section 88, tnust be commenced before person or persons or whose claim notice inu issuance or sucn certmcate of Im. Confectionery cuau nut uarc uecu receivea ny mm at the pruvenivuis. uu u iobi 11IC1I11UI1UU Uale. Datua tms BtD day of March, A, D. 1919, and Bakery uAitu at tne uty or Prince nupert. v. ii. fffflpT-y 3S2 Province or British Columbia, this Jist tuj -us 1'iai t ii, iviv. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- C0. W. TROMFI fljg NICKEnSON. jnn.1 ui3inii;i or BKEENA. ORDERS CET All Sizes In AMlgnee. I"A t -.I .1 . . . . "uuce luu' me Aeroplane Spruce CANCELLATION RESERVE 524 uuiiutrr t.u.. Liu., or lynri i:iATrinta u f OF phone occuiiatlon saw mill. Intends to apply'for Motor De'irery I Con ,u JeBse lne roi'owmg described NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the re goieom Commcnclna- at tvi ri.n. .. ,k. .I'",..,."us .""?r vrowu uuiu ui Kugs northeast corner of Lnt s. r i nMr... .iiv!..11, -ue""8 luver, I ange , or subdivision or Dst. Lot Hi. thnr , .,"1.. t."". ."S"".". u". north 8 chains, thence west SO ith 1 LATEST DESIGNS south to approach or Oovernraent Wharf" Mav tvsv. is cancelled. ..........rly alonir aaM innmi,h r.t I t U....Jl. .....NADEN, . Qovernment Wharf nnnhu....! wvuiy miiiiier Ul UUQI, to nm. r Hyder VMXCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT ut'psriineni or i-anas, Hotel ! , '', ""t,'i menco easterly along the Victoria, 11. c, ALL PICTURES AT COST DISTRICT. n.Kiiivui l?5S.48.J2.VI')lllce IUII 1,or Jf,beginning.fl, 4( B( J 7 Iltu March, 1919, M 18 . or. Atiiuri.AiB Kl-HUCE LUMBER CO.. LTD. NOTICE Is hereby rtvm tt.nt rn.,.t r i iptr, m mri ii xv, 1V1V. TIMBER SALE X1605. Portland Canal,-M. PICTURES FRAMED He vision and Appeal, under the provuions r. the "Taxation Act" and the "Publle NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE W" Sealed tenders will bo rpr.lvurt hv the JAMIES0N, t fl?.i .AcH . reeP.e""Hf ho assessment ;U. Itunert iiuii t.i. Minister or Lands not later than noon on trlcl ror ihe year 1910. will be NOTICE IS HEREBY flIVPV th.t th. he lltb day or April. 1919, for the- pur-chase Barrie Furniture Store the ITovinclal Assessor's held at i!il",J",r.0Ver Lot 41 8- Queen Cbar-otto or Licence X leos. to rut i.oag.ouo office, Iiupcrt. B, c, on Wednesday, the prince by reason or a notice nub- reel or nr and cedar on northerly portion sard 1 iisnea in me Ii. c. ngrt.HA nn th. n.h t nr t ,.i mil c..,,.i. of April, mis. at 10 oWi i ihVfS is uemiucK Arm, jiauge noon. July, 1908, cancelled. s. Coast District. at rrince RupfT' ' HAt)EN, Two (?) years will be allowed ror re- SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. 1st, im. C" AprU Deputy Minister or Lands. moval or t inber. JOHN DYBHAVN, ,ands Department. runner particulars or tbe Cbler Forester, Judge of court or Revision and Appeal. etb March, Victoria, ii. i;.. or uisinct Forester. I'rince 19. M is inui'ei i, v, u