I . BRINGING UP FATHER :..t"' yorge McM True Economy! . Aw'totN r-rccrr TottTAut amymerc moo arc m B? mc no Weak i " g TlflCET CO IN AN tee THE L CLL MEET VOO HE ?E IT-iOHLV MACSE WILL WANT ME 1 . CCnC OUT NOW C.PLAH I M (f 1 PTEE sO TOO Can TELL fE rilru ' TO TEu MD. ,T I I I I j THE 1HAW- J II N. W.I ' 1 ' Av il I II fc I - III I II .1 - " AT A' I I MK ST I Jci " 111 " 1 IMF NirsVMTBP! III.... I I v V 'j-.-VA Ill 1 If II ST 1 I I J I sk A " '2 .- IF YOU us your last year's skirt or dress and hare it returned looking like new-isn't that true economy? Frequent Dry jll" " " iiii tutu rtTus tOTC ie, " ' Cleaning and Pressing will the life prolong QUEER NOTIONS IN of clothing and your ii n niri i trrn i orn V n J u .. v. - keep it fresh and new. MODERN ART SHOWN Ur dILLAIKuj LAjI . IN "MISS HOBBS" NIGHT FOR WANDERERS "MY CANADA" "MY CANADA" DUAL May we help you $300 Cash Reward to any Person economize ? Sellings of eSeepI inniil interest II. II. sTioekley rami- to the wen designed fur I ho llrst'Wnnila rescue oT tile Wniitlerers t'luh ill ' Who is nearest right on 3 Guesses 1 ' REDSON Canadian llawb'.v slni-ring production lo be Hie hilllard loiirnament with Ihe Frankly, we want to draw ymir attention to Ihe itnfrfWEt . MINE Eaj shllNMI locally ill I III" W'sllllllllC treat War Vetermis when he deT impttrl of 1,'niti'd Slides goods into Canada. We want yoo lo ! Sacked imtl Steam Laundry Theatre. II is enlilled "JIIm fealed .1. May Inst niclil in tio renliKe wliHl it all means lo ry I'.utitidiau - lr I jiltr"especially. !lubb" from (he Jerome K. Jer flflll of the (rallies liy a score ot Si we will pay in Cash 300.fl0 firstl Prize, SKmi.iiO Phone 8 ome coined. 30(1 lo 151 which puis Ihe Wan Srwrmtl Prize, $50.no 'IJiird Prize and the ncM eleven irue 2R Miss Ilolifis. the character taken !derers in Ihe lead for this lonr- of )5.0 1 1 ich to any irson who make nud eertds in to u Ihe STEAM COAL i liy Miss Jfttwley, I q uipcr-fcm-inislic namenl. TmiiSliJ W. J. Nelson nearest Kuess lo Uc jjnunt of miwiey in Rood (hat will h f.o.h. cars yoiinsr woman who cares I Wanderers and II. It. OiijxlilnH imrHirteil into Carinda from Ihe t'filliM ftfnles for KKIHtUAHV, more for fifil nnd futurisllc arl (Vclenms (ilay. If Ihe former IBS t. n will he ri'pnrlnd in Al-.. , llian 1'ivc, Jialilns anil I bo liouso- can win his frame it will put the Canada's Trade Returns for February, 1921 NAKAIM0 - IVElUKTa vifcly duties whirli lake first Wanderer wilhin two uins of Reductions placr In I lie minds of most women. Ihe Trail wlfo nre now leading in The ilnures for I'ehriinry. I2n, wrre 0.70l.:MH.iO; for C0SL lie is -ioiverteil from Iter ideax. Ihe season's slainliiiv. Kehruary. HH. Ihey wen- '. :"ir.IO.OI; tor IVn uarv tH, f liimvvcr, liy Itul thai would lie Hiey were ( I.1K5.KI 1.00; K. hi uury. Ili, were ft.1.:7M,UfJi v cn All Lines leiliiis Hie story. FIRST PMCTICE OF nnd for I'ehrnaiy. 101 I Im-fi.t Mm- war Ihey wrre only ?3.-2Ht,7.MI of To carry oul Miss IloMx' art .00. You where v.e are and w lint we are coinins; In Albert & MM istic idea, Hie inleriors shown nrc VETERANS' BAND WAS in Canada! What will tli- liuun- lie tr Kekrunry. lOilt i.n a splendid- examples of the ini-; Are jrnti a jroorl irueer? If o. win one of lint prizes, prep sionisl iseliol! The colors are HELD LAST EVENING Phonei11S,W4 .,.,. ...... ! HOW TO WIN rniture I ! ..I I...I t 1 1, 1. !l iuiikij t'lfiiii a5iii iiini tin iir i.t j xrellenl use of h..(li curves an.lj ., ,. ,.,, ,...,j,.,. ,,r ,Ue ,;mi, . . Get two of your neighbors to give you only ONE DOLLAR, each aniileK. White eockalH With u y,.,,.,4irls ,,., SVUs ,.,,, Ulli, for a year's trial subscription to "MY CANADA (regular price huaey. llowi-re.sls form a colorful ,.vi.njn in . r((MI1M )lf h(. a, Two Dollars per year), and send In the money with your three WE SAVE until my touch in one seen, while lHMM.i4li,in. TJl(,rp W(ri. a.B ftrtUi. guetses. Each subscriber Is also allowed three guesses! Will Stock Hoj.t.sian t.a.-le in ervanl reverts (1,Ptiv llloml,erH in HllendaiM-e you risk an hour of your time lo win THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS? Large li. (Jrienlals-and til.'.i'ks altired in jam) it is exiiecled Hint hy Hiimiiier; Come! "GO, GET IT!!" is reduced ha-naric co.slumes. 1 1 tie hand will lie in n iMtsition' toj "MY CANADA" will be published monthly. 11 li. to hHp Your Gctk jtake engagements. j you and iTlinada to belter llrnirs. II ro- without Miying thai SHIRLEY MASON A HIT The memhership of Ihe new the more readers we have Ihe heller this National ptriIJr4 organization is not confined (r returned Will Im This is not onty true eoinrnereiitlly. huj we feel iW llav 11 Barrie's IN BIG CIRCUS STORY men and any one laying' every additional reader means o touch addei mural support. il ii. i an inslrtimcnt will be aerepliil in Your nues must be in by n'.imt'AUY SKIh. 1921. As Mie . I i Furniture Store, As a new star Shirley Mason the ranks. old iidace would say. "'obey lhal impulse" .'.dtey il nowf Help can - us hy this means In" reinforce oiir eontietions ns lo the future at Hi-" show thai she deserves all -the Third Avenue WHIST and Ihe proven! in Canada, and of leadinit Ihe way lo heller Jusi i Hi ell honors lhat JiaV'o hoeq awarded DRIVE her. . She appears in ; delichlful things for you, and yours, and tis. Address your kucss ami dlri .- i send siihscriplion to Ihe publishers. "MY CANAIlA," KiiiU'k hrin I' siooircusUavIerKlcpliantlp, of Ser, l(J be G,yefT by 314-5 Plafr Illdjr.. Toronto. g ' .Man. a piciurizanon oi rean Rebekahs Proved Thoroughly fresh DoN's Hell's novel, hylliat name. Terrace Fruit Lands Never did a little star twinkle Enjoyable. and did the Modern Cleaniafl more brightly, never The first of the series of whist 20 Acres.3 MJes from Terrace on sweet Miss "Mason and winsome find personally Pongenlal of drives nuen liy the Iddtekahs News Classified Ads. so a Daily Pressing Ca Gpod Mon Road. Lndpe was held last night in the role as lhatNif the circus star at Good black softon clay sub-soil.. Hand Illoek and prove?! n very i Acres under plow, 7 acres more the Empress tonight. enjoyable event. The first prizes 2 CSNTS PER VVpKD IN ADVANCE. No Advertiument Taken for Le. than OOe 3rd Avenu nut Caetll partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit Mrs. Dell ha written a really were won hy Mrs. Hrnesl A. Wis ids . --g Cik -y trees; 2 good wells with lota of rcinarltalile story of the realm of well made log-house, 18 and O. Ilosenholme, while Ihe emu: WANftD. FOfl HALF.. water; stumbles and sawdust, for il has Five roomed modern SHOITTMAND TYPEWRITING by 24 ft., two stories, with addition solalion awards went to Mrs. II.1 house. No. 128 Fiflh Avenue 16 by 18; log barn, 2b by l-lT:;.I'm" .""V""" w- - ."- '.HTEXOOHa'pUEIW Examination Pilrnan Stenographic rVhool 40 feet with ceilar beneath, full West. $3,150. "Terms, oil or size of barn 10 feet deep; Price were lirleen tables and following for ll.C. Civil Service. An or phone for appointment. INenum rlnssrs. MniuUy, Wed-fteilav Nlcht fit -W $2,200 caih for quick sale, $2,400 the whist refreshments were examination for junior and One of the best residential, and Friday, 7:10 to 9 I on terms of half cah, balance 1 BIRD GAME LAW IS served. senior Hten-jjerapherd will be view, double corners in Section a''loek. IlidixiiliMil liistrui'lioli. Dr Vhont S year at 7 per cent. The committee in "charge conu held on alunUy. February 2. $750.00. Terms. Ait 10 Smilh Illock. If STEEN&LOWJ KENNEY BROS. & CO. VERY BENEFICIAL TO pris- d Mrs. S. V. Oix, Mrs. Harold 101b. 1!2J iJi Vaneouvnr, Victoria, One business lot on Second FARMS FOR SALE Real Estate and Insurance STATES, IS REPORT Soiilli mid Mrs. Charh-s Simpson. New Wenlmlnsler and Avenue, on grade, S1.I00. M. Sheet Me'al Worki Terrace, B.C. such older oinls ns there may M. Stephens. tf.C. P. It. FAHM I.A0S The rich SUNDAY MUSIC AT he- Hie r morn candidates. praltiee of Alberta. Saskatchewan WASHINGTON. Feb. 3-The! Candidal must be Ilrilish BOARD AND ROOMS j and Manitoba Sanitary nnd are especial. Enin" II leatln( jlii-partment of Afrrieullure esli-l METHODIST CHURCH siilijis is, resblnt of Canada for ly suited for miied fanning.! Miiiti-s lhal the passing of the at least one year, of ihe full age Two gentlemen can have board: Land that will produce hie tlh Sir. s TOM LEE CO. i ml room with private family. Prince I'.uprr llird which forbids Migratory Law, There will be a special iiiusical ol seveniewri yniri, nun iraii Apply Inn 157. News ofac. 39 crop of rraln and fodder, andi slioiiliut' of frame birds in more than llilrly-llv years of wen adapted for dairying or! 810 Second Avenue, West serven at the Methodisl Chureh on UIm- spring, has gaim-d 420.OOQ.000 iilieatioils to write will Sunday next Ihe prognim of ne. FOR RENT livestock raising can still bo! -had in food to the country. In many e riTi iveii. ilp lo noon. Wcd-nesday, al price about! i VEGETABLES which is as follows: averaging di-tricls where (ie birds were al-iusl Hlh, tl'81.IFOI1 IIF..NT Fnbnrtry Keven-roomed honse. Wholesale and Retail Antheiri "O For a Closer Walk $18.00 an acre, wllh twenty SMITH &MAL1 exliiicl. they are rapidly in-ereasinsr forms and full with Cotl." Applii nilon par-llrulars fiirnii.hed, siiiliil.lc fur riHiiners, years io pay ir you wlih. Only General Contractors and in numbers, it is said.- be obtained from Apply 10 Third Avenue may ol. to cent down. No 'Olio no In Mr. Will llmuiwls. per further Labor Exchange Stdo "Ilwessional," Mr. Frank Ihe underaiBited or from and pexl Pioneer Laundry. 33 payment on the principal unlit PLUKiniNQ AND KUTI Prince Rupert, B.C. ANGELL LADY MUST Dibh. Government Ohil Affcnt.ferviee W.Commissioner, H. 1011 nCNT Three-room furnish. the end of the fourth year; then ZNQlKtM Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 Indies Quarlelle 'The I-ord is Mclnnes, Vtelorla. H.2 January ed aparlmenl. Apply 208-210 sixteen annual payments. I liferent Estimsles fr -Jl"4 WAIT FOR FORTUNE My Shepherd," MeIame Ling, N in Ih Avenue West. f c per cenl. linker, lion and Ililliard. 12th, lOfL Write to 11.VI. Loughran. Land Addres, 3rd kvetu-Of CHICAGO, Feb.4. Miss Jlell- Polo "Nearer My Cod," Mr. K. WANTED --sSecond-baqd:r forni-' IO III-rXT One furnlnhcd suite. Agent, C. p. n. Station. Van- Rci OD-t Plr?J,t U AVE Ycur Suit Cleaned V. Ling. SI. Louis llnomi. Phonn'Iled llori; Angell, who inherited the John lure. 1 have anylblnff to 11 and Pressed by our Steam you 01. , . LAND ACT. hone 174 P 'Cello mdo Mr. Will IMmund. 25 W. (iatcs estate, will have ID We cash, 243. call Hed Machine Method. Price reasonable. sell pay cassur LASIl IMSTRIT MSTnil T op Give us a trial. 1 i tvi f'iv filiM& fisi a fuw vi"j fa nn Anthem -"Sun of My foul." F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Avenue LOST i snlH Organist. Mr. A. J. Lancaster. te soTirj: iiuii , I r. mark mwu which Ifiven to her tf LINGTAILOR Cfc'LW j300.000 wan West. H. r. krrria ut VIH-. Arm. nrruftaOnn pmt-urriorn, Ihe other day when her frtiardian LflST An Castern Slur pin en-gravfd mumi u tt.l fr brrmuMi lo was Uisciiargeil. Wtien no is PREPARATIONS FOR WANT F.I llrnisffkeeper and! on hack Willi owner's SM Miossiiiit Umi Ml.iii(si ,irrn5 poti warned siimw;. it. 1MANO TUmii fu' ty year b!, however, site will rhamlierrnald at the. Commercial name was lost Thursday afler-ufion Ues tin msli REPAIRS tyt mr nnrto o.r MUSIC FOR DANCES. icom into possession of Ihe bulk FISH DAY LUNCHEON Hotel,' 20 between Ihe corner of rilONO B'. iIi-smw a i-t cm i ft., mnrr nr u t jof ' IhiU tute, and will have Fullon street and Hiilh avenue "' Ml" hand Iff f"Slr. "l wifw-rt. ARTHUR'S &.. .. ... WANTFIi-Baeood - liaby . i j i 1 f ti 1 n :1 1. ...i.t.t. ,A i nnd Prince Huperl Hotel. Finder 1 Oitrrium sl .o,v".""" oo miiico iii jirt'p At a meeting of the commlllee buggy, phone Ulaek 3. 31 fo'ioaiHie linnlm ll )i 1,1 Agent f. ' ' including Saxaplione ,ll;e wolf from the cabin door. She lust ni?hi, final plans Mere made suitably rewarded by rtnrnihg 2f3S ""'per' '"lr nuri it m mars;norui nmir tuitin made in Phone 481 Phone 481 j'ceiebrateij Jpr IKIli birthday last tor Ihe IImIi luncheon lo be given taLK pin lo ow ner al Prince, ituperl Ihrnre inlloa'tsv mrl necessar '' ' 'nirinlh. llolel. H'wisnr nj r.m if.3j 111 tMdttl tJ MlM coi.'.' go ,ny Canada's fish Wednesday on day, v illlX t:iiUiin artnv a. potted next, al Ihe Holcl Central at which FOII SALM llrass bedslead LOST Airedale dog last we'k. Jiaesry n, iii L. phone II i espec led (here will in' a large 'satin linlah), box mallress, Anyone seeing same kindly him At ir Orchestra Dance lift 291 Rupert Torpid" n allcridance. 'lids being a town mahogahy chiirrtnlcr, while phone Green 133, 73 Water Hi. If IMC. ftMHT IIP MII.Tf.Jlf Red Pour, fire or six pisee lhat exists as a. result of Ihe bedstcjid, etc. Phone Itlack 32. Ilewaifl. Now ready for enea4ftmnts Lwer fisheries, it Is thought (here will lio sc:t Phono II. White, Red IDZ be a general desire of the citizens FOII BALK OH LHABH Job print LOST Man's gray wiKijen gbjve. By kstpinf ths Ihrsr ictl by the to be present. ing business and plant. For Finder please return o News ute of Or. Chsis'i Kidnay-Uvsr apply Dally News ofllce or phone 1)8. Hotel Prince M Pills, you h no treublt Irom t The mailer of fish car was dis particulars ' Sf.i'.?" '.! I SCPMIIIM A.IIMIB- cussed and sellable action Is be other.. If ip in ir im l rail i m Chartered Accountant ACCOUNTANTS dei...s1 tsf in lia'lnr batons and Auditor. pill a dote. 2 Sc. boz,all dealer. I ing taken In Jlils conneclion. SKC()Nii-iiA!7'F'3iiNrrynF soid MlliM llie Mlrt ....partiHT a b.Trl, m.ouiS'5 ft furulHi aaiir imnsrlr wrlfleil o liar M n GEORGE RORIE Bit Chases on commlslon, P. LeClalro i'jfpi'.iuiiM:i:D ACCOUrt TANT r rm um jm a.y ofu.r A. o. Itll, S1.W par asy f knit a SmtU, C.A., Vuuwutsr ami Try a classified advertisement Phone Orcen 544. if would lake charge of act of LnVli''f.: '"J'r.' " IK- ..I.I. . PJIONKS87 Prliws upt.P.O. Bos U If you want lo bur r Sell or If iiooki whole or part time. riR3T.CL Clf' Federal Buudinff you wt.nl anylhliig. A lot of business FOH RALI'r Folding baby-huggr. W. i:. Wlllistioff. J'hone iOII.I Ofnntl II. MrMI'LII.V AdaiinmiratAi', A La HaU Chiw of Addrra and ftaon Orecn 2!8. 30 lilack 250, rnnre v.. U done that way. $15.00. phone tf mts out m iy nr rmrnarr,liuprrt, iti,H. ,,,,,,if r .T n