T1IR DAILY NKW8 PAQK FOUR e.aRMflLV5BM83( 77 SAVED Fl Local and Personal Insist Brunswick OPERATION Launch "Oh Baby." Blue S4S. on HI. Regie Tail. I'hone 150. U Britannia "Fruit-a'yes" Complelely e Beer All Phonographs Relieved Me II. a Undertaker. Phone 41. tl in One m t'M St., Vasrortr, TIC Hdyners, .Undertaken. I'hone WHY? l niflertd ilh fl the roptonn I Hw pt'Wtfpft AT MfllT f Vmle'rwife.wtlli rhn-ur Caa.i-mlim 351. II f Wfe 4 Hinni beaut'. May--:i mod raHanltHfdr' I l'J Hecnuse It is pronounced by the highest nuthority tTtTT" . in recrfeaa ky mm t ir rani lln low do o In Ui W ae-l Oathiiltc lMMi i.wla) ami I Inf" 9rrt" (1 rewire JMtt i of ll.eb.Hlv. A doctor dlrd re to iwrrmv.- iinunct tfXlflV itu- nai.il iv adapt i t ih DO NOT ACCIiPT ..iumja ur rail be en operattoa. SUBSTITUTES tlTrVd Gnt fluwert and bulb. Oily I aUrted Ukln 'Trull thu medicine la tmmfinafy rekeerd Market. If For Sale through tlW I)1 ...! t'4 ni'iin. t aaullarr Government rnu- makinr r. ' li.-im and ffi ma cf all ray miarry tad rtrtafr Vendors Ut lull' 'Ur ' ilwl arr .if uMkMt am ftra efpoi tad hea.Ueh it "lHfam Sin" i ! w baa air i ir nnr .if (trait. the Irrrible Coatip. en?! hl irlffllh, Vethitliii'v ir you ore located rtiuldc City of Prince Rupert Hrry h ' K an ri: iiltf I m?M me I Hi frett medteiae, KOBBKQE WOOb. Prince Rupert, who wV.!,'," rf ari, ii - a' it"I uiilitv "Frult-a-titM." liUllttren'n r.oin'-ii al II r. details Vf.ti aw nriH Ity mntrrf Hi aa Ma Jam M.J. WHISK. rilhotr llaiaar i..ihi.i al ri. through Government Vendor for you. itrar -ih tari.aia miio ami rantpar .Yaj a tot, 6 for f.'M, trial kite. a a a Hti ail ..Ihrr pkunuffntte. But Insist At Hralrrt or ami poatpaM by H. Imrka(r ri-iutiKtl from a on Britannia Beer Fruit- tir Limited. (Mlm. Iriu up the One n lal inghl -Irain. Catholic llaiaar Itafciy. i WESTMINSTER BREWERY AflMMI TM oMeaf I lie LIMITED Mr. HaMey, "jilrWIa" eor- GftlfeMI Ihuaar lln aflernnmi NEW elierrrv ir WESTMINSTER. B.C. ! "lraiM Hrwrt" FrfcUr a ad llrr tnnMa Children'. iSnturitiy. Weftlbtalm. dn n afaevialiy. Moeralr 1 . rleargv-. lhje Hlaek I M. fs Friday ami lnr i f 1 1 1 Ii I imeitienf an ewlrtiiliMHil 'Team .1 reel !Iliilllli'. I frr you al Im ISnlhli Itatftar. Call at Ik Liberal rooeaa. . ' ' PMtnltaj lllaayk, , r.m4 .nw. Big reilurl inn. oil all Hal. m GRAND OPENING Householders ! Ivi i WkriH, Imw1.Ii lite IWrhAe mm a.,, help law gu4 Mm. lialniter'. in Walk.. -Mtvlr :ivli-f lUturt Uth maimlMir wttii KaafMffitl rAij-way If Mora. lruikfniwi flneal 1 1 tr fj'Uly (!. . A wamher f men w Dave V. II. Vanrr, nty iieaain-r ! . heea ewptneaj a l Mae Watlaae 'tana the minute at lai mi1i Thr S. A. Cttrlry nuH waa ?hlyae4 ba)t eelurnetl In Vaa- eimBeil nwelinai in ih.- . CARLTON We offer Coal vn further SilJmirtwl Uy Maz ettaVer am 4ee Vmlvr laat f Clly Clerk Em.-. A ' W ...mI-wtl.. .., 'i-iralf .tMiriia, hl lWriM l?M. t cunftea a hliutiai.aMa. Screened, and guaranteed clean, for the next thirty .pmier 17. aeSrtinl of lilne W'e.imy caah fr Virlatry Honaja ... days, delivered .. 1. HrwHrtl nf the !arifir al Haikl. 4ll draft on all Flrl annual enret Ihf RESTAURANT Sleeltint Mix I UaatttntHlHtt KajrofatsaB aMHinirle at low eat Junior Chailr will he h- l.l m Ih-MeilHMftoi Sacked, per ton $12.50 lefl Uw VaiMHler fl llif Ve)- rata. Then. MrClymoaL TalrtJ r.hurrh n Iri.tay and Tea Room lure ll eatMinir. AveatM. f .mHhf 1 1 at a p m lMir peia el IV .ttntl. Mr. H. THIRD AVENUE NEW MARTI ILOCKl Bulk, per ton - $11.50 A rlin-l lm aiittel M. Ii Frwl AJ. i he F.tI Fraer H. I.rney. aeewmpaai.t, Mr. J llare I ini n fraHn I.imhi m merettaiM. i -) thremah le .pMn TiekH sv. MONDAY, NOVEMBER You Cannot Beat It! 7, 1921 (MO H lmrne lHtte fmap. cMjr toH evnjiiK He arrttetf and hear the yoajna folk. ! rly. AHpiy Ttm. MrClyiiNMt. If n the era Ml IM left on the Vrl. ;at Under the Management of Mr. It. M, tmau e I Mee far Vaaroajt rr ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Jerry Mrl'lie fnr aun4 A letter rr.MH H. T. WeMa-il THE HHator4. a wHI knwi f the eMra Aaaanotai.. ,.,. BEST HOME COOKING Phone 116 and 564 ukeele Mrkatre, a IkU w rtler, I lainii! the elly ba. nt fr flerlrte llh' n the Afternoon Ta Jhert Ordtr neming flneil $SA .tr iUy taxr arrKeal m u-l nlahl". train walk leading from tlnraj iioeriximiieut, Uy Sluin4rMi Mr friNH M mil real Me l lookinv ntie l F'Mirth efiMe uaal the LUNCH COUNTER IN CONNECTION M'unlie. ar the eily aul will leae WtMrmi ApaHnaenia refer. . n4MTw nlghl rr atirHiT. red hy the ell eounril l4 B.iif.med' Hreat ' lai i- ' II. ii. Ilrvwa. refre.eiUalKe . night tn Mw alllwiea romaniltee aale fr..n win.I V VallaM A.Om uf Van I"here t aily .lOe .Itkeral raa- fir report, Free Deal COOKED MEATS Cooked Ham, Tenjua, Bf atUai fc ! in -Hiter. Big wne ai ine pe tjawwn dulate. Thai I- Freat Slnrfc. He irntelliHir iihh of I he Ninth, left wa anatfaalW by a proaeH? t Hot or Cold. "it (lie VeftlajraV laH evenitur for eaMM LltWat eoa)ef Wm rc TOO LATE IO CLASflFY Venrtiajter. imt.. Itu. - ' - -- . a.- I pea ..ii Hiiixla) fimn a n 1 ' V Merkala fr..in 4 m in i v JONTEEL to efeerhlm. ' ' Iff n.H Mi l! HuaeaelN.ki fiiii.ll.u pen lite Uttbie) S. S. to tail VeN. jele I'hotte Mile tH3. Hu Mire lefl ini her revular rWwr j J. Kawaat Ht"wk. 1 BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK ai eenlnir fr the wUi al tMarl u lo he I ria ferret . Qnl Whlla HlB Emolottd PiaoaWl Tar of JONTEEL COMBINATION CREAM FREE K . ni. wilh a tar e anttfer . AreVr. The riUr a.n- Ft ll!Vrrt Hat rheaay f .r ' with every purchase together of JONTEEL FACE lil. iKrliKllfu amtay ineti frwiaa h harw mm NHpwI e II. I HaT. I'tj, ri, Htie dry Ikk. have ftae-lioat fraaWi the HoUMMP ich'-ltV rll. l.-lweii 6 J- .1 M .. POWDER and JOXTEEL ROUGE. This b $1.85 ni their work I here at reaj. iiiitiee i iTntanaHag thi. tH tI.K -leiiiM- hf N-l-l.riiia value for $1.25 rmhiZ the Halite on I be and ( j.i-fr 'le' were Hie foltawtfix: tl. J, trtoe. VSf ii. T. P. fteaNter Hrttier aKtod endi tli.M.r Miallreaa. T. H. Ie. V. J. Taylor. A. Albert. Captain ea4en. I n. Hon U rloa-lilr aawilitl Ormes Limited K.hjI.N. A KrankltM. U. p. U.te. hwadiaa fifty ia o rai a ih rlin... 4 'I .lli.-t turtlilii. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY It. Itenner. Jm lliebene. r.i try eVark taxtay. f4te will lea iv.. 1.. n .! r.i r. Ale. for Mrwarl ihae aftenui nli' 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT S.i.. Wdndy 11.00 pJ THE REX ALL STORES flennell. T. rL MrrtfeW peaaeiutera. fretghl aatj aaaJI. An... Thursday mldnlBht '-r e.n.. Phones 82 and 200. corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. I'owell lln.-r. iir..ii.-r. tol.a s Phone 134 Third Ave., opposite 2nd St. (iriffilli Hie wraxliaeer irt Tke elly rtauaetl laL nu'i' PRINCE ALBERT I 1 al "llreaill SlreH." We.lttotHae l'fi aihpeal a raaiTl from ike mi' . Waltham ! Not. 10 . Use Free Delivery Service 1.,r I I l. ill. l.l- ai.'l II ." oty day au Saurilay. bMiMtaJ atta allftllPe etaejunille. ; HoutliTii V...ii 'l.ail.l!- l-laii-l- Net. 11 reranwM-n4l)2 IhM leaVra I , Watchword Train $rtlee. FULLER'S SPECIALS aalleat" for a itaator aihailaitr. i.a.-e.i-er MONDAY. Wk.DNEJOAY a-H''.' MM aperirW-af p )! h h- Vtti For Horllaer i'rm' r ' Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 lapilal hoard. Saving peg ma a.n .1o , r.-nn.-rti-ii a11 . Sunkial Marmalade. 6. . tiiada and I ailrd Ml JAMES HUNTER Marmalade l. ieci Kftr W. Wl'lir whj. Ma tae-ii tM. Daylight Agency All Ocean Stamnip uwi. Phttl ltrurrwirk Sarijinea, for tr piMfeti at the Wattaaa thayarl City Ticket Office, 82 Thlrd Atenue lrMiin. erial 7S. GOOD deal of here, returned H4 eHifi i GENERAL J3LCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY :alile. large bar. t. VaMroaer. Mr. Wtahy In4 e A dajlliht U lor.1 JHH BUILDER Hwin'a rd: H par la I J la prawiioem .arl lit the eMlerlein brcatue of pro. Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks pail, ftftr; S lb. pail. Btegil. thai w.rf fJ nH hy hr file not bring; absolute Term can be ai ranged for purchaser. lb. pail. ;.I0. WaJItre HI. pard Atrial l int. aura what the time CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Family Sda, ikg. Sftai. la. If you want to ker? Flrt Avenue and Cow Bay Kniprea Coa. Ita. . I'he ni) iiaiiioer ha gien an appointment at B.C. Coast Service! Prince Rupert, B. C. I.enwn aryl Orange I'eel. few inaJrurlion. lo ihe roast frr. 8:15 It'a mighty con-fuaintr day only. 3 lh. faar IIKI. naan ! mak, repair to henl. when Ihe kitchen-clock Hood epuda. per aek. t,l. deeking and .4ilin4T al the Uav. aaya 8:03, Sailings from PrinceRuperl Fre.ii Coffee. 3 Ih. fair l.fH) Ieek bruin.- i,. put M In the livlne-room lime-piece New Fall and Winter Cauaed Corn. for f. hape. t he Ii..r4 if Orka r- rrglntrra fl:32 For K.tchlk.n. Wr.ng.ll. Jun..u ' Orange. 3 doaen for !.. and watch declarer ported i.. Hi.- .ify emmeU ! I hi. your December 12; J Steve King Samples ... efferl lat 1114 lit. it to b 8:1 1. If Notember 14, ; a you cct Ihrre too early Vancouter, Victoria For ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Rupert Flh Market you lone time. If you're Dc.mber3. 17. Jaaaarf 7 Third Av.nu. I ljtllli r) II. J. IW..n .f ike cy Hj,rke late the other man Notember yifl aaal U KimI.mi of the Riiperi blamnt you for lonlnc LIm- Gilhert and Sullivan "Trial all Steaw.hlP Just Arrived rahle M1u1.iv iir Mileraaii Agency for hi time. Uncertainty ly Jnry"hy the Prlnre lliipert ...'..filiation fr btlo iaHaeiahrr are .arnHkfF meana lo of time all e..i. Muaical Soclrty. November 23. X Fall All Wool UNDERWEAR the PrUtr.- HtjaL FUh Market round. The brut thlmf W. C ORCHARD. O.n.r.l B.C test ahair In tfiflfrleeirtr aHr-te to do la to carry a 8tWt and 3rd A.enue. Ceetee Prrtbyterian Fall IJataar, Not-Miibrr C-rZTof 4th Wolsey Mercury Ktanfield, etc. ;j. .01 rjkant MtSm. Umurw Waltham. Ileeausc of ..ieii.i.r in W'atrh fur furth. Its unfailing accuracy Anglican :iiurh llaiaar."Ved-neaday, rr annouiK-etneakt. a Wall ham Watch U Nmetiilier 30. one. of the brat devlrea REMOVAL Ihe .n .,f tu in her l ailtati. in the world for ear SALE Elk ChrUlma. Cieer Mln.lrrl,11 in, ,h " f ins daylight. third e an owng into urw pretiuae )n the new Clapp Ulock on Show and Entertainment. !wJa.?U,"V"' "f. tt IIVaAdM U'sl ltt a fTMt I SAVOY HOTEL Vnre hero. and rellier Uiib Uaoafer our large toek we are ember 6 and 7 vaiuij aftfit) e litti mad onerm. everything in our t..re at price reduced to make T nek left ibal wr will uvri$Hi V fralUaun a;i in a. II Worth your wtuia lo buy before we move prearni prire. II JftMI are W9- ik$ ram tJfJMt afwrd. - rTT. During our .el EVERY DOLLAR CASH PURCHASE yini make II I r n "2 ,n to t,J"J H in touch with utj rrar Man8"V- gitr. ..u .haute on three pru. II L"kY,ZZl br,,r Mooka are ld or Ihe Under Ne- See our Window fpr Price. BBtjf v. rii.a. . inwrai price or juniDr aavan John Bulger CaHaforUbl. J' ' Tr lif. liiaet Ceruia tok at rrdoatd prh JawalUr Barrie's Furniture Store lijr; iT'tJ.'V" rJirS bay lait. I'rlnM llu M-i .d oold water In ' fW lZTurAii f Seal Go Mnagree !'uUr4, Pnr. mm a. B FHHEft, i